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In line of what we have learned so far, discuss your own insights 

regarding the four Pillars of Education. 

a.  What does Four Pillars of Education mean?

- The Four Pillars of Education plays a vital role in the development of
the Educational System that we have now, Especially in terms of
Character and Values Development that each students should possess.
The Four Pillars of Education will help the learners or students to face
confidently the challenging world we are living in, with knowledge ,
Character and Competency.

b. Enumerate each Pillar and give specific examples.

- The Four Pillars of Education are:
Learning to know- it is more on the cognitive development of the learner
and how he/she gains knowledge from what the teachers said and discuss
as well on what he or she reads in the book.

Example: The student memorize the Prayer of the Vincentian Family in

the class, the mental ability of the student allows him/ her to memorize
and be familiar with the Prayer through the teacher who introduces the
prayer in the class as well as the daily recitation of it.

Learning to do- it involves skills acquisition which will help the students
to practice when they are already working.

Example: Bea learns to bake cookies during her TVET Class which
includes Bread and Pastry Production as a result Bea was accepted as a
Baker in the Famous Bakery in their town. With the skills that Bea had
she was able to practice it in her workplace.

Learning to live together- involves the development of positive attitudes

of the learners towards the society he or she is living in.

Example: Rita loves to sing all night and have videoke in their house but
when a new neighbor was residing in their place she has manage to limit
the time of her videoke and adjust on the environment she is living in.
She only sings until 9:00 in the evening and does not extend all night.

c. Answer honestly: How important to you as a future educator this

- As a future Educator, this particular subject which is the Social
Dimensions of Education was important and crucial in practice especially
in the field I am in. This subject contains a lot of important details and
information that are effective in teaching especially in dealing the
students or the learners. This subject also is emphasizing the holistic
approach that teachers should know and acquire especially in dealing
with the students. In this subject also , I came to know more the deeper
importance of Education not just to me as a future teacher but to all of us
as we are continously learning and gaining knowledge from different
infoemations and ideas and more importantly in the development of our
inner character and values regardless of what profession we have.

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