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In 1921, Gandhi himself acknowledged

the need for a national flag and asked
Venkayya to design one. Some believe
that the colours as well as the spinning
wheel that was originally where the
Ashoka Chakra is, were the suggestions
of the father of the nation. In 1931, the
flag was officially adopted by the Indian
National Congress.

Venkayya may have designed the initial version of the flag but very little is
actually known about the man. A report in The Hindu says he was an authority
in geology and agriculture. The man died uncelebrated in 1964. His village of
Bhatlapenumarru did not even have a statue of the man till 1998. It was only
in 2009 that a postage stamp was issued to commemorate him. In 2012, the
government of Andhra Pradesh recommended his name for the Bharat Ratna.
In 2014 the Bharat Ratna was instead awarded to cricketer Sachin Tendulkar
and scientist C.N.R. Rao. Venkayya was survived by his three children, two
sons and a daughter. In 2001, there was a small controversy as a woman came
forth, claiming to be his fourth daughter. Her name was Poornima Devi.
Telugu Desai Party MP Kambampati Ramamohana Rao even made a special
mention of the lady in his Rajya Sabha speech saying that she lived in grave
penury. All this earned the ire of Venkayya’s last surviving child, Ghantasala
Seethamahalakshmi who declared Poornima Devi to be an imposter. The issue
was resolved when the woman admitted to having made up the claim.

Sri Pingali Venkayya Garu is also Know as Diamond Venkayya , Patti Venkayya (Cotton
Venkayya). Born on August 2, 1876 to Hanumantharayudu and Venkataratnamma at
Bhatlapennumaru in the Divi taluk in Krishna district Andhra
Pradesh.After finishing his primary education at Challapalli and
school at the Hindu High School, Machilipatnam, he
went to Colombo to complete his Senior Cambridge. Enthused
by patriotic zeal, he enlisted himself for the Boer war at 19. While
in Africa he met Gandhi, and their rapport lasted for more than
half a century.His patriotic zeal, however, did not permit him to
stagnate in a permanent job ( He worked as railway Guard), and
his quest for education took him to Lahore where he joined the Anglo-Vedic College, and learnt
Japanese and Urdu and History.

Pingali Venkayya, a fervent freedom fighter and the man who

designed the Indian national flag, was born on 2 August, 1876.
Venkayya joined the British Indian Army at the
age of 19 and took part in the Anglo-Boer war
in Africa. It was during the war that Venkayya
met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and
formed an association Pingali Venkayya, a
fervent freedom fighter and the man who
designed the Indian national flag, was born on
2 August, 1876. Venkayya joined the British
Indian Army at the age of 19 and took part in
the Anglo-Boer war in Africa. It was during the war that Venkayya
met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and formed an association
Pingali Venkayya, a fervent freedom fighter and the man who
designed the Indian national flag, was born on 2 August, 1876.
Venkayya joined the British Indian Army at the age of 19 and took
part in the Anglo-Boer war in Africa. It was during the war that
Venkayya met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and formed an
పపపపపపప పపపపపపప
1921 పప, పప పపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపప. పపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపప
పపపప పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పపప్, పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప. 1931 పప, పపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపప.

పపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపప

పపపపపపపప, పపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప.
పపపప పపపపప, పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపప పప పపపపప పప పపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపప. 1964 పప ప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపపప. పపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపప 1998 పపపప పపపపప
పపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపపప.
2009 పప పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపపప. 2012 పప,
పపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపప
పపపప పప పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప. 2014
పప పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపప C.N.R. పపపప. పపపపపపప పప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప, పపపపపప
పపపపపపపప, పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప. 2001 పప, పపపప పప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపప. పపప పపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపప. పపపపపప పపప పపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపప పప
పపపపప పప పపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపపప.
పపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపప పపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపప.
పపపప పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపపపపప ప పపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపప, పపపపప పపపపపపప
(పపపపప పపపపపపప) పప పపపప పపపపపప. పపపపపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప 2, 1876 ప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపప. పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపప పపప పప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపపపప పపపపపపపప. పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపప. పపపప 19 పపపప
పపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపపప. పపపపపపపపప పపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపప, పపపపప పపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపప
పపపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప. పపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపప పప
పపప పపపపపప) పపపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపపప, పపపపప పపప పపపపపప-పపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపప పపపపప పపపపపప

పపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపప 1876 పపపపపప 2 ప పపపపపపపపపప.
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపప 19 పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప-పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపప. పపపపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప,
పపపపపప 2, 1876 ప పపపపపపపపపప.
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప-
పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపప.
పపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపప, పపపపపప 2, 1876 ప పపపపపపపపపప. పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపప-పపపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపప. పపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప

పపపపపప పపపపపపప
1 9 21 పపప, పప పపపపపపప పప పపప పపపపప పపప పపప పపప పప పపప పప పప పప పప పప
పపపపపపప పపప పప పపపప పపప పపప పపప పప పపప పపపపపప పప పప పపప పపప పప
పపపప పపప పప పపపపపపపప పపపప పప, పపపప పపప పప పప పప పపపపపపపపప పప
పపపపపప 1 9 31 పపప, పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పప పపప పపపపపపపపప పపప పప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపప పప పప పప పపప పపపపప పపపప పప పపపప
పప, పపపపప పప పపపపపప పపప పపపప పప పపపపప పపపపప పపప పపపపపపపప పపప పప,
పప పపపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపపప పప పప పపపప పప పప పప పప పప పపపపప పప పపపప
పపప పపపపపపపప 1 9 64 పపప ప పపపపపపప పపప పపపపప పపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపప 1998 పపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపప
పపపపపపప పప పపప పప పపపపప 2009 పపప పపపపప పప పప పపప పప పపప పపపప పపప
పప పపప పపపప పపపపపపపప 2012 పపప, పపపపపపపప పపపపప పప పపప పప పపపపప పప
పపప పపపప పపప పప
పపపపపపప పప పప పపప
2014 పపప పపపపపప పప
పపపపపపపప పపపపప
పపపపపపప పప
పప.పప.పప. పపపపప
పపపప పపపప-పపపప పప
పపపపప, పపప పప
పపపపప, పపపపపపప పప
పపప 2001 పపప, పప
పపపపప పప పపప పప
పపపపప పప పపపప పపప
పపపపప పపప పప పప
పప పపపప పప
పపపపపపపపపప పపప పపపప పప పపప పప పపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపప
పపపప పప పపప పపపపప పప పపపపప పపప పపపపపప పప పపపప పపపప పపపప పప పపప
పపపప పప పపపప పపప పపపపప పప పప పపపప పపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపపప పపపప పపప
పపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపపప పపపప పప పపప పప పపపపపప
పపపప పపప పప, పపపపప పప పప పపపప పప పపపప పపపప పపప పపప పప పప పపపప పపప
పపపపప పప పపప పపప పప పపప పపపపపప పపపప పపప పపప

పపపపపప పపపపపపప
పప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప, పపపపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప
పపపప 2 పపపపప 1876 పప పపపప పపప పపప పపపపపపప 1 9 పపపప పప పపప పపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపప
పపపపప పప పప పప పపపపపపప
పపప పపపపపప-పపప పపపపప
పపప పపప పపపపప పపపపప పప
పపపపప, పపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపపపప పప పప
పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పప పప 2 పపపపప 1876
పప పపపప పపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపప పప పప పపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపప పప
పపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పప పపపపపప-పపపప పపపపప పపప పపప
పపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపప, పపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప పప
పపపపపపప పప పప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పప
పప 2 పపపపప 1876 పప పపపప పపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప పపపప పప పప పపపపపపప
పపప పపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పప పపపపపప-పపపప
పపపపప పపప పపప పపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపప, పపపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపపప పప పపపప పప పప పపప పపప పపపప పపప పప

పపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపప పపపపపపప, పపపపప పపపపపపపప (పపపప
పపపపపపప) పప పపప పప పప పపపప పపపప పపప 2 పపపపప, 1876 పప పపపపప పపపపపప
పప పపపపపప పపపప పపప పపపప పపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపపప పపప పపపప పపప,
పపపపపపపపపపపప పప
పపపపపపపపపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపప పపపపప పపప
పపపపపపపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపపప పపప
పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపపప
పప పపప, పప పపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపప పప పపప
పపపపపప పప పపప పప పపపపపపపప పప
పపపపపపపప పప పపపప పపప పపపపపపపప
పపప పప పపప 19 పపపపపప పపపప పపపపప
పప పపప పప పపప పపపపపపప పపప
పపపపపపపప పపపపప పప పపపపపపప పప, పప పపపప పపప పప పపప పప పపపపపప పపప
పప పపపప పపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పప పప పపపపపప
పపపపప పప పపప పపపపప పపపపప పప పపప పపప పపప పపపప) పప పపపప పపపపపప పప
పపప పప పపపపపప పపపపప పపప పపపప పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపప-పపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపప పపపపపప పపపప పప పపపపపప పప పపపపప పప పపపపపప పప

