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March 17, 1944 Vol. 2, No. 39

Senators Eat K Ration;
CAll FOR ST. PATRICK! 'Hard as Hell,' Says One
fifteen hunored ana twelve years ago today a stronl'j1 f!Qn landed at Washln.fton (CNS) _ Several
'"icklow, Ireland. His nQ.'lVa was 31. Patrick. senalors nibbled K Rations here
In those days Doth Cnqland ana Ireland ~re jU5t Q couple of unt<JlTlK1 recently and although their reo
action. to the delicaey were
islands inhabited by wild-eyecl baros of fil'j1hting nen. St. Patrick, with varied, all agreed it was good
a letter tTO:n the Pope in his pocket, be90n to toke over. Soon he SDlid food..
established churches, school~ and ~onasteTie8. His work grew and '1 enjoyed it.," said one states-
l'Iultipliec!. The Irish Church beca"e the l"IOtivatin<;l' factor for relioion man, grinning wryly and pluck·
ina the stumps of two shattered
and eaucatio:'l in both Irelo!".o ond f.m;;land. rTOIT\ across the Irish sea teeth from his mouth.
car.e thousords of English lor schoolin~ religious education. And "It'l hard as the hubs of hell"
for hUndrees of Y9QfS to c~e English ~n of letters learnea their said another, less enthusiastically.
stutt in :'"lre. Hau,.1hty Lnr;;lana haa taker the cue and ub:llorbea <::::::F=='" q", T *'' '
of C>A~ c:;:;:;:.O
Christ ic~ity Itart Irel~:'Id. ...J..rL THAIJ iETl/lt1(, /./'
COnsi~erln~ the events at loooy. all this sound~ like a lot ot
~ v.";S. Ewl" .=:11
oilge. 3ut it happens to be th~ truth. England wa$ JU$t a backw~'
hilloi lly c:-ossin; \--hen Irelund wcw a$5ur"'1in9 the picture of 3i9 Town.
Countries, however J like riversJ run do~n hill. And fr~ the current
'rl -r.-< "...,.. Y'u.'
U. "e:J=.< l "l
picture 0: 31g [,nQland and. tiny unhappy Irelono J it would. appear that
Eire could use another ;,;t. Patrick - and quick, Yanks in England
Today, being St. Patrick's Day, we say to hell with the grim
picture oi "neutral" Ireland. ;.11 good Irish.-nen can J and no doubt will .
Get Hot Cakes Now
celebrate the I'I'lemory of that Qrect gUYJ f;t. Patrick J the man who En6laad (CNS)-A group of
GI welders have made it possible
chased t!'le snakes out ot Ireland. for soldiers stationed at a U. S. trouble is, he must have missed one or two, Army Depot here to have bot
cakes for brealdast, according to
an Army release.
Old Reb.... ...By Swab The PRO hastened to add that
the welders don't make the
criddle cakes. They just make the
rriddJes from salvaged metal
~ IoVHAT. #0
•.J.,\ S,"",'F of'/A ..,.,..... -.1
-.:=:n ,JH',J 6L~7 - .=::If
_. . ~_.~ V
U ':;;;:i:-~i ~~~ ~'
.T1'" ..- , .....

No Trouble At All
Camp Gordon Jolmstoo, Fla.
(CNS)-An AWOL loldier lent
this .....ire to his CO: "Please for-
ward my mail care of General
Delivery, Tallahassee." The CO
:)blig~ by sending the mall with
two MPI to make sure be re.-
ceived it I
<:s::r-==J •'IE (..ISU ~ r> c:;::C:J
~ IN TH' ClINJ{ (f
o 11 ~';..~-:;;·ii
21,476 Smiths In Navy
Waahilq1.on (CNS)-There are
21,476 men named Smith in the
Navy, the Navy department has
revealed. There are also 15,045
men named Johnson,ll,035 named
Jones, 202 named seaman and
three named Bluejacket.

