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The Language of Ancient Scientists of India - Part 1 Mathematics


By J.Kedarnath

The language that scientists, astronomers, mathematicians and their like speak is Greek and Latin to most people. In the case of the Indian
mathematician Aryabhatta it is all Sanskrit. And in Sanskrit words have precise meanings - It is the language of the Gods and language of the
Science - and the Veda. It is not possible to borrow or steal from Greek or Latin or the fictitious hybrids like proto european - proto mayan and
aztec and use that to expound concepts in higher or even lower mathematics.

This work extracts all references to words Aryabhatta citations in A Sanskrit English Dictionary ed 1899. A partial list of the same word's usage
by others cited in the dictionary are indented below the main entry. The likely etymology is being worked out.

The preliminary results show that most of the words that have been used elsewhere in the Veda, Mahabharata and other scriptures.

00020117 avasarpiNI ~> both ascending [[ut-s°]] and descending [[ava-s°]] cycle are divided into six stages each: good-good, good, good-bad,
bad-good, bad, bad-bad ) #Jain. Āryabh

00020108 avasRup * [avasRup]1[ava-√ sRp] [-s'arpati], ( said of sun ) to set #VS. xvi, 7
00020109 avasRup ~> ( p. loc. m. [-sarpati] ) #Lāṭy.
00020110 avasRup ~> to flow back ( as the, sea in low tide ) #MBh. xiii, 7257 ( v. l. [ava-sarpita] mfn. ` caused to flow back ' )
00020111 avasRup ~> to creep to or approach unawares #TS. #AV. viii, 6, 3
00020112 avasRup ~> to flow over gradually #AV. xi, 1, 17
00020113 avasarjpana* [avasarjpana]2[ava-s'arjpana] m. one who approaches unawares ', a spy ( #cf. [apa-sarpa]. )
00020114 avasarpaNa * [avasarpaNa]2[ava-sarpaNa] n. ` descent ', place from which Manu descended after he had left his ark #ŚBr. i
00020115 avasarpaNa ~> going down to #MārkP. ( cf. [rathy^avas°]. )
00020116 avasarpiNI * [avasarpiNI]2[ava-sarpiNI] f. ` going or gliding down gradually ', a descending period of a long duration and
alternating with ` ascending one ' ( [ut-sarpiNI] q.v.
00020117 avasarpiNI ~> both ascending [[ut-s°]] and descending [[ava-s°]] cycle are divided into six stages each: good-good, good,
good-bad, bad-good, bad, bad-bad ) #Jain. Āryabh
00020118 avasarpita * [avasarpita]2[ava-sarpita] mfn. s. v. [ava-√ sRp]

00029322 AryabhaTIya * [AryabhaTIya]3['Arya-bhaTIya] n. N. of wk. on astronomy by Āryabhaṭa

00029344 AryasiddhAnta * [AryasiddhAnta]3['Arya-siddh^anta] m. N. of wk. of Āryabhaṭa
00029358 AryAShTashata * [AryASTashata]3[Ary^aSTashata] n. N. of wk. of Āryabhaṭa, consisting of 108 distichs

00035830 utsarpin ~> ( [iNI] ), f. ` the ascending cycle ' ( divided into six stages beginning with bad-bad time and rising upwards in the reverse
order to [ava-sarpiNi]. q.v. ) Āryabh. #Jain.

00035816 utsRup * [utsRp]1[ut-sRp] ( [ud-√ sRp] ), P. [-sarpati], to creep out or upwards

00035817 utsRup ~> to rise up, glide or soar upwards #AV. vi, 134, 2 #ŚBr. #KātyŚr. #BhP. #Ragh. &c.
00035818 utsRup ~> to glide along, move on slowly #TBr. #ĀśvŚr. #KātyŚr. #Gobh. &c. : Desid. [-sisRpsati] ( p. [-s'isRpsat] ) to wish to
get up #RV. viii, 14, 14 #BhP.
00035819 utsarpa * [utsarpa]2[ut-sarpa] m. going or gliding upwards #L.
00035820 utsarpa ~> swelling, heaving #L.
00035821 utsarpa ~> ( [am] ), n. N. of a Sāman
00035822 utsarpaNa * [utsarpaNa]2[ut-sarpaNa] n. gliding upwards, rising, sun-rise #Nir.
00035823 utsarpaNa ~> going out #Comm. on #ĀśvŚr.
00035824 utsarpaNa ~> stepping out or forwards #BhP.
00035825 utsarpaNa ~> swelling, heaving #L.
00035826 utsarpin * [utsarpin]2[utsarpin] mfn. moving or gliding upwards, jumping up #Ragh. xvi, 62
00035827 utsarpin ~> coming forth, appearing #Kād.
00035828 utsarpin ~> soaring upwards, mounting upwards #Śak. 283, 8
00035829 utsarpin ~> causing to increase or rise #VP.
00035830 utsarpin ~> ( [iNI] ), f. ` the ascending cycle ' ( divided into six stages beginning with bad-bad time and rising upwards in the
reverse order to [ava-sarpiNi]. q.v. ) Āryabh. #Jain.

