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Theater of Beauty and the Beast

NARRATOR: Once upon a time in a distant land,

A young prince lived in a beautiful castle.

Although he had everything he could wish for,

The prince was spoiled, selfish, unkind.

(The light reveals an old Beggar woman.)

But one winter night

An old beggar came to the castle,

And he offered her one rose,

In exchange for shelter from the cruel cold.

(The actors pantomime the action as the Narrator continues.)

Feeling repulsed by his tattered appearance,

The prince scoffed at the gift,

And he threw the old woman into the street.

She warned him not to be fooled by appearances,

Since beauty is in the interior.

When he rejected her again,

The ugliness of the old woman disappeared,

And revealed ... in a beautiful sorceress.

(She is transformed into a Sorceress.) He falls to his knees, begging forgiveness.)

The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late,

Because she had seen that there was no love in her heart.

As punishment, he transformed it ... into a dreadful beast,

And he cast a powerful spell over the castle,

And on all its inhabitants.

(We can see that the young man has been transformed into the Beast, he holds the Magic

Embarrassed by his monstrous appearance,

The beast hid inside the castle,

Using a magic mirror as its only window to the outside world.

(The Rose appears.)

The rose she had offered him was actually an enchanted rose,

That would bloom for many years.

(The Beast covers it in a glass dome to protect it.)

If he learned to love,

And to win the heart of a maiden before the last petal stings,

The spell would break.

Otherwise, he would be condemned to be a beast forever.

(The Beast stares at the Rose ... trapped, helpless and desperate.)

As the years go by,

He fell silent in despair, and lost all hope,

Because Who could one day ... love a beast?

Song of Bella in the village

2a. The conversation with Gastón

GASTÓN Hello ... Bella.

BELLA Bonjour, Gastón.

She keeps walking, but he moves to block her way.)

GATON Permission.

(She turns around ... He snatches the book from her hand.)

BELLA Gastón. Can you give me my book back, please?

GASTÓN (Check the book) How can you read this? There are no drawings.

BELLA Well, some people use their imagination!

GASTÓN Bella, you should leave the books and pay attention to more important things. (He
puts a beautiful posture.)

BELLA Things like you?

GASTÓN: Exactly! The whole town says it. It is not good for a woman to read. That would give
her ideas ... could make her think!

BELLA Gastón, do not be primitive!

GASTÓN Thank you, Bella. How about if we take a walk through the tavern and look at my

BELLA What do you think if not better?

GASTÓN Come on Bella, I think and I know you feel for me.

BELLA You can not imagine it. (He grabs her again, she separates her hands.)

BELLA Gaston, please! I have to help my father. (She turns and goes to her little house.)

LEFOU That crazy old man. He needs all the help of the world! (Gastón and Lefou laugh
without stopping.)

BELLA Do not talk like that about my father! (Gaston hits Lefou in the head.)

GASTÓN Yes! Do not talk about your father like that!

BELLA My father is not crazy! He is a genius! (An explosion is heard)

BELLA (Alarmed) Dad!

BELLA Dad, are you okay?

MAURICE If I'm fine. But I can not stop my life, my figure ... What's wrong with this? Oh that's
stubborn put the pieces together ... (He kicks it.) OW!


MAURICE I'm ready to throw this scrap!

BELLA Oh, you always say that.

MAURICE This time I'm serious!

I'm never going to get this piece of hulk to work!

BELLA Yes, if you can. You will win the first prize at the fair tomorrow.

MAURICE (Grumbling) Hmmph!

BELLA And you will be a famous inventor.

MAURICE Do you really think that?

BELLA I've always thought about it.

MAURICE Well, get me something better to tighten this. This thing is not going to be fixed.
Now let me see, where do I leave that divergent clamp ?.


(Bella grabs a tool and sees it funny, and holds it out kindly, he takes it and uses it to work on
the invention)

MAURICE And ... tell me, did you have fun in the town today?

BELLA I brought a new book.

MAURICE You really love books.

BELLA It's just that ... they take me to wonderful places where there's adventure, mystery,
romance and ... happy endings.

Dad ... if I ask you something, are you going to answer me honestly?

MAURICE I do not always do it?

BELLA: Dad ... Do you think I'm ... strange?

MAURICE: My daughter is strange?

(He reappears with a silly work helmet with protective goggles.)

But where did you get that idea?

BEAUTIFUL. Does not matter

BELLA: I do not know. It's just ... Dad, people mutter things and ...

MAURICE: So what? They talk about me too.

MAURICE There's nothing weird here, we're very normal

MAURICE With my invention everyone can impress

MAURICE Put the trunks ... Well ... Let's go. Here we go!

(He pulls the lever and the invention works)

BELLA It works!

MAURICE Does it work? Works!

BELLA Dad, you did it! You really did it! You will win the first prize for the fair tomorrow I

BELLA Oh, I almost forgot! (She puts a scarf around her neck)

I made you a scarf for good luck.

MAURICE Now I know I will win. We will leave this town and travel to all those places you read
in your books. Well I go!

BELLA Goodbye Dad.

MAURICE Goodbye Bella.

BELLA Take care!

Scene 2: The Forest (Maurice, Wolves)

MAURICE: At last I will succeed With this great invention,

(He looks around, worried)

here is not the way I think I had to get lost I was not, very attentive

Cast? A nightingale is not ... (hears howls)

(He looks back, we hear a howl.) (Another howl.)


(Suddenly, the wolves appear, they advance, grunting and growling.)

MAURICE Out ... out! Leave me! Get out ... leave me! Please someone help me! Outside! No,
my scarf!

(Maurice drops the scarf and runs away) The castle door is revealed Maurice knocks on the
door abruptly.)

MAURICE Let me in! Let me in!

