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Good morning everyone I’d like to welcome you all to our first lesson for

Reading and writing.

The reading and writing connection

So for today we will try to identify what is reading and what is writing as well as similarly
establish the connection between the two.

Okay we will also be talking about the different reasons why do we read and write and
what do we get from these two activities.

So before we start I’d like you to answer this question which of these two do you think
came first, is it the chicken or is it the egg?

if you think it's the chicken you probably have your own reasons similarly if you think it's
the egg you probably have your own reasons.

i've heard different responses before where in students would answer that ma'am it's
the chicken because the letter c comes first before the letter e in the dictionary and then
some of my students would rebought with the idea that if you translate these two terms
in filipino or in our local language it has to be the egg that came first because it log
comes or the the letter i comes first before the letter m which you know is the beginning
letter of the word mano which is the tagalog for chicken. So there there have been a lot
of funny responses regarding this one and it's been a long standing debate not just by in
common folks or among common folks but also in the scientific community as well

so i'd like to relate this debate about the chicken and the egg to the debate as to
whether which is more important is it reading or is it writing?

So some of you might think that it's a reading that should be what we are focusing on
it's a skill that we should be focusing on. Some would think that it's writing, however I’d
like to point out that it's not always the case, we have to know that reading and
writing are connected in a way that they go hand in hand. They always go hand in
hand. one cannot stand without the other, so it's important to note that reading is
always related to writing as well as similarly writing is just as important it is to

Define the terms

Reading according to lap and flawed in 1978, it's defined into two types
 First type is reading is considered to be a decoding process.
So what do we mean by the coding? When we say decoding, it's breaking down
of written codes. And when we say written codes we are simply referring to the
letters, the words, and the symbols that represent an idea or concept.
take for example before you can form letters you have to draw lines first, so once
you draw lines combine them together they can form letters. When you combine
letters you can form words and when you combine words you then form
sentences and when you combine sentences you can form essays. So reading is
similar to that, we are trying to decode those written codes and symbols.
 The second process according to lab and flawed is, reading is considered to be
a comprehension process.
it is not enough that you were able to identify that this code is a code or for
example if there are two parallel lines and two lines that are parallel to each other
and there's a line in the middle it's the letter h okay it's not enough for us to
identify that it's the letter h we know that it's a letter h because we understand
that those symbols are representing something. So similarly that understanding
is what we call comprehension. We are trying to find meaning, we are trying to
give these symbols, these written codes meaning. So basically that's what
reading is all about for lap and flaw.
Reading involves different processes

 The first process according to them is word recognition. When we say word
recognition we were able to identify that these certain letters when combined
together form a particular word. take for example when we see the letters w o r d
and they are put together in that particular order then that means we can read it
as word

 Reading also involves comprehension. So that means it's understanding. when

you see the letters w-o-r-d and you already figured out that it spells out a word.
now the next step that your brain does as it goes through the process of reading
is that it tries to understand what are those symbols, what are those symbols
representing, or what is that particular word trying to give us meaning. So when
you say word, you already know that it's something that i can read, something
that i can hear, something that i can write. So when you try to give meaning to
those symbols that is comprehension

 The process that is involved when it comes to reading is fluency. when we say
fluency, that's how effective you are using the language to express yourself. so
how effectively can you recognize words or other written symbols or other written
codes. How effectively can you put meaning to it? That is fluency.

One thing or one factor that affects all of these, according to lap and flawed, it's not
going to be possible if you're not really motivated. So if you're not motivated to read or
you you're not motivated to understand these symbols then you will not be reading them
at all. so motivation plays an important role in the process or in the reading process.
Why do we read? What are the reasons for reading?

 Some people read so that they can develop a broad background regarding a
certain topic, regarding a certain concept, or about a certain idea.

 Some people, they read because they want to anticipate and predict certain
things. Take for example, we are talking about people who are looking into
weather patterns, so not really reading words but rather reading what the
machines tell them to, they are still able to anticipate and predict what would be
the weather for the day or the changes in the weather for the next few days.
Therefore it's not just reading books, it's not just reading sentences or essays it
could also be reading machines that could also be help us anticipate and predict
certain things.

 We all read because we want to create motivation and interest. We just want
to motivate ourselves to do other things. Take for example if you look into self-
help books, it creates an idea in your head that you have to do certain things to
be able to achieve a certain goal. So in a way that's creating motivation. Take for
example if your friend is interested in one thing then he or she might be reading
up on it and tell you about it, now that creates interest, and you in turn would be
reading about it as well.

 To build a good vocabulary. i think it goes hand in hand when it comes to

reading or when we read. Whenever you read, you encounter a lot of words. So
you encounter words that you are familiar with, you encounter words that you are
less familiar with, or sometimes the words that you haven't encountered with. So
when you read it helps you build a good vocabulary.
 The reason why most of us read it's mainly for pleasure and enjoyment. We
just want to escape. Reading is like a form of escape, so you just want to escape,
you want to have fun, you want to enjoy, you just want to relax, and you just want
to pass time. So mainly this is the main reason why we read, for pleasure and

Benefits of reading:

 The first one is as a reader you are being exposed to accurate spelling and
correct forms of writing. Most of the things that we read went through a tedious
process of checking grammar and spelling check, take for example. As readers
who consume those pieces of writing, we are then exposed to the correct forms.

