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Log notes;
*"from" means from 1.08. "Originally" means 1.06/2.06. Aswell,
"restored" implies values from 1.06/1.06.
*SLASH means sword damage.
*PIERCE means arrow damage
*URUK means damage dealt by Isengard Warriors and Mordor Orc
*SIEGE means damage from trolls, artillery, machines, glorfindel
anti-structure damage.
*CAVALRY means cavalry melee damage.
*SPECIALIST means damage dealt by pikemen and Haldir Golden
*CRUSH means cavalry trample damage.
*STRUCTURAL means arrows from fortresses, towers.
*CAVALRY_RANGED is the damage dealt by Cavalry units bow,
including MoD from battlewagons. Also includes the damage from volley arrow. URUK
means mordor and isengard swordsmen damage.
*HERO_RANGED as name implies it, it's the damage dealt by heroes
in bow-mode.
*STRUCTURAL is the damage dealt by arrows/axes from lone towers,
barricades, towers, fortress etc.
*MAGIC is the damage dealt by most of the spells. Also mixed with
PIERCE for Silverthorne arrows.
*FLAME is used by fire arrows and certain spells. Most of the
times mixed with MAGIC. (Fireballs, Fire Breath). Also mixed with PIERCE for fire
*FlankedPenalty is the armor penalty applied when a unit gets
*Cooldown means reload time, obviously.
*"Experience levels" changes means Exp required, Exp awards,
Attributes gained per rank, like armor, damage, health, etc.
*Indirect attack = Damage dealt by Mordor Flyers and Eagles when
they are attacking a different kind of target (Usually Monsters & Structures)
*Direct attack = Any Flyer attacking a target on purpose, either
automatically or targeted by the player.
*One-Hit = Instant kill.

;;------------------------#Bug fixes/avoidance & Error

-Now Isengard player can not mount converted Witch king. So we avoid the bug of wk
converted to isengard permanently.
-Elven SilverThorn arrows no longer allow archer hordes to have two incrementing
damage kinds. Thus, leveling up, leadership or agresive stances; no longer
increases the MAGIC damage from upgraded archers, only the PIERCE damage. (like any
other archer in the game)
-Fixed Shelob Sting auto ability casting flyers or stuff that doesn't conform part
of the filter.
-Fixed wildmen & hobbits not being grabbed by flyers, thus recognized as a big
object and applied a strong weapon that always one-hit the whole horde and plays no
SpecialFX. Giving cancer to the eyes of the players.
-Fixed palantir affecting flyers.
-Fixed Mordor flyers having no attack sound 60% of the times against units. Now
they use original sounds as base when attacking and there's a 40% chance new sounds
-Fixed flyers one-hitting battlewagons when they are clumped.
-Fixed flyers one-hitting battlewagons when they are targeting another nearer
object, either units or structures.
-Mordor Flyers & Eagles no longer damages structures when attacking units.
-Mordor Flyers & Eagles no longer one-hits machines when attacking structures or
monsters anymore. Only through direct attack.
-Fixed Dwarven Lone Tower not having a stealth detector like any other tower.
-Fixed placebo 1.07 change; Gimli axe thrown cool down 38 from 45. Not properly
-Trolls rampage mode (spinning rage before dying) no longer knock-back heroes. And
no longer affects allies.
-Fixed Gondor Trebuchets, Dwarven Catapults upgraded with flaming projectiles not
gaining any extra damage against walls (due wall immunity to Fire). Now their anti-
walls weapon deal +50% more damage against walls when upgraded by flaming
-Fixed all Structural Artillery (from fortress or walls) not having anti-wall
weapons like normal artillery.
-Fixed all Artillery bombard weapon not having an anti-wall weapon.
-Fixed all Artillery vision (not shroud reveal) not fitting with weapon range.
-Fixed Mordor Fortress Catapult not having received the +17% range addition.
(Leading to all artillery having more range than a structural catapult)
-Fixed Ballista and Mountain giant approaching to the targeted objective until they
have vision to shoot. (attack doesn't need line of sight anymore, all other
artillery units don't needed it)
-Fixed Outer Wall Hub system (builder-built wall system). Now Wall Hub upgrade
(from wall segments) can no longer build outside the range of the main Outer Wall
Hub (builder-built). If the main Wall Hub is destroyed, player has to build one
-Fixed lorien archer horde auto-acquiring enemy structures when they were just
-Fixed AI not using Balrog abilities.
-Fixed trolls in stoned model applying the rampage mode. Damaging the units without
actually move.
-Fixed kind of definition of Rohirrim Archers.
-Fixed uruk hai heavy armor taking more flanked damage than standard armor.
-Fixed Mighty Rage, Rebuild, Dwarf Riches, Undermine, Industry, Elf wood, Tainted
land not being castable near the water. . (For example on celdium, the fords of
any river) //LogNote:Elf Wood will be then able to castable on the middle of the
sea, but do we care? We just want to use it the shores...
-Mordor Pyres, Dwarf and Men Fortress Banners now properly grants +25 +25 as
tooltip always indicated in BTP. Includes lone towers.
-Fixed Fire Drake inferno hit and run glitch. Now properly the animation has to
-Fixed Drogoth Incinerate hit and run glitch. Now properly the animation has to
complete. Damage is now dealt 4 times so it fits with the fire animation length.
-Fixed Balrog Fire Breath hit and run glitch. Now properly the animation has to
-Fixed Rally Call radius of effect being smaller than the radius-button. (Was
105/100, now 105/105)//Important note and reason to log this minimal change; PATCH
1.07 never made warchant/rally bigger, just radius-button.
-Fixed Warg Howl not stacking with dain mighty rage.
-Fixed sharku man-eater bonus category (now elf mist could not cancel its bonus)
-Fixed lurtz carnage, aragorn and glorfindel dealing two times more damage against
warg sentries on high ranks.
-Fixed battlewagon banner carrier fake leadership type. Tooltip indicates Generic
Damage Stack but it was High Tier Hero not-stacking leadership.
-Fixed death type from Rivendell Lancer trample. Now properly crushed, from normal.
-Fixed Gorgoroth Spire, Wizard Tower and Ivory Tower special powers being available
before the upgrade animation are completed.
-Fixed Boiling Oil, Oil Casks, Magma Cauldrons & Eagle Nest abilities becoming
available before the build-up animation completes.
-Fixed Treasure Trove and Haradrim palace using Fortress weapons.
-Fixed dwarf Sentry Towers and dwarf level 3 structures using Fortress weapons.
(Means damage to cavalry now 100% from 150%)
-Fixed Dwarven Fortress Catapult upgraded not having received the +17% range
-Fixed Black Arrows being available on level 1 hordes.
-Fixed Lorien Archer bombard animation.
-Fixed Axe Thrower attack-bombard glitch.
-Fixed CreateAHero bow animation ( and others ). (From RotWK)
-Fixed Cloud break stun being aborted by other kinds of fear. (Like fear to be
trampled by nearby cavalry)
-Fixed Haldir Golden Arrow being available in sword mode.(from RotWK)
-Fixed Spider Rider losing forged blade damage against structures when upgraded
with venom sacks.
-Fixed Devastation stunning dragon strike.
-Fixed Goblin Fortress upgrades preventing Fire Drake resurrection.
-Fixed Elven Ent Moot shroud clear range. (now 160 from 25, like any other
-Fixed troll crush dealing 0 damage to pikes. (This change was meant to neutral
warg crush, but they used to share same weapon)
-Fixed wildmen spawn angle.
-Fixed isengard ballista having no animations when attacking.
-Fixed rohan banner being crushable by simple cavalry.
-Fixed Attack Troll & Mountain Troll not attacking units , instead preferring to
-Fixed Trolls not attacking new targets after a hit.
-Fixed worldbuilder crash.
-Fixed Isengard and Goblin summoned dragons having different spawn and teleport
timers. Fixed few glitches as well.
-Fixed Battlewagon leveling up not going through level 5 and not gaining it's auto
-Hobbits are not considered as �archers� anymore. So now they don�t avoid meleeing.
-Fixed pippin campfire heal/leadership filters.
-Fixed pippin campfire leadership category. Now it is removed by Freezing Rain.
-Fixed Mouth Of Sauron Doubt debuffing balrogs dragons and wyrms.
-Suited all bounty values(money gained by scavenger powers), now correctly 25% of
original cost. From different values for specific heroes, un-actualized ones,
errors, etc.
-Fixed battlewagons having no attack animation against units. (it was working only
against structures)
-Gimli Slayer radius damage affecting allies fixed.
-Fixed war of the ring not starting.
-Fixed dwarf catapult not scoring power points.
-Fixed Isengard infantry Banner carriers NOT respawning dead units every 7s, from
-Fixed mordor catapult not being able to use human heads. Note, the bombard icon
will now bombard its default weapons. The long-range one will work against Ships,
as originally intended by EA. With the difference it attacks ships automatically.
-Fixed Witch King Mounted armor being 3.75% tougher unintentionally.
-Fixed Barrow Wight glitch. (delay between shots now 0.6 seconds from 0.3 seconds.)
-Fixed fireworks being detonated by enemy Merry detonate button.
-Fixed drogoth fireball gaining unintentionally 1/4 more damage per rank.
-Fixed sharku gaining double damage per rank.
-Sam lifetime higher than hobbits lifetime fixed.
-Fixed Wyrm breath glitch. Now she won't take orders while doing the breath attack.
-Glorfindel dismounted glitch fix: sword delay between shoots 800ms from 1ms.
-Legolas melee glitch fix: knife delaybetweenshots 800ms from 1ms.
-Fixed normal dwarf tower having summoned armor and heal/leadership behaviors.
-Blackrider dismounted glitch fix: sword preattackdelay now 500ms from 100ms.
-Goblin king sword glitch fix: sword preattack delay now 400ms from 100ms.
-Fixed dwarven mine not gaining the intentional and generic production bonus at
level 3. (+35% from +20%)
-Fixed dwarven bulrush VFX duration not matching with the attribute.
-Fixed elven banner carrier usable without eregion forge.
-Fixed a minor error in the formation of orcs and goblins.
-Aragorn and Lurtz getting stuck till abort the carnage mode when trying to cast it
inside an enemy horde fixed.
-Fixed Men Infantry Banner carriers NOT respawning dead units every 7s, from 10s
-Fixed mordor gate watcher applying debuff when it is not fully built.
-Builder can not be teleported anymore.
-Fixed bug with Summoned Hobbits and Men of Dale Horde having infinite lifetime
once they got revived.
-Bug fixed: Men of Dale Summoned being able to use Black Arrows.
-Bug fixed: treebeard not being able to use its bombard ability.
-Fixed errors in the formation of the hobbit horde. It�s remade now.
-Haradrim lancer description and tooltip actualized to their actual function (like
axe throwers)
-Some Special Powers like Legolas Hawk Strike arrow, and Gimli Axe Throw penalties
against catapults and trebuchets now also includes the dwarven catapult,
-Frames per Second restored to 30, from 33. Fixes spell store not allowing buying
any power.
-Bug Fixed: Sam having no animation when throwing Firecracker
-Men fortress changing of damaged model now is fixed. (corrected)
-Fixed lifetime bug with summoned rangers. (revived rangers having longer lifetime)
-Fixed error causing the mighty catapults be shockwaved, bugging the visual object.
-Fixed spider riders speed in unit (not horde). It once was reduced, but unit speed
was not touched.
-Fixed men of dale, lorien archer and mirkwood winning the double of damage that
they are supposed to earn per rank, becoming overpowered on high ranks when they
are upgraded with fire arrow/silver thorn arrow.
-Fixed a lot of errors in the kidnof of nature units( like bats, trees, ravens,
etc), being attacked, healed or aimed by certain spells, like Gandalf lightening.
-Fortress slaved spiderlings don't take leadership anymore.
-Fixed bug with Men of Dale & Axe Thrower from Battle Wagon being crushed and
rotating inside the battlewagon forever.
-Fixed crossbowmen bombard trajectory and weapon.
-Fixed mirkwood archer with Silverthorne bombard trajectory and weapon.
-Fixed Sell Building command appaering at 3rd spot in level 3 Dwarven Barrack, now
properly appaer in 6th spot.

