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There are many advantages to use E-Portfolio to keep softcopies as hardcopies has higher
risks to get damaged plus is not long lasting. E-Portfolio is also helpful when the contents
are to be reached by friends to get and acquire different perspectives on certain topic in the
studies. It is also one of platforms for the purpose of evaluation on their own learning
outcomes and keep on track of learner’s progress in learning. E-portfolio is safe,
convenient, long-lasing and user friendly in this technology era.

In creating portfolios, I have learnt on how to create folios, entries and contents no
matter if they are in the form of written products or recordings. These are then to be inserted
into the portfolio in order to make ease of access and evaluations from wherever or
whenever the access is made. What I have learned about the basic elements of e-portfolios
are the name of author, about the author, contents of the portfolio and the contacts of the
author. Creating e-portfolio is very helpful and interesting way that all the tasks are compiled
inside which later it will help the knowledge to be applied for future references. For example,
the e-portfolio will find it motivating to compile all the documents in interactive way. That is
the where the education technology comes into benefit that people may find their own way to
enjoy learning thus keep the momentum consistent from time to time.

Finally, I may share all my knowledge to my pupils helping them to make their own e-
portfolios so they will find it is interesting to learn in interactive way. Their portfolios do not
necessarily about their studies alone but they may compile the documents about their
biodata, diary, or the picture of their free time activities. These features will be really helpful
because it helps them to learn English in interesting way since they are always feeling
demotivated when being taught in conventional way of studying.

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