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Written by:
Mackenzie Mathews, Zoe Pagonis, Alyssa Zarebicki,
Cameron Carolan, Morsal Yazdani, Sabrina Fuller

Scene 1 - Murder

*Meredith is chilling, reading in bed and hears a pound on the


Meredith : Oh my god Amanda, did you really forget your keys?

*gets up to open the door*

Meredith : Oh, what’re you doing here?

*killer pushes Meredith, starts to kill her and rape her *

* more footsteps come in when Meredith screams*

Meredith : Please, stop!!

* breaking window sound *


Scene 2 - Seattle

Narrator : What you just witnessed was the beginning of a tragedy

that lasted 9 years. Now let's look at the events leading to the
crime. This is the story of Amanda Knox.

*Amanda’s packing*
Dina : So are you excited to go to Italy?

Amanda: Yeah, I really am.

Dina : So it’s a new beginning for you, huh?

Amanda : Yea, I can’t wait.

Dina : You’re going to see all the beautiful places in Italy and
walk in the street..

Amanda : Yeah I’m not even gonna miss you guys.

Dina : Of course you won’t, you’re going to meet a beautiful

Italian man.

* Amanda agrees casually *

Amanda : Lets make some memories, come on record this.

Sister : Alright Amanda, are you excited to see David?

Amanda: David, David?

Sister : David, the statue of David

Amanda : Oh * chuckles*

Sister : God damn

Amanda : Good one

Sister : What about the Colosseum, the Tower of Pisa , the


Amanda : Well I’m not gonna go see them alone! Gonna find myself
a nice Italian boy.

Sister : Ohhhhh, so that’s why you’re going to Italy!

Amanda : Yeah, alright well I’m going to miss my flight, love

you, see you soon. I’ll call you when I land!

* Airplane noise *
No blackout

Scene 3 - Couple Days Into Italy

Narrator : In America, she was a cute girl. In Italy, she was the
beautiful, blonde American women. As you can imagine it was easy
for her to find quick love. That love was Raffaele Sollecito.

*Filomena joins roommates on couch as Amanda and Raf are walking*

Filomena : So, how did you two meet?

Raffaele : We were at a concert, my eyes caught her, I could tell

that she thought I wasn’t looking at her, but I was. She was the
most beautiful women I've ever seen. I knew I had to have her,
she was my happy hending.

*Raf hugging and holding Amanda, Amanda smiling*

Meredith : Oh, that is so cute! See Filomena, this is the type of

guy you need to find.

Filomena : C’mon Meredith, you know I’m going on this trip no

time to think about boys.

Meredith : Oh where are you going again?

Filomena : America, New York City, to see the big apple!

Amanda : Raffaele look! My bos

s just texted me, he said I don’t have to come into work tonight,
so I can spend the whole night with you!

Raffaele : Oh, very nice! Okay, are you ready to go back to my

place my sexy lady?

Amanda : Yup, bye everyone! Have fun Filomena.

Scene 4 - Poop / Media

Blackout to take the couch off, than media starts
* Stop media at police call *

Raf : Hello good morning, listen someone made a mess and there is
a closed door. And there was also blood marks in the bathroom.

Police man : Which door is closed?

Raf : One of the roomates, we don’t know where she is.

Police : I am sending a police car so we can inspect the


Amanda : What’d they say?

Raf : They ah are sending people down.

Amanda : This is such an inconvenience, why’d this have to happen


Raf : Oh I know I know, my pretty lady.

Amanda : We were going to go shopping!

Raf : Ah yes, we still go.

* Police sirens , police knock on door, Amanda goes to open it *

Amanda : We kicked it twice, but it won’t open! Can you open it?

* Police open door in one kick *

Police: Oh my ah god!

Raf : Oh the blood!

Police : You did this! , go to the other room right now! Just as
I suspected, a murder!

Raf : She’s a dead?!!!

Amanda : come, let’s go!

* Amanda and Raf walk outside and start cuddling and kisses him
twice, looks down and smiles*

* Giuliano walks inside and investigates *

Police : So what do you think?

Giuliano : I think it’s a staged break in! The glass was over the
blanket which doesn’t make sense!

Police : Ah I see.

Giuliano : Plus it had to have been a woman because no man would

think to cover the body!

Police : So what should we do now?

Giuliano : Well those two people canoodling over there, seemed

suspicious! Let’s go talk to them.

Police : Sì.

* Police and Fat italian man walk outside *

Giuliano : Hello, I’m Giuliano Mignini, the head detective of the

Perugia police force. I would like to bring you two in for some
questioning about what you know about what the events that took
place. Help us try to figure out who did this.

