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According to Johnson et al. (2016) there are two difficulties faced by teachers when
Attempting to integrate technology in the classroom. The difficulties involved external and
internal difficulties :

1. External challenges
a. The challenge of access

Early of technology integration focused much of their attention on improving

computer access in classrooms. Certainly, widespread access to the equipment required to run
instructional computer programs is the most fundamental step toward effective technology
integration. Consistent usage of instructional technology is impossible if computer lab time is
limited to one hour per week. While many schools across the country are transitioning to one-
to-one (1:1) computing, many students still do not have consistent and dependable access to a
computer. Instructors find it incredibly difficult to integrate technology into existing lecture
plans due to inconsistent computer access. A core necessity is routine access to hardware
(e.g., laptops or tablets), software (e.g., reading and writing software, internet browsers), and
an internet connection.

b. Inadequate training related to technology

Inadequate professional development and training are the most frequently mentioned
reasons for a lack of technology implementation in the classroom. Increasing confidence in
utilizing classroom technology, operating software, and using the internet; but, because
technology is continuously changing, it is more necessary than ever for instructors to stay
current with their technological competence. Even if a school system hires only instructors
who are fluent in current classroom technology, countless new technologies will emerge
during their teaching careers, necessitating additional training to maintain their abilities up to
date. Schools and districts will continue to claim inadequate professional development as a
primary obstacle to technology implementation in the absence of the requisite resources to
provide continual technological training.

c. Support

It is obvious that today's teachers do not have optimal access to technical help.
Educational technology designers should also place a greater emphasis on user support.
Teachers will have access to the resources they need with high-quality support from both
educational technology creators and school staff. The knowledge that help is available may
boost acceptance of classroom technologies.

2. Internal Challenges to Classroom Technology

a. Teacher Attitudes and Beliefs

The attitudes and beliefs of teachers are critical in influencing the role and
effectiveness of technology in the classroom. Teachers' attitudes and ideas regarding
educational technology, as well as pedagogy in general, will ultimately influence how they
implement technology. In the parts that follow, we will explore these concerns as well as
approaches to create positive attitudes that can optimize technology use. Now that technology
is widely used in schools, the most significant question may be how to best use technology,
rather than whether technology will be used at all.

b. Confidence in skills and knowledge

Many current teachers grew up without access to technologies such as the personal
computer and the internet, but students today are raised in a technologically saturated
environment. These "digital natives" might be intimidating to teachers, particularly those
with less technological skills. If teachers believe they lack the essential competences while
utilizing technology, they may feel less in charge of the class, use less technology, and are
less likely to explore new options for employing technology in class design. Sticking to
traditional teaching methods allows teachers who are less fluent with technology to keep
control in the classroom and avoids the issues of instructing digital natives in a digital


1. Difficulties of access
Apakah anda memiliki kendala dan kesulitan dalam mengakses Bebras Tasks?
2. Inadequate training related technology
Apakah sebelumnya ada pelatihan penggunaan teknologi oleh guru? Jika ya/tidak,
apakah ada kesulitan lanjutan?
3. Technological support
Apakah anda memiliki kendala terkait perangkat koneksi dan sebagainya dalam
penggunaan Bebras Tasks?
4. Confidence in skills and knowledge
Pada abad modern seperti sekarang ini, tentunya siswa sangat mahir dalam
menggunakan teknologi, lantas apakah anda merasa percaya diri dengan skill dan
pengetahuan teknologi anda?


According to Zahrawati & Ramadani (2021) the following are some of the problems faced by
students in learning using technology:

1. Difficulty in understanding the material provided.

The technology-based learning process limits students’ ability to conduct questions
and answers to the teacher, preventing them from completing the material studied.The
incompleteness of one material will affect the completeness of the entire material.
2. Reduced student interest in learning
From the obstacles faced by students during online learning, it was determined that
they experienced a decrease in interest in learning. Learners are bored because the
learning process is dominated by giving assignments. They only spend time on
completing various tasks without understanding the learning material.
3. Unsupportive learning facilities
Learning facilities in online learning are one of the determinants of the success of the
learning process. During the technology-based learning process, a smartphone or
computer is the main tool used by teachers and students. However, information was
obtained that not all students have smartphones or computers. This has an impact on
the decline in understanding and motivation among students