(The door opens)

Scene 3: Inside The Castle

(Maurice, Din Don, Lumiere, Babette, Mr. Potts, Chip, Beast)

NARRATOR The interior of the castle is revealed. Maurice enters the castle, intimidated by the
size and scale of the place. It appears hollow, lifeless, and empty, like a deserted cathedral.


(His voice resounds in the immensity.)


NARRATOR (Maurice walks cautiously, looking around) The lights come to reveal an ornate
Candlestick and a pendulum clock The Candlestick, MONSIEUR LUMIERE, is a charming French
dining boss who is a fantasy of the ladies DIN DON, the watch a pendulum, it's a greater
English manic dome, someone hurt him in a firm way and he's never hurt ... Lumiere and Din
Don, next to him, motionless, but whispering feverishly, while Maurice wanders in front of

DIN DON Well, now if you did it! I told you not to let it in!

LUMIERE We could not leave him with the wolves!

MAURICE Is there anyone at home?

DIN DON If we keep quiet, maybe he'll leave.

MAURICE Is there anyone here?

DIN DON Not a word, Lumiere, not a word!

MAURICE I'm not going to get in, but I've lost my way in the woods and I need a place to spend
the night.

LUMIERE Poor thing. Oh, Din Don, have a little heart. Monsieur, you are welcome here!

(Lumiere hits one of his candle hands.) This breaks the flame in. Din Don quickly steps forward
and blows out the flame.)
MAURICE I heard this! I know there is someone here and I will appreciate it if it comes out
where I can see it!

(Lumiere leaves.)



(Scared, Maurice jumps back.)

(Din Don begins to push him towards the door.)

MAURICE Wait ... wait ... wait! You are a clock! And you talk!

DIN DON Astonishment, right? And quite inexplicable. Goodbye!.

(He keeps pushing him towards the door.)

LUMIERE Din Don! I'm surprised of you. Where are your manners ...?

DIN DON We have to get him out of here before the Master knows how much!

MAURICE This is incredible! How is this achieved?

(He plays and plays Din Don curiously.)

DIN DON Really sir ... if you only ... (Maurice touches his eye.) Ow!

DIN DON Stop this!

(Maurice opens the door of Din Don's pendulum.)

DIN DON Really, sir ... Stop!

(He slammed the doors, Maurice stops his investigation and scratches his head.)

MAURICE Well, I'm surprised. Maybe it's some child in a very modern scientific art.

DIN DON I ... sir, I'm not an artifact!

MAURICE I apologize. I do not plan to be rude. It's just that I've never seen a clock that ... that
... that speaks ... AAAACHOOOO!

DIN DON Health.

LUMIERE It's cold, Monsieur. Come on. Warm up near the fire.

DIN DON No! I forbid it!

(They ignore him, Lumiere takes Maurice's arm and leads him to a large chair.)

DIN DON Lumiere ... as the head of this house, I demand that you stop this now!

(Maurice sinks in the chair)

Ohhh, not the Master's chair! I'm not seeing this. I'm not seeing this.
(Babette, the Duster enters.)


Oooh la la ... What do we have here? Do my eyes deceive me or is this a man? I have not seen
a real man for so long. No offense, Lumiere. Bonjour Monsieur.

MAURICE Do not you mind if I sit here?

MAURICE (embarrassed) Ah! Hello!!

DIN DON It's fine! This has gone quite far! I am responsible here and ...! (Mrs. Potts enters)

MRS. POTTS I arrived!

(Din Don turns and is hit by a tea cart, he is pushed by Mrs. Potts.) Mrs. Potts pushes the tea
cart next to Maurice, she is a sweet and good teapot, her son, Chip, is a Tea cup riding the

MRS. POTTS Do not you want a nice cup of tea, sir? It will be done in a second.

MAURICE Oh, yes please!

DIN DON No! No tea! He will not be here all night ... no tea!

(Mrs. Potts puts tea in Chip, Din Don throws her arms in dismay.)

MRS. POTTS There you have it.

MAURICE This is just what I need.

(Maurice moves to pick up the cup of tea and gets scared.)

CHIP I think I scared Mom. Your mustache itches breast

MAURICE Hey, little friend! What's your name?

CHIP Chip.

MAURICE Do not tell me.

BABETTE, can I bring you a blanket, monsieur?

(She throws a blanket over her shoulder and giggles stupidly.)

I just love older men.

LUMIERE Babette, you're always trying to make me jealous. Well, this is not going to work this

DIN DON Lumiere! Listen to me! We have to get him out of here! You have an idea of what the
Master will do if he finds out that we let in a stranger ...

LUMIERE Quiet, Din Don. The Master will never have to know.

BEAST There is a stranger here!

LUMIERE I love, let me explain, the gentleman was pursued by wolves ...
BEAST Who let him in?

(Everyone trembles in fear.) Din Don peeks out from under his blanket.)

DIN DON To ... I love ... You can take this opportunity to say, I was against it from the

BEAST Who dared to disobey me?

MRS. POTTS Oh, dear!

BEAST Everyone has betrayed me!

(The Beast enters.) Maurice freezes fearfully in his chair.)

BEAST Who are you?

MAURICE M ... Maurice.

BEAST What are you in my castle?

MAURICE I got lost in the woods ...

BEAST You are not welcome here!

MAURICE Sorry. Then ... I'll go.

(He looks over and for the first time, he gets a good look on the face of the Beast.) This is a
frightening sight, Maurice trembles in horror.)

BEAST Have you come to look at the Beast, right?

MAURICE No ... No! I did not want to hurt! I was simply looking for a place to stay, I wanted a
shelter for this cold

BEAST I will give you a shelter ...

(He lifts it up with his huge hand, the lights go out.)

Scene 4a: Exterior of La Casita de Bella

(Flirty girls, Gastón, Bella lefue)

(We hear the sounds of hysterical crying.) Lights go up to reveal Gaston and the three Flirty

GIRL Coqueta 1 It can not be true! I do not think so.

