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Break It Down Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Name:nyleshea womack

Identify, break down, and define 10 medical terms relating to the circulatory or respiratory systems.

Ex. Cardiomyopathy cardi/o- heart my/o- muscle -pathy disease

1. Arteriosclerosis – hardening of artery arteri/o-artery- sclerosis = hardening

2. emphysema- condition that destroys lung tissue allowing large air spaces em-in phys-air, gas ema

3. hemoptysis – spitting or coughing up blood hem/o- blood -ptysis - spitting

4. bronchitis – inflammation of the bronchial tubes bronchi/o-bronchial tube itis = inflammation

5. tuberculosis an infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of nodules in the tissues,
especially the lungs. - Tub/o er-one who

6. Alveolar relating to an alveolus. alveol/o- alveolus -ar= pertaining to

7. Paranasal Paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired air-filled spaces that surround the nasal
cavity. para- beside nas/o- nose -al= pertaining to

8. pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium. per-around card-heart itis- inflammation

9.cyanosis a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation
of the blood. cyan/o blue -osis abnormal condition

10. Dyspnea difficult or labored breathing. ys- difficult-pnea breathing

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