;;-----------------------# Specific MatchUp changes.
;------------------ok. dwarves vs mordor-----------------------;
-Fellbeast indirect damage now 75% to BattleWagons in a small radius, from 2000% in
a big radius.
-Fellbeast direct attack now deals 180% to BattleWagons, from 100%. (WitchKing
deals 400%)
-Witch King mounted indirect damage now 180% to BattleWagons in a small radius,
from 2000% in a big radius.
-Blackrider on level 10 no longer one-hits guardians.
-Mumakil Charge attack now deal 800% from 1000% against Gloin and Dain.
//LogNote:Gimli can escape thru slayer, so he's not part of the "slowest heroes
-Men of dale Black Arrow now deal 175% against Mumakil from 150%.
-Orc fighters now deal 190% to Dwarf Buildings from 200%. But, now it correctly
applies to SiegeWorks and ArcheryRange.
-Guardian to deal 85% from 75% to Orc.
-Guardian to deal 65% against blackrider, from 60%.
-Mountain troll deal 150% to battlewagon, from 100%. Val's.
;------------------ok. dwarves vs goblins-----------------------;
-Drogoth now deals 100% to BattleWagons in a small radius, from 1500% in a big
radius. Originally 2000%.
-Goblin archer poisoned arrows now deal 115% from 100% to guardian and phalanx.
-Guardian to take 70% poison from 67%.
-Cave and Mountain troll deal 150% to battlewagon, from 100%
-Drogoth takes 85% SLASH from 100% (axe throwers damage type)
-Dwarven guardian now deals 90% against goblin mine, from 100%.
-Spiderlings now deal 112% against dwarven guardian from 107%.
-Goblins sword/poisoned sword now deal 109%/109% to dwarf mine. (from 112/100%)
;;-----------------ok. men vs mordor-----------;;
-Black Rider Morgul Blade no longer castable on Eowyn.
-Gondor Rangers now correctly deals 90% against dismounted WitchKing.
-Eomer spear thrown now deals 450% against Mumakil. Peter jacksons design.
-Soldier now suffer a extra 6% penalty to Mordor SlaughterHouses.
-Faramir Wound Arrow now deals less damage to Black Riders. (1080 from 1200).
-Aragorn normal sword / blademaster mode now deals less damage to Witch King.
(179/149 from 203/173 respectively).
;;-----------------ok. elves vs dwarves-----------;;
-Eagles direct attack now deals deals 180% to BattleWagons, from 100%.
-Eagles indirect damage now 50% to BattleWagons, from 2000%.
-Thranduil dead eye MAGIC damage now deals 75% against BattleWagon from 100%.
-Legolas Hawk strike now deals 87% against BattleWagon from 100%.
-Lorien warrior now gain a 10% penalty against dwarven mine shaft (45% from 50%
-DwarvenAxeThrower now deals 80% against Mithlond, from 100%.
-Undermine spawn damage deals 60% to Lorien archer, Mirkwood archer, Mithlond pike.
//LogNote:To be considered undermine has 3 loads of damage per area.
;------------------ok. isengard vs dwarves-----------------------;
-Berserker radius of damage against dwarf infantry now 15 from 20 (originally 15)
-Lurtz carnage radius of damage against dwarf infantry now 15 from 20 (originally
-Lurtz Carnage now deals 87% to Gimli.
-Guardian axe now deals 110% against Uruk hai.
-Uruk hai now deals 85% to Dwarven Mine.
-Saruman blast now deals 80% to Guardians and Axe Throwers. (Consider blast damage
is 650, while Originally it was 500)
;------------------ok. dwarves vs men-----------------------;
-Dwarven Axe Thrower 80% to Gondor Archer. //LogNote: Consider gondor archer HP had
been reduced and axe thwr dmg had got a increment at once.
-Gondor Archer deals 115% to guardian.
-Gondor archer deals 107% to dwarven phalanx
;;-----------------ok elves vs men-----------;;
-Lorien archer now deals 90% damage against Gondor Archer.
;------------------ok. goblins vs elves-----------------------;
-Drogoth Fireball no longer one-hits treebeard anymore.
-Lorien archer now deal 90% to spiderling.
-Lorien Warrior Poison armor now 80/35 from 100/3
-Goblin Fighter deals 90% to mallorn, including poisoned sword.
-Elven Thranduil dead eye HERO_RANGED damage now deals 130% to spider
rider.//LogNote: Because normal bow would one-hit them, but not dead eye.
-Goblin Spider rider sword now deals 75% against Mallorn.
-Rivendell Lancer lance deals 115% to Goblin Mine.
;;-----------------ok mordor vs elves-----------;;
-Arwen Flood, both level 4 and level 10, deal 400% to Black Riders and Mouth of
Sauron. //LogNote:Consider it lore change
-Blackrider now deal 90% to Lancer. (It will still-one hit it due debuff. But
lancers might survive it with heavy armor.)
-Lorien warrior now gain a 10% bonus against mordor slaugher houses.
-Mordor Orc Archers now deals 100% from 115% against Lorien Warrior and Mithlond
-Mordor Barricade fire arrows now deal 25% against ent from 50%.
-Rivendell Lancer lance deals 125% to Slaughter House. From 100%.
-Blackrider now deals only 40% against Mallorn. From 50%.
;------------------ok. mordor vs isengard-----------------------;
-Lurtz arrow now deal 200%/200% against Fellbeast & WitchKing.
-Fellbeast damage against Isengard Furnace restored to 75% from 85%.
-Corsair sword now deals 85% from 94% to Isengard Furnace.
;------------------ok. goblins vs isengard-----------------------;
-Drogoth damage against Isengard Furnace reverted. 75% from 85%. (originally 75%)
-Drogoth damage against Isengard Saruman reverted. 30% from 50%. (Originally 30%)
-Drogoth Fireball damage against Isengard Saruman reverted. 30% from 50%.
(Originally 30%)
-Berserker Poison armor now 15% from 100%.
-Isengard Uruk Hai Poison armor now 80/50 from 105/60 (Originally 100/50).
-Goblin Fighter now deals 75% against Isengard Furnace, including poisoned sword.
-Marauder pike (NO SPLASH) now deal 100 damage against Warg Rider from 150.
//LogNote:This means marauder now have 50 normal damage to Warg and 50 splash
damage, from 100/50 respectively)
;------------------ok. elves vs isengard-----------------------;
-Haldir Golden Arrow now deals 75% against Isengard Saruman. //LogNote:Consider
it's SPECIALIST damage, thus supper effective against mounted heros and 3k heros.
But Saruman doesn't deserve 90% healthbar lose.
-Lorien Archer now deal 80% against Berserkers.


-Fear Radiators of Haldir Golden Arrow and Glorfindel Starlight now ALSO affects

;------------------ok. Elven inn units-----------------------;

-Rohan peasant from inn damage now 50 from 60.
;------------------ok. Eagles-----------------------;
-Eagles can now use stances. Set as artillery (no armor or damage changes, but
defensive means stay freeze).
-Eagles claw atack now deal 65% against Shelob and Dismounted WitchKing.
-Eagles FLAME/MAGIC armor now 40% from 30%.
-Eagles now deal 75% against ents (killing them in 3 hits from 2). Originally 3
-Eagles now deal 130% against heros. Except flyers, witcking dismounted and shelob.