GIRL coquette 3 I can not stand it! I just can not stand it!

GIRL coquette 2 Oh, Gaston, you say it's not true!



GASTON Girls ... I'm just going to get married. Is not this going to change your comparisons for

GIRL coquette 1 Oh no!

GIRL coquette 2 No!

GIRL coquette 3 Never!

GASTON And we'll still have our little ... appointments.

GIRL coquette 1 Oh yes!

GIRL coquette 2 Yes!

GIRL coquette 3 Always!

GASTON Good. (He rubs his hands together) Well ... if there's going to be a wedding, I should
ask the bride first! Let's see if he accepts.

(He laughs ... a big, warm laugh.) The girls again shed tears.

Gaston to Lefue when she accepts you start playing

Lefue: understood

4b. The Proposal Of Gastón


(They leave, still crying.)

GASTON Bella! Oh, Bella ... is there someone at home?

(She goes around the corner of the house carrying a pot.) She sees Gaston, makes a face and
goes back to where he was.)

GASTON Holllaaaaa!

(Bella reappears with a fake laugh on her face.)

BELLA Gaston? What a surprise ... so nice.

GASTON If not? I am full of surprises. For you ... Mademoiselle.

(He hands her a small portrait)

BELLA A portrait in miniature ... (looks closer) ... tullo. Gaston, you should not have done it

GASTON Do not mention it. You know, Bella, any girl would die to be in your place. Today is the
day when your dreams come true!

BELLA What do you know about my dreams, Gastón?


Imagine this:

A rustic cabin, my last hunting prey roasting on the fire, and my little woman massaging my
feet, while the little ones play with the dogs on the ground. We will have six or seven!

BELLA: Dogs?

GASTON: No, Bella! Strong boys ... like me!

BELLA: I imagine it!

GASTON: So what Bella? It will be a "Yes", or an "Oh, Yes"?

BELLA: I ... I do not deserve you!

GASTON: And who does?


(opens the door and spends falls begins to touch lefu)

And ... How did it go?

Lefue What did he say?

GASTON I'm going to have Bella as my wife. That I can assure you! (retires angry

Scene 4b: Exterior Of The Casita De Bella

(Bella, Lefou)

6. Bella (Repetition)

BELLA: Has he left? Oh, can you imagine? He asked for marriage!

Me, wife be gross, ill-mannered ...

BELLA "Madame Gastón!" Can you believe it?

"Madame Gaston!" Be your "Woman", ugh!

I do not! Never! I guarantee it

I want more than provincial life!

I want adventures that astonish the world

A great love I want to find

How happy I will come

And really understand me

I want much more than a simple plan.

BELLA (he finds Filip his horse and sees that he comes only asks him) Filip where is my father
where you have left him take me with him

(She runs out into the woods.)

BELLA Dad! Dad, where are you? Dad! (She stands in front of the castle door) What is this

Scene 5a: Castle Interior

(Din Don, Lumiere, Bella, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Babette)

(Din Don and Lumiere enter in the middle of a talk)

DIN DON Could not you keep quiet? We could not? (Ironically) You only had to invite him to
stay, serve him tea, sit him in the chair

From the owner...

LUMIERE I was just trying to be hospitable!

DIN DON Garbage!

LUMIERE Ah, Din Don, can you blame me for trying to maintain this place? Where is your

LUMIERE No But are we also responsible? It is to help him in making him different.

DIN DON I guess I did.

LUMIERE Everyone, we know ... And eventually nothing will melt. I just hope there is
something in the Master's heart, if he ever breaks the spell.

(Din dón strokes him in the back, in a brief moment of friendship.)

DIN DON Do not lower your arms, old friend. We have to stay firm.

(Bella comes wandering.)

BELLA Hello? Anyone here? Hello?

LUMIERE It's a maid!

DIN DON Yes, of course I can see she's a maid!

LUMIERE / DIN DON It's a maid!

(They lengthen to follow her.) Lumiere wins, Din comes behind him.)

LUMIERE (He calls her.) Mademoiselle!

DIN DON Now, Lumiere. Let me talk.

LUMIERE ignoring him) Yoo hooo ...

DIN DON Like the castle boss I should do most of the talking!

(They leave while entering Mrs. Potts with Chip.)

CHIP Mom, you will not believe what I saw ... not in a million years ... no, in a trillion years!

MRS. POTTS Yes, dear.

CHIP Not really ... this is very big ... it's what we all expected ... since ... I do not know when!

MRS. POTTS It's okay, Chip. What is it?

CHIP There's a girl in the castle!

MRS. POTTS Oh, that would be wonderful.

CHIP But it's true! I saw her!

MRS. POTTS My God chip, stop inventing so many stories. It makes us give hope without any

(Babette enters.)

BABETTE Mrs. Potts Did you hear? There is a girl in the castle!

CHIP Did you see? I told you! And it's very cute too!

BABETTE Well, I do not know anything about that.

(Babette and Mrs. Potts leave when Lumiere and Din Don reappear)

LUMIERE This is the girl! The one we were waiting for. She has come to break the spell !!

DIN DON Wait a minute ... wait a minute ... Are not you hurrying a lot?

LUMIERE Is not it wonderful? After all these years! Oh what happiness! What a happy day!

(He grabs Din Don and kisses him on both cheeks, Din Don pushes him away with disgust.)

DIN DON Stop! Stop! Stop!

LUMIERE We should tell others, right?

(Lumiere leaves quickly.)

DIN DON I do not think so! I think ... Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

(He leaves quickly after Lumiere, Bella returns.)

Scene 5b: Interior of the castle

(Bella, Maurice, Beast, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Madame De la Grande Bouche)

6b. Bella In The Castle

BELLA Hello? Anyone here? Please ... I'm looking for my father.

(The lights focus on Maurice, who is behind bars in a dungeon.)

MAURICE Bella? It's you?