 The second one is that it shows readers how we can write more complex
sentences. Reading enables us to understand better, to understand longer
pieces of information, so we in turn, once we develop our understanding of that
we can actually apply it to ourselves and use that skill. In turn you will be able to
use it when you write your own.

 The third one it also invites readers to be more experimental in their own
writing. When you read, you can also adapt it to your writing process.

 The fourth one is it allows readers to hear the thoughts of others. Some
people they express themselves through writing, which in turn they let other
people read. So as a reader, you can put yourself into the shoes of others. Take
for example, you're reading a novel and you can relate, when you say you can
relate to a certain character, you are being allowed to the thoughts of that
character or maybe that character was actually built up or created from the mind
of the writer. So it might be an expression of the writer's thoughts as well. So in
that way you are being let in a door is being opened for you to come in and
explore what is going on in the thoughts of other people. take for example in
fictional works, you are being allowed to enter into the minds of the characters


 When we write, it's simply a method of representing language in a visual or

tactile form. So when we say visual, it's something that we can see. When we
say tactile, it's something that we can touch, we can hold. Writing is mainly
composed of writing symbols, so that means letters. Letters again, like writing
lines, letters and then forming words from those letters and then eventually
moving on to sentences and longer essays.

 It's also a system of graphic symbols that can be used to convey meaning.
take for example again, when we see symbols such as the two parallel lines [let's
go back to letter writing first] so two parallel lines with the line in the middle, that
means that it's the letter h. So it already represents the letter h. when you see
two parallel lines with a line in the middle, then you can always assume that it's a
letter h because it's what the meaning that we have already associated with it. So
no matter where you go that's what you can see.
Why do we write?

 We write simply because we just want to express ourselves.

 We write because we want to describe different things. We want to give

meaning; we want to give life to different things. That's the reason why we write.
By describing, meaning we use different adjectives we try to identify different.
Properties of certain things such as such as color, size, and so on and so forth.

 We write because we want to explore and learn.

 Similarly, we write because we want to entertain ourselves. Some people

actually make a living out of writing and in turn, a lot of those people actually take
pleasure in doing that and it's a way of entertaining themselves as well.

 We write because we want to inform. We want to give out information to other

people. We want to be a resource for information, ideas, thoughts, and

 We write because we want to explain.

 We write because we want to persuade. When we say persuade, we just want to

convince other people. We want to influence them, influence their way of thinking

 We write because we also want to solve problems.

What are the benefits of writing? How do we benefit from writing?

 When we write, we can voice out our thoughts. It doesn't just stay in our
heads. There's an avenue for us to express whatever is in our mind and that is
mostly through writing. If you cannot voice it out verbally, then through writing
you can voice it out.

 It provides writers with a vehicle to use their imaginations. Sometimes what

we write, it's always open or interpretation. So other people can give different
meanings to what we write, especially if you're writing a fictional work or a literary
work. Now for writers who are into that interacting fictional or literary were
creatively writing down their thoughts, then their imagination is their number one
source of information. Everything is made up in their heads, and as readers,
consuming someone's writing then it's a treat for us, it's a treat for us to be
looking into someone else's made up or conjured up world or from there simply
from their imagination.

 As writers we are also given a chance to engage in a conversation with other

writers. It allows us to interact with other people especially those who engage in
the same form of writing.

 It aids writers in reading critically of other works. As a writer, you try to

compare yourself. When you see or when you read other right ops, take for
example, you try to compare it to what you have done. Therefore, you try to
analyze yourself for self-improvement. Oh how can i write like this? And then you
try to adapt it and apply it to yourself. What you have learned from others what
you think could be improved on, you can adapt it to yourself.
 It motivates writers to engage with the text they are reading. So what does it
mean? i think most of you here like to take down notes, so whatever you are
reading, whatever you are listening to, some of you might be or most of you
rather would be taking down notes and in that way, when you are taking down
notes, you are actually interacting or engaging with whatever you are reading or
whatever you are listening to. When you are taking down notes obviously you are
simply writing. Another thing that supports this idea is that whenever you read
something and then take for example you like a particular quotation from that
book or from that right up then you try to underline it or highlight it and then some
people would even write down their thoughts on the books or the write-ups itself,
in that way that's a way of engaging to whatever you are reading or consuming or
even listening to okay.

before we end this discussion I’d like to point out this quote by pam allen which i found
on the internet for her for pam allen reading is like breathing In whereas writing is like
breathing out so when you read you are trying to consume things okay you are putting it
into yourself and when you write that's your way of bringing them out to the world
sharing it okay so i guess that's it here are my sources

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