Jyotirao Phule

Jyotirao Phule[a] (11 April 1827 – 28 November 1890) was an

Indian social activist, a thinker, anti-caste social reformer and a writer
from Maharashtra.
His work extended to many fields including eradication
of untouchabilityand the caste system, women's emancipation and the
reform of Hindu family life. On 24 September 1873, Phule, along with
his followers, formed the Satyashodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of
Truth) to attain equal rights for people from lower castes. Phule is
regarded as an important figure of the social reform movement in
Maharashtra. He and his wife, Savitribai Phule, were pioneers of women's education in India. He is
most known for his efforts to educate women and lower caste people.
The couple were among the first native Indians to open a school for girls in India in
August 1848.
Jyotiba Phule
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule (Jyotirao
Govindrao Phule) got 19 V. Seventy
century is considered to be a major
social worker. They fought continuously
to overcome many goodies spread in
Indian society. Jyotiba has done
remarkable work for the benefit of
untouchables, women education, widow
marriage and farmers.

He was born on April 11, 1827, in

Satara, Maharashtra. His family was very poor and used to work
as a gardener in gardens for living. Jyotiba was only one year
old when his mother passed away. Jyotiba was brought up by a
babysitter named Sagunabai. Sagunabai gave her mother's
affection and kindness.

At the age of 7, Jyotiba was sent to the village school. Due to

caste discrimination they had to leave school. Even after
leaving school, there was persistence in reading them. Sagunabai
helped the child read Jyotiba in the house. Those books used to
read books after the time of domestic work. Jyotiba used to
discuss various topics from the elderly in the neighborhood.
People were very impressed with their subtle and logical
Jyotiba Phule

Social Movements •In 1848 Jyotirao was invited to attend the wedding of his
friend, who belonged to Brahmin family. •But at the wedding the relatives of the
bridegroom insulted and abused Jyotirao when they
came to know about his origins. • Jyotirao left the
ceremony and made up his mind to challenge the
prevailing caste-system and social restrictions. • He
made it his life’s work to hammer away the social
majoritarian domination and aimed at emancipation
of all human beings who were subjected to this social

He believed that enlightenment of the women and lower castepeoplewas the

only solution to combat the social evils.After reading Thomas Paine's famous book
'The Rights of Man', Jyotirao was greatly influenced by his ideas. 
పపపపపపపప పపపప

పపపపపపపపప పపపప [పప] (11 పపపపపప 1827 - 28 పపపపప 18 9

0) పప పపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప, పపపపపప, పపపప
పపపప పపపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపప పప పప పపపప పపప

పపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పప పపపప

పపపపపపపప, పపపపపపప పప పపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపపపప
పప పపపప పపప పపపపప పపపప పప పపపపపపపపప పప పపప
పపపప 24 పపపపపప 1873 పప, పపపప పప పపపప పపపపపపపపపప
పప పపప, పపపపప పపపపపపప పప పపపపప పప పపప పపపప
పపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపప పప పపప పపపపపపపప పపపప పప పపప పపపపప పపపప పప
పపపపపపపపపప పపప పపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపప పప పప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప
పపపప పపపప పపప పప పప పపపప పపపపప, పపపపపపపపపపప పపపప, పపపప పపప పపపపప
పపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపప పప పపపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపప పప పపపపప పప
పపపపపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపప పపపప పపపప పపపప పపపప పపప

పపపపప 1848 పపప పపపప పపప పపపపపపపప పప పపప పప పపపపప పపపపప పపపప పపపప
పపపప పపపపపపపప పపప పపపపప పప