(Bella approaches Maurice, she clings to him by the bars.)

MAURICE How did you find me?

(He coughs heavily.)

BELLA Your hands are like ice! We have to get you out of here!

MAURICE Bella, you must leave this place.

BELLA Who did this to you?

(The Beast appears, like a shadow.)

MAURICE There's no time to explain it. You must go ... Now!

BELLA I will not leave you here! (She feels his presence and circles around.) Who is there?

(She can hear him panting ... like an animal.)

BELLA I know someone is there. Who are you?

BEAST The Master of the castle

BELLA So, you are the one responsible for this! Free my father immediately!

BEAST (He growls.) Come on!

BELLA No! I waited! Excuse me. Please, release it. Can not you see that he is not right?

BEAST Then I should not have come here.

BELLA But he's old now. I could die!

BEAST He entered my house without being ivited and now he will suffer the consequences.

BELLA Please ... I could do something.


BEAST There's nothing you can do!

BELLA Please wait!

BEAST I said there's nothing you can do!

BELLA I'll stay in your place!


BEAST What did you say?

BELLA That I'll stay in place

MAURICE Bella, you do not know what you're doing.

BEAST Would you do this? Would you take his place?

BELLA If I do, will you let him go?

BEAST Yes. But you must promise that you will stay here ... forever.


BELLA Forever?

BEAST Forever! Or he will die in this dungeon!

BELLA This is not fair ... Wait! Come to light.

(The Beast is revealed in the light, Bella is scared for a moment but looks at it again)

BEAST Make your choice!

MAURICE Bella, listen to me. I'm old ... I've already lived my life.

BELLA I'll take your place.


BELLA Dad! (The Beast roars)

MAURICE No, no, I'm asking! Please leave my daughter!

(The Beast drags Maurice out of the place)

BEAST Take it to the town that does not return.

BELLA WAIT! Not yet!

MAURICE Let her go! Let her go! Beautiful! Beautiful!


(Maurice is dragged out)

LUMIERE (Whispering) I love ...

(The Beast roars in anger, Lumiere steps back.) Master, please! Since the girl is going to be with
us for some time ... you could offer her a more comfortable room.

BELLA You did not let me say goodbye!


BELLA I will never see him again ... and I did not even get to say goodbye.

BEAST I'm going to ... show you your room (He turns to go, but she does not follow him.)

BELLA My room? But I thought ... (He comes back, confused and irritated.)

BEAST You prefer to stay in the dungeon!

BEAST Then- Follow me!

Scene 5c: Interior of the Castle

(Bella, Beast, Mrs. Potts, Madame De La Grande Bouche)

(During the following, the Beast leads Bella through the dark and sad castle.) The Beast
explains the castle's rules in a brusque tone.)

BEAST: This will be your home now. You are free to go wherever you want ... except the West

BELLA Why? What's in the Ala ...?

BEAST (The Beast stops walking, turns around, and looks at Bella) IT'S PROHIVED! And you
should never set foot there ... Do you understand?

(She does not answer fast enough to satisfy him.) UNDERSTAND ?!


BEAST This is your room. I hope you're comfortable here. If you need something, my servants
will attend you. (Bella enters her room.)

SRA POTTS Invite her to dinner

BEAST: You are going to accompany me to dinner ... IT IS AN ORDER !!

(The Beast closes the door tightly and leaves.)

and you hear someone knocking on the door.)

BELLA Who is it?

MRS. POTTS Mrs. Potts, dear. I thought you were going to want a cup of tea.

BELLA Come in. (Mrs. Potts enters)

MRS. POTTS Nothing like a nice hot cup of tea to lift your spirits.

BELLA But ... You are ...!

MRS. POTTS (Firmly) Mrs. Potts, dear. Very happy to meet you.

(Bella is so amazed that she leans on top of a wardrobe behind her.)


(Bella turns to see MADAME DE LA GRANDE BOUCHE, a magnificent wardrobe, bigger than any
wardrobe.) Bella steps back.)

BELLA Who ... are you?

GUARDARROPA Madame de la Grand Bouche. Maybe you have not heard about me?

BELLA Sorry.
GUARDARROPA You see it! They have already forgotten me. One can be and I quote, "The
toast of Europe. The brightest star of this era, "but, a little spell is enough ...

MRS. POTTS Sssssh!

BELLA Wait. This is impossible!

GUARDARROPA I will look for something for dinner but Que vergüenza (closes its doors and
looks for more in your wardrobe I know ... But here we are!) So, what will we dress you for
dinner? (She pulls out a pretty dress for Bella.)

BELLA This is very nice of you. But I'm not going down to dinner.

GUARDARROPA Do not be silly. Of course you will. You already heard what the Master said.

BELLA (Firmly) He may be your master ... But he is not mine! (One hit) Sorry. This is too much
for me.

(Mrs. Potts and the Wardrobe look at each other, feeling bad for her.) They slowly approach.)

SRA POTTS You were very brave to have done this, dear.

GUARDAROPA We all think that.

BELLA I'm going to miss my dad so much!

MRS. POTTS: Small spirit. I know that everything seems very sad now, but do not despair. We
are here to help you..

Song of the Tavern

Scene 6b: The Tavern

(Gastón, Lefou, Maurice, Comrades, Chicas Bobas)

GASTON Let's drink Lefou!

(Maurice enters, panicked)

MAURICE Help! Help! Somebody help me!

8a. Gaston (Repetition)

GASTON Maurice?

(Maurice runs from person to person, desperately asking for help, but nobody pays attention
to him.)

MAURICE Please, I need your help! She has! Locked in a dungeon ...


MAURICE We must go for Bella ... There is not a minute to lose!

GASTON Whoa. Calm down, Maurice. Who has Bella locked in a dungeon?