-Fortress Eagle now takes 60 cp. But does not work as an impediment to be spawned.
-Fortress Eagle buildtime 100 from 105.
-Fortress Eagle attack radius 30 from 45. Originally 30.
-Summoned Eagle attack radius now 35 from 45. Originally 30.
-Summoned Eagle attack radius now 30 against archers, from 45. Originally 30.
;------------------ok. elven structures & upgrades---------------------
-Elven statue build time 30 from 45.
-Elven Mallorn CAVALRY armor resistance increased. (60% from 75%.Originally 45%)
-Elven Mallorn ranking to lvl2 gains a 12% armor bonus against URUK, CAVALRY, HERO.
Ranking to level 3 gains 12% armor bonus against FLAME. //LogNote:To be considered
that mallorn armor HAD been separated from generic structures in order to nerf it
precisely against URUK, CAVALRY and HERO, now we buffing it back thru a condition;
level up.
-Elven Barrack level 2 upgrade build time 25 from 30.
-Elven Barracks level 2 upgrade cost from 1000 to 900
-Elven Ent Moot build time 30 secs from 25. Refund value actualised to 350, from
-Eregion Forge level 3 tower now have a proper structural weapon, like sentry
tower. (From Mirkwood Archer Silverthorn weapon.)
-Eregion Forge buildtime 40 from 30.
-Eregion Forge level 3 ugprade cost 600 from 1000.
-Elven banner carrier equiping cost 250 from 300.
-Elven banner carrier technology cost now 350 from 400.
-Elven Silverthorn Arrows equiping cost for Mirkwoods Archer now 300 from 400.
-Elven Silverthorn Arrows equiping cost for Lorien Archer now 250 from 300.
-Elven Battle Tower Silverthorn damage now deals 18.75% against SUMMONED, from 25%.
(balrog dragon etc)
;------------------ok. treebeard treeberd ---------------------
-Treebeard punch damage against structures 700 from 600. Damage against fortress
65% from 75%.
-Treebeard build time from 45 secs to 50 secs. (originally 60)
-Treebeard auto heal amount 35 from 50.
-Treebeard CRUSH armor restored to 25% from 1%.
-Treebeard CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 10% from 1%. (originally 15%)
-Treebeard now gain a 50% damage bonus against Monsters (doesn�t include Mumakil)
-Treebeard now takes 35% of Crush-Revenge. (From 45%).
-Treebeard�s punch shockwave amount 80 from 85. It will not knock-back 2k 3k and 5k
hers anymore.
-Treebeard punch damage 700 from 600.
-Treebeard Leadership armor bonus from 50% to 25%
-Treebeard Leadership speed bonus from 15% to 10%
-Treebeard Leadership now grants 25% bonus experience in addition to other stats.
Suited it's tooltip.
-Treebeard can now move whilst he is invisible in/near trees, without revealing
-Treebeard rock throw doesn�t affect allied structures anymore.
;------------------ok. elven ents ---------------------
-Ents can now level up and autoheal at level 5(purchased only-not summoned).
-Ents experience levels set as Mountain Giants.
-Ents experience award from 40, to 35-60 according the rank. (Like mountain giants
-Ents will now play the aflamed-rage animation for 7 seconds.
-Ent siege armor now 50% from 35%.
-Ent rock throw doesn�t affect allied structures anymore.
-Ent damage threshold now 0.4 from 0.2. This means ent start the aflamed animation
once they take 560(from 280) FLAME damage.
;;---------------------elven walls------------------------
-Elven Outer Wallhubs not displaying the radius of wall expansion fixed.
-Elven Outer WallHubs now are 15% bigger. (because they act as a mini-fortress to
allow the expansion of the walls)
-Elven Outer WallHubs health now 3000 from 1500.
-Elven Outer WallHubs expand walls radius now 600 (from 400).
-Elven Fortress WallHubs expand radius now 1500 (from 400)
;;---------------------elven fortress------------------------
-Elven Fortress Blessed Mist upgrade replaced by Silverthorn projectiles, affects
the fortress and the towers granting +100% more structural damage, like the dwarven
-Elven Fortress Enchanted Anvil upgrade build time 25 from 30.
-Elven Fortress Crystal Moat upgrade now cost 900 from 1000.
-Elven Fortress Crystal Moat upgrade now grants a little aura of leadership, values
set to Elven Statue ones.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade can now heal Eagle again. (Eagle was not
healable by fountains only on patch 1.08)
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade cost from 750 to 700.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade build time from 30 to 25.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade now respawn all nearby units
simultaneously, from one.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade respawn units range 250 from 200.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade heal range 250 from 300.
-Elven Fortress Mystic Fountains upgrade Revive Timer bonus from 25% to 20%
-Elven Fortress Ent Vigilant expansion health 2000 from 1000
-Elven Fortress Tower expansion health 1300 from 1000
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion cost 750 from 1200.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion buildtime 25 from 30.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion health 1500 from 1300.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion delaybetweenshots 10 secs from 16 secs.
(originally 2000)
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion Firing duration 2000 from 3000.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion pre attack delay now 2000 ms from 2500.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion scan range 150 from 100. Now it doesn't scan
in a completly area, just in front of them (90� from 180�).
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion damage (72 from 142)
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion no longer knock-backs heros.
-Elven Fortress Flood Gates expansion horses are now 3, from 5. Trajectory from
"-\|/-" to "\|/".
;------------------ok. lorien soldier---------------------
-Lorien Warrior experience required for levels 3 to 5 now 50 50 100 from 75 75 75.
-Lorien Warrior health now 243 from 228.
-Lorien Warrior Damage now 65/115 from 80/120.
-Lorien Warrior now cost 360 from 400.
*Lorien Warrior Poison armor now 80%/40% from 100%/50%
*Lorien Warrior Flame armor now 100%/29% from 100%/14%
*Lorien Warrior Structural armor now 110%/40% from 120%/40%
*Lorien Warrior Flanked penalty value now 33%/33% from 50%/35%
;------------------ok. mirkwood archer-----------------------;
-Mirkwood Archer upgraded with silverthorn now deals 90% PIERCE damage to flyers.
-Mirkwood Archer now deals 80% against Berserkers.
-Mirkwood Banner auto heal amount now 7 from 3.
-Mirkwood Archer 80% penalty against cavalry no longer affects Spiderriders.
-Mirkwood Archer build time 40 secs from 45.
-Mirkwood Archer horde size 15 from 10. Statics reduced proportionally.
-Mirkwood Archer no longer has a constesting meele weapon. (they would be like
lorien archers now)
-Mirkwood Archer damage against WK dismounted now correctly 90%. Damage against
Mumakil now correctly 75%.
-Mirkwood Archer with SilverThorn improvement MAGIC damage 360 from 300.
-Mirkwood Archer with SilverThorn improvement MAGIC damage now deals 25% to
Structures & 12.5% to Fortress. (Patch 1.06 values)
-Mirkwood Archer with SilverThorn improvement MAGIC damage now deals 25% to
Summoned(balrog) and Cavalry. (From 12.5%.)
;------------------ok. lorien archer-----------------------;
-Lorien Archers now deal 75% against builders.
-Lorien Archer upgraded with silverthorn now deals 90% PIERCE damage to flyers.
-Lorien Archer weapons suited. Damage against Mumakil now correctly 80%.
;------------------ok. mithlond sentry pike---------------------
-Mithlond Sentry now deals 65% against structures, from 50%. (Patch 1.00 they deal
-Mithlond Sentry URUK armor now 150%/39% from 150%/42%
-Mithlond Sentry POISON armor now 35%/17.5% from 45%/17.5%
-Mithlond Sentry LOGICAL_FIRE armor now 70%/10.5% from 100/10.5%
-Mithlond Sentry CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 30%/10% from 30%/14%