-- 0=>


Oasis Ranch To Be
Used For GI Outings WW~R[ TO GO
The ():lsis Ranch, located H
mi les south of the base, has been TONIGHT
ADO J. MJtCI::CNALD: ',.hen lovely Mi5!l mode available for RAAf spring- and uro ~eekly !riday Nioht Dance _
Jeanette MacDonala moae her RAAf summer out in9s, it has been RAAr SWinQ Band.
deout. it went over like Q block announced. The Clardy family,
buster ..-. in the 9'{l"'I concert, Miss o ...ners, have consent eo to let GIs SATURDAY
l"',acDonald WQS uT9inQ her husoand, use fhe place faT sUlXlTvised St. Part ick 's nee - RAAf
capt. Gene RQ~ona. to join h9T affairs. ~'WinlJ 'k'na. At G"" .
in a song .. ,fron out at the hUQ9 It your outfit is on the ball, Col.
GI th,on9 CCll'lC the plaintive call there'S a qood chance you'll De uro 'WiKlkly Saturday Nioht D::1nce.
in typical Sinatra-fan st'{le, "AW takino a siesta under a beautiful
care on captain-p.eQOOe5e sing us cottonwood. tree with nothillQ to do SUNDAY
Trip to Q:J.rlsbad Caverns-_
Q sooQ ..... btouQht dcr..n the rat tets
ana oackboardS.
ADD INSPECTORS: Lest sk, they
Out sweat out the barbecue pit.
rhe ranch has facilities for
cooltinQ ana is locoteo on the sita
'i1s MlCS
!ree COffee &: I:buOhnuts--_
put the Rv.f ....· jae open to inspect- of the wOrld_tarous art iesion -ell 9-1.1.arn--ofternoon recorded
ion and everybody 1',;01 0-"'1 the 0011 that flo.;s 9JCC Qol1cns of Io(Iter a music appreciation program.
out tast ... so ~"'ly were oettlnQ on minute. ThIs ....ell rivals the Col.
the 'peloto' that it practically Ccrlsbad Caverns in the ....ay ot U,-o rinq9r PaintinQ Class.
became aetlatea ... there were quite t19\o· Max ico oddi t i as.
a few visiting officers, to coin Q Plans are """'" under 'oIJ.y to make
maatorpiece of understat nt ... if the ():Jsis Ranch the !TOS! attroct- Radio ,sho.... - "Take-Off
they tnQlted down all the Dross ive su=er resort this side of Time" - Post Theatre No. 1.
that was on the field, t y coulo Ruidoso. "hen tinal p:lrticulars at 7:05f1l'1. - Art Closs in
huve naie t-..o fully equipcea3-~-s. aTe ironed out, full c:»tails will Rec Hall at 8pm _ Russian
C.JU..ciBADC~VI:fll.,'S: 1'ho tTi to the be announced oy tho ~pecial Closs in Rec Hall - 6-8pm.
cave~ are still qoin9 stranQ ~a tiervlce Departmen . uro Dance at St. Peter'S Hall.
it's wortn a Sunday soc spree •...
the caverns are one or the ~even TUESDAY
"',OOders of the ...'Orld ana w-hen yO-! uro DanClno Class &: Informal
oet a QQI\der you'll know hy
they hove the eiQhth: ¥oncer
552nd Claims Most c

there, too ..• it's the nan ... 0 Decorated Men On Field U..o Donee.
~cke$ the speech at the ~ock at
A.:;es ... this <;\lV'S spiel tops t~ The 552nd 3<L~rcier ~cinin;
""- NCO Club :3inQo Party, 7:Xl.
u! I ana even stops .~ 0: the Squadron this ~ek laid clei~ to
loc<.ll stolaq:"lites. hevinq more decorated man than any Chaplain's Social Cluo
.~r: ~0"3 :1£E:T: - :. ally r other outtit 00 the poet . Dance at Rec Hall - 8:3C>,:n.
oft the ~tth ~~ ic ~~a the The 552na has {37 men w-ecrinO uro rinlJer P.. intin9 Closs.
"'eather man ala s ruined the the aircre .... lTI9t1'ber baaQe; 288 Col.
dotail .•. clouds die. It burn otf with the 300a COnduct Medel and uro 3inQo Party.
W'It i 1 or ter lunc ••• t'oolO Crt i lery ~7 of its GIs are authorized to
c~p~ Offered t.elr s@rvices Dy ..'ear th9 A"T\Qrican Dluenso l":edal. THURSDAY
.... ae •.. scneone ta oc out Can any R~Ar outfit beet this uro 3ing-o Party.
the shccil':' recor 1
uro ~lcly Friday NiQht Dlnce-
RAAF SWinq 3ana.
Non-rict io1'
Dar ruehrer by Heiden Kon-
rad; i<oiser ~'ckes the Doctors
by Paul De Krui f; KylllOn Kaplan
oy Leonara C. Ross; io,Syhn by
_illiam Seabrook; Cueens die
Proudly by W. L. \o.'I\ite.
fict ion
't'hunoerhead by t-"tlry O'Hara;
Sarayan's rabies by ~illiam
5c::-oyc.."t; You Q\ly HanQ Q\ce by
;.;.... en; The smokinq Iron
by pg:~::- rield; Gates of Doom
Oy ?c:ce~ Sabatini.
• ... c's 0"1. Gr:'t;~ S 0: 0/ :11. co•• unity Sine tAat's b.inZ
•• t4 ~I .os: 0: : •• J~~~.s in the Post G) •• In Jro~t 0/ :h. Leoy ?c:t; ""XV husband. stays out
.,It, 'S :lc e"~sJ' ·'l~(H"a", jl/oj. Laru, C. Chapaat: ....110 u:".ti! :.'.-8 in the morninQ. ~ at
l,a4s ti, 'at •. ; .. '''0__ UO~Qli~i"g. the gone sings .v.·)- woul~ yo~ co in my place?"
:au:, fro. _• .:~. ss Aa,,..ica" to "Hai."'~y Doa:s." 10=-or,..o;.l
~'Ul' t":. '~:-l:t. s. , I ' S 01'1 all-Iris/! sineine p.. o,a. o,.. G: ~i·e: -Let's 90 over to your
place a:·!o :'11 show you."