जजजजजजजज जजजज
जजजजजजज जजजजजजजज जजजज (जजजजजजजजज
जजजजजजजजज जजजज) పప 19పప. పపప పప
పపపపపప పపపప పపపప పపపప పపపప పప.
పపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపప పపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపప పపపప పప పపప పపప
పపపపపప పపపప. పపపపపపపపపప, పపపప-
పపపపపప, పపపపప – పపపపప పప పపపపపప పప
పపప పప పపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపప పప.
పపపప పపపప 11 పపపపపప 1827 పప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపప , పపప పపప పప.
పపపప పపపపపప పపపప పపపప పప పప పపపప-పపపప పప పపప పపప-పపపపపప
పపప పపపప పప పపప పపపప పప. పపపపపపపప పప పపపపప పప పపపప పప పప
పపప పపపప పపపప పప పపపప పప పపప పప. పపపపపపపప పప పపపప – పపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపప పప పపప పప పపపప. పపపపపపపప పప పప పపపపపప పపప
పప పపపప పప పపపపప పపపప.
7 పపపప పప పపప పపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపప పప పపపపప పపప పపపప పపపప
పపప. పపపపపప పపప-పపప పప పపపప పపపపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపప పపప.
పపపపప పపపపప పప పపప పప పపపప పపపప పప పపప పపప పపప. పపపపపపపప
పప పపపప పపపపపపపప పప పప పపప పప పపపప పపప పపప పప. పపపపప
పపపపపప పప పపప పప పపప పపపప పపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపప పప.
పపపపపపపప పపప-పపపప పప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపప పపప
పపపపప పపపప పప. పపప పపపప పపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపప పపపపప పప
పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపప పప.

పపపపపపపప పపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపప • 1848 పపప పపపపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపపప పప
పపపపప పపప పపపపప పపపప పప పపప
పపపపపపపప పపపప పపప పప, పప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపప పప పపప • పపపపప పపపప పపప
పపపపపప పప పపపపపపపపపపప పప
పపపపపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపప
పపపపపపపపపపప పపపప పప పపపపపప పపపప
పపప పప పపపప పపప పపప పపపప • పపపపపపపపప
పప పపపపపప పపపప పపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపప-
పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప పప పపపపపప పపపప పప పపప
పపపప పప పపప పపపపప • పపపప పపపప పపపప పప పపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపప పప పపప పపపప పప పప పపప పపపపపపపప పప
పపపపపప పప పపపపపపపప పప పపపప పప పప పపపపపపప పపపప పప పపపప పపప

పపపప పపపపప పప పప పపపపపపప పప పపపపప పపపప పప పపపపప పప

పపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప పప పపపపపప పప పపపపపపప పపపపపప
పపపప పపప పపపప పపపప పప పపపపపపపప పపపపప 'ప పపపపపప పప పపప' పప
పపపపప పప పపప, పపపపపపపపప పపపప పపపపపపప పప పపపప పపపపపపపప

పపపపపపపప పపపప
పపపపపపపపపప పపపప (11 పపపపపపప 1827 - 28 పపపపపప 1890) పప
పపపపపప పపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప, పప పపపపపపపపపపప, పపపప పపపపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప.

పపప పపప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపప పపప పపపపపపప, పపపపప పపపపపపపప

పపపపప పపపపప పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపప పపపప పపపప పపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపపపపప. 24 పపపపపపపపపప 1873 ప, పపపప,
పప పపపపపపపపప పపపప, పపపపపప పపపపప పపపపప
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పపపప పపపపపపపపప. పప

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7 పపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపప, పపపపపపపప పపపపప పపపపపపపప

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పపపపపపపప పపపప
పపపపపపప పపపపపపపప • 1848 పప పపపపపపపపపప
పప పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప
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Nannaya Bhattaraka (sometimes spelled Nannayya or Nannaiah; ca. 11th century AD) is the
earliest known Telugu author, and the author of the first third of the Andhra mahabharatam, a Telugu
retelling of the Mahabharata. Nannaya is held in high regard as the person who revived the Telugu
language. This work, which is rendered in the Champu style, is chaste and polished and of a high
literary merit.
The first treatise on Telugu grammar, the "Andhra Shabda Chintamani", was written in Sanskrit by
Nannaya, who was considered first poet and translator of Telugu in the 11th century A.D. There was
no grammatical work in Telugu prior to it. This grammar followed the patterns which existed in
grammatical treatises like Aṣṭādhyāyī and Vālmīkivyākaranam but unlike Pāṇini, Nannaya divided
his work into five chapters, covering samjnā, sandhi, ajanta, halanta and kriya.[1]
He is also known as Adi Kavi in recognition of his great literary work. He also holds the titles Shabda
Sasanudu and Vaganu Sasanudu (Law giver of the language) after his Telugu grammar
work Andhra Shabdha Chintamani.[citation needed]
The advanced and well-developed language used by Nannaya suggests that Nannaya
Mahabharatamu may not be the beginning of Telugu literature. Unfortunately, no Telugu
literature prior to Nannaya is available, except royal grants and decrees, though Telugu language
started to develop even before the Common Era.
जजजजज : Nannaya Bhattaraka (Telugu: పపపపప, sometimes spelled Nannayya or
Nannaiah) (ca. 11th century AD) is the earliest known Telugu author, and the author of the first
third of the Andhra Mahabharatamu, a Telugu retelling of the Mahabharata.