Amanda : Why we had nothing to do with this.

Giuliano : How am I supposed to know that for sure?

Amanda : Well I guess that your going to have to take my word for
it cause we are going to go right now, I don’t want to think
about this right now.

Scene 5 - Questioning Amanda & Raf

*Split scene*

Two police officers : What were you doing the day of Meredith
Kercher’s death?

Amanda : I was at Rafaeles house.

Raf : I was with American girl all night.

Two Police Officers : Tell me about that night.

Amanda : Well I got a text from my boss, saying not to come into
work that night, so I made plans with Rafaele to hangout at his
house, than later on we were in his bed, which lead to making
out, which lead to making sweet love.

Raf : I actually was not with American girl, she told me to lie
for her! I don’t what this is about.

Two Police Officers : Okay let me look at your phone then!

Amanda : Fine, take it!

Raf : Oh okay , ah here you go.

Two police officers : We are going to confiscate it for further

evidence. Have you ever had any conflicts with Meredith ever?

Amanda : No, never.

Raf : No.

Two police officers : Did you notice the broken window?

Amanda and Raf : What do you mean?

Two police officers : The broken window!

Amanda : I had no clue about it I wasn’t even able to get into

the room.

Raf : Oh I don’t know.

Two police officers : Tell me why your phone was turned off until
the morning.
Amanda : It must of died I don’t know, I wasn’t even like on it
the entire night.

Raf : My phone died.

Two police officers : Where were you the night of Meredith

Kercher’s death?

Raf : I told you already I don't know what you want.

*Amanda stays silent *

Police officer : Answer me, where were you the night of the

Amanda : I already told you, I was at Raffaelles house.

Police officer : I know your lying, where were you the night of
the murder.

*Amanda stays silent*

Police officer : This doesn’t make sense, your story doesn’t add
up. We found the text message from Patrick and you said “Cert. Ci
vediamo piu tardi. Buoana serata!” That translates word for word
“We will see eachother later have a goodnight.”

Amanda : He texted me first though saying that I didn’t have to

come in for work, I didn’t mean anything from that text at all I
meant was to say have a goodnight, it must of got lost in

Police : No what this literally means is that you are going to

see someone, you made an appointment and you don't remember. Your
mind is fucked and your either going to on our side or the
murderer’s side, so what side are you going to be on!

Amanda : I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

Police : Fuck! I understand fuck, Fuck you!

*Amanda starts crying*

Police : Remember, get your brain straight!

*Police slaps her*

Police : Remember ! Remember!

Amanda : *thought tracking* It seems like everything is popping

back into place. The street in front of Raffaele's apartment, my
front door being open, Patrick in his brown leather jacket and
Meredith screaming.*
Patrick Lumumba murdered her it wasn’t me. I know it, he did it.

No blackout

Scene 6 - Knife Evidence

Narrator : Amanda, Raffaele, and Patrick were held in prison.

Three weeks later, Patrick Lumumba’s alibi came forward saying
that Patrick had been talking to a customer all night long.
Patrick was released. She was taken to her apartment to look at
the murder weapons.

Amanda : Can this be quick? I don’t want to be here.

Cop : Listen, all I have to do is have you answer a couple of

questions and look at a few things for me alright?

Amanda : Alright I guess, I still don't know why I’m here

though, I told you guys it wasn’t me.

Cop : I’m going have you take a look in this knife drawer, tell
me if anythings missing or looks suspicious to you.

Amanda : I don’t know nothing looks missing to me it’s not like I

count my knives.

Cop : A knife has been taken for investigation containing not

only Meredith's blood on the blade but your DNA on the handle.

Amanda : Thats bullshit! There's no way you found that stuff on

the knife, no fucking way.

Cop : Relax Amanda, Relax!

*Slow motion combot*

Cop : Spicccccccy Meaaaatball

Cop : Evidence doesn't lie Amanda.

Narrator : What you just witnessed was Amanda’s breaking point,

She feels a sense of guilt from what she just saw. The memories
that have flashed through her mind caused her to react in a way
where she didn’t think at all and just lost it. The moment she
lost it all was when the evidence of the knife came forward, her
DNA on the handle and Meredith’s DNA on the blade.

No blackout here

Scene 7 - Voice over, Prison Journal

Amanda : Guy’s got some bad news, turns out I got HIV…. oops. So
i guess I gotta revisit the list
1. Kyle - also a virgin
2. James - likes going to the doctors so he would know and
always used a condom
3. Ross - one night stand, pulled out
4. DJ - pokes holes in condoms but mom’s is a nurse, he would
5. Elis - Pull out, one night stand
6. Daniel - stacked 2 condoms on top of eachother, extra safe
7. Raf - has herpes not aids
Aids isn’t bad as it seems, I don’t really feel that different.
Hahaha see you guys next time.

