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Nama : AMALIA RISKI (15 777 010)

FANKY FAZDIANKI .R (15 777 012)


(Doctor and patients talk about diarrhea)

Patient: Good morning doctor.

Doctor: Good morning, have a seat .

Patient: Thank you doctor.

Doctor: So what seems to be the problem?

Patient: Doctor my whole days. Experience frequent bowel movements more than
usual, soft and fluffy feces, nausea and vomiting. I acttualy not agle to sleep to night for
how many hours do you sleep everyday.

Doctor: Do you feel pain in the stomach?

Patient: often .

Doctor: How long have you had these symptoms?

Patient: about three days ago, and they are very annoying.

Doctor: Do you have ulcer before?

Patient: No doctor.

Doctor: Do you have a history of food allergies? Eat spicy foods?

Patient: I have no history of food allergy doctor, and I like spicy foods

Doctor: I think you have ulcer symptoms. I will prescribe you some medications, and
you must spicy foods for a while.
Patient what foods and drinks should I consume during my doctor's treatment??

Doctor: you should eat soft foods such as porridge or soft rice and vegetables and fruits
and you can drink green tea, milk, and fresh juice. Cut down coffee, soda, and alcohol.
Water is the best drink, of course.

Patient: Okay, thank you doctor.

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