-Mithlond Sentry STRUCTURAL armor now 100%/20% from 100%/14%
-Mithlond Sentry Flanked_Penalty value now 50%/50% from 50%/52.5%.
;------------------ok. rivendell lancer ---------------------
-Rivendell Lancer health gains for levels 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 20. (note that
gondor knight wins 10 always, rohirrim always 20)
-Rivendell Lancer forged blade damage on buildings now 150% from 200%.
-Rivendell Lancer damage now 57/90 from 60/90.
-Rivendell lancer speed bonus on level 2 moved to 5.
-Rivendell lancer health now 350 from 300.
-Rivendell lancer URUK armor now 40%/25% from 60%/30%. (it's an error they take
double uruk damage than SLASH.)
-Rivendell lancer SPECIALIST armor now 175%/120% from 150%/100%. (Originally
-Rivendell lancer STRUCTURAL armor now 200%/40% from 200%/30%.
-Rivendell lancer CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 140%/70% from 150%/71%.
-Rivendell lancer PIERCE armor now 41%/15% from 44%/15%. (Originally 50%/15%)
;------------------ok. spellbook-----------------------;
-Elven Arrow Volley now deals 15% damage to banner carriers.
-Elven Grove radius now 275 from 250.
-Enshrouding Mist Debuff now affects enemy heros and monsters. (Not flyers)
-Enshrouding Mist Debuff keeps affecting the units that left the zone during 10
secs from only 3 seconds.
-Enshrouding Mist Stealth now affects Treebeard and allied machines, from only
-Enshrouding mist radius now 200 from 150.
-Enshrouding Mist cooldown now 180 from 210s.
-Farsight casted on units now shows up a little leadership nugget over the affected
units. //LogNote:Not really a change, but it's cool to know farsight works on
-Sunflare now deals double damage to trolls. (Except mountain troll, other way it
-Sunflare doesn�t deal critical damage to WK on fell beast anymore. 56% against WK
Mounted from 100%. (50% of his hp).
-Sunflare has now a cool SFX with a nice sound.
-Sunflare damage now has 1.20 secs of delay.
-Sunflare now deals 100% of it's damage on 80% of it's radius. And 80% damage on
the 20% rest of the area.
-Sunflare damage on heros now 200% from 300%.
-Elven Flood cast button radius 20% bigger. (210 from 175)
-Elven Flood trajectory covers aprox. 15% more terrain. Technical values; precisely
X values multipied by 1.1 and Y values by 1.2 (+10%/20%). So it's circunference
should -slightly- stop being a ugly egg, and rather be a good circle.
-Elven Flood horse splash damage radius 50 from 40. Because now they are spreaded
more, also, the new "3 in 1" horse model, requests something logical like this.
-Elven Flood horse speed stays as original. They have a larger path to run through.
-Elven Flood horses can now heal 90% health bar of Ents.
-Elven Flood horse damage restored to 142 from 215. Damage against fortress 28.4%
from 26.875. Originally 49.7
;;-----------------ok legolas-----------;;
-Legolas no longer shares his experience with Thranduil anymore.
-Legolas bow damage 185 from 200. Originally 150.
-Legolas bow and Hawk Strike penaltied by 10% against any flyer.
-Legolas bow now deal 50% against machines. Doesn't affect BattleWagon.
-Legolas respawn times now 65/160/255 from 95/190/285 seconds.
-Legolas build time now 45 from 40.
-Legolas Hawk Strike autoability no longer casts against structures and now will
prefer to cast against cavalry after not finding heroes/monsters.
-Legolas Hawk Strike radius restored to 20 from 27.
-Legolas Hawk Strike cooldown 80s from 105s. (Originally 90) //LogNote: Smaller
chance to one-hit a clumped horde but you gotta micro Legolas more frequently,
thus; nerf. Instead of microless one-hit, you gonna have multiples chances to
perform a good shoot according your micromanage skills.
-Legolas Hawk Strike now properly deals 10% against machines, from only trebs
ballistas and mordor catapult.
-Legolas Train Archers now grants 75 experience, from 50.
-Legolas Train Archers now affects allied archers of any faction.
-Legolas Knife Fighter armor bonus from 50% to 35%. (Originally 20%)
-Legolas Storm of Arrows cooldown 90 seconds from 60.
;------------------ok. arwen---------------------
-Arwen experience required for levels 5, 6, 7, 8 reduced. 220 from 280.
-Arwen respawn timers actualised to her buildtime (65 from 75).
-Arwen Elven Grace (level 10) removed.
-Arwen in level 4 now grants the Generic Armor Stack leadership (25% armor and 25%
experience) for allied units. //LogNote:Same as gorkil or men statue.
-Arwen Flood reload time reduced; 3 minutes from 6 minutes. Flood Damage halved.
-Arwen Flood on level 10 gains back it's old damage and shows up a New Flood Horse
model & SFX.
-Arwen Flood on level 10 horse crush radius 45 from 40.
-Arwen Flood kills grant experience to arwen.
-Arwen no longer shares her experience with Glorfindel, Elrond or Haldir anymore.
;;-----------------ok thranduil-----------;;
*Thranduil experience required for level 10 reduced. 450 from 700.
-Thranduil no longer shares his experience with Legolas anymore.
-Thranduil Dead eye MAGIC damage now deals 35% against Machines, from 100%.
-Thranduil Dead Eye now causes him to lose 15% armor for its duration
-Thranduil Dead Eye range now 480 from 520. (standard bow range is 460))
-Thranduil Dead Eye properly knock back infantry.
-Thranduil Thorn of Vengeance now deals double HERO damage against mounted heros.
(It's HERO damage does not have splash. So he's simply dealing 200% against
Cavalry, except Battle Wagon and Mumakil. Normal cavalry would die one-hited
-Thranduil Thorn of Vengeance MAGIC damage in radius buffed significantly.
-Thranduil Thorn of Vengeance shockwave buffed slightly.
-Thranduil Thorn of Vengeance damage against structures halved.
-Thrandiul Thorn Of Vengeance max range now 450, previously 380
;------------------ok. elrond---------------------
-Elrond experience required increased for levels 5 - 9. (he would still need to
kill the same amount to reach to level 10)
-Elrond Farsight provides range bonus on it's cast button radius. (just like
Farsight from Spellbook)
-Elrond Farsight reveal radius now 400, from 250
-Elrond Whirlwind speed now 45 from 20.
-Elrond Whirlwind now available at level 5, from 10
-Elrond Whirlwind now deals minimal damage to units
-Elrond Whirlwind now no longer lift units strong to metaimpact. (2k heros,
mountain trolls, etc).
-Elrond Whirlwind cooldown 185 seconds from 300 seconds.
-Elrond Whirlwind lifetime now 25s, from 60s
-Elrond Whirlwind cooldown now 200s, from 300s
-Elrond Restore cooldown 360 minutes from 300.
-Elrond Sword deals 150% to cave trolls and mountain trolls too, not just giant and
-Elrond Athelas radius from 115 to 250
-Elrond Restoration now available at level 10, from 7.
-Elrond Restoration now also heals nearby units.
;------------------ok. glorfindel---------------------
-Glorfindel delaybetweenshots 800ms from 1ms.
-Glorfindel mount/dismount time now 4000ms from 2400ms. (Like Blackriders)
-Glorfindel no longer shares his experience with Arwen, Elrond or Haldir
anymore. //LogNote:He's a lone wolf destructor of buildings. Elrond experience
requiriments are based on his slow and mediocre manner to kill units, so if he
receives experience from a structure by just approaching to glorfindel, he will be
on lvl 10 soon. Besides that was promoting hero spam, not cool friends.
-Glorfindel Starlight reload time now 160 seconds from 120.
;------------------ok. haldir---------------------;
-Haldir experience required to levels 5, 6, 7 reduced. 240 from 280.
-Haldir experience required to level 10 increased. 260 from 240.
-Haldir radius of leadership 275 from 200
-Haldir Golden Arrow cooldown 200 seconds from 160.
-Haldir Golden Arrow projectile speed reduced by 25%. (too fast u were never able
to see it, and its pretty nice)
-Haldir Golden Arrow now deals damage in radius 19 and 15 from 0. Now also
knockbacks weak units, including 1k heros.
-Haldir Golden Arrow damage against flyers balanced. Drogoth and Mounted Witch King
will reveive less damage than Fellbeast and Eagles.


