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Part 1
(MA) (A) She is repairing the printer.
(B) She is storing some boxes.
(C) She is working in a copy room. *
(D) She is opening a cabinet door.

(WA) (A) People are walking across the bridge. *
(B) People are using the handrails.
(C) People are enjoying a boat ride.
(D) People are crossing the street.

(MB) (A) The sign is hanging over the sidewalk.
(B) The address is above the entrance. *
(C) There is a sign posted on the wall.
(D) There is a security guard in front of the gate.

(WB) (A) He is cleaning the kitchen.
(B) He is weighing something. *
(C) He is cutting some meat.
(D) He is standing on a scale.

(MA) (A) The couple is shaking hands.
(B) The couple is wearing sunglasses.
(C) The woman is holding some balloons.
(D) The man is passing out some brochures. *

(WA) (A) They are driving to the airport.
(B) They are waiting for the taxi.
(C) They are unloading the car. *
(D) They are unpacking their bags.

(MB) (A) The attendant is tagging the luggage. *
(B) The traveler is carrying the bags.
(C) One woman is tying her scarf.
(D) One woman is reserving her flight.

(WB) (A) The couple is walking along the sidewalk.
(B) The man is surrounded by birds. *
(C) The couple is sitting near the bench.
(D) The birds are resting under the trees.

(MA) (A) The men are reading a magazine.
(B) The men are posting a note on the board.
(C) One man is writing in a calendar.
(D) One of the men is pointing at a map. *

(WA) (A) The traffic is moving in both directions.
(B) Flags line the side of the street. *
(C) There are signs on the side of the building.
(D) Some trees are blocking the street.

Part 2
11. (MA) When is Tom going to the bank?
(WA) (A) To deposit his paycheck.
(B) The Madison Street branch.
(C) Sometime after lunch.

12. (MB) Does the airport bus stop here?

(WB) (A) Oh, you can catch it on the next block.
(B) The workshop is near the airport.
(C) Because it’s very crowded.

13. (MA) Why did you e-mail the clients?

(WB) (A) Yes, they did.
(B) It’s better if you fax it.
(C) To send them the revised proposal.

14. (MB) Who usually orders office supplies?
(WA) (A) That’s a surprise.
(B) Linda, I think.
(C) They gave him a discount.

15. (WA) Is that your laptop on the desk?

(MA) (A) He sits over there.
(B) No, it’s Ms. Cheng’s.
(C) Mostly for its power.

16. (WB) How do I add paper to this copier?

(MB) (A) The promotion was in yesterday’s paper.
(B) Oh, it makes coffee automatically.
(C) Place it in the tray at the bottom.

17. (WA) Whose key card is that?

(MB) (A) Yes, they are.
(B) Press the red key there.
(C) Actually, it’s mine. Thanks.

18. (WB) Which workshop did you attend last week?

(MA) (A) Attendance was a bit low.
(B) The one about Web Page design.
(C) They attempted to register.

19. (MA) Did you hand in the research report?

(WA) (A) The handles are easy to use.
(B) Let’s give them a big hand.
(C) I’m just finishing it up now.

20. (MB) How long will the meeting last?

(WB) (A) Yes, we’ve met before.
(B) Maybe for a couple of hours.
(C) At least three meters long.

21. (MA) Could you tell me the way to the post office?
(WB) (A) We don’t normally weigh the mail here.
(B) Yes, he has a new office.
(C) Oh, it’s just around the corner.

22. (MB) I finished writing the marketing plan.
(WA) (A) I’ve never shopped there.
(B) When do you plan to visit?
(C) Great. What’s the next step?

23. (WA) What do you think is wrong with the printer?

(MA) (A) Mine is about 40 pages long.
(B) Then try the service center.
(C) It may have a loose connection.

24. (WB) It feels cold in this office, doesn’t it?

(MB) (A) His office is just down the hall.
(B) I can turn up the heat if you want.
(C) They have the oldest one.

