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Patriotism: the feeling of loving your country more than any others and being proud of

it (Cambridge Dictionary)

Signs of extreme

- Aggression
- Denial
- obsession

Why is extreme patriotism harmful?

prejudice against and hostility towars other country

PP with extrme patri think their country is the best, and that means when something offend

Believe themselves to be a superior race

Over a hundred countries and everyone think their country is the best  can’t be true

. Pp allow themselves to be violent towards foreigners because they think doing that would protect
or improve the image of their country. Yuna Kim, south kereans believe she should win gold – insult
Russian skater and Russian people when Kim did not win. They believe that they are the best and
deserve the gold better, not the Russian, while the chance of winning the gold is equal.

More severe effects, wars and homicide. The most obvious example would be Nazi
Germany, where national pride rested on the idea of a Nordic or North
European master race, homicide

Blinded from one’s country’s weaknesses and hinder the country’s development.

Extrme Patriotism is sentimental, and therefore patriotic people often seek evidence that allow
them to be proud of their country and dismiss evidence that suggest otherwise. They often
exaggerate its success and ignore its failure. Lots of us Vietnamese do exactl that. Son Tung MTP
winning awards. Ignore the fact the problems of Vietnam’s educational system , that we fail to
produce scientific discoveries, a highly skilled workforce. Most sentimental patriotics in Vietnam
would ignore these statistics (show statistics) because they don’t want to believe that Vietnam is
inferior to other countries.

Hurting people from one’s own country. Pp have different ways of loving their country

Ep think that other people are only patriotic when they show their love a certain way. For ex, always
raise flag independence day, singing the national anthem really loud, even marrying people from
inside the country only
War time: men who refused to join the army was heavily criticized as cowards, but is it really a good
way to serve your country if you are an unskilled fighter, or is it a better way to help our country if
you stay home and contribute differently, for example, protect the women and children at home,
help improve education that’s usually ignore during war time, raising crops to serve the hungry
population at war.

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