A ir Mails Eight Cents,
Clothing Store Vacates
WHEN JEANmE WAS HERE..• ~prino cleaninQ has hit the PX
Local Letters Three clothing store, the cafeteria~
the coffee ber em the fCQITI O'arden
£tfective Sunday, March 26 it was revealeo this ...eek by OJpt.
i t ' l l cost !'l.ote to send that rTeo E. Mackey~ PX impressario.
StQJl'l lei ter to Hortense. first biO Move will be the
Ql. thet acte the two cent post- transfer of the clothing store to
age you've been puttinQ a\ locol the bUilding new occupied by the
Jetters will 90 up to three cents. keg ana bot t Ie aepartment. Suds
.... ir I'IQil letters, heretofore will thon be served after 4 PM~
nailablo fOT six cents ~il1 cost at what is no.... the sana.... ich and
eioht cents. (The rate of six coffee bar.
cents per half QJnce for air ll'CIil The cafeteria, new open until
addressea to l"Iilitary personnel 7 at nights, ..... ill close doily
$erved by AP:)'5 overseas TEnOinS after the noon meal, capt. Mackey
unchanQed. ) siad. Reason for the closinq is
Accordlno to Lt. WilliaM P. that the evenino business is not
Stratford, local postal boSS, the enough to warrant the eatery's
chart used in estimatinQ fees for rEf'\Clining open. ''Qu" fiqures show
parcel post rotes has been com- the cafeteria rrust be closed part
pletely Chc."\Qed and your packaqes t irrs to cut expenses, n OJpt. Mack-
may cost note to mail. ey said.
He also says supplies at stamps The EM service club~ Que to
or envelopes now on hand are not open soon, is intended to take
redeenoble and that additional care of ~h of the Post's evening
stamps :"Ust be affiXed to rmet the ontertain~ent. So, in the near
new rates. future, if you 00 into the shack
3est nvO'IS for GIs, ho-"ever. is Where the beer parlor now is~
that the free letter privileoe ~1I.n Jeanet~. Kac~~~~:~ :0-· oreer SOfTlQ :l.2 and oet a pair of
for !'\ilitary persomel rerro.ins un- fot the llIords to "i~.~" ':p~sA
wool socks~ don't say we didn't
Ch0J\990 and the 50..~ "free" in the Iyes lre S.iHni"':: ':er warn you about the biO chanQe with
upper right hona corner .... i 11 O'et concert her. 'rid~). s~~i.r the exchonqQ.
t he let ter hone as al ....ays. SISft. Gene Noll.::., .:!lOIl.,
All solaiers are urged to I,nt his lyric-, ~<>;: ~oice Bill Would Provide SO Percent
familiarize the~sleves .... ith the jor a hilh -,po: i~ ,:, .. . oc~l Pay 'ncr.a •• For Comb,1t
ne.... postOQe rules so that no delay'ar.ce. A bill ....hich woula provide '1
in mail ae lveries ....ill result. SO por cent increase in pay for
persmnel of the armed forces ...·ho
Bars Closed On Cadet are enO'aged in ccrnoot was int ro-
auced in congress last week by
Training For Most GI's Rep. Weiss (D.) ftl.
Hopes o! GIs ....ho were sW9at inO' THAT GREEN HAZE IS ST. PAT'S
out cadet traininO' ....ere clipped
this ... eek when a new ruling £hurre, ana today it's ~t.
stlpulatea that no more PatTlck's r:o.y ....ith ::iAl,VO <,Joinq
applications !rem white enlistea Qreen all over.
"·S persoonel :or codet aircre.... This is the aay for the
trainirQ accepted. flanaoans, Monahans, Lenahans
only excep:ion ~e ·~s in the Qnd Cohons--pronounced I<p-han.
case 0: canbct cre.... ~embers ....ho ~haf!'lrocks are a dollar a dozen
have ~eTl "eturned to the U.S. Qnd oreQn (in spirit) is a8
after thei~ c~.pletion of oper- cCX"'~"'on as khak i .
at 10 1 tours 0: duty. In pre-wer doys~ St. Pat's
~l cP?lications now on file or r:o.y WQS celebrated in Q deluO«'
~nae:~o:n9 processing will be of oooa cheer, bottlee in bona.
aiscpprovea~ the ruling stateo. Most of the Irish ~ere aided
The a~Ql ~QS a big surprise to With Capt. ?.:)~c-! .:: the by friends of other faiths
=~~r boor ers who have been piano. Kiss ~;:'~.;.; =~I which practically lTV:lkes this a
a.ait H'lO Q "unassiQned" status two oj h.r ~.:. c·~ "'- nationol holiday.
to~ ~rol -..eeks. positions. J.... ._:-:. Only It ain't. Like other
big days, this one too is not
Ray.ond is - . (.., lS
.. I Pecr'llilQ you last night." appreciatio~ \- ~;-~f- recognizea by the army. RCO-
• • ~ lCU'" befitt~nf ~~ •• ~:,~_ : ulations allow only Q thick
.,~,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dn,,,-'-,t-,-. _ lent a~~ ..' ~s
brooue--_not a aay otf!
vulgar man is on& KacDonatd's :.~. "ll~-.=f ::

Q girl's tiqure when one of til. :- _~f" ,f- nrTeshl ....ho said you WOlle kiss
... --; l::er cest to display
at the RAl! 4. r __ -.-.- !"
.O~S opi~,o~ ~ ": :-. :~: "Dlorybcx1yl n
----------------SALVOI - - - -