25. (WA) Should we take the subway to the airport, or should we share a taxi instead?
(MB) (A) Let’s get a cab – it’s quicker.
(B) No, Stan usually treats us to meals.
(C) We got there two hours before departure time.

26. (WB) We should extend the deadline for job applications.

(MA) (A) How much extra time should we allow?
(B) Oh, we use the hotline to contact them.
(C) Congratulations on the new job.

27. (MA) Who is in charge of the billing department?

(WA) (A) On the 5th and 25th of every month.
(B) I think Janice oversees that section now.
(C) You can charge it on our store card.

28. (MB) When will the new security system be installed?

(WB) (A) Gary is my new assistant.
(B) They’re working on it right now.
. (C) No, that’s your user ID number.

29. (MA) Are the seminars being offered here or at headquarters?

(WB) (A) One of the speakers was late.
(B) No, I’ve never been to the head office.
(C) They’ll run them all in this building.

30. (MB) Do you have time to review these graphs and charts?
(WA) (A) The rooftop view is great.
(B) Yes, she won the sales contest.
(C) Sure, I can look them over.

31. (WA) We should take the earlier train home.

(MA) (A) OK. It’s an express, right?
(B) I’m sorry they came in late.
(C) It’ll be in Training Room C.

32. (WB) When will the staff lounge be redecorated?

(MB) (A) Johnson and Sons Construction Company.
(B) That work starts next Monday.
(C) Because it needs to be updated.

33. (WA) Would you mind if we switch seats?

(MB) (A) In the last row.
(B) Press this switch here.
(C) Not at all. We can trade.

34. (MA) Do you want to have the staff party indoors or outdoors?
(WB) (A) It’s two doors down and on the left.
(B) Let’s have a picnic at Grand Park.
(C) The staff met on the seventh floor.

35. (MA) You’re giving product demonstrations at the trade show, aren’t you?
(WA) (A) Yes, I guess the train is faster.
(B) There’s a discount for early registration.
(C) No, but Cathy’s sales team will be there.

36. (MB) Have we chosen a caterer for the fall banquet yet?
(WB) (A) We may have it at a restaurant this year.
(B) Thank you for giving us such good service.
(C) Kate left the company in the summer, I think.

37. (MA) How do you like the new carpet in the waiting room?
(WB) (A) I’m afraid I can’t wait any longer.
(B) It’s a really nice shade, I think.
(C) The other car is a compact model.

38. (MB) Don’t you think we need a new printer?
(WA) (A) I think it’ll be around 100 pages.
(B) Oh, Troy is getting us one this week.
(C) You can use it. I’m all finished.

39. (MA) Who usually updates our Web site?

(WA) (A) Every month, I think.
(B) I don’t know that program.
(C) Mary is in charge of that.

40. (MB) How did Sarah achieve such high sales figures last quarter?
(WB) (A) I heard she’s very motivated.
(B) Sure, I’ll print those numbers right away.
(C) They’ll offer bigger discounts next time.

Part 3

(MA) Questions 41 - 43 refer to the following conversation.

(WA) Hi, before I check in, I have a quick question. I’m speaking at a conference here in
town, and I need to get some emergency dry cleaning and ironing done on a blouse.
Could you do that here at that hotel?
(MA) We sure can. That’s all done on site. Today’s Sunday, so if you give us the clothes this
evening, they’ll be ready by noon tomorrow.
(WA) Oh, that’s perfect. The conference is Tuesday, so I’ll have a day to work with. Do I just
leave the clothing with the housekeeping staff?
(MA) Yes, there should be a clear plastic bag beside the luggage rack in your room. But it
may be missing. So, before I process your check-in on the computer, let me grab a bag
for you from the coat room. One moment - I’ll be right back.

41. (MA) What service is the woman asking about?

42. (MA) When most likely will the woman give a speech?
43. (MA) What will the man probably do next?