Continuation of the song of the tavern

Scene 7a: Interior of the Castle

(Mrs. Potts, Din Don, Lumiere, Beast, Bella)

(Din Dón enters, we see that he now has a gigantic tortuous handle connected to his back from
which he is completely unconscious.) Mrs. Potts and Lumiere enter hastily.)

MRS. POTTS Well, what is this?

DIN DON Is dinner ready, Mrs. Potts?

MRS. POTTS More or less. I have no idea what he likes to eat, so I have cooked everything in
the kitchen.

DIN DON Good ... good.

MRS. POTTS We are all in this together.

Scene 7b: Interior of the castle / Bella room

(Mrs. Potts, Din Don, Lumiere, Beast, Bella)

(The Beast enters.)

BEAST It's dinner time. Where is she?

BEAST I told him to get off! Why does it take so long?

MRS. POTTS Just try to be patient, sir. The girl has lost her father and her freedom all in one

LUMIERE I love ... have you thought that perhaps this girl could be the one who will break the

BEAST Of course I've thought about it! (Complaining) I'm not stupid.

LUMIERE Good! Then ... you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and poof! The spell
will break! We will be human again before midnight!

MRS. POTTS Lumiere, this is not so easy. These things take time.

LUMIERE But there's not much time left! The rose has begun to wither!

BEAST It's useless. She is so beautiful and I ... so, look at me!

LUMIERE (In a low voice to Mrs. Potts) If I noticed.

MRS. POTTS Shhh! (To the Beast) Master, you must help her see what is inside you.

BEAST I do not know how to do it!

MRS. POTTS Well, you could start trying to make yourself look more presentable.

(She puts it all right.) Straighten yourself! Try to act like a gentleman.

LUMIERE Print it with your ingenuity.

MRS. POTTS But be presentable.

LUMIERE fill it with compliments.

MRS. POTTS But be sincere be honest.

LUMIERE / MRS. POTTS And something more ...

BEAST What ???

LUMIERE / MRS. POTTS Control your temper!

(Din Don re-enters.)



BEAST Where is it?

DIN DON (Appearing ignorantly) Who? Oh, yes, the girl ... well, she's currently in the process of
... circumstances that ...

(The Beast roars impatiently)

DIN DON (Timidly) It will not come.

BEAST What did you say?

DIN DON That will not come.

BEAST That's to be seen!

(The Beast runs furiously into Bella's room, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts and Din Don rush after him.)

DIN DON His chivalry! His grace! Your Eminence! Do not be hasty!


Touch the Door Outraged or low or knock the Door


(Shouting back) I'm not hungry!


or low ohhh

LUMIER I love master with kindness


Please ... try to be a gentleman.


But why is it so difficult?

SRA: POOTS with tino and sweetness

BEAST you could go down

DINDON please

BEAST (Clenching its teeth) Please.

BELLA No thanks.

BEAST It's fine! Then die of hunger!

LUMIERE I love, please!

BEAST If you do not want to eat with me ... you will not eat anything

(He roars and leaves the room in anger.)

LUMIERE What did we think? We will never be human again.

Scene 7c: Beautiful Room / Beast's Lair

(Beast, Bella, Wardrobe)

(The lights go out in Bella's room and focus on the Beast's lair.)

BEAST I asked her kindly but she rejected me! What do you want to do ... beg?

(He lifts the magic mirror.) I want to see the girl!

(The Magic Mirror shines, the lights focus on Bella's room.)

GUARDARROPAS I know that the Master can be discourteous, but deep down, he is not that
bad. Why do not you give him a chance?

BELLA Why should I? He gave my father a chance?

GUARDARROPAS Well, no. But once you know him ...

BELLA I do not want to know him! I do not want to have anything with him!

BEAST: I just cheated. She will never see me as anything more ... than a monster.

MRS. POTTS I like this girl. I like your courage.

DIN DON Well, if you ask me, she was just stubborn. After all, he said "please".

MRS. POTTS I think it may be the first time I've heard him use that word.

DIN DON You're right.

MRS. POTTS See! She already begins to have a positive influence on him.

(Babette, Lumiere)

(The lights focus on Lumiere asleep ... snoring loudly, Babette approaches, she reaches out to
Lumiere and we see that her hands are now feathers.)

BABETTE Lumiere ... oh Lumiere ...!

LUMIERE Ah, Babette. Come with me, my little coquette.





BABETTE Oh no ... no ... no!

(She runs off with Lumiere back in. After they're gone, the lights focus on Bella coming out of
her room)

BELLA I'm a little hungry. (Bella approaches.)

LUMIER Ah, you're your darling. I'm happy to see you.

DIN DON I am Din Don, steward of this castle.

BELLA I'm Hungry

DIN DON give bread and water


DIN DON Well, you heard what the Master said!

MRS. POTTS Oh pish tosh! I can not let this girl go hungry!

LUMIERE Din Don! I'm surprised. She is not a prisoner, she is a guest! We must make her feel

DIN DON Okay, a dinner. But do not make noise! If the Master finds out this will cut our necks!

LUMIERE Sure ... of course! But what is a dinner if there is not a little music?



BELLA (clapping) Oh, Lumiere, thanks for dinner. It was delicious.

DIN DON Good show! Good show! Well done! Oh my god! It's time to go to bed! To sleep! To

BELLA Oh, I could not go to bed now. Never in my life had I been in an enchanted castle.

DIN DON Enchanted! Who said he is delighted?

(To Lumiere) It was you, was not it?

BELLA I only realized how much. I would like to see more of this castle, if there is no problem.

LUMIERE Maybe you'd like a ride?

DIN DON Wait a minute ... wait a minute. I'm not sure it's a good idea. (Apart from Lumiere)
We can not let you know certain things, if you understand what I'm talking about.

BELLA (To Din Don) Maybe you can take me. I'm sure you know everything in this castle ..

DIN DON Well, actually, yes! Then ... pay attention to us, to our hand the painted ceiling
complete with cherubs that frolic in the pleasure between the nymphs and centaurs ...