00036975 uddeshaka ~> ( in math. ) a question, problem #Comm. on Āryabh

00038147 unmiti * [unmiti]2[un-miti] f. measure of altitude #Comm. on Āryabh
00038832 upaciti~> ( in arithm. ) progression Āryabh. #ii, 21

00038821 upacita * [upacita]2[upa-cita] mfn. heaped up, increased

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00038822 upacita ~> thriving, increasing, prospering, succeeding #MBh. #BhP. #Megh. #Ragh. &c.
00038823 upacita ~> big, fat, thick #Suśr. #Car.
00038824 upacita ~> covered over, furnished abundantly, possessing plentifully #MBh. #Hariv. #Pañcat. &c.
00038825 upacita ~> plastered, smeared
00038826 upacita ~> burnt #L.
00038827 upacitarasa * [upacitarasa]3[upa-cita-rasa] mfn. one whose ( appetite or ) desire is increased #Megh. 115
00038828 upaciti* [upaciti]2[upa-citi] f. accumulation, increase
00038829 upaciti~> augmentation, #Śāntiś.
00038830 upaciti~> gain, advantage
00038831 upaciti~> a heap, pile #MBh. iii, 15144
00038832 upaciti~> ( in arithm. ) progression Āryabh. #ii, 21

00047055 kakShya ~> the orbit a planet #Āryabh.

00047051 kakShya * [kakSya]2[k'akSya] mfn. being or abiding in shrubs or dry grass #VS. xvi, 34
00047052 kakShya ~> ( [kakSy'a], fr. [kakSy'A] ), filling out the girth, well fed #Sāy. #RV. v, 44, 11
00047053 kakShya ~> ( [kakSy'A] ), f. girth ( an animal ), girdle, shone #RV. #AV. viii, 4, 6 ; xviii, 1, 15 #MBh. &c. ( #[baddha-kakSya] )
00047054 kakShya ~> the enclosure an edifice ( either the wall &c. so enclosing it, or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure, the
inner apartment a palace ) #MBh. #R. &c.
00047055 kakShya ~> the orbit a planet #Āryabh.
00047056 kakShya ~> the scale a balance #Pat.
00047057 kakShya ~> an upper garment #L.
00047058 kakShya ~> similarity, equality #L.
00047059 kakShya ~> effort, exertion #L.
00047060 kakShya ~> a shrub yielding the black and red berry ( that serves as a jeweller's weight ), the Retti or Guñja, Abrus Precatorius #L.
00047061 kakShya ~> ( [As] ), f. pl. the fingers #Nigh.
00047062 kakShya ~> ( [am] ),n. the scale a balance #Comm. on #Yājñ.
00047063 kakShya ~> a part a carriage #R.
00047064 kakShya ~> a girdle, girth

00056236 kAhan * [kAhan]1[k^ahan] [k^ahas]n. ( fr. 3. [k'a] ), a day Brahmā ( or one thousand Yugas, [kalpa] ) #Āryabh.

