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Background : Alfian wish to apply ina company led by a so called

manager of Mr.Bayu,after he diliver the letter of intention to work to

that’s company,later then he get call by Mr.Bayu to in
interview,following highlight discussion of among both :

Alfian : Tok……tok…..tok….,excuse me sir

Mr.Bayu : oh,please coming and please sit down,you are Alfian ?
Alfian : oh yes sir,alright,the first time I want to introduce my self,My name is
Alfian nur,I’m 20 years old,nice to meet you sir
Mr.Bayu : Nice to meet you too,alright we are begin the first asked,you are ready ?
Alfian : I think so
Mr.Bayu : Why you want work at this company ?
Alfian : Because I’m like challenge,and I’m feel interest to the type of area effort
this company
Mr.Bayu : What you can work by team ?
Alfian : Oh sure sir,I can work by team
Mr.Bayu : How much salary which you wish ?
Alfian : I think As minimum as fee of UMR sir….
Mr.Bayu : Training of any kind of which you have follow ?
Alfian : Ok,I will mention it one by one,I has following the ESQ training,
computer graphic training,and computer network training sir
Mr.Bayu : Any kind of excess which you own ?
Alfian : Mine ( is ) driving licence (of) type A and C, and also own a appliance
trasport,I also dedicate high and will strive.
Mr.Bayu : Alright Alfian,congratulations,you are accepted,you can at tomorrow
Alfian : Thank you sir.
Mr.Bayu : you are welcome

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