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Mobile Phone Usage and Academic Performance of Grade 12 I.C.

Students in Northlink Technological College


Background of the study

A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive
calls and to send text messages, among other features.

According to Pew Research Center, 2010) The earliest generation of mobile phones
could only make and receive calls.

However, today’s mobile phones are packed with many additional features, such as
web browsers, games, cameras, video players and even navigational systems. A
mobile phone may also be known as a cellular phone or simply a cell phone. The
usefulness of cell phones are numerous and this includes keeping contact with friends,
members of the family, conducting business and others. Many people possess more
than one mobile phone for different purposes, which could be for business purpose or
personal purpose. (Jumoke, 2015).

What is it's relation to Academic Performance? According to Elder (2013), Academic

performance has been more consistently defined by quiz or test scores on lecture
content and also by test scores over the course of a semester.

Few studies have operationalized academic performance as grade point average or

final course grades. (Harman & Sato, 2011).

End et al., (2010) utilized both quiz scores on a lecture and a student’s ability to record
the correct information from a lecture interrupted by a cell phone ringing to operationally
define academic performance. By consistently defining different types of cell phone
usage and academic performance, researchers may be able to better determine the
extent to which certain types of cell phone usage affect academic performance.
The excessive use of mobile phones causes students to fare poorly in elementary,
junior high and high school, not only because it makes them lose their concentration
due to a lack of sleep, but also because it apparently compromises what they have
studied.(Shasuke, 2015).

Furthermore, it was observed that many students felt indisposed due to the continuous
stress caused by cell phones in their daily routine. Individuals elaborated that they got
frequent headaches, neck pains, limb pains, back aches and had redness in their eyes
and tinnitus in their ears due to continuous mobile usage, on some days. The method
they used on their research is the students of both sexes in the age group 17-23 years
from urban and rural backgrounds were selected at random (those using cell
phones).They were given self-administered, pre-tested questionnaire which included
aspects related to few common adverse mental and physical health symptoms
attributed to cell phone usage.(Acharya et al, 2013).

(Advantages and/or disadvantages)

According to Karehka (2012). It is very important for students to use mobile phone to be
in position to learn from anywhere at any time. And use it for research tools, the
students who do subjects which require field work research will need cell phones while
in the field. All modern cell phones can be used to take pictures in the field, create
reports using simple word processing applications, save and submit data back to their

It is used for dictionary, internet and calculator. It has not only helped in improvement of
academic performance of the students but also improved the quality of education.
However, majority of the students were of the view that the university students use
mobile phones for unfair means in the examination halls. Similarly, it is also considered
as wastage of time by some of the students.(Jangraiz et al., 2014).

On the other hand according to Francisca L.T (2007). Constant usage and sort of
addiction to cell phones has affected the people physically and psychologically by
making them have aches and pains and in some a disability too; lose their required
number of hours of sleep; get angry and scrap over trivial matters, and so on and so

This study therefore, attempts to find out if there is a relationship between Mobile
Phones Usage and Academic Performance of Grade 12 Information Communication
Technology (I.C.T ) Students in Northlink Technological College.
Define mobile phone

Pew Research center, (2010). “ Teens and Mobile Phones.” Text messaging explodes as teens
embrace it as the center piece of their communication strategies with friends.

Jumoke Soyemi 2015 “ Analysis of Mobile Phone Impact on Student Academic

Performance in Tertiary Institution ”. p.362

Define academic

Elder, A. D. (2013). College students’ cell phone use, beliefs, and effects on their learning. College
Student Journal, 47(4), 585–592. Retrieved from

Harman, B. A., & Sato, T. (2011). Cell phone use and grade point average among undergraduate
university students. College Student Journal, 45(3), 544–549. Retrieved from

End, C. M., Worthman, S., Mathews, M. B., & Wetterau, K. (2010). Costly cell phones: The impact of cell
phone rings on academic performance. Teaching of Psychology, 37(1), 55–57.

(Cause and effects)

Shasuke Murai (2015) “Overuse of mobile gadgets hampers students’ ability to study, sleep”

Jayanti P Acharya*, Indranil Acharya and Divya Waghrey (2013) "A Study on Some of the Common
Health Effects of Cell-Phones amongst College Students"

(Advantage and disadvantage)


Jangraiz Khan, Zilakat Khan Malik and Suleman Amin (2014) "The impact of mobile phone on the
performance of university students."
Francisca L.T (2007) Mobile phone addiction in teenagers may cause severe psychological disorders.
University of Granada.

The study is mainly guided by the following research questions:

1. What are the mobile phone type preferences of Northlink Technological

College's Grade 12 I.C.T students?

2. What do Northlink Technological College's Grade 12 I.C.T students use

their cell phones for whilst studying?

3. What are the effects of mobile phone use during on the study habits of
Northlink Technological College's Grade 12 I.C.T students?

4. What difficulties are faced by Northlink Technological College's Grade 12

I.C.T students in using mobile phones as study tools?
Statement of the problem
In the past one decade, Mobile phone was not as rampant among users compared to
how it is now being used; especially among secondary Schools’ students. Recently,
mobile phone which comes in different types/models each for specific tasks/functions
according to Jumoke (2015) is one of the basic essential gadgets possessed by an
average school student which relatively might certainly influence such students’
academic performance. This study therefore, seeks to address the impact of abusively
mobile phone usage on Grade 12 I.C.T students academic performance in Northlink
Technological College.

Significance of the Study

This study is meant to reveal the impact of mobile phone usage on Grade 12 I.C.T students

academic performance in Northlink Technological College. It would expose the students to the

implications of spending too much time on their mobile phones. Also, can serve as precautionary

measures towards achieving good academic result for students.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to assess the relationship of Mobile Phone Usage on

Grade 12 I.C.T students Academic Performance in Northlink Technological College.

The specific objectives are to:

1. ascertain the extent to which mobile phones are being utilized in Grade 12 I.C.T.

2. find out the extent to which the use of mobile phones will affect student's academic


3. comparison of student academic performance in Public and Private Schools using mobile

Objectives of the study

General Objectives : The general objective of the survey is to study the effects of mobile phone

on the Grade 12 I.C.T students of Northlink Technological College and to know positive and

negative impact of it upon them.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study are taken as follows:

To explore the consumption patterns of mobile phones of the students.

To explore whether text messaging through mobile phone is modifying the language.

To explore whether the use of mobile phone is affecting the social relationships of the


To explore whether the mobile phone use is affecting the study habits and results of the


To explore whether the use of mobile phone is affecting the sleeping habits of the students.

Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: The effect of something on another thing.

Mobile: Anything that can be carried from one place to another.

Phone: Electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be

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