;------------------ok. dwarf builder-----------------------;

-Dwarven Builder now gain heavy armor (take 1/3 less damage) when Stonework is
purchased in any fortress.
-Dwarven builder vision now 120 from 100.
;------------------ok. dwarf inn units-----------------------;
-Hobbits rock can now attack flyers. Have fun trying to hit them.
-Hobbits rock throw Delay Between Shots 1700 from 3166.
-Hobbits rock damage 35 from 50.
-Hobbits rock now deal 33% to Mumakils from 50%.
-Hobbits rock damage against infantry now 33% from 25%.
-Hobbits deal 55% damage from 60% against barracks. (theay already deal 55% against
economic buildings, and 50% against fortress)
-Hobbit member speed 56 from 54.
-Hobbit horde speed 52 from 54.
-Hobbits hordes on rock mode can now shot inside a tower.
;------------------ok. dwarf siege works upgrades-----------------------;
-Dwarven Forged Blade build time now 45 seconds from 60.
-Dwarven Mithril Armor build time now 45 seconds from 60.
-Dwarven Siege Hammers build time now 45 seconds from 60.
-Dwarven Flaming Projectiles build time now 45 seconds from 60.
;------------------ok. dwarf fighters and upgrades-----------------------;
-Dwarven Banner Carrier Equip cost for Axe Thrower, Phalanx, Men of Dale now 200
from 250. Guardian stays 250.
-Dwarven Guardian and Phalanx now deal 95% to fortress from 100%.
-Dwarven Phalanx SLASH armor now 240%/96% from 240%/80%.
-Dwarven Phalanx URUK armor now 200%/75% from 150%/50%.
-Guardian Siege Hammer Equip upgrade time restored to 10 seconds from 25.
(originally 10)
-Guardian upgraded with Siege Hammer armor penalty now 135% from 175%.
-Guardian upgraded with Siege Hammer siege damage reduced against Fortress (66%
from 100%).
;------------------ok. dwarven machines-----------------------;
-Dwarven Catapult turn time now 3.3 secs from 10 secs.
-Dwarven Catapult health 2200 from 2000.
-Dwarven Demolisher PIERCE armor now 15%/10% from 25%/15%
-Dwarven Demolisher CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 15%/10% from 25%/15%
-Dwarven Demolisher SLASH armor now 50%/35% from 50%/50%
-Dwarven Demolisher SPECIALIST armor now 150%/85% from 150%/75%
-Dwarven Demolisher damage reverted to 700 from 600. Damage on fortress 87%.
;------------------ok. dwarf walls-----------------------;
-Dwarf wall catapult, the structure that holds it, health reduced. 2000 from 3000.
-Dwarf Outer Wallhubs not displaying the radius of wall expansion fixed.
-Dwarf Outer WallHubs now are 15% bigger. (because they act as a mini-fortress to
allow the expansion of the walls)
-Dwarf Outer WallHubs health now 4000 from 3000.
-Dwarf Outer WallHubs expand walls radius now 600 (from 560).
-Dwarf Outer WallHub buildtime now 55 from 45.
-Dwarf Fortress WallHubs expand radius now 1500 (from 560)
;------------------ok. dwarven structures-----------------------;
-Dwarven statue build time 30 from 45.
-Removed from Dwarven Fortress pad side plot the Wall Hub expansion. This way is
avoided the glitch where walls can be interconected during the construction of the
corner ones, enclosing the fortress in a inmune wallhub with a effect even more OP
than elf or mordor moat.
-Dwarven Fortress Wall Hub expansion now have a wall armor.
-Dwarven Fortress Wall Hub expansion now cost 70 from 50.
-Dwarven Fortress Hall expansion of Fortress now connected to the tunnel system.
-Dwarven Fortress Hall expansion can now make rally points.
-Dwarven Fortress Hall expansion of Fortress build time 15 secs from 5 secs.
-Dwarven Fortress Tower expansion health 1300 from 1000
-Dwarven Fortress Catapult expansion health 2000 from 1000.
-Dwarven Fortress Catapult expansion cost 750 from 1200.
-Dwarven Fortress Fire Oil Casks button removed from radial commands set.
-Dwarven Fortress Oil Casks upgrade cost now 1350 from 1500.
-Dwarven Fortress Oil Casks reload time now 35 seconds from 25 seconds.
-Dwarven Fortress Mighty Catapult upgrade cost 2000 from 2500.
-Dwarven Fortress Mighty Catapult minimum range now 300 from 200. Means it cant
attack units below the fortress.
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs upgrade now heals all nearby units simultaneously,
from one
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs respawn units range 250 from 200.
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs heal range 250 from 300.
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs respawn rate now 6.5 seconds from 5.
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs upgrade extra health points for Fortress now 800 from
-Dwarven Fortress Siege Kegs hero respawn time discount now -20% from -25%.
;------------------ok. summoned structures ---------------------
-Dwarven Lone Tower health now 3000 from 2500. Armor reverted to normal structure
armor. (More damage took from SLASH, HERO, CAVALRY, MAGIC & FLAME)
-Dwarven Lone Tower health now 3000 from 2500.
-Dwarven Lone Tower Now respawns one 1 unit per horde each 10 seconds. Radius set
as 150. (If siege kegs are purchased)
-Dwarven Lone Tower leadership range 150 from 200.
-Dwarven Lone Tower shroud reveal radius now 780 from 500.
-Dwarven Undermine can now be cast without shroud reveal requirement.
-Dwarven Undermine cannot be cast within 600 radius of an enemy fortress.
-Dwarven Undermine Health from 6000 to 4750
-Dwarven Undermine spawn damage now 125 in radius 190. 150 in radius 140. 175 in
radius 90. 200 in radius 40. (From 175 damage in radius 200).
-Dwarven Citadel health 8000 from 10000.
-Dwarven Citadel can now purchase it's own Stonework upgrade, like a normal
-Dwarven Citadel can not build hall expansions anymore.
-Dwarven Citadel Mighty catapult cooldown now 480 seconds from 360.
;------------------ok. gimli-----------------------;
-Gimli leadership range now 275 from 200.
-Gimli experience required for levels 2, 3, 4 reajusted. 45 from 30. Does not mean
he is nerfed. He needs to kill the same amount to reach to 10.
-Gimli damage against Fortress now 65% from 60%.
-Gimli now deals 90% against ranged heros like Faramir Legolas and Thranduil.
Includes slayer.
-Gimli Axe Thrown now deals 375% against Eagles. From 300%. Originally 400%.
-Gimli Axe Thrown damage against infantry, mosters and other stuff restored to
250%. (By suiting his weapons on 1.08 he lost some damage unintentionally)
-Gimli Leap now deals 50% against Cave Trolls.
-Gimli Leap now deals 35% against all kind of pikemen.
-Gimli Slayer now penalties himself by 15% against Structural damage.
-Gimli Slayer radius damage 17 from 14
-Gimli Slayer radius damage affecting allies fixed.
-Gimli Slayer duration 20 seconds from 25.
-Gimli Slayer axe knockback amount against only heros restored to 30. (From 60.)
;------------------ok. dain-----------------------;
-Dain experience required for levels 2, 3, 4 reajusted. 40 from 30. Does not mean
he is nerfed. He needs to kill the same amount to reach to 10.
-Dain experience required for level 7 reajusted. now 350 from 550. Required to
level 8 now 250 from 50. (means no change at all but level 7 accesibler than level
8). He just gains his anti-fear ability earlier).
-Dain experience required for level 10 reduced. 600 from 700.
-Dain buildtime 45 from 50 seconds.
-Dain respawn timers actualisated to his build time. (45 from 40)
-Dain armor now takes 50% SPECIALIST, from 55%.
-Dain now deals 80% to fortress from 100%.
-Removed flanked penalty on Dain armor. (only mounted heros have it)
-Dain leadership range now 300 from 200.
-Dain Mighty Rage radius 125 from 100.
-Dain Mighty Rage now also provides 25% more vision.
-Dain Mighty Rage now works on Allies in team games.
-Dain Summon Royal now appaers at level 10, from level 5.
-Dain Summon Royal guard cooldown 240 seconds from 180.
-Dain Stubborn Pride (level 7) radius now 250 from 200.
-Dain Stubborn Pride (level 7) allows Dain to reveal nearby stealth.
;------------------ok. gloin-----------------------;
-Gloin Slam shockwave radius increased proportionally to the new weapon radius.
-Gloin Slam damage to fortress now 75% from 100%. (375 damage from 500)
-Gloin Slam autoability now prefers to cast against Structures, if noone in range,
then heros/monsters, then clumped infantry then any unit. (from structures, then
any unit)
-Gloin Shake foundations damage on fortress now 17% from 15%. (originally 25%).
This means 560 damage from 420. Originally 700.
-Gloin Shake Foundations deals 80% to Elf Forge, Men Blacksmith, Gob TreasureTrove
and Isen Armory.
-Gloin Shake Foundations autoability now prefers to cast against Barracks first,
then any structure. (from cast randomly in any structure)
-Gloin Smash cooldown 180 seconds from 165.
-Gloin Smash damage in 250 radius will be 500. Damage in 220 radius will be 800.
Damage in 190 radius will be 1000. From 1000damage in 220radius. (Originally 500
damage in 250radius)
-Gloin Smash knock-back amount restored to 70 against heros. Units remain 120.
;------------------ok. men of dale-----------------------;
-Men of Dale experience required reduced. Set as axe thrower exp required (or any
good troop)
-Men of Dale health now 250 from 200. (for comparison, consider haradrim is 300
health with 640 dmg)
-Men of Dale base damage now 520 from 500. ;;/had made it 530 but now i want hp
buff aswell/
-Men of Dale now deals 115% against any monster, including flyers.
-Men of Dale PIERCE armor now 80/35 from 80/50.
-Men of Dale Black Arrows can now be set on auto-ability mode.
-Men of Dale Black Arrow now deal 50% constant damage against Heros, including
flyers, from 15%. Originally 100%. (this means damage against heros will not be
affected by rallying call, stances, levels, etc)
-Men of dale Black Arrow now deals 35% from 15% against monsters. 42% against
CaveTroll and Attack Troll
-Men of Dale Black Arrow now deals 1% to machines.
-Men of dale Black arrow damage against Mumakil now 165% from 150%.
-Men of Dale Black Arrow terror re-add against monsters. But does not affect Ents
and Mumakils.
;------------------ok. axe throwers-----------------------;
-Dwarven Axe Thrower damage now 24/42 from 24/40
-Dwarven Axe Thrower now deals:
Crebain/Bats: 135%/100% (from 100%/100%)
General Structures: 85%/100% (from 100%/100%)
Fortress and Fortress Expansions: 50%/50% (from 100%/100%)
Cavalry: 135%/120% (from 150%/130%).
Builders: 80%/100% (from 100%/100%).
-Dwarven Axe Thrower bombarding now deals:
Cavalry: 200%/125% (from 350%/220%)
-Dwarven Axe Thrower CRUSH armor now 185%/140% (from 175%/150%)
-Dwarven Axe Thrower CAVALRY armor now 320%/160% (from 300%/150%)
;------------------ok. battlewagons-----------------------;
-Battlewagon POISON armor restored to 100% from 125%.
-Battlewagon FLAME armor now 75% from 50%.
-Battlewagon siege armor now 120% from 100%.
-Battlewagon at level 5 heal rate 38 from 30.
-Battlewagon CRUSH damage now 195 from 180.
-Battlewagon CRUSH damage doesn't accept damage additive anymore.
-Battlewagon passengers vision range 420 from 480. (note that BW vision range is
375. And players do not see shroud reveal, but passengers won't aim objects from
this far)
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale cost now 450 from 500.
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale damage now 185 from 200.
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale damage to Dwarf Phalanx now 60% from 25%.
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale mood Attack CheckRate 350 from 200.
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale deal 33% against builder, from 25%.
-Battlewagon + MenOfDale deal 33% against heros, from 30%.
-Battlewagon + AxeThrowers mood attack CheckRate 400 from 500.
-Battlewagon + AxeThrowers range 400 from 460. (same than mod)
-Battlewagon + AxeThrowers damage now 65 from 72. (Originally 60). //LogNote:When
Axe throwers were buffed, indirectly Battlewagon AT were buffed. 72 from 60. Bad
1.07 days//
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers leadership now is the Generic Damage Stack leadership
like the tooltip always indicated. (25% damage 25% experience that stacks, from 25%
damage 25% armor 50% experience that doesn't stack)
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade leadership range from 200 to 300.
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade leadership fixed removing Buff leaderships
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade fixed not autohealing. (Restored)
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade phalanx passengers now deal SPECIALIST
damage, from SLASH type. Now have radius damage.
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade phalanx passengers now are able to attack
more units. (Larger range, two hits at once, attack in 360�).
-Battlewagon + BannerCarriers upgrade reveal stealth.
-Battlewagon + Hearth upgrade now heals Builders.
-Battlewagon + Hearth will heal nearby units only if not in combat.

