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Detailed Lesson Plan in 21st Century English Literature

Grade 11

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. Define what is are the four basic figures of speech.

b. Construct sentences with the use of simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole.

C. Share their ideas about the four basic figures of speech.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Figures of Speech (Simile, Methaphor, Personification and Hyperbole)

B. Reference: 21st Century Literature

C. Materials: Cartolina

Manila paper


III. Methodologies

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:

a.) Prayer

Before we start the day, may I request (Students pray)

__________, to please lead us a prayer?

b.) Greetings

Good morning Firefox. Before you sit down, kindly

Good morning ma’am/miss.
arrange your chairs and pick up rubishes on the
floor. Make sure your area is clean and clear. You Yes ma’am/miss.
may be seated right after, understand?

c.) Checking of Attendance

As a part of our daily classroom routine, I am going

to check your attendance. When I call out your
name, please say “Present” if you are around. If
not, kindly tell me that your classmate is “absent”. (Roll call)
And if he or she is excused, provide me an excuse
letter or a justifiable reason, clear?

B.) Lesson Proper

a.) Review

b.) Motivation

By the way, how are you class feeling this morning?

Can someone tell me what he or she feels this (Answers may vary)
Monday morning by comparing it to to some
thing? For example, I’m feeling hot like a lava or
feeling pretty like Liza.

c.) Activity

Thank you for sharing your emotions. Hopefully

Yes ma’am/miss.
you are all feeling ready and eager for today’s
lesson. Are you? Great! But before that, I would be
giving a group activity for you to work with. I will
divide the class into 4 groups and give these sacred
scrolls to each group wherein you must follow the
instruction given. Please count off 1 to 4 starting
from you.

(Teacher instructs students their area for work)

Are you seated with your designated group

members? Ok, behold in my hand are the sacred
scrolls where the rules must be followed. Choose (Answers may vary.)
your leader, secretary and reporter. You are given
15 minutes to work on the task and then the
report will present the group’s work here in front.
Don’t forget to put the name of your members at
the back of the manila paper. Finally, does
everybody see this? (show the point hand sign) If I
do this, what does this mean? Now what do you
think does it mean if I do this. Meaning, whenever
you see me doing this gesture it implies that you
have to be quiet because you’re already making
too much noise. Is everything clear class? Any
questions? If none, your 15 minutes begin now.
(The group’s reporter will present their outputs) (Working on tasks and reporting)

d.) Analysis

What have you noticed with the sentences class?

(Analyze the task given to each group)

Very good students. Each of you did a splendid job

in answering our activity for this day. For that, give
yourself a daddy shark clap.

Class, I am going to ask you questions during our

class discussion. If you participate well and will get (Answers may vary)
the correct answer, I am going to give you a reward
for participating in class. The reward is from this
magic box which I will randomly pick. Who knows?
You might be able to grab a wallet crafted from
Baguio. Please raise your right hand if you want to
answer, ok?

Now, after the activity, what do you think or does

any one have an idea of our topic this morning?

Yes _________.That is correct, our topic for this

morning is all about “Figures of Speech.” Who can
give me their insights or definition of figures of
speech?  Simile is the comparison of two objects using
like or as.
Let us read the definition of the Figures of Speech,
all together class.  Metaphor is the comparison of two objects
without using like or as.
Excellent! Now, there are four basic kinds of
Figures of Speech. The first one is Simile, if you can  Personification is giving inanimate objects
still recall your lessons in your previous years, what human-like characteristics.
do you think is the function of a simile? (metaphor,
personification and hyperbole. Give or cite  Hyperbole is the exaggeration of things.

e.) Abstraction

Now that you have finally learned all about the

four basic figures of speech. Let us have a short
What is a Figure of Speech?

What are the four basic kinds of Figure of Speech?

What is a Simile (Metaphor, Personification and

Hyperbole)? Who can give me an example?

f.) Application

Well done! What a bright and intelligent students

you are. Let us now test what you really have
learned in our discussion. I am going to give you
another group activity. This would be group 1 and
group 2, still choose a leader, secretary and a
reporter. We are to play the “Figurative Language
Scavenger Hunt.” (Teacher instructs the students
what the game is and the rules).


In a 1/4 sheet of paper, instruct the students to

give 3 examples of Simile, metaphor,
Personification and Hyperbole.


Identify what are the figures of speech used in

Robert’s Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”. Copy
the line and write your answer.

Prepared by: Julienne Faye R. Escalada

BSED English Intern

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