Narrator : As you already know Amanda is a beautiful young woman,

she had her fun too. She had many partners. She was sexually
active with some and she just had fun with others. She had an eye
for men, alwa ys checking them out which the media also noticed.
What she didn’t know was that the police were lying to her. The
police convinced her she had HIV to make her go crazy. Amanda
never had aids.
No blackout

Scene 8 - Skype Call With Rudy

Narrator : When the police did the search, they found an unknown
DNA all around Meredith’s room, including some of the DNA on the
swab test they took of her cervix. After the test they than found
out the DNA belonged to and a man named Rudy Guede. The police
got in touch with the man through skype.

Rudy : Can you hear me?

Police : Yes.

Rudy : Yes I ah knew the girl who gotta murdered I was there that
night. We went to her house to make good ol fashion italian lovin
but then I felt the sudden urge to take a shit. So I was like
well frick dude guess you gotsta wait fam, so I stepped outside
of the bedroom and into the washroom where then I heard her
screaming so I was like fuck, I went bravely to go check on
Meredith, when I did the dude ran out the front door so I didn’t
get to see his face. So I went to go check on her but turns out
she’s dead and after that I was well see ya, and that’s the last
I saw of her. But Amanda wasn’t there.

Scene 9: Rudy Trial

Narrator : After the skype conversation, police went and arrested

Rudy right away. Here is Rudy’s trial, let’s see how it goes.
Judge : Defendant bring your witness up to stand.

Lawyer 2 : Did you know Meredith Kercher personally?

Rudy : Yes, we were friends and she was an exchange student.

Lawyer 2 : Did you ever have an conflicts with her?

Rudy : No she was a very sweet girl.

Lawyer 2 : What about Amanda Knox? Did you know her?

Rudy : Yes, I saw her a couple times at the bar she worked at and
around sometimes.

Lawyer 2 : Do you know if Amanda Knox had any relations to

Meredith Kercher’s death?

Rudy : I remember now, while I was holding Meredith, through the

window, I saw a silhouette of Amanda Knox leaving the house.

*dramatic pause*

Judge : Order in court *hits gavel*

Lawyer 2 : So you were present at the scene?

Rudy : Yes, but as I said on the call. I didn’t kill her. I was
in the bathroom and heard her scream.

Judge : Okay thank you, court adjourned.

Narrator : Rudy was found guilty and was sentenced to 30 years
which then was reduced to 16 years. - pause - It has now been 1.5
years after the official murder of Meredith Kercher. You will now
see Amanda and Rafaelle’s first court trial and what Giuliano
thinks about what happened on the night of the murder.

No blackout

Scene 10: Amanda & Raf Trial

*everyone murmuring, *

Judge : Order in the court, order in the court! Settle down

everyone. *hits podium three times* Alright, let’s start off with
our opening statements, starting with the defense attorney.

Amanda’s lawyer : Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, a couple in

love who only wanted to spend as much time together as they can.
These innocent people have been attacked by the media, treated
unfairly and even harassed by the Italian police force. It is not
fair for two innocent human beings to be convicted and attacked
globally for something they are not responsible for, and I will
prove that today.

Judge : Thank you, now let’s hear from the Italian police force.

Second lawyer : Thank you your honour. My role in this trial is

to prove the truth, the real truth. Amanda Knox and Raffaele
Sollecito are responsible for the death of Meredith Kercher, and
the Italian police force is here to serve justice for the sweet

Judge : Thank you. Lets now here from the first witness to the
stand, Giuliano Mignini.

Person : Do you swear by Almighty God to tell the truth, the

whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Giuliano : Ah, I do.

Judge : Court in session, please be seated.

Second Lawyer : Going back to the night of the murder, how did
Raffaele and Amanda act when finding out about the death?

Giuliano : They were kissing and hugging and showed very little
emotion besides looking a little worried.

Second Lawyer : So you could say they didn’t show much remorse?

Giuliano : Not as much as I expected. It seemed weird to be

showing so much affection at a time like that.

Second Lawyer : So what in your expert opinion do you believe to

happen that very night of Meredith Kercher’s death from what you
saw that day?