00052871 kA * [kA]1[kA]1 onomat. imitation the cry the ass #BhP. x, 15, 30
00052872 kA * [kA]1[kA]2 = 2. [k'ad] and 1. [ku] in comp. to express depreciation, e. g. [k^akSha], [kA-patha], [kApuruSha], [k^oSNa], q
q.v.v. #Pāṇ. 6-3, 104 #Vop. vi, 93
00052873 kA * [kA]1[kA]3 = √ [kan] ( perf. [cake], [cakAn'a]
00052874 kA ~> [k'AyamAna] s. v. ), to seek, desire, yearn, love ( with acc. and dat. ) #RV.
00052875 kA ~> to like, enjoy, be satisfied with ( loc., gen. or inst. ) #RV. : Intens. ( p. [cAk'at] ) to please, be sought after, be wished for,
satisfy #RV. x, 29, 1 ( #[anu-], [A-], [saM-] √ 3. [kA], [kAti]. )
00048536 kan * [kan]1[kan] ( [kA] in #Veda ), cl. 1. P. [kanati], [cakAna], [cake], [akAnIt], [kanitA], &c. #Pāṇ. #Dhātup. xiii, 17
00048537 kan ~> ( aor. 1. sg. [akAniSam], 2. sg. [kAniSas] #RV. ), to be satisfied or pleased #RV. iv, 24, 9
00048538 kan ~> to agree to, accept with satisfaction #RV. iii, 28, 5
00048539 kan ~> to shine
00048540 kan ~> to go #Pāṇ. #Dhātup. : Intens. P. ( Subj. [cAk'anat]
00048541 kan ~> Pot. [cAkanyAt]
00048542 kan ~> pf. 1. sg. [cAkana] )
00048543 kan ~> {Ā.} ( Subj. 3. pl. [cAk'ananta] and [cak'ananta] #RV. i, 169, 4 ), to be satisfied with, like, enjoy ( with loc., gen., or
instr. ) #RV.
00048544 kan ~> to please, be liked or wished for ( with gen. the person ) #RV. i, 169, 4 ; v, 31, 13 ; viii, 31, 1
00048545 kan ~> to strive after, seek, desire, wish ( with acc. or dat. ) #RV.
00048546 kan ~> [#[kA], [kai], [kam], [kvan], and [can]: #also #Zd. [-kan]
00048547 kan ~> Gk. ? ; Angl. Sax. [hana] ; [248 ,2] Lat. [canus], [caneo], [candeo], [candela] ( ? ) ; H#ib. [canu], ` full moon. ']

00057415 ku * [ku]1[ku]2 f. the earth #Āryabh. #VarBṛS. #VarBṛ. #BhP. vi, 1, 42

00057416 ku ~> the ground or base a triangle or other plane figure, #Comm. on #Āryabh.

00057076 ku * [ku]1[ku]1 a pronom. base appearing in [k'utas], [k'utra], [kuv'id], [k'uha], [kv'a], and as a prefix implying deterioration,
depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt
00057077 ku ~> originally perhaps [ku] signified ` how ( strange! ) '
00057078 ku ~> as a separate word [ku] occurs only in the lengthened form 3. [k'U], q.v.
00057417 ku ~> the number ` one. '

00057429 kudina* [kudina]3[ku-dina]n. ( = [kShiti-d°] ) a civil day #Āryabh.

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00057174 kudina* [kudina]3[ku-dina]n. an evil day

00057175 kudina~> a rainy day
00066182 kShit * [kSit]2[kSit]1 mfn. ifc. ` ruling ', [adhi-kSit], [kSiti-], [pRthivI-], [bhU-], [mahI-]
00066183 kShiti * [kSiti]2[kSiti]1 is, f. dominion ( #Comm. ) #MBh. xiii, 76, 10

00057883 kuT^TAkAra * [kuTTAkAra]3[kuTT^akAra]m. #N. the mathematical operation relative to a multiplier called [kuTTa] #Comm. on
00059939 kusumapura * [kusumapura]3[kusuma-pura]n. #N. the town Pāṭali-putra #Āryabh. #Mudr. #Kathās. &c.
00063186 koNa ~> the planet Saturn ( fr. ? ) #Āryabh. #VarBṛ.

00063179 koNa * [koNa]1[koNa]m. a corner, angle #Pañcat. #Daś. #RāmatUp. #Kathās.