Club Get Shot In Arm
PIons tor the new NCO Club to
be constructOd tr~ the bUilding
Shot At Luftwaffe Only now occupied by the clothing PY.
oat a shot in the arm this WQQl{
Twice In 44 Missions with allocation at more than
four th0U5and bucks fran the cluba
RAAf pilots 08t their bomb tund to thh project.
approach lessons rro~ Q combat The club also set aside $900
veteran when they listen to Capt. for entertain nt durinO the lI'I:Inth
Poul N. Gteoory Decouas the of Ml3rch.
captain spent U. m.o~th.a in the '-'Ork on the new club builoin;
qreenhouse of Q 3-2 in the North is expected to begin before the
...f t i can cQI1IPJi9f\. end of the month .
..\rrivino in A!rtco in I:8cQ:'".ber.
t942. Olpt. Sro;cry :lew ~iaaions Scotch, St•• k. For U. S.
over Gobss, stax I Cogi lOOt i and
FIi.r. Who Egg.d B.rlin
Rome. On two faids over Ro~ he
unloaded his lethals once on an ~ rarities, scotch end ~teaks
air field and onee ~ c raIlroad were w:J.iting for U.:$. flyers ofter
yard. their smashino attock on oerlin
£n8!"1y fiQ'hter S~~jJ'S _'8re the recently. £ach flyer hod a daubl
oraatest hazard !c~ :~R Tanks shot of the stutf ana all :he
Copt. Greoory scys =-_:
in .;2 steak he coulo eat, ttwt !I\CI7lE'r"t he
Missions he fi.eo a..:y: a ts planteo his foot on tetra tir~
at the IJ,lft\oQffe. 7h::.: s _5t one Qgain.
of those thin9s.
fOt sinkinq Q lc~;. enemy Which, he says, is a combet vc·_
transport vessel ~:. ~~rl was eran's paradise.
Qwarded the Cistl~~_~~~.c ;:yinO "~t !·1iUJlli," he says" "they ;lV9i
Cross. He droJ:P8(1 ail: t:r the Capt. Gr'iO~) YOJ a few week's rest pedai. It'li
ship, two nQ(lI'-4I:.iases =:=. =.~:ect ..... Ino. The pikot ;et it under Ca\- :: ,.ne vacation .• You live in the
!'tn. trol" he says, =,~ :=le~ :or c .&~t hotel·and get a $25 roOM for
3o.t can.oo.t bcr.:.irq is e t~ DeIly landing. ':"-::--:e to C:J""Q ::'0'0>":" . . ...:.:ne, a night. That's hc.r::. .0
just [rc's c..~:: ::.;.:15 eve= the because of t~ .-:;, S~. . = _.... .=:E';'~:"
~cnl railroa:1 'r-:~ ,,~rt· e;ary pilot final:. _t.::tec t:"e- =eo.:::. :c~t. Gregory arrived c:
says. On fI __ ee= _';C.:"St a engine os th S~I~'S te:: ~c:::.pec ;- Jot in feDtuery. "'This ,;,Qt~:: ~ ...
bridoe in Tunisia :~. ~==~r in the Qtound. ~C~t. ~r9;o:y says ;)! a high calibre," he soy.,
....!'Iich he was !ly:.-.; _ aI close the plane ........s car,yi:'!; .. : ...:: 00-0 the borrb approach phase of .: ••
to :;Ootiel as his ::-=-~:. CCr'inQ looa when t~t hop~neo. ing is of major importance ~~ t
in at an altltucs 0: ~C :~t end .. tter h:.s torei;;n service Q::lp1. success ot a bClTbinq l'Iissicr..
roorinQ olanl} do_e to 30C t"j les Gre~ory returned to the Stotos OOpt. Gr~Jory" f,am Br~.y,.l.
on hour, ono en;:,e cel ~t. The last O:tobGr. He spe"lt three weQks Tex., also ""ears the Air <..:1
~actain says t loo " S"\ip dlPped a at the lV,icmi r90istri!:>utia'l ce:'.tsr ..... ith seven Qck Leaf Clu~t : •

Soldiers Tell How They'd Celebrate StPatricks Day As Ci~ilians


?vt. Jo!'m "1. Id:las;""" cn.c Plft. Clyde Q::l:til:; • __ " :'':;:' ?:c. 11 Ian StaunE!; 001' tQtl:Oj
.... y pal Coole. c:t lot 0 is., .r orink a toast to _:~ ;::0..::.: :: :S·- : =--y a::, if possible, md
Italy, woula ~ C8:e... rct.~; ~4. !!len ana then fill::' ..:_ • .:t ..: o::~: =:: the :~s. niter about 11tty
Patrick's 0.;., _! I:i.:t.; :re Inshmen to help~. :- :- .. a'_ :~_·::.s :.:: tG ready to 98t11e dCJ'oo!l
rounaso:the:!_t.- Itp .,..... each drink 20 to::~':S pacE!. .0 s:;-". :eal It ish celebrat ino.
we'd do It ~... 3 :oc.- That's ho"," I'd ::0 : t ." e .::: 4:' Palo"

PVt. Joe ;C='_-: .. • would 9;11. Harold Pre;er: " e thi~9 ?"::. 70m P. fallon: "I'd be
I do' Mo • : If I I know, I'd be ce .. - :.: "'y o:'c .. :;:-it; .. ; .n n8 father's bar. e'd
was 't rc.s: civiie fraternit~ house ce:.::_:~~. _it7 .::Ye ~ .~(S on the house for all yo • • -: ... ,Jetting my buddy Al CUin:\. : ~ ... - . s:v :;:: .• '_-e-. then atter closin9
C"': • , I:: IS "lake celebrate, I t".ec.~ _:. ?~. -.. :-e • - ool& _;>:ooo.bly annk up :rost
i: I - jUQ, will you?'" ::: . ';' :c: stock."
~"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-=:::== .ALYUI---::::: --_-_-_-..- -----------