(MA) Questions 44 - 46 refer to the following conversation.
(WB) Hi, Terrance. Well, it looks like we’ll have to postpone our Wednesday department
meeting on Wednesday. Five or six members of our staff will be touring the new
computer facility all afternoon that day.
(MB) Oh, right. I heard they’ll have a data management forum there. On Thursday, I’m busy
all morning and afternoon. Why don’t we set the meeting for Friday?
(WB) That’ll work. I have a report to do in the afternoon, so would 10 A.M. work?
(MB) Ten on Friday is perfect. I’ll send a group e-mail to everyone once I’ve booked the
meeting room. Looks like a busy afternoon for me, so I think I’ll head out and grab
some lunch in a second.

44. (MA) Why does the woman say the meeting should be postponed?
45. (MA) When will the meeting most likely be held?
46. (MA) What will the man probably do next?

(MA) Questions 47 - 49 refer to the following conversation.

(MA) Hi, I’m looking for a laptop bag for an extended business trip to India. Once there, I’ll
be traveling around to various hotels and universities trying to sell our firm’s software
packages. I need a bag that’s very sturdy.
(WB) Well, you might want to try this black PC10 bag. It’s a hard-bag, so it’s a little heavy
and not really stylish, but it’s durable and a good value at just $34 on sale.
(MA) It looks very tough. I like it, but it’s not quite big enough. I have a larger laptop, so I
need a 20 inch bag.
(WB) Oh, I’m afraid we only have the PC10 in our regular stores. But I can check our online
inventory for a 20-inch hard bag and have it shipped here within 24 hours. One
moment while I bring up the computer.

47. (MA) Why is the man traveling to India?

48. (MA) What does the man say about the bag?
49. (MA) What does the woman offer to do?

(MA) Questions 50 - 52 refer to the following conversation.

(MB) McCleary Associates, this is Carl McCleary speaking. How may I help you?
(WA) Hi, this is Kate from Stone Dental Center. You had tried to get a 5 or 5:30 appointment
with us for this Friday and we were booked, but now one patient just canceled her visit.
Would you be interested in coming in at 5:30?
(MB) Sure, that would be great. I’m a new patient, so do I need to arrive early or anything?
(WA) No, just come in at 5:30. We’re on the 6th floor of the Stone Complex, and there’s free

parking on both sides of the building. Please bring an ID with a picture on it for
registration. You’re all set, and we’ll see you Friday.

50. (MA) Why most likely is the woman calling?

51. (MA) At what time Friday will the man most likely visit the Stone Complex?
52. (MA) What does the woman ask the man to do?

(MA) Questions 53 - 55 refer to the following conversation.

(WA) Hi, Greg. Well, today’s my first day at work at Access Publishing, and it looks like I’m
going to be late. I left my house early to be sure not to miss the train, but now the train
is running 30 minutes late.
(MA) Oh, hi, Susan. They just announced that the delays are from the work crews out
clearing debris from the tracks, but the train should arrive soon. With all this wind and
rain, there are still lots of branches falling down.
(WA) I see. Well, I’m just glad the electricity didn’t go out.
(MA) I’ll say. You know those redesigned townhomes in the financial district? I’m showing
one to a client this morning, and I have to print out the online brochure from our realty
office as soon as I arrive.

53. (MA) Why is the woman concerned?

54. (MA) What is causing the problem?
55. (MA) Where does the man most likely work?

(MA) Questions 56 - 58 refer to the following conversation.

(MB) Hi, Olivia. Do you know where I can find more of those thick file folders? Some of my
colleagues down in the accounting area need them for our tax paperwork.
(WB) Well, the operations team took the last folders here. But Barb in the sales department
may have a few, or you might want to look in the supply room by Human Resources. I
could also order some from Max’s Supply today.
(MB) Oh, it’s no rush. The tax forms won’t arrive until Monday or Tuesday anyway.
Tomorrow’s Friday, so I’ll just go to Max’s Supply during lunch and get supplies with the
company credit card.
(WB) That’ll work. You can phone them and they’ll set things aside for you if you give them
the items’ catalogue numbers. In fact, why don’t I make a list of supplies our
department needs? Hold on, and I’ll do that right away.

