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¿it is difficult to have a 

healthy life? 
Names: Alex Vicencio 
Lucas Aravena 
School: Pucara 
Teacher: Miss Patricia 

I. Healthy living to most people means both physical and mental

health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In
many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so
that a change in one directly affects the other.

II. A healthy life is also carried out by informing yourself well, since
people tend to make mistakes since they do not know how to inform
themselves or simply do not have the time and maintain a not very
healthy life, it is a fact that in our country there is overweight, even
they had to implement laws

III. After the course of the information collected we will see that the
situation is even in different cases, matching the situation between
people who maintain a healthy life and other cases that.
I. ¿Perform physical activity?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

II. ¿Do you play any sport?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

III. ¿He gets along well with his classmates?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

IV. ¿Play videogames?

a) Fortnite b) God of War c) PUBG d) Others

V. ¿Share with your friends during the week?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

VI. ¿Belongs to a group?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

VII. ¿Sleep enough?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

VIII. ¿He feels satisfied with what he has achieved so far?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

IX. ¿Examine your health?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

X. ¿Take a good breakfast?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

XI. ¿Have some disease?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

XII. ¿At what time do you usually fall a sleep?

a) 11 b) 12 c) 1 d) other hours
XIII. ¿Prefers some particular music style?

a)Metal b)Trap c) Rap d) Reggaeton

XIV. Consumes some type of drug?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) almost always

XV. ¿How many hours do you work a day?

a) 3hrs b) does not work c) between 8-7 d) other hours

  S  V  L.C.  L.U  CH  MP  D  D  T.E.  S  L.F.  M.G.  M  M.S  D 

1  A   A  A  A   A   D   D   B   B   B   B   A   D   B   B  
2  C   A  A   A   A   D   D   B   B   B   B   A   D   A   A 
3  A   A   C   A   B   D   A   A   A   D   A   B   D   A   C  
4  A   A  A   A   A   C   B   C   B   A   A   A   A   B   A 
5  A   A  A   A   A   A   A   A   A   D   A   C   A   B   C 
6  B   B  B   B   A   B   A   A   B   B   B   D   B   A   B 
7  A   A  A  A  B  A  A   C   D  B  D   C   C  B   B 
8  A   A  B  A  B  B  A  A  A  B  A  A  A  A   A 
9  B   B  B  A  B  A  B  A  A  B  A  B  D  C  C 
10  A  A  A  A  B  A  A  B  A  B  A  C  C  B  B 

11  B  B  A  A  A  B  A  B  A  A  A  A  B  A  B 

12  C  B  A  C  C  B  A  A  D  D  B  A  D  A  C 

13  Metal  Trap  Rap  Trap  Rap  Rap  Metal  Trap  Pop  Metal  Rock  Reggaeton  Rap  Rap  Trap 

14  B  B  B  B  B  B  A  A  B  B  A  A  B  B  A 

15  B   D  D  B  B   B   B  B    B  B  B  b  B  B 

Explain: with the data gathered in the survey conducted, in the age group of 15 and 30
years we can see that the population of Ovalle, currently does not sleep enough or is a
very healthy population because they do not make a thorough review of their body This
means that it is not a population that is very concerned about their health.

Food: With this survey we can conclude that of 15, only eight
respondents take a good breakfast rich in nutrients and energy for
the course of the day and 5 that do not consume a good breakfast
only consume a quick breakfast does not necessarily have to be
healthy, and only 2 who rarely consume a good breakfast.

II. Physical activity: In the survey most people or more than 60%
practice or do some sport or physical activity, but we can see that
there is a 40% who does not practice anything, maintains a
sedentary life hand in hand with poor nutrition.

III. Sleeping hours: In the case of sleeping hours, more than 55% of
people surveyed sleep enough, but almost the same phenomenon
occurs again the other 45% does not sleep enough, causing
tiredness during the day, causing bad performance in what people
perform their day to day

IV. Goes with specialized in the area of health: People often see their
health and are treated with doctors, this is good as it keeps them
informed of what is happening in their body and see what is failing,
or only see if it is healthy and keep your life away from serious
● We can see through the information collected that there are
people who maintain a healthy life, others who do not, and
others who carry it but do not go in constancy.

● The people who maintain a healthy life worry about fewer

situations, since there are worries that they do not have to
feel this way, since their health is good, in other cases it is not
like that, there are children who do not move in all the day
and do not produce anything good apart from eating badly.

● There are people who also maintain physical activity and eat
well, but they consume some type of drug that causes them a
less productive performance, of which in reality they maintain
a healthy life

*A suggestion we can give you is to inform yourself, now it is not very

difficult there are a lot of tools that help us to inform ourselves and
maintain a healthy life. In the time that we are informed is not difficult as
all the tools available to inform themselves are free, it only goes in the
dedication that the person puts.

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