;;------------------------------------#Men of the

;------------------ok. men lone tower ---------------------

-Men Lone Tower health now 3000 from 2500. Armor reverted to normal structure
armor. (More damage took from SLASH, hero, cavarly, MAGIC & FLAME)
-Men lone tower now respawns one 1 unit per horde each 10 seconds. Radius set to
150. (If house of healing are purchased)
-Men lone tower leadership range now 150 from 250.
-Men Lone tower shroud reveal radius now 780 from 960.
;------------------ok. house of healing----------------------;
-Houses of Healing now heals all nearby units simultaneously, from one.
-Houses of Healing respawn units range 250 from 200.
-Houses of Healing heal range 250 from 300.
-Houses of Healing respawn rate now 6.5 seconds from 5.
-House of Healing Revive Timer bonus from 20% to 15%
;------------------ok. men walls----------------------;
-Men Outer Wallhubs not displaying the radius of wall expansion fixed.
-Men Outer WallHubs now are 15% bigger. (because they act as a mini-fortress to
allow the expansion of the walls)
-Men Outer WallHubs health now 3000 from 1500.
-Men Outer WallHubs expand walls radius now 600 (from 500).
-Men Fortress WallHubs expand radius now 1500 (from 500)
;------------------ok. men fortress----------------------;
-Men Fortress Fire Boiling Oil button removed from radial commands set. Palantir
button moved, from the 5th spot to the 2nd spot.
-Men Fortress Boiling Oil upgrade cost now 1350 from 1500.
-Men Fortress Boiling Oil reload time now 60 seconds from 120 seconds.
-Men Fortress Flaming Munitions upgrade no longer requires Numenor Stonework as a
-Men Fortress expansion Tower health 1300 from 1000
-Men Fortress Trebuchet expansion health 2000 from 1500.
-Men Fortress Trebuchet expansion build cost 750 from 1200.
-Men Fortress Ivory Tower upgrade now requires the numenor stone work upgrade.
-Men Fortress Ivory Tower upgrade cost 1200 from 1500. Originally 1200.
-Men Fortress Use Ivory Tower cooldown 240 secs from 315. Originally 150.
-Men Fortress Use Ivory Tower now properly grants a speed bonus. (10% speed from
15%) Affects own's player heros, infantry and cavalry, from orcs, uruks and
cavalry. Now affects the actual units in the whole map during 30 seconds. From "35
rechargables seconds" near the own fortress. (Works just like Farisght/Palantir).
Bonus display a special leadership nugget.
;------------------ok. men structures & upgrades-----------------------------;
-Men statue build time 20 from 25.
-Gondor Archery Range level 2 upgrade cost 450 from 500. //LogNote:dwarf is 500
-Gondor Archery Range level 2 upgrade build time 25 secs from 30. //LogNote:dwarf
is 20
-Gondor Archery Range level 3 upgrade cost 400 from 600. //LogNote:dwarf is 300
-Gondor Archery Range level 3 upgrade time 25 from 30s. //LogNote: dwarf is 20
-Gondor Iron Ore discount now affects Gondor and Ithilien archers fire arrows.
-Gondor Iron One discount now -33.33% from just -33%. (Upgrades cost 200 instead of
ugly 201)
-Blacksmith build time from 70s to 63s
-Blacksmith level 2 upgrade build cost from 1000 to 600.
-Blacksmith level 3 upgrade build time from 60 to 45s.
-Men Sentry Tower health now 1600 from 2200.
-Men Farms now take 64% CAVALRY damage, from 75%.
;------------------ok. gondor units-----------------------------;
-Gondor Knight health gains for levels 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 10 from 20 20 20 20
-Gondor Archer deals 90% to Gondor Soldier.
-Gondor Archer pierce armor now 80%/40% (from 80%/50%)
-Gondor Archer experience required for levels 2 to 10 now 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 50
100 from 20 20 40 40 180 50 50 50 50. (Previuos than this; 40 80 120 180 and
originally 50 100 150 200.)
-Gondor Tower Guard uruk armor now 150%/65% from 125%/65%.
-Gondor Tower Guard pike now deals 110% against cavalry from 100%.
//LogNote:Consider they should hypotetically be the best pike of the game due it's
slowest speed, they have also got the slowest pike damage ironically. If it wasn't
cause of it's super-anti-Crush-Revenge weapons, they would be literally the worst
anti-cavalry unit of the game.)
-Gondor Tower Guard Crush-Revenge damage reduced. 380 from 400.
-Gondor Tower Guard now earns +10% speed at level 5.
;------------------ok. ithilien ranger-----------------------;
-Gondor Rangers longshot ability cooldown now 3 minutes from 4.
;------------------ok. rohirrims-----------------------;
-Rohan Rohirrim experience required for levels 6 to 10 now 85 85 85 85 115 from 100
100 100 100 100.
-Rohirrim bow damage in horde now 290/250 from 260/250. (Unupgraded/Fire
respectively) (Originally 200/200) //LogNote: Damage is explayed in horde to be
compared with Spider Riders
-Rohirrim forged blades deal 133% against fortress. (From 100%. Originally 200%.)
-Rohan banner health 150 from 100. (affect peasants from inn)
-Rohirrim Crush armor now 50/30 from 50/36
-Rohirrim FLAME armor now 140/93 from 140/120
-Rohirrim MAGIC armor now 100/75 from 100/90
-Rohirrim Structural armor now 150/75 from 150/60
;------------------ok. oathbreakers-----------------------;
-OathBreaker from spellbook lifetime restored to 45 seconds from 50.
-OathBreakers MAGIC damage now deal 66% to Balrog, from 100%.
;------------------ok. eowyn-----------------------;
-Eowyn experience required for levels 4 & 5 reduced.
-Eowyn spear reverted to original weapon (Fast but low damage).
-Eowyn spear now gain a bonus of +20% against heros and monsters.
-Eowyn disguise restored to level 4 from level 7.
-Eowyn dressed as Rohirrim now uses the 1.08 splash-damage weapon. (like a
-Eowyn cost back to 1500 from 1800. (Before 1.08 1500 and originally 2000.)
-Eowyn shield maiden atribute restored to 65% armor from 25% armor 25% speed.
-Eowyn revive cost and revive timer actualised to it's actual build cost and build
-Eowyn's rohirrim trample deceleration reduction bonus now 50% from 80%. (as lower
better, less descelerate).
-Eowyn's rohirrim trample deceleration now triggered by 30 seconds only, by
clicking Maiden. (from leadership aura at level 7)
-Eowyn Smite thrown reload time now 135 seconds from 180. (Originally 90)
-Eowyn Smite thrown bonus against evil heros now properly includes dismounted
-Eowyn Smite thrown now deals 85% against Mumakil. //LogNote: Since Eomer is having
a bonus now.
-Eowyn Smite thrown now deals 435% from 350% to Witchking and Fellbeast
;------------------ok. boromir-----------------------;
-Boromir leadership now grants 25% experience. Range 275 from 200.
-Boromir horn of gondor cooldown from 90s to 100s.
-Boromir Captain of Gondor now grants 100 experience, from 50.
-Boromir Captain of Gondor cooldown from 180s to 150s.
;------------------ok. faramir-----------------------;
-Faramir leadership range now 300 from 350. Originally 200.
-Faramir Captain of Gondor now grants 100 experience, from 50.
-Faramir Captain of Gondor cooldown from 180s to 150s.
-Faramir wounding arrow terror restored. But now it does not affect Ents and
-Faramir sword pre attack delay 600 from 800. Added 200 delay on the damage to make
it fit the animation. (it had never fitted)
-Faramir sword penalty against buildings now only applicable whilst he is mounted.
-Faramir wound arrow knoback strengh reduced. (means units like cavetrolls can
resist it)
-Faramir wound arrow now deals 240% to Fellbeast and 220% to Witchking, from 300%
-Faramir wound arrow now deals 125% to Drogoth.
;------------------ok. theoden-----------------------;
-Theoden experience required to levels 7, 8, 9, 10 reduced. 200/250/250/250/250
from 300/300/380/240/240.
-Theoden King�s Favor ability now grants 75 experience, from 50.
-Theoden King�s Favor ability cooldown from 180s to 120.
-Theoden health 2800 from 3000.
-Theoden glorious charge now grants a damage bonus of +25% from nothing(originally
;------------------ok. aragorn-----------------------;
-Aragorn Blademaster sword radius 15 radius from 14/10.
-Aragorn no longer shares his experience with Gandalf anymore.
-Aragorn normal sword radius 6 from 12. /corrected.
-Aragorn now gains the Anduril sword on level 5, granting 10% more damage and 7%
more speed.
-Aragorn leadership range 275 from 200.
-Aragorn damage on structures from 250 incrementable & 62.5 incrementable to only
312.5 incrementable. Fixes Aragorn gaining double damage against structures.
(raping a fortress on level but lossing in level 2).
-Aragorn Elendil autoability will now apply if at least 15 enemies are found in a
small radius
;------------------ok. gandalf-----------------------;
-Gandalf no longer shares his experience with Aragorn anymore.
-Gandalf respawn timers actualised to its build time. (65 from 55)
-Gandalf buildtime 65 from 70. (just because im suiting his revival timmers, 70 too
longo. but 45 for revival is retarded)
-Gandalf Shield Bubble have a icon clickable .
-Gandalf Shield Bubble armor bonus now 9999999% from 99%. As big, it gets close to
-Gandalf Shield Bubble duration 5000 ms from 3500.
-Gandalf Shield Bubble recharge time 90secs from 60
-Gandalf Shield Bubble auto-ability will trigger if a balrog is found in a small
radius, then if there at least 5 targets in scope.
-Gandalf Wizard Blast auto-ability no longer will trigger against structures. (idea
here but credit to rotwk)
-Gandalf Wizard Blast damage on infantry now 135% from 150%. (Originally 100%)
-Gandalf Wizard Blast now affects units in a wider arc, 165 from 75.
-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals 170% to Elrond, Gimli, Aragorn, from 125%.
-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals 200% to dismounted WitchKing from 110%.
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 410% against WitchKing on foot, from 300%
-Gandalf Istari light now deals 350% to Aragorn Elrond Gimli, from 380%.
-Gandalf Istari light now deals 90% on Eagle.
-Gandalf Istari light light now deals 100% from 110% to Fellbeast.
-Gandalf Istari Light in auto-ability mode will now prefer to aim first flyers,
then monsters and heros. Not structures. (From rotwk)
-Gandalf Word of Power cooldown 400 seconds from 360. //LogNote:Consider he has 75%
reload bonus at level 5, thus 400=300seconds.
-Gandalf Word of Power damage in radius 400 is now 500, damage in radius 300 is
1000. (From 1000 damage in radius 400). (Originally 500 damage in radius 250)
-Gandalf Word of Power knock-back amount against heros now 100. Units remain 175.
(Originally 75 against all)
-Gandalf Word of Power auto-ability will now trigger only against 20 targets that
are not structures.(From rotwk)

