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Alpi & huli

Empty chair

By: M.Meizi Muharamsyah Alpikar

There is classroom That known as scary class in one of senior high school
. I was one of student who studied in that class. My name is Alpi , I live not far
from my school. I have one friend who can make me happy as long my life in
that school. His name is Huli. One day when we studied, I felt there was
something bad in that class, I didn’t know why but I just felt it. When my friend
and I focused with teacher who was teached in the front something bad
happened, teacher’s eyes saw one of student did something that made us
shocked, that teacher called her more than 3 times but there was nothing
changed of her , directly teacher came to her and touched her and she fell
down from her chair. And some of the girls in that class carried her to clinic.

Directly i came to huli and asked him “ what happened to her?”. “ i don’t
know there is something enter her body” huli answered with afraid face. both
of us really shocked because of that. After school we went to her school to saw
her condition. But we were surprised because there was ustadz in her house
and heard people recited yasiin. I tought she was died, but the fact yasinan
was to make her body stay away from something bad. After it we asked about
what happened to her, pak ustadz told fully to us about that. We decided to go
home earlier because we were running out of time.

It has been 3 days she didn’t come to the school, it make us corioused to
know her condition now. We had idea to come to her house after school. Her
condition is worse than before. And we heard that ustadz got sick because
tried to treat her. After finished chated with her family we decided to go to our
house earlier too. When I slept there was somenone in my dream asked me to
go back to her house tomorrow and also ask me to chat with her(inside her
body). “oke I’ll do that” answered me in my heart. After school time I went to
her house her house with Huli. Arrived in her house directly I did what had
someone asked to me. I asked her “ why you enter her body? Why should her?
She(inside her body) told if she is the tutelary spirit that was living in the chair
which stayed by her. She(inside the body) entered her body because she dislike
her to sit in that chair. And i asked “who are you?” she said i was student who
ever stayed on that chair in the past when i was one of student who was
studied in that school. But there was boy student killed me in that school, on
that chair exactly. And then I asked the tutelary spirit to go out from her. With
some of forcing , finally that spirit went out. But 3 days after we had ask the
spirit went out, her mother called us to come to her house again. Huli and I
went to her house and discussed what should we do. We were discussed again
to make the spirit went permanently from her body, because that spirit came
back to her body. With help from someone who ever entered in my dream and
with some equipments we can make the tutelary spirit went permanently.
That’s the first experience that ever we did during our life.


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