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Make reading a habit

First, stop looking at reading as a chore. Reading should be fun and it is something that you
should not think as a requirement. Have some time in reading for atleast 15-30 minutes everyday.
Because rwhen you read, you are exposed to different writing styles, proper and correct grammar, use
of punctuations and a vast vocabulary

Widen your vocabulary

The more you read, the more words, you’ll be exposed to. If you encounter unfamiliar words,
have some time to look at your dictionary and find its meaning. Having a vast vocabulary is the key in
strengthening your comprehension

Choose reading material

We learn best when we are motivated. If you are interested in what you are reading, you can’t
stop reading. Sometimes, you jot down notes if you like a certain phrase or sentence. In this way, you
look at reading as something that makes you excited

How are reading and writing relative to each other

Reading and writing uses the same technique to be able to understand them; a language. They are
relative in a way that they complement each other and if mastered one, it’s easier for the other. One of
the primary reasons why we read is to learn. A major portion of what we know comes from the texts
that we read. Since reading is the act of transmitting knowledge in print, we must have information to
share before we can write it. So when you read extensively, you become better writers.

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