;;----------------ok- mordor hordes---------------;;

-Mordor orc experience required now 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 50 from 20 20 40 40 20
20 20 20 40.
-Mordor Orc Fighter now deal 170% against general structures but Fortress. (From
-Mordor Orc Fighter now deal 155% against isengard structures. (From 165%)
-Mordor Orc Fighter now deal 155% against elven structures. (From 165%)
-Mordor Orc Fighter uruk armor now 90% from 75%. (Originally 50%)
-Mordor Orc Fighter CAVALRY armor now 170% from 150%.
-Mordor Orc Fighter now costs 55g from 50g.
-Mordor Orc Archer now deals +10% damage against any flyer.
-Mordor Orc Archer range 270 from 250. //LogNote:Played with 275.
-Mordor Orc Archer PIERCE armor now 90% from 80%. Originally 100%.
-Mordor Easterling SLASH armor now 240%/96% from 240%/80%.
-Mordor Easterling URUK armor now 200%/70% from 175%/45%.
-Mordor Horde bonus now +33% damage +20% speed -10% armor to Arrows. From 33%
damage +25% speed. (Originally +50% damage +25% speed)
-Mordor Horde bonus now affect banner carriers.
-Mordor Horde bonus radius 205 from 255. Originally 160.
-Corsair with Forged Blades now suffer a 17.5% penalty to Cavalry and Buildings
-Corsair now deal 75% to all against builders.
;------------------ok. fellbeast-----------------------;
-Fellbeast no longer shares his experience with other Fellbeasts and mounted Witch
-Fellbeast revive timer actualised to it's buildtime. (90 from 115)
-Fellbeast attack radius restored to 30 from 45.
-Fellbeast buildtime 90 from 80.
-Fellbeast now takes 180% FLAME from 160%.
-Fellbeast now takes 180% MAGIC from 160%.
-Fellbeast now takes 0% SPECIALIST from 100%.
-Fellbeast plow weapon radius restored to 40 (from 45).//LogNote:It was never
supposed to be changed.
;------------------ok. Witchking On Fellbeast-----------------------;
-Witch King claw atack now deal 65% against Shelob and Dismounted WitchKing.
-Witch King revive timer actualised to it's buildtime. (100 from 115)
-Witch King mounted now takes 190% MAGIC from 200%.
-Witch King mounted now takes 220% FLAME from 250%.
-Witch King mounted now takes 0% SPECIALIST from 50%.
-Witch King mounted plow weapon radius restored to 40 (from 50). It was not
supposed to be touchd.
-Witch King mounted Dreadvisage radius 300 from 600. (Originally 200)
-Witch King mounted attack radius 35 from 45. Originally 30.
-Witch King mounted attack radius against ARCHERS now 30 from 45. Originally 30.
;------------------ok. siege units-----------------------;
-Mordor Grond crush damage now 1000 CRUSH damage from 2000 SIEGE damage. Crush
radius now 20 from 0.
-Mordor Grond speed now 15 from 10.
-Mordor Grond health from 15k to 50k
-Mordor Grond build cost from 7500 to 6500.
-Mordor Grond damage 10000 from 2000. Against fortress stil being 2000.
-Mordor Grond armor improved. Principal counter will be Siege, Heroes, Pikes, MAGIC
and Fire.
-Mordor Grond shockwave resistance increased. Now can not be knobacked by anything.
-Mordor Catapults acuracy slightly improved. Chances to a perfect hit now One in
Eight, from One in Ten. And less chances to shoot too far from the target.
//LogNote:Consider catapult fire balls explotions have more radius of damage. So
they need good scatter to be useful against units.
-Mordor Catapults now deal 135% from 100% against walls.
;;-------------------------------ok. mountain
-Mountain Troll now spawn with Punch Weapon, from Rock Weapon
-Mountain Troll rock deals 60% to fortress from 80%.
-Mountain Troll in level 5 become 25% tougher to SPECIALIST and PIERCE.
-Mountain Troll shoulder punch now deals 90% to EconomicStructures and Fortress
from 100%.
-Mountain Troll buildtime 37 from 40secs.
-Mountain Troll CRUSH damage 30 from 10. And doesn't take damage additive anymore.
-Mountain Troll now takes 130% SPECIALIST, from 100%.
-Mountain Troll now takes 33% Crush-revenge, from 100%.
-Mountain Troll with tree now deals 100% to lairs, from 50%
-Mountain Troll now deal 115% damage to Heroes when equipped with a Tree
-Mountain Troll command points now 45 from 50.
;;------------------------------ok. drummer Trolls.------------------------------;;
-Drummer Troll makes nearby Troll autoheal faster. (+20 HP to autoheal amount.
Consider Tier 1 Troll autoheal amount is 40 and Attack Trolls are 50).
-Drummer Troll now grant allied Cave Trolls, Mountain Trolls, and Attack Trolls
+15% Armor and +15% EXP
-Drummer Troll now take 35% of Crush-revenge of pikemen. From 100%.
-Drummer Troll speed 47 from 44.
-Drummer Troll attack damage type now siege from crush. Means it hurts structures
and pikes decently. Damage 100 from 120. //LogNote:To compare, a Troll with tree
deals 120.
;;------------------------------ok. attack Trolls.------------------------------;;
-Attack Troll experience required now 90 90 90 180 90 90 90 180 from 70 70 70 70
170 100 100 150 150.
-Attack Troll now earns +50% more damage slowly till level 10. (200 total damage
from 80 with two damage bonuses)
-Attack Troll now earns +50% health points slowly till level 10. (150 150 150 200
150 150 150 150 200 from 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100)
-Marauder HalfTroll deals 90% to Attack Troll, from 120%. Only standard.
-Isengard Crossbow now deal 87% against Attack Trolls. Only standard.
-Isengard pikeman now deals 75% to Attack Troll. Both standard and upgraded.
-Attack Troll level 5-level 10 gain +4 per rank to additive to autoheal amount.
-Attack Troll CRUSH damage 70 from 50. Damage is now constant.
-Attack Troll will now attack a target before try to crush it.
-Attack Troll model slightly bigger.
-Attack Troll healing rate from 40hp/s to 50hp/s
-Attack Troll now takes 5% Crush-Revenge from 45%.
-Attack Troll SLASH armor now 35% from 50%.
-Attack Troll PIERCE armor restored to 25% from 40%.
-Attack Troll SPECIALIST armor now 175% from 150%. Originally 200%.
-Attack Troll CRUSH armor now 5% from 1%.
-Attack Troll FLAME armor restored to 50% from 100%.
-Attack Troll MAGIC armor restored to 50% from 65%.
-Attack Troll HERO armor now 87.5% from 100%.
-Attack Troll HERO_RANGED armor now 87.5% from 100%.
-Attack Troll CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 60% from 50%.
-Attack Troll now deals 75% against All in-game pikes except Isengard Pikemen.
-Attack Troll now deals 115% against heros from 90%.
-Attack Troll now deals 130% against aragorn gimli and elrond from 90%.
-Attack Troll now deals 50% against structures and 70% against neutrail lairs, from
40%. Originally 100%.
;------------------ok. mordor structures---------------------
-Mordor Siege Works level 2 upgrade cost 500 from 800.
-Mordor Siege Works level 2 upgrade time 25 secs from 30.
-Mordor Tavern level 3 upgrade cost 400 from 600.
-Mordor Tavern level 3 upgrade time 25 from 30.
-Mordor Tavern level 2 tower moved to level 3.
-Mordor Tavern 5th discount removed. Max discount now is 20%.
-Mordor Battle Tower can now garrison 1 horde.
-Mordor Battle Tower health now 2200 from 2500.
-Mordor Troll Cage level 2 upgrade time 25 from 30.
-Mordor Troll Cage level 3 upgrade time 45 from 40.
;------------------ok. mordor fortress---------------------
-Mordor Fortress Fire Magma Cauldrons button removed from radial commands set.
Palantir button moved from the 4th button to the 2nd.
-Mordor Fortress Magma Cauldrons upgrade cost now 1350 from 1500.
-Mordor Fortress Magma Cauldrons reload time now 45 seconds from 30 seconds.
-Mordor Fortress Gorgoroth Spire upgrade build cost 2000 from 2500.
-Mordor Fortress Gorgoroth Spire minimum range now 250 from 100. Means it cant
attack units below the fortress.
-Mordor Fortress Lava Moat upgrade now cost 900 from 1000.
-Mordor Fortress Lava Moat upgrade now heals nearby units, values set to Men
-Mordor Fortress Catapult expansion health 2000 from 1000
-Mordor Fortress Catapult expansion cost now 750 from 1200.
-Mordor Fortress Barricade expansion health 1750 from 2000
-Mordor Fortress Gate Watcher expansion delay between shots 24s from 30s.
-Mordor Fortress Gate Watcher expansion build time 25 from 30.
-Mordor Fortress Gate Watcher expansion health 2000 from 2500. (Originally 1500)
;------------------ok. WitchKingWK--------------------
-WitchKing healing rate now mwatches when dismounted/mounted. Now 40/40 from 42/32.
(dismounted/mounted respectively).
-Buying and Reviving the Witchking now spawns the Morgul Beacon, as depicted in
Peter Jackson�s Lord of the Rings films.
-WitchKing dismounted armor now takes 44% SPECIALIST dmg from 42%. //LogNote:
Consider that his horde-counter still being arrows, he's got a Tough Hero but he
can not dodge any possible arrow. So since he takes every single arrow, he's like
200% weaker to arrows than Gimli, Elrond, Aragorn, Saruman.
-WitchKing dismounted now take 29% CAVALRY dmg, from 25%. //LogNote: It's logic to
have some kind of penalty against cavalry considering he one hits any possible
multiple horde group at once.
-WitchKing level 10 power applicable on multiples heroes, and shows some badass and
laggy effects, etc etc.
;------------------ok. blackriders-----------------------;
-Blackrider CRUSH damage is no longer affected thru stances.
-Blackrider CRUSH damage gained in levels 6,7,8,9,10 reduced. (from 10,10,10,10,20
to 8,8,8,8,8 respectively)
-Blackrider gains 80 HP from 60 when rank to level 2 and 3. And 100 HP from 80 when
rank to level 4.
-Blackrider no longer shares his experience with Mouth of Sauron and other
Blackriders anymore.
-Blackrider debuff radius now 175 from 200.
-Blackrider now 400% stronger to Shelob/Gorkil Sting POISON damage.
-Mordor Barrow Wight lifetime 85 secs from 100 secs.
-Barrow Wight siege armor now 50% from 10%.
-Barrow Wight structural armor now 65% from 50%.
-Barrow Wight HERO armor now 65% from 50%.
-Barrow Wight HERO_RANGED armor now 20% from 10%.
-Barrow Wight Drain Life multiplier (healself percentage per attack) now 33% from
35%. (originally 50%)
-Barrow Wight default speed/charging mode now 33/100 from 25/100, respectively.
;------------------ok. mmouth of sauron--------------------
-Mouth of Sauron Dissent spell cooldown 180 seconds from 200.
-Mouth of Sauron no longer shares his experience with blackriders anymore.
-Mouth of Sauron Evil Eye now have a +15% bonus against Aragorn, Gimli and Elrond.
-Mouth of Suaron mounted deals 77% from 87% to STRUCTURES.
;------------------ok. haradrim archers-----------------------;
-Fixed Haradrim Archer health increased unintentionally. Restored to 250 from 300.
-Mordor Haradrim Archer PIERCE armor now 80%/40% from 95%/50%.
-Mordor Haradrim Palace have a structural (no fire) weapon on level 3. (Originally
a structural weapon at level 2, and fire weapon at level 3)
-Mordor Haradrim Archer can now stealth near trees
-Mordor Haradrim Archer weapon contesting buildings removed.
-Mordor Haradrim Archer now deals +20% damage against any monster, including
-Mordor Barbed Arrows can now be set on auto-ability mode.
-Mordor Barbed Arrows no longer require an upgrade
-Mordor Barbed Arrows automatically becomes available at Haradrim Archer Level 3
-Mordor Barbed Arrows now deal splash in radius 5
-Mordor Barbed Arrows now deal 100% to Heroes and Monsters, from 30%
-Mordor Barbed Arrows cooldown now 90s, from 60s
;------------------ok. mumas-----------------------;
-Mumakil level 5-level 10 now gains +5 amount to auto heal.
-Mumakil experience required for level 5 to 10 now 300/300/300/300/200/300 from
100/400/200/400/400/200. In total it's actually increased by 100.
-Mumakil damage gains for level 6 to 10 now 35 35 45 45 60 from 20 20 20 20 20.
(220 from 100)
-Mumakil health gains for all levels now 250 250 300 700 300 300 350 350 700 from
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50. (total 3500 gains, from 450)
-Mumakil now correctly take ticking fire damage when aflame
-Mumakil fire animation duration is now 20s
-Mumakil now takes 60% CAVALRY_RANGED from 50%.
-Mumakil normal attack now deal 85% to fortress. From 100%
(note that mumakils are bufferable with darkness and hero stances. plus delay
between shots had been reduced)
;------------------ok. rain of fire / fires of doom---------------------
-Mordor Rain of fire weapons are spreaded in 2 damages, separated by 0.100 seconds,
so it can damage x2.
-Mordor Rain of fire shockwave effect doubled
;------------------ok. eye of sauron--------------------
-Eye of Sauron lifetime now 50s, from 60s.
;------------------ok. mordor inn units.---------------------
-Haradrim Lancer is not included in Mordor Horde Bonus anymore.
-Haradrim Lancer cost 280 from 250.
-Haradrim Lancer damage 44. (from 54).
-Haradrim Lancer now deals 135% against Cave Troll.
-Haradrim Lancer health now 280 from 300.
-Haradrim Lancer damage scalars to structures now are 50% to Fortresses and
Fortress Expansions. 80% against the rest of the structures. (from 60% against all
kind of building)
-Haradrim Lancer pre attack delay 1400 from 950. (fixes animation when throwing
-Haradrim Lancer weapon in melee delay between shots 1000ms from 2000ms.
-Haradrim Lancer now takes 60% PIERCE, from 50.
-Haradrim Lancer can now attack flyers. They deal 60% against them.


