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Christopher Inglis

From: Christopher Inglis

Sent: Tuesday, 28 March 2017 12:05 PM
To: Anita Katajamaki
Cc: Peter Surawski
Subject: Baelan Martin-Cherry
Attachments: Baelan Martin-Cherry 27th March 2017.docx

Hi Anita

Attached is a copy of my observations from yesterday afternoon’s parent teacher interview with Zoey Cherry,
Baelan’s mother. As I mentioned when I met with you, Baelan presented as his usual self today and did not seem
reserved or upset.

If there are any further details needed or you have any other questions, I am happy to help.

Kind regards,
Chris Inglis
Year 5G

St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School

30 Beerburrum Rd
Caboolture Qld 4510
Phone: (07) 5495 2266
Fax: (07) 5495 8315

27th March 2017 – 3:20pm

This afternoon while in a parent teacher interview with Baelan Martin-Cherry’s mother, Zoey Cherry,
we discussed various areas of achievement that I had observed over the term. After discussing
Baelan’s confidence and persistence, we began to discuss the “Getting Along” key of success. At this
point I explained to Zoey that I had been informed by a parent last week about a group of boys in
our class who, as a group, were frequently referring to a girl in the class as a “dog”. I elaborated on
this by explaining that it was apparently over a week near the middle of the term and I had not been
made aware of the situation until Friday of last week. We agreed that the behaviour was not
appropriate regardless of if it was a female or male student. Zoey explained that in his early primary
school years, Baelan had been bullied for his stutter and as such, a large emphasis has been placed
on bullying never been acceptable or tolerated. Zoey then explained that last year while on Year 4
camp, Baelan was part of a group bullying “a small Muslim girl”. Zoey pointed out that as a result of
this she had a very serious “chat” with Baelan when he returned from camp about bullying which
had resulted in her slapping Baelan across the face. While smiling, Zoey mentioned that “the teacher
from last year” had “pulled her up on this”, however, she apparently got angry at the teacher. Zoey
stated “Because like, I will discipline my children however I feel is appropriate”. At this point Zoey
was still smiling and said that she would have a “very serious chat” to Baelan about how he spoke to
this other child. I emphasised the importance on using these discussions as a way of encouraging the
child to consider how the other person may have felt and that it is about having them reflect on
their negative behaviour with questions such as, “What could you do differently next time if your
friends start a joke and you think it is not appropriate?” After discussing the areas of learning in
which Baelan was at expected or higher, Zoey was quite happy with his progress and the
conversation ended on a positive note.

28th March 2017

This morning before school started, I went and spoke with Peter Surawski regarding the meeting
from yesterday afternoon and what Baelan’s mother had disclosed to me about hitting Baelan across
the face. I asked Peter whether this was an incident that I would need to follow up on myself seeing
as the teacher from last year seemed to have addressed it with Zoey. Peter explained that he could
not remember it from the top of his head, however, it is definitely something that needs to be
followed up on. Peter suggested that I inform Anita so that we could check if it was something that
was flagged last year. Later in the day after first break, I spoke with Anita and informed her of the

Chris Inglis

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