Tanioht: "Lady I,l The DoTk"

wi t h GinO'er ROOers. ROy Mil-
land. Saturday: "Trocadero"
with Rosemary Lane. Johnny
Downs. Sunday a. Monday: "Pass-
saoe To Marseille" with
Humphrey Booart, Michele Mor-
oon. Tuesday: "Action In
Afabia" .... ith Geott~e Sanders.
Viroi",TO. Bruce. wednesday: "It
Happened Tomorrow" with Dick
Powell. Linda Dcrnell. Thurs-
day a. Friday: "Cover Girl"
.... ith Rita Hayworth. Gene Kelly_
G:J;:::S.~~•• J.!., ~
~ .....,... $ Clltri',- ~

en -[Q'.- Red CT"ou ~ lit... . .... s. :~~~, ,....~j~

cdc'\: shOlllS 1 ! ;"':0; vi..: .... ;~; Of
Lb ;::: ;>e:- • '::L ""HU,int ' ....:Ji.a';. "'1'
(Note: MOndey nio l's show
flOves to Theo.tre No.2, =altinq
Wly for "'rake-off Time." RAAr
~ekly r dio sho.... at 7 in
'!heat re No. 1..)
Theatre No. t SChedule: Two
shows niohtly. Boxoff ice open
for first show at t?1.S, open
for second ot t9tS. M:Jt inees
tTi-week yat i400 on Tuesdays.
'thursdays & Sundays. MorninQ Sisters
not inees 0:1. t,.,igdrulsdoys and rri- ore the F.e
enva at tCIl:). poet~ 000
Theatre Jri:l. 2 9:hedule: rive are repre
SlOWS weekly t t845 on ~tur_ Cross. ThE
d:lys~ ys~ TuesdQYs~ ~a­ nearly unl
resdays c:1d hursda'{s, Sunday it ill witt
'lQtinee Q i4JO. better tOl
here pict l
post hospi
love been
money and.
Red Cross.
Vol. 2. No. 39 ." 17, 1944
SALVO .. F\4' .d W..... 1y by th. fhe lletch~ Of GOd~3"'d. la ..~., visits S01l
P..._ ' oS ~.II 1u"'Y A., 1=,.1<1 corp. ,irot iI I La;c': b. l.d C"'oss'-"O'O'O'CI"'C'~'Odc..:'C'O'='"' _
r." "'" 0..."'_ OoJ,.
AQIoty !ASE. roS~'Hl. N. H.
e...-.-..! "'9
COL C. kQRTON WH'I' 00"- ..... =':-"l-L
~ c. ~ ~ I-l. 0'1.)1" lllE IN,e.;:2.\Q-'=,, DES,,-
AT TloiE: -S-J,-C" ... ~PITAL.J _ _,,"'
II O'Gil",o,. MI~ _.A.C.i: ';! -,..~y·l..t.
EoL._ 0 O'lyor tt. ".. ;:)"'" ...
I J.-..c. i:._. COlli. Mi.
O··GoI<~ S. G,Ib.rt O'Doo,l y ,

I eo.. ~

co. O'Tellinge'
5 . . Roy O'Knott
L 0'W,...1w.

'"".- t on Dept.
out.oO'\ 01 a.dited
PI""il$'Otl of
i... _: 50.-, N Y. C. 17.

Plannino for the future is

sarethinq all of us like to do. In
our O'om \oIQyl5 we are lNlkinq plans
for our life after the duration
and six. Sociol and relioious
qTOuPS are act iVE! in poat-welT
plann i"9.
This kind of planninCJ i 15 for
oet leT 1 iv inc;l~ maTe happiness and
oreater enjoyment of all our en-
virorurent. And if that life is to
be QbundQnt~ we should inclUde in
our pIons the foundotiQn of 0
Sit. A.J. '430~O and Corp. L.3t.~ vital faith in God. "Without rre ya
LO"4 10 at it on Q 'cd Cross do- con do nothin9" is the ~Tnir'19 of
"aUd pit1rtn. the Moster. on the other hand
..... ith God all thi~ are poesible~
with God our life ...·ill qtChl rich-
Clr and fullClr ~ ....ith plCla:5urClS end
acc~~plishMQnts of ....hich ....e had
not thought of before.
And in the days to CQrl'Q, after
"'e return to our h0m9S, we sholl
hove s thine} wort hwhile to con-
tri~··te to the life of our camun-
it":". Let's ~lr.e our post-or plan
1916 of Mercy c~. : ct will inspire others to

kera. Ch this ¥.:: .... e ~n Christ, the Prince of

in the U.S. Pli-=e. _ad Ou"ist ian Soldien~
, of the Rod :-::-.::-; as to \olQr with the C1'"O&s
ena&avor ia 0: ;.sus ooino on before I-
in this war~ ---chaplain David V. Siebero
making life
Khaki. SAL\{)
cenes at 1 ts Services
f ....' hich would Protestant: SUnday: 9:30 !"):Im-
without the ino \oonhip; to:JO Lutheran CC:itIt-
.ended by t he Munio~ :Qfvice; 7:30 Chapel Ves-
pers; ~:OO MorMon services i:-
Chapel. _:.rist ion ~ns' s&rvic
~OS3 ~\rr Ann Gibson PIa,s !~ i·~:c~ :..dQ~ :oI8ets Thursday at 7: 30.
GIs Q~ oJlie.r. 'cd Cross J~r~ls~.d B.:. :llt:-OllC: 9J.nday: !'1Jsses at 8
~ ',:)Q PM and 6 P!'1....eekdoys:
t'tISMS ct ":30 PM; no SJrvice
TuesdayS at 1 Ftl. Stat ions of the
'"":"055 rndays at 1 PM •
.R.iish: nidoy services at 8P.1.