DIN DON Now yes, you will see that this is yet another example of the late Gothic neoclassical
period. And ... as I always say "if it's Gothic ... there are leaks"!

(He laughs warmly, Lumiere and Bella are silent.)

Can I draw your attention to the flying buttresses above the aviary ...?

(Din Don sale)

BELLA Oh, Lumiere, this is very beautiful! I had no idea. If only he was not here!

BELLA (Referring to the West Wing) What's there?


DIN DON There's nothing that could interest you in the West Wing!

BELLA Ah! So this is the West Wing. I'd like to know what he's hiding in there.

DIN DON (He laughs warmly.) Hiding! What idea! Hiding.

BELLA Then it is not forbidden

DIN DON Maybe Mademoiselle would like to see something else. We have exquisite tapestries
that date all the way back to ... Carlos ... eh ... the big one

BELLA Maybe later.

(She approaches the West Wing.)


(Thinking quickly) Maybe you'd like to see the garden ... or ... or the library

LUMIERE With books!

(Din Don and Lumiere come down from the stairs ... carrying Bella with them.) She follows

DIN DON Oh yes! Many books! Mountains of books! Forest of books! Waterfalls! Showers!
Puddles of books!

LUMIERE Books with drawings! Books with words!

DIN DON So many words that your eyes could never be able to read in a lifetime!

LUMIERE Books about each subject, for each author who ever puts the pen on paper!

NARRATOR They leave thinking that Bella accompanies them. Bella takes a look at the West
Wing and her curiosity drives her up. Bella enters the Beast's lair. She shudders as she walks
around the place. Something catches her attention and she turns around. It's the Rose. She
approaches. Fascinated, Bella turns to the rose and pulls out the glass dome. At the moment
when the rose is going to touch, the Beast enters.)


BELLA Excuse me!

NARRATOR Bella walks away when he sees that Rosa is unprotected, her fear begins to
diminish and quickly covers the rose with the glass dome. He moves slowly towards her ... his
eyes burn with rage.)

BEAST What are you doing here?


BEAST I told you never to come here!

BELLA I know but ...

BEAST Do not you realize what you could cause? OUTSIDE! Long

BELLA No ...

BELLA Although I promised it, I can not stay a minute more here!

(Bella runs out)

11a. The Wolf Hunt # 2

NARRATOR In the forest. Bella runs, escaping from the castle. She stops, to take a breath and
looks around. She sees the wolves moving towards her. In desperation, she breaks a tree
branch and swings it in them, to try to hit them. They jump on top of her, growling, pulling on
her cloak. She falls ... They have her cornered! Suddenly, we heard a deafening roar! The Beast
appears. He is standing over her, defending her from the wolves that attack him from all sides.
With a final roar ... he throws the wolves away ... the Beast is tired and very hurt. He falls

In front of her. Bella looks at him for a moment. She looks back at the Beast, being hurt on the
ground ... and runs to her side. She tries to help him by taking him to the castle. He moans in

Already in the castle. Bella helps the Beast who is sitting in his chair. He has his arm hurt. Mrs.
Potts, Lumiere and Din Don enter. Din Don carries a bowl and cloth to wash the Beast's
wounds. Mrs. Potts pours the steaming water into the bowl. Bella bathes a clean cloth in the
hot water and twists it out. She looks for the injured arm of the Beast. But he grunts, pulling
out his arm.)

BELLA Let me see. Do not do that! (She searches for her arm again, but he does not want her
to touch his arm.) It will only be a moment.

(She carefully puts the cloth on the wound, he falls down and howls with great pain.)

BEAST OW! That hurts!

BELLA If you had not moved, it would not burn so much.

BEAST If you had not escaped, this would not have happened.

BELLA If you had not scared me, I would not have escaped! (This gives him a pause.)

BEAST Well ... you should not have entered the West Wing!

BELLA Well ... you should learn to control your temper!

(He has no answer for this. They look firmly in a silent battle of wills. The Beast looks at Mrs.
Potts and Lumiere who avert their eyes. Bella bathing cloth in hot water again and squirms out

BELLA Now do not move, it's going to burn you.

BELLA By the way ... thank you for saving my life today.

BEAST You're welcome (Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Din Don look at each other cheerfully.)

MRS. POTTS Well, this improves. I knew that they could be good together.

LUMIERE At last the ice broke.

DIN DON And not a moment too soon either. Did you give La Rosa a good look lately? It is
losing petals in a very fast way!

LUMIERE Clearly, it's time for us to give them a little push. We must find a nice and romantic
way to make them very close together.

MRS. POTTS I have just the thing we need! What do you think of a rich bowl of soup, to warm
up? (Lumiere and Din Don look at each other.)


MRS. POTTS Trust me.

(Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Din Don and the Beast make a group.) A small table approaches and Chip
sits on it.

12. Something out there to the patio and play the beauty and the beast


DIN DON Good! I love very well

BEAST Is it okay?

LUMIERE Excellent!

BEAST I had never felt something like this before for someone. (Impulsive) I want to give him
something ... But what?

DIN DON Well, there are so many things: flowers, chocolates, promises that you will never
fulfill ...
LUMIERE No, no. This is not any girl. It has to be something special. Something that is of
interest ... something ... (He appeals) Aaaah! (Lumiere says something in the ear to the Beast.)

BEAST What? Are you sure? (doubtful) Well ...

BEAST: Bella, I want to show you something. But first, you must close your eyes. Because it's a
surprise! (Bella closes her eyes The beast runs away forgetting beautiful)

LUMIERE The girl!

(The Beast returns and takes Bella by the hand carrying her)

BELLA: Can I open them?

BEAST: It's fine, ready. Now!

The lights are turned on ... it's a beautiful library.)

BELLA: Oh! I can not believe it! I have never seen so many books in my life!

BEAST: Do you like it?

