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Dependent prepositions

Agree with – Estar de acuerdo con

I agree with you, this soup sucks.

Along with –Conjuntamente con

Informative letters will be sent along with the envelope.

Apart from – Aparte de

Apart from football, playing tennis is my favourite sport.

Apologise for – Disculparse por

I wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night. I was really upset.

Apply for – Aplicar por, solicitar por

When I finish my degree, I will start applying for jobs.

Approve of – Aprobar que

I don’t approve of you going out tonight.

Associate with – Asociar con

Are there any stories you associate with your town?

Believe in – Creer en
I consider myself a religious person. I believe in God.

Belong to – Pertenecer a
I love you Alicia! I belong to you!

Complain about – Quejarse de/sobre

Could you please stop complaining about everything? It’s really annoying.

Congratulate on – Felicitar, congratular

I wanted to congratulate you on your new scientific breakthrough.

Collision with – Chocar, colisionar con

Turn to the left if you don’t want to collision with that wall!

Count on – Contar con

Can I count on you coming to my party next Saturday?

Deal with - Lidiar con

You have no choice but to deal with it.

Decision/decide on – Decidir sobre

Hurry up! We’ve got to make a decision on what we are wearing to the meeting.

Due to – Debido a
I’ll never win the lottery due to the fact that I never play it.

Excuse for – Perdonar por

Excuse me for having been so rude last night, I didn’t mean to.

In comparison with/to – En comparación con

I am really strong in comparison with my father since he is really fat!

Insist on – Insistir en
Don’t insist on me going to watch the race horse, I already have plans for today.

Invest in – Invertir en
I’ve thought of getting rich by investing in your company.

Laugh at – Reirse de
What are you laughing at?

Lead to – Guiar a
I was just wondering where this way would lead us to.

Listen to – Escuchar a
Listen to me and stop messing around!

Object to – Objetar a
Stop objecting to all I’m saying!

Opt for – Optar for

I don’t like those jeans. I will opt for buying the ones I tried before.

Participate in – Participar en
Are you going to participate in the lifting competition next month?

Pay for – Pagar por

I had to pay for the damage I caused to that building.

Prepare for – Prepararse para

Winter is coming. We need to prepare ourselves for it.

Prevent/protect from – Prevenir, proteger de

This liquid prevents you from being bitten by insects.

Provide with – Proveer con

She was provided with a few souvenirs at the party.

Punish for – Castigar por

Mel was punished for her bad behaviour yesterday.
Remind of – Recordar
Remind me of throwing away the old cutlery later. Otherwise I will forget it again!
Rely on – Depender de
I rely on you to finish this work, please, help me out!

Spend on – Gastar en
I don’t want to spend my money on that stupid device.

Succeed in – Tener éxito en

I finally succeeded in creating my English blog!

Thank for – Dar las gracias por

I would like to thank you for saving the last piece of chicken. It is my favourite food!

Wait for – Esperar

What are you waiting for?

Warn about – Advertir sobre

I’ve got to warn you about the dangers of cycling during the night.

Worry about – Preocuparse por

Don’t worry about sorting the washing out, I’ll do it later.

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