This Week's Cover

'!Q.1 -::or.'l have to look
a ,,8t the drift of
we ~ • cover. It's 0
Joed old fQshiCl'\ed
shcra"ock wi th 0

;ood old fashioned

'71 that tell every-
y today is St.
s !"loy. The cover
..._=$ t In thia weijks
'""':"""9; ~. ':.. ec to the Irish.
------------SALVOI - - - - - - - - - -
CHILDRESS BOMBARDIERS PROVE MOST t.':;':;~Y "~:'.:. ;.:~.t~~~~k\~"
the same thing?
ACCURATE TO WIN IIl:h BOMB OLYMPIC Soldi." No, Jus, b.oinn.

RAAF Comes In Third,

Midland Cops Second Place
TosSlnq HS 1.8 &Q~ earthward
w~th extreme accuracy, tM banbinq
team fr~ Childress copped first
place Sund.ay in the Hth All-
~GricQn Bambinq Olympic held
here. The Childress b<X!\bordierll
hoa an average circular errOT of
only {(1) feel.
Title of -All-American Bomb-
~rdierM went to Lt. W. M. Haver-
camp, Childress stuoent officer.
His six ~ll mis59Q the shack by
an average of only 7S feet.
The tea:n fran the RAAr placed
third., inc) nosed out by Midlon::1
for seea place.
adler_sst winnifllil canbinat ion
WQ5 Drosentaa wi th tM trooit tono.l
pickle-oarrel trophy 9Jnday ni9ht
by COl. John C. HorlCl\, CCI'r'Ordinq
::>fficer. Oriqinally scheduled for
3Qrly I7\Orninq. the conlost wos St,.oin,d 1I'Cll.S :J-:.:! s':o"";:'''''.''' to"s"s aI''''
th, on!,,. of
~eld in :~e afternoon b9cause ot
(4) SV1Ido) 4: :~. 'i,-~"CC:'''l, Ol).~ic. Sh4,.~-",d s~,ctot
low clouds which oian't cleaT could cotcA t~.
~,s:."": 0/ th,

until J.. p.o.

Easter Sunrise Services READY HERE BY END OF NEXT MONn
At New RAAF Band Shell New Officers Elected To Plans Call For Fountain,
day I1orninQ, APril the 9th,
the RMr"iU holo Easter Sunrise
Services at the bono shell jUBt
Special Service Council Lounge, Outdoor Patio
west of the P'.(. The local SpeCicl ~e"vice They have the site, ele
This will be the tirst outdoor (»uncil came in for Q I.;.n-:::tiIlQ materials ano sanctio:l., ana oy
[;oster ;:i8rvice held at the baSQ this week 000 the new or;=::'Z:J.tion ena of ;..pril, the RAAF -"111 her
and a loroe turnout is, expect80. will have more to sey ~hcn a ceaut iful dervlce Club
The R:tst -.:lnd ....ill furnish lIUsic g:ossip over the bbckyarc :8. ~ 6n colorea soldiQrs.
while sinotno will be hardled by 0 wash day. Located just north of the
choir under the capable direction Under the now reQiMe, there is Laundry and aajacent to the
of SI~ t. Jos.eph Crawford. a set of officers a Board of and 968th areas, the clu ..
The cO:"lplete program will be Governors which -..i.:l aid i:t the have the,_same facilities
annou eo by the Chapel prior to planninQ of recrect:Q:'I Q1Id enter- furnishinqs as the local bOT'
the day of services. tainment for t~e :~ccl ;18. ~ch Club now under construction.
squadron has two ~e~'8aentatives Plans ccll for a PX fount
on the council, a:", . the rank and tap rQ(J!l:, Q 5.'"IQI't I Y <»eon
Passover Seder In of sergeant ana c:-e sao@QtinQ it
out. £och trW;\n has ::: -..o:e ana the
and upholstered lounge an
Roswell On April 8 council s!'lOkes t~o; p::E of peace
Deaut iful outdoor patio.
aance floor .... ill run approxill'C
saver ~r will be hela the seccn1 Mcnaay ::- ecc:- IlDnth. 90 f8Qt ..ith a stano for the [)
at & PY. ~turaay, ~pril 8 with £lect80 this 'oole"8; Pres. In addi t i on to danci ng:
Rabol of Albuquerque Richard E. ore~~~, ~5~_t; Vice 10ung:inQ, a Qame room (
Pres., Corp.:o ?'erg:IJren, recreational parlor are inch
tentatlVely scheduled to be the
Medics; secret=r,~ ~~t. £Ug:ene and .... ill be incorporated with
QUest at he l1:1Sonic Hall in Ros-
Ging:erich, 9i.s~. 'Ioi:l.O .9 se:ected oancinQ area as in the plaN!
'IS repre:.entat l"·~ 0% . ~ ':'::I8Cial the other club.
':'~ l' wH 1 be held in keep-
ing: with the full traditions of Service Deport:-e:-:. The cuilding5 chosen for
the boliday and dinner will be Board of Gov~":-ors cc-~:s:s of: club .... ill be completely reb\
Corp. Lrnest L. --......:::'oy. .:;.~=: • -;t. and pointed .
. .rY8d for approximately 75 cents.
!hose desirinQ to make reser- felix Zito, 3'~::-, C"~- . .. ..:sie
vati s should contact the 3ase Houk ......'acs, o:p. ';,:::e;'
Gillette, 55 ..:-::. _~:1 ?:c. ;.e.:~-; all to activities in off d
upQl. hours. GIs are urgeQ to see tI
Curson .. 9Mt:-.
,., one kno~s what the short
~ith this S5''':-~ E~::$:ac - r special service conQres ~
sug:Qest ions and conlltr c·
U' ill be up to NUt.
boarders -..ill :-'=""'e
to voice op:~:. s :e $ _7.
c-:x:~~ ~-.:T
• crit icisMs.
-=;;•••IiiiIi!~.I;;;;;;::---SALVOl-----.----------- Two-Ton Tony Galento. the
beer keg that walks like a man
~ouncc.d into l~e Newark (N.J.)'
mductiOn station and said he
wanted to join the Marines "be-
cause I'm a tough guy and tHey're
~ .tough out~L" But Army phys-
ICians, prodmg Two Ton's suet
found him acceptable only fo~
limited service in the Army "I'm
disapemtcd," said Tony, belching
dramatically. "I wanted to get a
crack at dem bums."