BELLA: It's wonderful!


(Bella returns wearing a pink dress)

(Din Don cleans his throat, and waves to Bella.) Lumiere and the Beast look in his direction.)

LUMIERE (Under your breath to the Beast) Say something about the dress.

BEAST (confused) Yellow.

LUMIERE A compliment!

BEAST Oh. (To Bella) That ... nice dress

BELLA Thanks!

(The Beast looks at Lumiere and Din Dón.)

BELLA: Fence, it just so happens that this is a perfect book to read aloud. Come, sit next to me.

(They sit down to read Lumiere, Din Dón, and Mrs. Potts come in. Mrs. Potts pushes her tea
cart with Chip.)

MRS. POTTS: Tell me, Chip

CHIP: Will I be a child again?

MRS. POTTS: I hope so

CHIP: When will we know?

MRS. POTTS: Soon. If it has to happen. It'll be very soon.

Come on son. (They leave.)


Scene 3: The Tavern

(Gaston, Lefou, Monsieur D'Arque)

(Gaston and Lefou enter the tavern with an unknown man all dressed in black, the owner of
the local asylum for madmen.) They sit at a table.)

GASTON Thank you for responding to my call, Monsieur d'Arque.

MONSIEUR D'ARQUE I do not usually leave the asylum at midnight. But this gentleman told me
that he would be well rewarded.

GASTON It just so happens that I want to marry Bella, but it seems it needs a bit of ...

LEFOU I send it to the devil!

GASTON: Then I came up with the following ... sss and secretes

MONSIEUR D'ARQUE: that's very evil but it's good to support it

Scene 4: Beast's Lair / West Wing

Lumiere, Beast, Din Dón, Bella, Mrs. Potts

(The Beast prepares for dinner with the help of Lumiere and Din Dón)

LUMIERE Tonight is the night ... the night you will confess your love.

BEAST I'm not sure I can do it.

DIN DON You can!

LUMIERE You love the girl, do not you?

BEAST More than my life.

LUMIERE Then why not tell her?

BEAST I'll do that!

DIN DON You can!

She comes out beautiful and they dance


SRA POOTS Now to the cupboard, Chip. It is time to sleep. Goodnight My Love.

BEAST Thank you for inviting me to dinner.

BELLA It was a wonderful dinner.

BEAST Bella, I ...


BESTIA Are you happy here ...?

BELLA Oh, yes ... everyone is so kind. Mrs. Potts, Lumiere ...

BEAST With me?


BEAST Something wrong?

BELLA I was just thinking about my father. I miss him a lot. And I'm sorry I can not see him

BEAST There is a way. This mirror will show you anything ... everything you want to see.

BELLA I would like to see my father, please.

Dad? Oh, no ... Dad! It's pulled! In the woods! It must have been lost ... If only ...

BEAST (With difficulty) Go with him.

Beautiful that?

BEAST You must go with him.

BELLA But I thought what ...

BEAST You are no longer my prisoner.

(She tries to return the Mirror but he pushes it back towards her.)

BEAST Keep it. That way you can always look at me ... and remind me.

(She takes her hand briefly.)

BELLA I could never forget you.

He holds her hand ... almost desperately ... as if he were waiting for her to say something else.)

BEAST Bella, I ...


BEAST Nothing ... go with him. (She turns and runs off, he watches her go.) I'll never see her
again. (Lumiere, Din Don and Mrs. Potts enter.)

DIN DON Well, sir, I must say. Everything went great. I knew it would be like that!

BEAST Let him go.

DIN DON What did what?

LUMIERE How could he do that?

BEAST I had to do it.

DIN DON But, why?

MRS. POTTS Because after so long, he finally felt love.

LUMIERE Then! The spell will be broken!

MRS. POTTS No, it's not enough. She also has to love him.

DIN DON But it's already too late. (They leave.)

BELLA father, good thing I've found you, I'll take you home

BELLA Finally we are at home. To rest.

MAURICE I do not know what happened. The last thing I remember is a feeling of falling
through the ... snow

BELLA, dad. I thought I would never find you ...

MAURICE But the Beast? How did you escape?

BELLA I did not escape. He let me go.

MAURICE Did he let you go? That horrible beast?

BELLA He is not horrible anymore. At first I was scared; I thought that this was the end of
everything ... But somehow ... things changed.


BELLA I do not know, but I see it so different now.

Scene 5b: Exterior Of The Casita De Bella

Maurice, Bella, Monsieur d'Arque, Gaston, Lefou, Villagers

(Monsieur d'Arque enters with the villagers)

MONSEIUR D'ARQUE Good afternoon.

BELLA Monsieur D'Arque!

MONSEIUR D'ARQUE I came to pick up his father.

Beautiful that?

MONSEIUR D'ARQUE Do not worry. It will be well attended.

BELLA My father is not crazy!

LEFOU He behaved like a lunatic. We all hear it.

(To the crowd) Is not it?

(They murmur their agreement)

BELLA You can not do this!

LEFOU To see, Maurice. Tell us, how big was the Beast?
MAURICE Well, it was gigantic! Half three meters ... no, three and a half meters!

LEFOU They want another proof of their madness!

MAURICE But it's true! (Monsieur D'Arque's men grab Maurice.)

What are they doing? Leave me!

D'ARQUE Tell me Maurice ... Since when do you have these hallucinations?

MAURICE It's not a hallucination. The Beast is real! And also the talking clock!

(People laugh while Gaston appears.)

GASTON Poor Bella. What a pity about your father.

BELLA Gastón, you know he's not crazy!

GASTON Maybe I could clear up this misunderstanding ... that is ... if ...


GASTON If you marry me!


GASTON With just one word, Bella ... everything is fixed ...


GASTON (AD'Arque) Lock the old man!

MAURICE No! Leave me! Beautiful!

BELLA Wait! I can verify that my father is not crazy!