1. Dalam penggunaan Bebras Tasks, saya mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami

konteks untuk menjawab soal yang diberikan
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju
2. Dalam penggunaan Bebras Tasks, saya kesulitan memecahkan permasalahan yang
diberikan karena memerlukan tingkat berpikir kritis yang tinggi
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju
3. Saya merasa tidak tertarik dan bosan saat menggunakan Bebras Tasks sebagai reading
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju
4. Saya merasa tidak bersemangat dan tidak termotivasi untuk belajar menggunakan
Bebras Tasks sebagai reading worksheets
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju
5. Saya merasa kesulitan saat menggunakan Bebras Tasks karena keterbatasan perangkat
yang tersedia
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju
6. Saya merasa kesulitan saat menggunakan Bebras Tasks karena memerlukan kuota
internet yang cukup besar
A. Setuju
B. Sangat setuju
C. Tidak setuju
D. Sangat tidak setuju

According to Zaden (1984, p. 109), there are several different types of perception,
such situational perception, social perception, and person perception.
1. Person perception

Person perception refers to those processes by which we come to know and think
about other, their characteristic, qualities, and inner state. We construct image of
others in ways that serve to stabilize, make predictable, and render our manageable
view of social world to the extent to which we attribute stable straits and enduring
disposition to others people. We feel that we are better able to understand their
behavior and predicted their future actions and we use there nations to guide our
interaction which them.

It means that each student has a different perception of how to perceive the
teacher’s character, the way the teacher teaches, the quality of the teacher, even the
learning media that the teacher uses when learning, and each student has a different
perception of the media taught by the teacher. Therefore, a person’s perception is the
sense of perceiving impressions of others.

2. Situation perception
A social psycholinguistic perspective of social factors that influence a person’s
experience or behavior levels in a particular time and place situation. Situation means
that we act in a certain way as a function of the interaction of space and time. The
situational clash upon which stimuli occur has an influence on how they are
interpreted. Any of several words may appear. Depends on the stimuli that we get it.
The linkages we create between these stimuli in order to interpret them.
This type of situation means that people’s perception are different, the
student’s behavior in the past was different from the present behavior because of
factors from the surroundings that influenced the students’ behavior and also the
differences in students’ knowledge influenced by information and technology that
affected the students’ mindset.
3. Social perception
To try to understand someone else is a social perception that involves someone
who is close to them, e.g. family, criminals, leaders, etc. Can read people’s inner self
based on words, behaviors, and facial expressions to know how other people’s
thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and desires are.

This type of perception explains complex social perception in which people

observe a person’s behavior in detail until they can analyze how the person, the
person’s behavior, and the situation. It means that people who have a good perception
are high quality people in giving perception who are able to read other people’s
perceptions based on activities.

1. Person Perceptions
- Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dengan pembelajaran
- Apakah integrasi dari CT,CS dan STEAM pada Bebras Tasks sebagai
reading worksheets dapat mengubah pola berpikir siswa?
- Apakah Bebras Tasks dapat melatih berpikir Kritis siswa?
2. Situation Perceptions
- Apakah penggunaan Bebras Tasks lebih menarik dan menyenangkan?
- Apakah Bebras Tasks mempersulit anda dalam Mengajar bahasa Inggris
karena terkendala Handphone, kuota internet dan sinyal yang buruk?
3. Sosial Perceptions
- Bagaimana pendapat anda terkait Penggunaan Bebras Tasks sebagai
reading worksheet dikelas anda?


1. Person Perceptions
- Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dengan pembelajaran
- Apakah penggunaan Bebras Tasks dapat mengubah pola pikir anda dalam
memecahkan masalah yang ada?
- Apakah Bebras Tasks dapat melatih anda berpikir Kritis?
- Apakah Bebras Tasks mempersulit anda memahami konteks yang
2. Situation Perceptions
- Apakah penggunaan Bebras Tasks lebih menarik dan menyenangkan?
- Apakah Bebras Tasks mempersulit anda dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
karena terkendala Handphone, kuota internet dan sinyal yang buruk?
3. Sosial Perceptions
- Bagaimana pendapat anda terkait Penggunaan Bebras Tasks sebagai
reading worksheet dikelas anda?

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