56. (MA) What department does the man most likely work in?
57. (MA) When will the man probably go to Max’s Supply?

58. (MA) What will the woman probably do next?

(MA) Questions 59 - 61 refer to the following conversation.

(WB) Hi, Mr. Foley? This is Debra from Ten-Tech Industries. I’m calling to follow up on your
purchase of our DTC-10 cloth cutting machine, and just want to make sure you’re
happy with its performance.
(MA) Oh, yes, we’re very satisfied with it. Its digital technology has really helped us speed up
production in our factory, as your salesperson said it would, and it’s energy efficient as
(WB) That’s great to hear. As you know, the DTC-10 is not the cheapest machine around,
and it’s not the only cloth cutter that uses computer technology, but we’re proud of it
being the fastest operating unit on the market.
(MA) Well, it helped us meet our production deadline for a new line of men’s shirts we just
introduced. We’re packaging the clothes now, and they’ll be shipped to stores next
months. Thank you for all your service, and thanks for the call.

59. (MA) What is the main purpose of the woman’s call?

60. (MA) According to the conversation, what is special about the DTC-10?
61. (MA) What does the man say will happen next month?

(MA) Questions 62 - 64 refer to the following conversation.

(MB) Hi, Ellen. I looked at the Web site for the new Indian restaurant. There’s no lunch buffet,
but they do have some cheap dishes on the regular menu. It’s a long walk to get there,
but it’s worth checking out. What do you think?
(WA) Oh, I’m afraid I have to stay here at the office. I have to finish that report for the
afternoon meeting.
(MB) Well, you helped me design that brochure last month. Why don’t I help you out with the
report? I can do some of the copying, sorting, and stapling. I owe it to you.
(WA) I suppose we could go. My colleague who’s been there says the service is good, but
that it’s a tiny space with just 20 tables. Don’t be surprised if we have to wait outside in
a line to get a table.

62. (MA) What does the man indicate about the restaurant?
63. (MA) What does the man offer to do?
64. (MA) What does the woman’s colleague say about the restaurant?

(MA) Questions 65 - 67 refer to the following conversation.

(MA) Hi, Carla? This is Frank Renzi with the Weekly Times. One of my fellow reporters here

just handed me a press release saying your company’s delaying the launch of its new
Vista motorcycle. Could you tell me more about that?
(WA) Hi. Yes, that’s correct. The release of that model will be postponed for one month
because of factory renovations that took place in January. However, it’s a great bike,
especially for beginning riders, and your staff can test it soon.
(MA) We’d like to. We’re especially interested in having Barry, our columnist, give it a road
test before April’s New City motorcycle festival. Is that possible?
(WA) lt sure is. We are inviting media representatives to test the Vista at our factory’s track
on February 28th, just three weeks before its official market launch on March 14th. I
will e-mail you details about the media event later today, in fact.

65. (MA) Who most likely is the man?

66. (MA) What kind of company does the woman probably work for?
67. (MA) When will the Vista be released on the market?

(MA) Questions 68 - 70 refer to the following conversation.

(MB) Air-Co. Industries, this is Sam speaking. How may I help you?
(WB) Hi, Sam. It’s Lisa from Chicago Relocation service. I’m calling to tell you about an
apartment that came up for rent. It’s near public transportation and Hamlin Park, and it
would be close to your new office.
(MB) Oh, hi, Lisa. Actually, I just found out that I’ll have a company car in Chicago, so my
preferences have changed. I can live farther from downtown. Now the key thing for me
is finding any unit that rents for under $1,000 a month.
(WB) Well, that’ll make the search even easier. I’ll put that information into our office
computer and then at around 2 this afternoon I’ll e-mail you a list of available units for
you to look at. We’ll have no trouble finding a place for you.