00063180 koNa ~> an intermediate point the compass #VarBṛS.
00063181 koNa ~> ( hence ) the number, ` four ' #Hcat.
00063182 koNa ~> the quill a lute, fiddle-stick, drum-stick, &c. #R. ii, 71, 26 & 81, 2 #Kād.
00063183 koNa ~> a sort musical instrument, stringed musical instrument #L.
00063184 koNa ~> the sharp edge a sword #W.
00063185 koNa ~> a staff, club #Hcar.
00063186 koNa ~> the planet Saturn ( fr. ? ) #Āryabh. #VarBṛ.
00063187 koNa ~> the planet Mars #L.
00063188 koNakuNa * [koNakuNa]3[koNa-kuNa]m. a bug #L. ( #[kola-k°]. )
00063189 koNakoShTha* [koNakoShTha]3[koNa-koShTha] a corner field #AgP. xl, 15
00063190 koNakoShThaka * [koNakoShThaka]3[koNa-koShThaka] #id. #ib. 17
00063191 koNadish * [koNadish]3[koNa-dish] f. an intermediate point the compass #VarBṛS.
00063192 koNadesha * [koNadesha]3[koNa-desha]m. #N. a locality Vīrac
00063193 koNanara * [koNanara]3[koNa-nara]m. = [-shaGku] #Gaṇit
00063194 koNapa * [koNapa]3[koNa-pa]m. ( for [kauNapa]? ) = [nirRti] #BhP. x, 12, 29 #Sch.
00063195 koNavAdin * [koNavAdin]3[koNa-vAdin]m. #N. Śiva #L.
00063196 koNavRutta * [koNavRtta]3[koNa-vRtta]n. a vertical circle extending from north-east to south-west or from north-west to
south-east Gol.
00063197 koNasha~gku * [koNashaGku]3[koNa-shaGku]m. the sinus the height the sun ( the sun standing neither in the vertical circle (
[-vRtta], q.v. ) nor in the Unmaṇḍala ) Gol.
00063198 koNaspRugvRutta * [koNaspRgvRtta]3[koNa-spRg-vRtta]n. a circle in contact with the angles a figure
00063199 koNaspRugvRutta ~> an exterior circle ( one circumscribed )
00063200 koNAkoNi * [koNAkoNi]3[koNA-koNi] ind. ( #Pāṇ. 5-4, 127 ) from angle to angle, from one corner to the other, cornerwise,
diagonally #W.
00063201 koNAditya * [koNAditya]3[koN^aditya]n. ( perhaps ) = [koN^arka]
00063202 koNArka* [koNArka]3[koN^arka]n. #N. a place sacred to Puruṣôttama
00063203 koNi * [koNi]1[koNi] mfn. ( = [kuNi] ) having a crooked arm #L.

00064634 krAntibhujA * [krAntibhujA]3[krAnti-bhujA] f. the cosinus declination #Āryabh. iv, 24 #Sch.

00064606 krA * [krA]2[krA] [udadhi-]

00064607 krA ~> [dadhi-] and [rudhi-kr'A]
00064608 krAnta * [krAnta]2[krAnt'a] mfn. gone, gone over or across
00064609 krAnta ~> spread, extended
00064610 krAnta ~> attacking, invading, gone to or against
00064611 krAnta ~> overcome ( as by astonishment ) #Ragh. xiv, 17
00064612 krAnta ~> surpassed
00064613 krAnta ~>m. a horse #L.
00064614 krAnta ~> ( in astron. ) declination #W.
00064615 krAnta ~> ( [A] ), f. #N. a plant ( a kind Solanum ) #L.
00064616 krAnta ~> a species the Atyashṭi metre
00064617 krAnta ~> ( [am] ),n. a step ( [viSNoH krAnta], ` the step #Viṣṇu ', #N. a ceremony #ŚBr. xiii
00064618 krAnta ~> #[viSNu-krama] ) #ŚBr. #Mn. xii, 121
00064619 krAnta ~> ( in astron. ) a certain aspect when the moon is in conjunction with a planet
00064620 krAnti * [krAnti]2[krAnti] f. going, proceeding, step #L.
00064621 krAnti ~> overcoming, surpassing #W.
00064622 krAnti ~> attacking #L.
00064623 krAnti ~> declination a planet #Sūryas. i, 68 ; ii, 28 and 58 ff
00064624 krAnti ~> the sun's course ( ifc. ) #HPariś. vii, 3
00064625 krAnti ~> the sun's course on the globe, ecliptic
00064626 krAntikakShA* [krAntikakSA]3[krAnti-kakSA] f. the sun's course, ecliptic
00064627 krAntikShetra * [krAntikSetra]3[krAnti-kSetra]n. a figure described by the ecliptic
00064628 krAntijIvA * [krAntijIvA]3[krAnti-jIvA] f. the sine the ecliptic #Gaṇit
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00064629 krAntijyakA * [krAntijyakA]3[krAnti-jyakA] f. #id. Gol. vii, 46

