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Why Men Are Better Than Women

What reasons could men give in favour of their excellence. Let’s examine the facts!!!

Men are stronger

Male upper body strength is greater than for women. And that is why the world is designed
around strength rather than delicacy. We made it for us!!

Creativity, Engineering & Design

Almost every invention, idea or machine in every country has been conceived and designed
by men. Men are far and away more creative than most women. If it was not for men
women would be living in caves. Men care about how things function and want to know
more: women on the other hand just want cars, washing machines etc to work when they
want them to.


Few women have a hobby! Hobbies develop skills and interests and this leads to new ideas
and inventions.

Age better

Fact: mens’ skin is thicker than womens and therefore it ages better! George Clooney looks
a lot better in his 60s than many of Hollywood’s leading ladies.

Men are more abstract

Men are able to think more deeply and are able to qualify or characterise a specific subject
or actual instance that goes beyond domestic responsibilities. Men think about the wider
implications and the consequences of action. Women are considered a success if they
achieve success for their immediate family: No woman ever died fighting for her country!

Books and reading

Men are more likley to read serious books and learn something of interest. Women read
more fiction.

The knowledge of tools

Men can read instructions and decipher them easily. It is a part of their innate nature to
understand the mechanics of how things work which is why they have DIY projects at home
that women can’t do.

Men are solution oriented

Men tend to move towards the solution of the problem instead of spending three hours
crying, seven days worrying and three weeks talking about it to friends, parents and other
people around them. Their mind immediately comes up with 12 solutions without thinking.


Men are often destructive and ego-focused which leads at times to conflict and agression.
But when their minds are focused and working in harmony men make great teams and
achieve awesome results. The narrow self-interest of women inhibits and prevents team

Facts rather than thoughts

Men believe what they read. Women believe what they hear. Guess which of the two
sources is more likely to be true?

Less complicated relationships

Because men don’t give a damn about what others think of them - they don’t worry about
what they think of others either. A group of male friends can go out every weekend without
worrying what the other person was wearing. This cool attitude comes naturally and makes
things less complicated, including fashion!

The appeal in opposite gender is visual

While many men will not admit it, their attraction to the opposite gender is based on looks
most of the times. They will just look at the person and decide whether they want to date
her or not. Women on the other hand will be unsure of this because they are looking for
marriage material in each guy.

Programming electronics

Men and boys could program their VCRs and tape recorders in the 1970s when something
went wrong. The same applies to gadgets and electronic devices in today’s time. Apparently
these skills are inborn and just magically appear in every generation born.

Men have more fun

Men can find fun in anything and everything. A bit of risk-taking here and there only adds to
the fun. I can count the number of genuinely funny female comedians on one hand,
whereas there are too many funny men around to mention.

Less time getting ready to go out

Men are low-maintenance. It takes my wife ten times longer than me to get ready for
a night out. They don’t need makeup, hair styling and they don’t need hours to decide what
to wear.
Men are not social chameleons

A woman can change herself and her views and opinions according to any gathering. Men
are more consistent in their opinions and feelings regarding anything. We are not so two-


Who says women are better in the kitchen? It’s no coincidence that most of the top chefs in
the world are men.

Fixing things

If we got a flat tyre on the way to the restaurant, guess who will do it?

Doing something properly

Multitasking is overrated. Why mess around trying to juggle loads of tasks when you can do
just one and do it right?


Men are perfectly happy with one good pair of shoes for every occasion. Women have
wardrobes full of footwear.

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