The Pas t Gyl'l i. s send i"9 out

cnol her call tor qr t and qTOQI\-
era ond leather pushers to
Compete in Q camino boxinQ and
wrestlin9 tourney lOT ~r consunp-
t ion.
It '6 not all pJsh c."'Id. PJll os
the PT men are holain9 a
conditioninQ and inst~ ction
class every Monday ~~~ ~saoy
niqht, storting at 7:30. Cl::lpable
instructors are en hard 0 loee at
the Qloves and de!lO'lstTote how to
Qive 0 headlock '".ithCl.ll losing the
use of your r iQht orr'l.
In oddit ion to the straiQht.
wrestli.n9 ana boxinq t torinv~
Pfc. Cl1fford Ingr :"\ is holJ1inq a
judo class on t~ sere niq!'lts ana rhese five •• abers Of the POst Sond pLoyed a sweet tune
ott he same t i!"lEl. in the tuesdo) light lotiona~ Le(1i~e BowLing tourney and
My GI interested i any of waLlted Off with top honors. proa front to rear, Corp. AL-
the above activities should fred Giaaaichele, Co~~. Mario~ S. Lis, Sgt. franc 8. Al-
in~uire at the Post S and siqn berti, Slsgt. John I. ;~i~.s, a~d Sl3gt. Idward t. Ahner.
on the dotted line. Those ~ho ink Sgr. Ahner hod to~ (1ve-.;;. Of le? ~er evening.
their names on the ist do not
nescessarily have to enter the crioo.
ccxnpet i tion. It·s possible to just In New York, Babe Ruth had a
drop around for a workout nd ready reply.
laughs. "1 hope every Jap that men-
tions my name gets shot," the
world's greatest fat man said.
"And to hell with all Japs, any-
Bobo Newsom, America's last
Lost: ldnet if icat ion racelet. great ham tragedian, paid his new
Name en9roved ·~m. G. Tee.- According to Sgt. Jerry O'Leary, boss, venerable Connie Mack. a
rinaer bring to ~~VO offica. a Marine Corps combat corre- recent visit to talk contract
spondent, Jap troops charging turkey. But Bobo, now 4F, wu
Marine lines at Cape Gloucester so busy interviewing himself for
\~ted to buy: Auto, t9~~ model the Philadelphia press that he
or later. 5/59t. Geo. H. CoviS~ had a strange battle cry indeed.
"To hell with Babe Ruth," the)' forgot to come to terms.
930th or PU-l hangar No. L

549th and 91st Win Post

The Humor of G. I. Joe Basketball Championships
AZI P"'I'"ll:""" .... m".<t C-a..l. , J-.J <J G I
1N .1«'. ~"my """""

""''f'U'' ,-....~n-.i<b-~
_ht,bof oIGl ~
"'8"''''11 .............. T"
..... ,h< II II F
"Tho H ..nlel _
noduumco.l M~,"'. I", """ GodIbdt _ _ . .
III11<.oe." !lye<. -.0,., ptt>pttn


• • • .-...,. ~

u..o.d s.- .....