00064630 krAntijyA * [krAntijyA]3[krAnti-jyA] f. #id. #Sūryas. ii, iii, xi
00064631 krAntipAta * [krAntipAta]3[krAnti-pAta]m. the intersection the ecliptic and equinoctial circles ( i. e. the equinoctial points or
nodes the ecliptic ) #Sūryas. Gol.
00064632 krAntipAta ~> [-gati] f. motion the nodes the ecliptic, precession the equinox
00064633 krAntibhAga * [krAntibhAga]3[krAnti-bhAga]m. the declination a point the ecliptic
00064634 krAntibhujA * [krAntibhujA]3[krAnti-bhujA] f. the cosinus declination #Āryabh. iv, 24 #Sch.
00064635 krAntimaNDala * [krAntimaNDala]3[krAnti-maNDala]n. ` the circle the sun's course ', ecliptic #W.
00064636 krAntimaurvI * [krAntimaurvI]3[krAnti-maurvI] f. = [-jIvA] Gol.
00064637 krAntivalaya * [krAntivalaya]3[krAnti-valaya]m. = [-maNDala] #Sūryas.
00064638 krAntivalaya ~> the space within the tropics #W.
00064639 krAntivRutta * [krAntivRtta]3[krAnti-vRtta]n. = [-maNDala] #Comm. on #Sūryas. v, 1
00064640 krAntishi~jjinI * [krAntishiJjinI]3[krAnti-shiJjinI] f. = [-jIvA] Gol. viii, 60

00066236 kShitija ~> ( [am] ),n. the horizon #Āryabh. #Sūryas.

00066230 kShitija * [kShitija]3[kShit'i-ja] {mfn.} earth-born, produced or in the earth {#Suśr.}

00066231 kShitija ~>{m.} a tree {#MBh.} iii, 10248 {#R.} vi, 76, 2
00066232 kShitija ~> a kind snail or earth-worm ( [bhU-nAga] ) {#L.}
00066233 kShitija ~> ` earth-son ,` {#N. of} the planet Mars #VarBṛ. #Gaṇit
00066234 kShitija ~> the demon Naraka #W.
00066235 kShitija ~> ( [A] ), f. {#N. of} Sītā ( the wife Rāma ) #W.
00066236 kShitija ~> ( [am] ),n. the horizon #Āryabh. #Sūryas.
00066237 kShitija ~> [-tva]n. the state the horizon #Gol.

00066182 kShit * [kShit]2[kShit]1 {mfn.} ifc. ` ruling ', [adhi-kShit], [kShiti-], [pRuthivI-], [bhU-], [mahI-]
00066183 kShiti * [kShiti]2[kShiti]1 is, f. dominion ( {#Com{m.}} ) {#MBh.} xiii, 76, 10
00066184 kShi * [kShi]1[kShi]2 cl. 2. 6. P. [kSh'eti], [kShiy'ati]
00066185 kShi ~> ( 3. du. [kShit'as], 3. pl. [kShiyanti]
00066186 kShi ~> Subj. 2. sg. [kShayat], 2. sg. [kSh'ayas], 3. du. [kShayatas], 1. pl. [kSh'ayAma]
00066187 kShi ~> pr. p. [kShiy'at]
00066188 kShi ~> aor. Subj. [kSheShat]
00066189 kShi ~> fut. p. [kSheShy'at] ), to abide, stay, dwell, reside ( used especially an undisturbed or secret residence ) {#RV.}.
00066190 kShi ~> to remain, be quiet {#AV.} {#ŚBr.}
00066191 kShi ~> to inhabit {#TBr.} iii
00066192 kShi ~> to go, move ( [kSh'iyati] ) #Naigh. ii, 14 {#Pāṇ.} #(Dhātup.) : Caus. ( Impv. 2. sg. [kShay'ayA]
00066193 kShi ~> Subj. [kShepayat] ) to make a person live quietly {#RV.}. iii, 46, 2 and v, 9, 7
00066194 kShi ~> [#Gk. ?.]

00066322 kShaya ~> ( in alg. ) a negative quantity, minus #Āryabh.