68. (MA) Why is the woman calling the man?

69. (MA) What does the man say is important to him?
70. (MA) What most likely will happen in the afternoon ?

Part 4
(MA) Questions 71 - 73 refer to the following advertisement.
(MA) Wherever you travel for business or pleasure, the new Star Airlines will get you there.
We’ve joined Globe Airways to become the world’s largest airline. And now that our
merger is complete, we’ve repainted all our whole fleet of modern M40 jets to show off
Globe’s logo. But our slogan is still “Happy Flying,” and we’re committed to our long-
standing tradition of great service. What’s more, we’ll be adding new early morning and
late evening departures starting next month. With our convenient on-line reservations
system, you can book your flight today and fly tomorrow. And, this month only, all first
time Star flyers will receive a 10% discount for bookings on economy class seats. Don’t
wait – fly now.

71. (MA) Why have the airline’s jets changed appearance?

72. (MA) What will the airline do next month?
73. (MA) Who will receive a discount with the airline this month?

(MA) Questions 74 - 76 refer to the following recorded message.

(WA) You have reached the administrative offices of Snow County’s Department of Tourism.
We are closed today, Friday and Monday for the holiday, but we will return to the office
on Tuesday. Our regular hours are 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. For updated
information on ski conditions, please tune into AM 1560 on your radio. If you are
traveling in Snow County, you may pick up a listing of area hotels from STS, Snow
County Tourist Services, at any tourist information booth. For information on
volunteering at Snow County parks, press one. To talk directly with a representative,
please dial extension 520. Thank you. This recording will be repeated if you stay on the

74. (MA) When will the office open again?

75. (MA) According to the recording, what does STS provide?
76. (MA) What should a caller do to speak to a representative?

(MA) Questions 77 - 79 refer to the following announcement.
(MB) Welcome to the Palace Musical Theater. Tonight’s musical, The Time of our Lives, is
divided into four parts. Please hold your applause until the end of each part, and please
remain seated while you applaud. We ask that you refrain from photography or the use
of any recording devices during the performance. You may, however, purchase signed
souvenir photos and brochures in the lobby during our intermission. And don’t forget
that part four of the show is interactive – that’s right, we urge you to join the performers
in song and dance. The show will start in five minutes, and while we’re waiting we will
pass out iced tea to patrons seated in our VIP section.

77. (MA) What is the audience encouraged to do?

78. (MA) What is available in the lobby?
79. (MA) What most likely will happen next?

(MA) Questions 80 - 82 refer to the following radio broadcast.

(WB) This is an FM 96 weather update. Well, yesterday’s record-low temperature of 26
degrees Fahrenheit, plus some light snow, forced officials to put off our spring opening
baseball game until next week. Students should dress warmly because the heat has
already been turned off for the spring in our area’s schools. The cold will stay with us all
week, possibly even affecting this weekend’s flower show. But the good news is that it
will stay dry. There’ll most likely be some beautiful sunrises, and here at FM 96 we
encourage you to head over to Taylor Forest to view them. We have sports and medical
news coming up, but first let’s pause for some promotional messages. Stay tuned.

80. (MA) What happened yesterday?

81. (MA) What does the speaker recommend that the audience do?
82. (MA) What most likely will be heard next?

(MA) Questions 83 - 85 refer to the following speech.

(MB) Welcome, and thank you for attending this short meeting. I just want to go over the
details of the “Join Now, Get Three Months Free” marketing event going on at all our
Power Health Club locations. Market research shows that giving away free gym time
helps boost health club attendance and retention. In my 10 years here, we’ve had five
of these events, and they’ve all been big successes. In addition, we’re offering 20% off
all premium memberships at our open house this Sunday. I’ll show you a slide show
about this event, but first I want to pass out our new brochures detailing all our savings
83. (MA) What is the purpose of the speech?
84. (MA) How long has the speaker worked with the company?
85. (MA) What most likely will the speaker do next?