जजजजजज : (or Tikkana Somayaji) (Telugu: పపపపపప పపపపపపప) (1205–1288) was born
into a family of Shaivite family during the Golden Age of the Kakatiya dynasty. He was the
second poet of the “Trinity of Poets (Kavi Trayam)” that
translated Mahabharatamu into Telugu over a period of centuries. Nannaya Bhattaraka was the
first, though he translated only two and a half chapters. Tikkana translated the final 15 chapters,
but did not undertake translating the half-finished Aranya Parvamu. The Telugu people
remained without this last translation for more than a century, until it was translated by Errana.

जजजजज : The Sanskrit Mahabharatamu was translated into Telugu over a period of several
centuries (11th to 14th centuries AD). Errana was one of the kavitrayam (the trinity of poets)
who translated Mahabharatamu. The other two poets were Nannaya and Tikkanaks) of
Mahabharatamu (Mahabharat). Tikkana translated the remaining books starting from the 4th,
leaving the half finished third book, Aranya Parvamu (the Book of Forest),

जजजजजज जजजज : Potana (Telugu: పపపపపప పపపప) (1450–1510) was

an Indian Telugu poet best known for his translation of the Bhagavata Purana from Sanskrit to
Telugu. He was a Telugu and Sanskrit Scholar.[1] His work, Andhra Maha Bhaagavatamu, is
popularly called as Potana Bhagavatam in Telugu

जजजजज :
She was born in a potters’ family in Kadapa.[1][2] She is the second female Telugu poet of
note, after Tallapaka Timmakka, wife of Annamacharya. She translated
the Sanskrit Ramayana into Telugu.
Her father Kesana was a potter of Gopavaram, a village in Badvel Mandal, fifty miles
north of Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh state. He was a Saivaite and devotee of Srikantha
Malleswara (an incarnation of Shiva) inSrisailam. He gave her daughter the
name Molla, meaning “Jasmine“, a favourite flower to the god, and also nicknamed
her Basavi in respect to Basaveswara (another incarnation of Shiva).

जजजजजजजजज : Kakarla Tyagabrahmam (Telugu: పపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపపప) (May 4,

1767 – January 6, 1847), colloquially known
as Tyāgarāju (Telugu: పపపపపపపపప)or Tyāgayya in Telugu andTyāgarājar in Tamil, was one
of the greatest composers of Carnatic music or Indian classical music. He was a prolific
composer and highly influential in the development of the classical music tradition. Tyagaraja
composed thousands of devotional compositions, most in praise of Lord Rama, many of which
remain popular today. Of special mention are five of his compositions called the Pancharatna
Kritis (English: “five gems”), which are often sung in programs in his honor.

जजजजजजज ( जजजजजजज जजजजजज) : Kancherla Gopanna (Telugu: పపపపపపప పపపపపప)

(c 1620 – 1680), popularly known as Bhadradri Ramadasu or Bhadrachala
Ramadasu(Telugu: పపపపపపప పపపపపపప), was a 17th-century Indian devotee of Rama and a
composer of Carnatic music.[1] He is one among the famous vaggeyakaras (same person being
the writer and composer of a song)

जजजजजजजज : Śrī Taḷḷapāka Annamācārya (Telugu: పపపప పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపపప)

(or Annamayya) (May 9, 1408 – February 23, 1503) is Saint composer of the 15th century is the
earliest known musician of India to compose songs called “sankirtanas” in praise of Lord
Venkateswara, the deity of Seven Hills in Tirumala, India where unbroken worship is being
offered for over 12 centuries.[1] The musical form of the keertana songs that he composed have
strongly influenced the structure of Carnatic musiccompositions,[2] which are still popular
among Carnatic music concert artists.[3] Sri Annamacharya is remembered for his saintly life,
and is honoured as a great Bhakta/devotee of Bhagwaan Govinda by devotees and saintly

