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Kyle Anthony D. Metoda

Albert Einstein is one of the most prominent and
successful Scientist that we’ve ever known, even though
his IQ was very high, sometimes in his studies or
innovations, he makes mistakes, he tried many times and
he want to give up from that failure, but because of his
passion and determination, he stand up and figure out
what his really purpose on this world, and by that, he
proved that in attaining success, there’s no easy way to
achieve goals but rather, there’s always obstacles that can
be the hindrance of your success.

Many people want to be a successful person someday,

but also, millions of people didn’t make it because they
didn’t know what really life is. The true success comes
from the great determination and faith of God.

You may not be there yet, but you are closer than you
were yesterday. The time will come, just wait.
“Knowing one- self”
The day has come! Let’s celebrate! Because the precious
one, born.

4TH day of February, year 2003, the baby named Kyle

Anthony D. Metoda, rise and lived with a simple and happy
family. His parents were Anita and Arnel Metoda. He has
one brother and two sisters. As the time passed by, Kyle grows
with a good heart and good mind-sets. Year 2015, he graduated
at Apokon Elementary School as 5th honourable mention and
currently studying at one of the most prestigious school here
in Tagum City; TCNHS ( Tagum City National High School )
as Grade 10 student. Kyle is the President of W.A.T.C.H club
and a member of SPC. He likes history, Science, English,
Filipino, E.S.P, SPFL and a little bit Mathematics, but he try
to love math even it’s hard. His strength is oral recitation,
reporting, declamation nor reciting and memorizing a poem.

As a matter of fact, Kyle also participate in their

community, he was the Vice-President in D.Y.A. One of his
hobbies during free time is Social Medias and also watching
dramas. Many of his friends called him “Joker”, because he
makes people smile every day. Kyle dedicated all his efforts,
awards, medals to his family. Someday, he wants to be a
Teacher or Journalist, especially in TV broadcasting.

He believed that, “Life is not always easy or happy,

there’s always a circumstances that life teach us to be brave
and independent enough to explore new things, for us to be
ready to a new chapter of life.--------------15 years of existence.
“The Hidden One”
Why there’s a broken cd’s? Why there’s a tree, numbers
and equations? And why the word “MATH” is not clear? ---------
Possible questions when you first saw the cover.

Every figure or design in my cover has its own

representation. The broken cd’s there are representing the
times that it destructs my day and breaks my happiness. The
black tree represents, my life without a colour, because math
for me is not the one who makes me happy but rather one of
the reason why I can’t sleep very well and felt anxious. The
numbers and equations represent my failures in math, I failed
many times, and I tried thousand times only to pass. Lastly,
the word “MATH” that is not clear represents, my learning’s
or ideas that it’s not enough or suitable to pass.

But as you can see, there’s a colour red behind those

figures or designs, and that one represents, my fighting spirit,
to always strive harder, to always believe and trust myself.
Also it represents my red blood that keeps on my body and it’s
my sword to face those crises in my life as a student.

I know that someday, I will love math a hundred per cent

or more than anything. Mathematics can be hard but
sometimes mathematics pursuing us to be more intelligent
person. It only depicts

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