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Nowadays we live in a technological world, the use of smartphones is normal for the people in
our society nota of people hace one, this mean that we are more releases. But too this
situation exposes us to many dangers, like the steal of our smartphones or maybe be killed
sometimes for rey protect us,. The smartphones Can help us to locate some places when we
are in a new place for example with the gps, too with the smartphones we can download
many apps that could be useful for us, depends the use that we Can give to our smartphones
to take adventages of this, but sometimes is too mucho the adiction that we become to be
very dependent of the smartphones, when this happen this is not good, we Can use one but
always with careful, beacause this is a big responsability and if we not use the smartphones
with responsability this phone Will Could take control of our life in worst of case.

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