00066179 kShaya * [kShaya]2[kShaya]1{m.} ` dominion ' #Sāy. ( on {#RV.}. vii, 46, 2 )

00066195 kShaya * [kShaya]2[kSh'aya]2 {mfn.} dwelling, residing {#RV.}. iii, 2, 13 ; viii, 64, 4
00066196 kShaya ~>{m.} an abode, dwelling-place, seat, house ( #[uru-] and [su-kSh'aya], [rAtha-], [divikShay'a] ) {#RV.}. {#VS.} v, 38
{#TS.} {#Pāṇ.} {#MBh.} {#R.} {#BhP.}
00066197 kShaya ~> the house Yama ( #[yama-kSh°], [vaivasvata-kSh°] )
00066198 kShaya ~> abode in Yama's dominion {#Com{m.}} on {#R.} ( ed. Bomb. ) ii, 109, 11
00066199 kShaya ~> ( = [kShit'i] ) family, race {#RV.}. i, 123, 1

00069518 gaccha ~> the period ( number of terms ) of a progression #Āryabh. ii, 20 and #Sch. on 19

00070974 gantavya ~> approaching, imminent #Āryabh. ii, 11/12, 9

00070967 gantavya * [gantavya]2[gantavya] {mfn.} to be gone #Nal. {#R.} &c.

00070968 gantavya ~> to be accomplished ( a way ) #PraśnUp. iv {(#Kathās.).} xxv
00070969 gantavya ~> to be gone to or attained {#MBh.} {#R.} #Megh. &c.
00070970 gantavya ~> to be approached for sexual intercourse {#MBh.} xiii, 4973
00070971 gantavya ~> to be undergone, iii, 14825 {#R.} iii, 1, 32
00070972 gantavya ~> to be approached with an accusation or accused of ( instr. ) {#MBh.} xiii, 65 and 68
00070973 gantavya ~> to be understood #Pat.
00070974 gantavya ~> approaching, imminent #Āryabh. ii, 11/12, 9
00070975 gantu * [gantu]2[g'antu]1 {m.} a way, course {#RV.}. i, 89, 9 and iii, 54, 18
00070976 gantu ~> a traveller, wayfarer {#Uṇ.} i, 70
00070977 gantu * [gantu]2[gantu]2 ( in comp. for [°tum] inf. √ [gam] )
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00072873 gItisUtra * [gItisUtra]3[gIti-sUtra] n. a Sūtra composed in the Gīti metre #Sūryad. ( on #Āryabh. ) Introd. 43

00073120 guNakAra ~> m. ( in math. ) the multiplier #Āryabh. ii, 23 #VarBṛ. viii, 4 #Sch.

00073417 guNya ~> to be multiplied, multiplicand #Āryabh. ii, 23 #Sch. ( [-tva] n. )

00073414 guNya * [guNya]2[guNya] {mfn.} endowed with good qualities or virtues {#Pāṇ.} 5-2, 120 #Vārtt. #Pat.
00073415 guNya ~> to be enumerated #W.
00073416 guNya ~> to be described or praised #W.
00073417 guNya ~> to be multiplied, multiplicand #Āryabh. ii, 23 {#Sch.} ( [-tva] n. )

00073698 gurudivasa * [gurudivasa]3[gur'u-divasa] m. ` Bṛhaspati's day ', Thursday ( ? ) #Āryabh. i, 3

00073824 gulikA~> a head ( of cattle ) #Āryabh
00073818 gulikA* [gulikA]2[gulikA] f. ( = [guDikA] ) a ball ( as a missile ) #Naish. iii, 127
00073819 gulikA~> a small ball or globule (#Kād). ( ifc. )
00073820 gulikA~> a ball for playing with {(#Kathās.).} lxv
00073821 gulikA~> a pearl ( v. l. for [guTikA] )
00073822 gulikA~> a pill {(#Kathās.).} lxxxix #Kālac
00073823 gulikA~> ` a kernel ', [guDikA]
00073824 gulikA~> a head ( of cattle ) #Āryabh

00077458 ghaTikAmaNDala * [ghaTikAmaNDala]3[ghaTikA-maNDala] n. the equatorial circle #Āryabh. iv, 19 #Sch.