Jop -....:-.
• ""."'.... 01 """". b~p.:..
.foe f"lh I ..-."
wodonlond G I ,... bo"
SO" home ,- .. " -
""".!r:.dnrnoonor ..... ,"'f. G.l"'"
.. Volq Fo,,l."< /Imr...." 6~hl,,..
,.,... boJ ...... ,
'o.....".'hollo~'It" ..._
fOf. ooIc!><r .. d
... .-..
.. ..........,
Basketball championnhip of the
r was to be decided last night
betw9~n the S49th ana the 9tst
o:tn tho;: S49th took top place
t 1S in the 'l\J.esdoy LeaQue .
~lJ 5.. t h boat t he ~t4t h~ 54
Gr.J«6p.* - , . Ik .... In ,h< 01 :'01, 0o‫ס‬I<). Ok Ikll. 0...: ~l. ... to "l.. : or t he Tuesday League
'o ..,.t...-..-t. .--tl_l...,..,...... 1'",.,.
H. 6p.t. 10
1.,1 n.n.
e- ........
I............... ,
1· (j 1 Joe.• COf'-'~ mel ,'~
,,11>0<I ..........l ...eN:
,ho<. u. ,,"".. ,..... , .. homn -t
~ _ !>ddt.
.(ry ,. . .
~l~ ·.l:) with Corp. Joe Gilles
c.~:: 0;)%""'. i>orrell Gilbert leooing
knooo. ~ Iluo .-. _ long """"hi.. 10 !In., Joe....-ood_ " ' - odI :!1e r."1n9 with 22 points apiece.
pooI"..w tn.d tI ~
d,..,..l __ tI _ lor..... ...,.
..., ~
h.m 'F.un
"- __ :: :t c ..'ell known fact that
t~~ -_:l~st of all packQges is
t:- ""'::-. "'Tapped up in himself.
It '5 "take-a_camera-day" ne:
Sunday on the free OJrlsbod cave'
Gals Urged To Wear trip for GIs aro \-''aCs.
The past peeks into the cav€
Green, GI's OD's have been successful and this wet
those who IlIlke the trip are UTql
.It '9 sl\omrock lime at the Post to· take caweros .
Gym tomorrow nioht when the St. Those who snap pict ures of 11
Patrick's Day hop oets under ~y trip and caverns may submit t1
at 8:30. prints to SALVO. The best shot
It'll be a happy affair~ witt of the doy will be printed t1
music furnished by the RAAF $winQ followin9 week, with credit beit
Band.. given the shutterbug.
In true oolleen spirit, too 9019 Rules are simple: The pictUrE
are urqeo to make t he ball wear in~ mus t be of t he caver 1'15 or t h
somethinQ green or 0 reasonably trip, taken on the current Qeal
accurate facsimi Ie, thereot. Hcu- prints only must be submitted-·
ever, WOes who attend the affair SALVO will not develop the fil"
will be excused if they W9<lr olive All pictures will be returned..
A short program of community
singing will briohten the n19ht'5
activities. This feature has QCI'l8
Pass Privileges Extended
over oi9 at recent Saturday nioht To GIs At Hobbs Field
hops. The permanent pass privi lec
Remember. it's tomorrow ni9ht at Hobbs Army Air fiela former:
0" the Post Gym. The PX ....ill be given to GIs of the first t\
open for the dispensinQ of soft Qrades has been extended down ,
drinks and foam. the grade of stoff sergeant, :
Class A uniform will be. the s/sg t. A.,..thu.,.. flanr.e II 0/ was revealed this week.
correct GI evanino dress. And it's 925th is dust f,~g all t1:e All Hobbs men of the fir:
blarney free, tOO! nelll !egg ings nOIll be !ng wo.,..n
three Qrades, regardless c
by the RAA' Bono.,.. G'Ila.,..d. marital status, ncu may go 01
'elll ulli/or. consists 0/ cane as they ....ish when off duty.
white leggi~g3 and beh Gr.d
\' R' C S varnished Bner.
HAIRCUTS····· 45
SHAVE S •••••• 25
Mask-Wearing Time Will
SH"HPOO (OIL).5 0 Increase To Four Hours
MASS"CEC r ' .. ) " j
MASSAGEf -\.50
If that gas alert ~ecnesday
inconvenionced you; just re~r
Ie 5---·-- 25 it's only the bet;linning.
CLIP _25 for before the drills are over
E······ 20 you'll be wearing your mask four
hours at a stretch. Starting
several mont hs ago ...'i t h mJsk_weo.r_
ino periods of only ~S minutQs
duration, the pr09rc~ worked up
Wednesday to a mask_time of an
hour and forty five ~inutes.
The Chemical "'or:cre Sect ion
says the alerts are cesignea to
Qet military person!'1el used to
wearing the Qas de'eaters. NP. Pvt. I. 'e~.squ.z ~~
shown holding Ordnance
.ascots. wCharlie" a~d

Unauthorh.d Flight N.b Two wJoe. w the dogs are

b.,..others and belong tc
S.cond Loo.YI Prison T.rms na •• sakes in the O.,..dnance
An llnathori1ed .. is-~::e !hQht Detach.ent.

t e-e seeas to be a~
from Chico, cali!., .0
Mountain, Nev., resultea i:- rison
3c.tle ---
.~i~ea,c Of squadro~ bar- sentences for t .. o Chico seccrtd Clauical Mu.ic F.atur.d
a- s~=l's Glld the Latest 10oeY5 recently. A 99ne7~: c=~:-t On usa Show H.r. April 3
~; 'Ill' is i~ the 325th. mart ial convictac : r::.'"'1 0: co:'::.:::!
Mother ·usa show is bookee fo
~.-.. scalper Corp. Ken bringing discrec:: on the se~::=e_
·:s~- ~s about to five the One was sentence:: :0 rive ~~~:-s the RAAf on Apr i 1 30. A "camp t
in the clink, tre ::::lG:- six::'.c::- Camp Concert", the program wil
:1 -.,.::-"",d rub to Corp.
.,.,~ :. "__ "s. ....ere diSll'lissed :7T ::-a A..--:" •
feature classical and semi·
classical music at theRec;.bl:
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fony luzzi. 18, Brao.',", 1'~ for_ rh,l_a Coh_a". 23, Los A"i.I.3, Calif.
Jouphine Irvin" 2tJ, Salt La .. City 0/ $ISi~. Don luzzi, 91st Lov,l, 0/"r R.I. Col,.an. $$Znd of Corp. Harr, ,. Irvin"~ 'Q8th

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