. .जजजजजज जजजजजज : Jashuva was born into a yaadava caste family

in Vinukonda, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India to Virayya and Lingamma. His
father was Yadav and his motherMadiga (an intercaste marriage).[1] Due to poverty and
their caste, his childhood was difficult in a society which considered
his caste untouchable.[citation needed] His parents raised him as a Christian, yet Jashuva
often drew inspiration from Hinduism and Hindu mythological epics. This angered his
Christian society, which was quick to proscribe Jashuva’s family from their community.
Gabbilam (1941) is Jashuva’s best known work, fashioned after Kalidasa‘s Megha
Sandesam. It is not a yaksha using the cloud as a messenger to convey his longing to his
loved one. Instead it is a hunger and poverty stricken individual requesting a bat visiting
him from a nearby Siva temple, to convey his prayers to God. He muses at the irony of
his situation, where a bat is allowed inside a temple but not a human being! He cautions
the bat to convey his message to Siva as it hangs from the roof close to his ear, at a time
when the priest is not around. Jashuva used his other favorite emotion, “patriotism” as
he describes the various historic places the bird will fly over en route to Lord Siva
in Kasi. He even takes the bird on detours to visit some historic place of pride for

. जजजजजज जजजजजजजजज :
Gurazada Venkata Apparao (Telugu: పపపపపప పపపపపపపపప; 1862–1915)
pronunciation (help·info) (also often transliterated as ‘Gurajada’) was a Telugu poet and
writer ofAndhra Pradesh, India. He wrote the first Telugu play, Kanyasulkam, which is
often considered the greatest play in the Telugu language. Gurajada Apparao was an
influential social reformer of his age and was lauded as Mahakavi, meaning “the great
poet”.He frequently dabbled in poetry, and is credited with creating a new style of poetry
in the Telugu Language. He also holds the titles Kavishekara and Abyudaya kavitha

” Deshamunu preminchumanna, manchi annadi panchumanna”

11. जजजजजजजजजज :
Rao Bahadur Kandukuri Veeresalingam also spelled as Kandukuri
Veereshalingam (Telugu: పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపపప) (16 April 1848 – 27 May
1919), also known asKandukuri Veereshalingam Pantulu (Telugu: పపపపపపపప
పపపపపపపపపప పపపపపప), was a social reformer of Andhra Pradesh. He is widely
considered as the man who first brought about a renaissance in Telugu people and
Telugu literature. . He was influenced by the ideals of Brahmo Samaj particularly those
of Keshub Chunder Sen. He got involved in the cause of social reforms. In 1876 he
started a Telugu journal and wrote the first prose for women. He encouraged education
for women, and started a school in Dowlaiswaram in 1874. He started a social
organisation called Hitakarini (Benefactor).
He had many firsts to his credit: novelist (Rajasekhara Charitra inspired by Oliver
Goldsmith’s The Vicar of the Wakefiled), critic, autobiographer, biographer, essayist,
poet, writer of plays and playlets, satirist, investigative journalist (One judge dispensing
judgments and dismissing justice committed suicide after the expose), scientific writing.
He translated many books from Sanskrit and English into Telugu. He also contributed
to children’s literature by basing his children’s book on Aesop’s Fables. He was all for
vernacular Telugu, which became the precursor of the language now.

12. जजजजजजजज ..: . Srirangam Srinivasarao (Telugu: పపపపపపపప పపపపపపపపప

పపపప) (30 April 1910 – 15 June 1983), popularly known as Sri
Sri (Telugu: పపపపపపపప), was a Telugu poet and lyricist. He was a member of PEN
INDIA, Sahitya Academy, Vice President of the South Indian Film Writers Association,
Madras and President of the revolutionary writers association of Andhra. He was also
awarded the Soviet Land Nehru Award of India.
Srirangam Srinivasa Rao was the first true modern Telugu poet to write about
contemporary issues that affected day-to-day life of a common man in a style and metre
which were not used in classical Telugu poetry. He wrote visionary poems in a style and
metre not used before in Telugu classical poetry. He moved poetry forward from
traditional mythological themes to reflect more contemporary issues.

His book Maha Prasthanam (The Great Journey), an anthology of poems, is one of his
major works. Other major works include Siprali and Khadga Srushti (“Creation of the
13. जजजज : Kumaragiri Vema Reddy popularly known as Vemana (Telugu: పపపప)
was a great Telugu philosopher and poet. His poems were written in the popular
vernacular ofTelugu, and are known for their use of simple language and native idioms.
His poems discuss the subjects of Yoga, wisdom and morality. He is popularly called
Yogi Vemana, in recognition of his success in the path of Yoga.
Though there no clear evidences of his timing, various sources say he was born in the
fifteenth, sixteenth or seventeenth centuries and that his father was a local king.

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