00078964 cakShuShTva * [cakSuSTva]3[cakSuS-Tva] n. the state or condition of the eye #Āryabh. #Sch., Introd.
00081571 cApaya * [cApaya]2[cApaya] Nom. [°yati], ( in geom. ) to reduce to a bow-form #Āryabh. iv, 25 #Sch.
00081976 citighana * [citighana]3[c'iti-ghana] m. the total amount of all the members of an arithmetical progression #Āryabh. ii, 21
00091574 tatpara~> ( [A] ), f. 1/60 of a second of a circle #Āryabh. iii, 2 #Sch.
00094982 tithipralaya * [tithipralaya]3[tithi-pralaya] m. pl. difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period #Āryabh. iii, 6
00098496 tribhuja ~> m. a triangle #Āryabh. ii, 11
00098942 triskandha * [triskandha]3[tr'i-skandha] n. 'consisting of 3 Skandhas ', the Jyoti-śāstra #Āryabh. #Sch. Introd.
00099221 traivarNika * [traivarNika]3[traivarNika] m. id. #Mn. #Āryabh. #Sch.
00101649 dashagItikA * [dazagItikA]3[daza-gItikA] f. N. of wk. by # Āryabh
00103239 dinapa * [dinapa]3[d'ina-pa] m. the regent of a week-day # Āryabh. iii, 16
00106719 dRuggati * [dRggati]3[dRg-gati] f. the cosine of the zenith-distance or the sine of the highest or central point of the ecliptic at a given
time # Āryabh. # Sūryas.
00106721 dRuggati ~> [-jyA] f. ( # Sch. on # Āryabh. ) id.
00106740 dRu~gmaNDala * [dRGmaNDala]3[dRG-maNDala] n. vertical circle, Azimuth # Āryabh
00110427 dvishata ~> ( [I] ), f. 200 # Āryabh
00116156 nabhomadhya * [nabhomadhya]3[nabho-madhya] n. ` sky-centre ', the zenith #Āryabh
00124271 niShkRuShyavidhAna * [niSkRSyavidhAna]3[niS-kRSyavidhAna] n. an implicit or peremptory precept #Āryabh., pref
00124602 nihan ~> ( in arithm. ) to multiply #Āryabh. #Comm. : Caus., [ni-ghAta], [°taya]
00129789 padIkRu * [padIkR]2[padI-√ kR] to raise to the square root Āryabh. #Sch.
00130957 paramAdIshvara * [paramAdIzvara]3[param^ad^izvara] ( l ), m. N. of #Sch. on Āryabh
00131603 parikara ~> [-bhUta] mfn. being instrumental Āryabh. #Sch.
00137118 pAda ~> the quadrant ( of a circle ) Āryabh. #Sch.
00137848 pArameshvaraka* [pAramezvaraka]3[pAramezvaraka] mf ( [ikA] ) n. composed by Parameśvara ( = Param^ad^iśvara ) Āryabh.
00147584 pratika~jcuka * [pratikaJcuka]3[prati-kaJcuka] m. ( prob. ) a critic, a critical work Āryabh
00152664 pramANarAshi * [pramANarAzi]3[pramANa-rAzi] m. the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sum Āryabh
00157242 prAtidaivasika * [prAtidaivasika]3[prAti-daivasika] mf ( [I] ) n. ( fr. [-divasam] ) happening or occurring daily Āryabh
00159551 phala ~> area or superficial contents of a figure #Āryabh
00159681 phalarAshi * [phalarAzi]3[ph'ala-rAzi] m. the 3rd term in rule of three #Āryabh
00159695 phalavallI * [phalavallI]3[ph'ala-vallI] f. a series of quotients #Āryabh. #Comm. #Col.
00163454 bIja ~> m. = [bijaka], the citron tree #Āryabh
00165330 brahmANDa * [brahmANDa]3[brahm^aNDa] n. ` Brahmā's egg ', the universe, world ( also pl. ) #Hariv. #Sūryas. #Pur. ( also
[-kaTAha] m. #Āryabh. #Sch. )
00165742 bhapa~jjara* [bhapaJjara]3[bha-paJjara] m. ` cage of asterism ', the firmament #Āryabh
00170257 bhU~> the base of any geometrical figure #Āryabh
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00170327 bhUdina * [bhUdina]3[bh'U-dina] n. ( #Gaṇit. ) or ( #Āryabh. ) a civil day