Giuliano : Okay well, That night, let’s imagine what Meredith

finds. She sees suddenly in her house Amanda, which is okay. But
Rafaelle and Rudy, not so much. And she’s like “What?”. Meredith
couldn’t take it anymore. She must have scolded Amanda for her
lack of morals. Amanda must’ve felt humiliated, irritated. “So,
you want to judge my morals so harshly? Now I’m going to show you
what will happen…” here’s the first clash. And then there’s a
crescendo of attacks. I am convinced that Raffaele and Rudy were
trying to indulge Amanda in every possible way that night.
Pleasure at any cost. This is the heart of most crimes.

Second Lawyer : So in your opinion, it was Amanda’s crazy sex

games and temper that caused her to act out towards Meredith?

Giuliano : That is correct.

Second Lawyer : So really what you are saying is there is no one
else who have killed Meredith Kercher? They both murdered her!

Amanda’s Lawyer : Argumentative! * stands up *

Judge : I’ll allow it.

Giuliano : Well, with Amanda and Rafaeles crazy behaviour, there

is no one else who could have killed her. They’ve been acting
weird ever since that day and that is because they are feeling
the guilt of what they’ve done. I know they did it, I can see it
in their eyes.

Second Lawyer : Thank you that is all.

Amanda’s Lawyer : Giuliano, let’s go back to the night you got

the call. What was Amanda and Raffaele's tone of voice?

Giuliano : Well somewhat frightened, but they seemed ah ah,


Amanda’s Lawyer : But still, they were frightened! I’m sure after
finding blood in the washroom, and the door locked, you be would
scared as well? Is that fair?

Giuliano : Yes but --

Amanda’s Lawyer : And wouldn’t you say that it would be crazy for
a murderer to go back to the crime scene the morning after?

Giuliano : Okay yes, but I can see it in their eyes! I’ve worked
with multiple crime cases in my city and I know what a murderer
looks like!

Amanda’s Lawyer : Their eyes are not hard evidence that Amanda
and Raffaele didn’t killed Meredith Kercher. I rest my case.

Person : Judge Mario will now go to make their decision.

*Morsal walks off*

Person: 3 years later…

Judge : After a lot of thought, and discussions we declared Knox,

Amanda Marie, and Sollecito, Raffaele, guilty of the crimes
charged. They are convicted to a sectance of 26 years of prison
for Knox, and a sectance of 25 years for Sollecito.

Narrator : Amanda and Raffaele’s lawyers got an appeal trial not

even days later. During the appeal trial lawyers brought up
points about contaminated evidence and not following proper
forensic rules about changing gloves and who is allowed in and
out of the crime scene. The DNA evidence was all
proved inconclusive during this trial. The appeal trial lasted a
year. After a long, painful year the judge reads the verdict.

Lights on

Everyone is still on set

Judge : In the name of the Italian people, and reveal the first
trial verdict, this Court of Appeals absolves the two defendants
because they did not commit the crime, and the orders of
immediate release of Knox, Amanda, and Sollecito, Raffaele.

*Amanda breaks down crying*

No blackout

Scene 11 - Knox talking to press

Narrator : As soon as Amanda and Raffaele were released, they

were both immediately taken back to their homes. After becoming a
nationwide story Amanda was then interviewed by multiple news
reporters to say her thoughts on her release.

Amanda : what’s important for me to say is thank you to everyone

who’s believed in me… *gasping* who has defended me,and who has
supported my family. I just want… my family is the most important
thing to me right now, I just want to go home and be with them.
So, thank you for being there for me.

No blackout

*Morsal comes on*

Narrator : 6 years after the murder, the Italian court throws out
Knox and Solecitos acquittal and the pair are found guilty again.
The guilty verdict focuses on circumstantial evidence including
Knox’s behaviour and relationships. The new guilty verdict is now
appealed to Italy’s supreme court.

Scene 12 - Final verdict On TV

*8 years after murder, Amanda back in Seattle watching TV*

Judge : The verdict is that Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox

have been exonerated.

*Amanda and friends start gasping, getting excited, clapping,

cheering and than Amanda calls raffaele while still jumping up
and down*
Amanda : I know this is crazy!! *pause* Raffaele were free! How
are you? * Pause *I’m so happy for you, I’m so happy for us!
*Pause* okay okay, much love, let’s talk soon! Bye!


Scene 13 - Amanda’s Final Words & Revealing Narrator’s Character

Amanda: I know, a typical story of girl who goes to Italy with

her roomates that she’s known for a couple days, meets Italian
heart throb and they both get arrested for a murder that they
didn’t commit. In a 9 year long maze of a fucking murder case
where a Italian detective with a weight problem tries for all of
those 9 years to make you pay for a murder that you didn’t
commit. But this story is different because it really looks like
I did it, even though I didn’t *wink to audience*

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