(MA) Questions 86 - 88 refer to the following announcement.

(WA) Hi, all. I just want to update you on our tour itinerary for this afternoon. We’ll spend
about 15 more minutes at this restaurant and have a homemade dessert prepared by
chefs from the local cooking school. Then, we’ll board the bus and resume our tour. We
are scheduled to visit the history museum, but we just got word that it is closed today for
cleaning. So instead, we’ll tour Longman Folk Village, a scenic area with traditional
houses that surround a working farm. Get your cameras ready – you’ll enjoy great views
of the mountains on the bus ride there. But you may want to take your umbrellas out of
your backpacks now as we expect some light rain soon.

86. (MA) Where most likely is this announcement being given?

87. (MA) What is indicated about Longman Folk Village?
87. (MA) What does the speaker recommend that the audience do?

(MA) Questions 89 - 91 refer to the following talk.

(WB) Good morning, everyone. I’m Deborah Santos, and on behalf of all of us here in Human
Resources, I’d like to welcome you to the company. You will be training to work in our
customer support department, which is a key part of our marketing division. You’ve all
completed your new hire paperwork, and you have your ID badges, so now I would like
for us to move to Computer Room B, next to the lunchroom, so that you can start your
hands-on training. Our trainer, Matt Rodriguez, will describe the various steps you take
when you handle customer inquiry phone calls. He’ll start in 10 minutes, so let’s get set
up now.

89. (MA) What department does the speaker most likely work in?
90. (MA) What is the audience instructed to do?
91. (MA) What most likely will happen in 10 minutes?

(MA) Questions 92 - 94 refer to the following announcement.

(WA) It looks like everyone is present at work today, so I just want to make a quick
announcement. As you all know, here at PhotoPlus Software we run a contest for
photographers who edit their images with our software programs. The top prize is our
latest software package as well as a $1,000 gift certificate valid at Cotter’s Camera
Shop. Well, this year’s winner is Rachel Kim, a professional photographer specializing
in nature and garden pictures. We will present her award at 3 P.M. next Friday at the
local convention center. In the meantime, I’d like you to familiarize yourselves with her
amazing work by logging into the “contest” section of our Web site. Thanks, all.

92. (MA) Where most likely is the announcement being given?
93. (MA) Who most likely is Rachel Kim?
94. (MA) What are the listeners asked to do?

(MA) Questions 95 - 97 refer to the following voicemail message.

(MA) Hi, Ms. Farley. This is Andy calling from First Avenue Lighting and Electric Warehouse.
Well, I have some mixed news about your order. The glass lighting fixtures you wanted
for your restaurant arrived at our store yesterday directly from the factory, and they look
great. However, the specialty light bulbs that go with it suffered slight water damage
during shipment to our store, so we cannot sell them. The good news is that they’re in
stock at one of our warehouses, and I can have them, plus the fixture, delivered free to
your restaurant by courier service on Tuesday, the 20th. Please give us a call and let us
know if this date works for you. Thank you.

95. (MA) Where most likely does the speaker work?

96. (MA) What problem has occurred?
97. (MA) What does the speaker ask Ms. Farley to do?

(MA) Questions 98 - 100 refer to the following radio broadcast.

(MB) Welcome to Car World. I’m your host, Tim Davis. Last weekend, I got to test drive
Convair Motors’ new full-size car, the Delta, and I wholeheartedly agree with Convair
President Pam Nichol’s assessment that it’s “their best design ever.” With this car,
veteran automotive designer John Mason has created a luxurious yet practical driving
machine. It’s an affordable large car, marketed toward big families who travel together,
yet it’s quite economical to operate. Its relatively small engine is surprisingly powerful,
performing well even on hills. The car hits the market next month, and it will be sold only
in the classic black and silver colors. New car buyers will definitely want to check it out.

98. (MA) Who is John Mason?

99. (MA) According to the broadcast, who is the Delta aimed at?
100. (MA) What is mentioned about the Delta?


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