00170328 bhUdivasa * [bhUdivasa]3[bh'U-divasa] m. ( #Āryabh. ) a civil day
00172434 bhrama ~> a circle #Āryabh
00177437 mara ~> m. pl. the inhabitants of hell #Āryabh
00184807 mukha~> the surface, upper side #Āryabh. #Sch.
00186512 mUlaphala ~> the interest of capital #Āryabh
00186639 mUlIkaraNa * [mUlIkaraNa]3[mUlI-karaNa] n. the extraction of the squire-√ #Āryabh., Comm. ,
00186641 mUlIkRu* [mUlIkR]3[mUlI-kR] P. [karoti], to extract the square-√ from ( acc. ) #Āryabh. #Comm.
00186663 mUlyaka * [mUlyaka]2[mUlyaka] n. price, worth, value #Āryabh. #Comm.
00186984 mRugaTa~gka * [mRgaTaGka]3[mRg'a-TaGka] m. ` a deer as a mark ' or ` deermarked ', the moon #Āryabh. #Sch.
00190585 yathAshlakShNa * [yathAzlakSNa]3[y'athA-zlakSNa] mfn. pl. be having in such a way as that the weaker is placed first #Āryabh
00190634 yathAsUkShma * [yathAsUkSma]3[y'athA-sUkSma] mfn. pl. behaving in such a way as that the smaller precedes #Āryabh
00191389 yavakoTi * [yavakoTi]3[y'ava-koTi] or f. = [yama-k°] #Āryabh
00191390 yavakoTI * [yavakoTI]3[y'ava-koTI] f. = [yama-k°] #Āryabh
00201422 romakaviShaya * [romakaviShaya]3[romaka-viShaya] m. the country or empire of the Ruomans #Āryabh
00202421 lagaDAcArya * [lagaDAcArya]3[lagaD^acArya] m. N. of an astronomer #Āryabh
00203313 lambaka * [lambaka]2[lambaka] m. ( in geom. ) a perpendicular #Āryabh
00207453 vaDabAmukha * [vaDabAmukha]3[v'aDabA-mukha] n. 'mare's mouth', N. of the entrance to the lower regions at the South Pole
#Āryabh. #MBh. #Hariv.
00207755 vadana ~> ( in geom. ) the side opposite to the base, the summit or apex of a triangle #Āryabh.
00210822 vallI ~> = [phala-vallI] ( q.v. ) #Āryabh. #Sch.
00226702 viShkambha ~> the diameter of a circle #Āryabh.
00227472 vistRuti * [vistRti]3[vi-stRti] f. extent, width, breadth #Āryabh.
00229293 vRuttapariNAha * [vRttapariNAha]3[vRtt'a-pariNAha] m. the circumference of a circle #Āryabh.
00229722 vRunda ~> a partic. high number ( 1 ,000 millions ) #Āryabh.
00233797 vyatIpAta * [vyatIpAta]1[vy-atI-pAta] m. = [vy-ati-pAta] #Āryabh. ( here also = [vaidhRta] ) #Hcat
00239396 shara ~> ( in astron. ) the versed sine of an arc ( accord. to #Āryabh. also ` the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine ' )
00253286 saMvarga ~> multiplication of two numbers together or the product of such multiplication #Āryabh.
00261001 samacaturashra ~> m. n. a rectangular tetragon , square , #Śulbas. #Āryabh. #Hcat.
00261014 samacCeda * [samaccheda]3[sam'a-ccheda] mfn. having an equal denominator #Āryabh. #Sch.
00261226 samottaratas * [samottaratas]3[sam^ottara-tas] ind. directly northwards #Āryabh.
00264751 samparka ~> addition , sum #Āryabh.
00268524 savarNa ~> having the same denominator #Āryabh.
00268532 savarNIkaraNa * [savarNIkaraNa]3[sa-varNI-karaNa] n. = [-varNana] #Āryabh. #Sch.
00273836 siddhapura * [siddhapura]3[siddha-pura] n. or'city of the Blest' , N. of a mythical city ( located in the extreme north or , accord. to
others , in the southern or lower regions of the earth ) #Sūryas. #Āryabh. #Gol.
00273837 siddhapurI * [siddhapurI]3[siddha-purI] f.'city of the Blest' , N. of a mythical city ( located in the extreme north or , accord. to others
, in the southern or lower regions of the earth ) #Sūryas. #Āryabh. #Gol.
00291484 hata ~> ( in arithm. ) multiplied cf. Āryabh
00291577 hati ~> ( in arithm. ) multiplication cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch.
00291601 hanana ~> multiplication cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch.
00292035 hAraka ~> a divisor cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch.
00292076 hArya ~> ( in arithm. ) to be divided, the dividend cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch.


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