NARRATOR (Everyone looks at her.) Bella takes the Magic Mirror out of the bag and holds it in
everyone's sight.)

BELLA (To the mirror) I want to see the Beast!

(The image of the Beast appears in the Magic Mirror.)

MAURICE: It's him! It is the Beast!

(The crowd is airless.) Monsieur D'Arque's men release Maurice, the villagers are terrified.)

WOMAN: Is it dangerous?

BELLA: Oh, no. No, he would never hurt someone. I know he looks bad, but he's kind and
gentle. He is my friend.

GASTON: I think you're feeling something towards that monster.

BELLA: He is not a monster, Gaston. You are!

GASTON: She's as crazy as the old man. He says that monster is his friend.
Know, that I have hunted wild beasts worse than him, and I know that they are capable of

(He scares the crowd, transforming them into.)

17. Lynching


The Beast will come for your children. He will come for them at night.

(The crowd runs out of air.)

BELLA: He would never do that!

GASTON: Forget about the old man, You have to kill the Beast!


ALDEANO No one will be safe, At night he will hunt,

ALDEANA Even our own children that beast will eat

D'ARQUE: And if we do not stop it, a thousand damages will cause it. GASTON:

It's time to take action, Follow me all now ... You have to go, without fear, Through the haze
and darkness Of the ghostly forest, And in passing, what excitement! We'll find something
horrible and criminal on the castle bridge. Beast is

Of sharp fangs, With their claws they want to kill And although it roars fierce It will not be able
to stop us And finally it will die, die now!

BELLA: I will not allow it!

GASTON: Try to stop it!

BELLA: Dad, this is all my fault. I must return to warn you.

MAURICE: I accompany you!


MAURICE: I already lost you once, I will not lose you again!

(Maurice and Bella leave.)

GASTON: We'll get rid of that Beast. Who's with me?

LEFOU: I am!



CROWD The torches turn on!

GASTON: With courage and without breastplate I go!

CROWD: We have Gastón to beat

ALDEANAS It is necessary to go without fear to the enchanted castle where there is something
hidden and infernal.

CROWD: It is the beast like a mountain, which must be killed without mercy ...

ALL We are already praising the Lord, with the bows and swords to kill ...

GASTON We will attack the castle, and we will return with his head !!!

CROWD We do not want to fear that monster and we do not understand why it comes to
threaten. Our weapons will be Those that save our children And defend our home ... Let's die

GASTON: Cut a big tree, and each one take his loot. But remember, The Beast is MINE!

CROWD: Raise the banner, We'll march to combat Very brave and heart lit ... Sing the song
Here we go a hundred French And we're right What's to die now! (BOOM!) Die now! (BOOM!)
Die now! (CRASH!)

Die now!

Scene 6a: Interior of the Castle

Gaston, Lefou, Villagers, Lumiere, Din Don, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Babette, Magical Objects

(Everything is quiet inside the castle.) Gaston and the crowd do not notice anything as they
pass through the lobby that is filled with Magical Objects in silence.)


This place gives me the creeps.



LEFOU But it's true!

GASTON Silence!

LEFOU Gastón, I want to go home!

17a. The battle




LUMIERE I love ...

BEAST Leave me alone.

LUMIERE But sir, they are attacking the castle!

BEAST That does not matter anymore. Let them in.


(Mrs. Potts enters with Chip in the tea cart, Lefou sees them and crosses paths with them.)

NARRATOR Gaston finds the beast and begins to beat the beast does not defend himself
because he is sad for the loss of the love of beauty

GASTON Get up!

GASTON What's up Beast? Too much gentile to defend you?

(Gaston beats the Beast.)

GASTON You fell in love with Bella, did not you? (He laughs cruelly)

Did you think that someone like her would want something like you? How stupid!

(Gaston keeps hitting and kicking the Beast.)

GASTON She detests you Beast! And he sent me here to destroy you!


GASTON It's your end, Beast. Bella is mine!

NARRATOR (Gaston tries to stab the Beast, the Beast evades it when Bella enters the West


NARRATOR (Gaston fights the Beast, finally, the Beast grabs Gaston - ready to kill him.)

GASTON No! Please! Save me! I beg!

NARRATOR The Beast growls, ready to kill him. But fight with himself. He can not do it ... he's
too human now. He releases Gastón ..

(The Beast goes to Bella.)

BELLA I'm sorry ...

BEAST You came back.

BELLA Take my hand!

NARRATOR (But the moment his hands are taken, Gaston dips a knife into the Beast on his
back.) Gaston stabs him again Gaston stumbles and falls to his death We hear his long,
anguished wail The Beast staggers to Bella and collapses on the West Wing.) Bella holds the
Beast in her arms.)

BEAST: You came back.

BELLA: (Crying) Of course. I could not let them ... If only I had arrived earlier.

BEAST: Maybe it's better that way

BELLA: No! Do not follow that. Everything will be fine!

BEAST No ...

BELLA Shhh ... Sssssh. Now we are together. You will see.

BEAST: At least I could see you one last-

BELLA: No! Please! Do not leave me!

I love you. (She collapses on his chest.)

NARRATOR (And the last petal falls ... There's a long moment ... filled with the sound of Bella's
pain ... The Beast transforms into the Prince ... looks at Bella and takes her hand.)

PRINCiPE: Bella is I can you recognize me I am the beast transformed into a man

BELLA: (She looks closer) If you are!

NARRATOR (They kiss ... the kiss that has been waited for so long, Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Din
Don come in. They have become people!)

MRS. POTTS Oh dear!

LUMIERE Mrs. Potts!

DIN DON What is going on here?

LUMIERE (Kisses Din Dón) Din Don!

DIN DON Enough!

LUMIERE The spell was broken!


LUMIERE We are human again!

DIN DON Lumiere! Come here! (Kisses Lumiere)

and they lived happily ever after

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