;------------------ok. goblin units ---------------------;

-Goblin fighter experience required now 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 80 from 20 20 40 40
180 50 50 50 50.
-Goblin Builder vision now 110 from 100.
-Goblin Horde Bonus now affect banner carriers.
-Goblin Fighter damage now 12/35 from 12/40.
-Goblin Fighers now deal 90% against builders.
-Goblin Fighter CAVALRY armor now 150/90% from 150/120%.
-Goblin Fighter CRUSH armor now 125/60% from 125/65%.
-Goblin Fighter structural armor now 150/25% from 150%/20%.
-Goblin Archer CRUSH armor now 60/40% from 65%/45%. (Originally 60%/45%)
-Goblin Archer SLASH armor now 150%/70% from 150/75%.
-Goblin Archer PIERCE armor now 100/45% from 100%/50%.
-Goblin Archer health to be 85 from 83. (original health)
-Goblin Archer damage to be 26 from 28. (orig 2.06 dmg)
-Goblin Archer Poisoned arrows PIERCE damage now 30 from 26. 85% to Archers.
(Originally 20 damage)
-Goblin Archer Poisoned arrows now includes the standard PIERCE damage bonuses
against dwarves. (+15% against guardian. +10% against phalanx.)
;------------------ok. Drogoth-----------------------;
-Drogoth experience required for level 6 increased. Does not mean he is nerfed. He
needs to kill the same amount to reach to 10.
-Drogoth Incinerate damage in radius 250 now 1500, damage in radius 150 2000. From
250 in total area. Originally 2000 in radius 50 and 1000 in radius 250.
-Drogoth fire flight cooldown 120 seconds from 105
-Drogoth incinerate cooldown 240 seconds from 180.
-Drogoth revive timer actualised to it's buildtime. (100 from 115)
-Drogoth claw atack now deal 65% against Shelob and Dismounted WitchKing.
-Drogoth attack radius 36 from 40. Originally 40.
-Drogoth PIERCE armor restored to 40% from 35%.
-Drogoth MAGIC armor now 52% from 48%.
-Drogoth FLAME armor now 65% from 60%.
-Drogoth SPECIALIST armor now 0% from 100%.
-Drogoth SLASH armor now 85% from 100%.
-Drogoth fireball damage over Fellbeasts reduced (1400 from 1800. Originally 1200)
-Drogoth fireball chances of hurting multiple flyers at once is increased. (Radius
45 from 30 against flyers)
-Drogoth fireball damage to Fortress Eagles and Summoned Eagle now 2500/4100 from
1900/4800 respectively //LogNote:Eagles are very resistant to this kind of fire...
even if their FLAME/MAGIC armor have been nerfed
-Drogoth fireball damage on Mounted Witchking reduced slightly. (720 from 800.
Originally 1200) //LogNote:Note, WK mounted armor has already been buffed to fire
-Drogoth wing blasts knoback amount now 90/70 from 60/40. //LogNote: This means it
will knoback 2k3k heros(on the center) and some not that resistant units on the
outside area, for example faramir.
;------------------ok. mountain giant ---------------------
-Mountain Giant damage gains are multiplicative now. +5% per rank. From +145 damage
in total.
-Mountain Giant buildtime 35 from 30. Orginally 45.
-Mouuntain Giant rock damage on fortress 85% from 100%.
-Mountain Giant teardown attack now deals 85% against fortress. from 100%. (Note
that ent punch deals 75%).
-Mountain Giant HERO armor now 120% from 100%.(Originally 200%)
-Mountain Giant SIEGE armor now 120% from 100%.
-Mountain Giant MAGIC armor now 100% from 150%.
-Mountain Giant SLASH armor now 15% from 10%. (Originally 65%)
-Mountain Giant CRUSH armor now 5% from 1%.
-Mountain Giant Health 2800 from 4000.
-Mountain Giant Stomp radius 70 from 50.
-Mountain Giant Stomp now deals double damage against heros.
;;-------------------------------ok. Cave Troll.------------------------------;;
-Isengard Crossbow now deal 87% against Player Cave Trolls.
-Isengard Pikeman to deal 84% to Player Cave Troll. Both Standard and Upgraded.
-Dwarven Phalanx to deal 110% to Player Cave Troll. Only standard.
-Dwarven Battlewagon Men of Dale Archer now deals 65% to Cave Troll from 90%.
-Dwarven Axe Thrower deal 150/135% to Cave Troll. (unupgraded/upgraded)
-Elven Lorien Archer now deal 63% to Cave Trolls, from 80%.
-Mordor Haradrim Lancer now deals 135% against Cave Troll.
-Men Eomer spear now deals 115% against Cave Troll.
-Men Rohirrim Bow now deals 120% against Cave Troll.
-Goblin Archer deals 115% on Cave Troll.
-Cave Troll now spawn with Punch Weapon, from Rock Weapon
-Cave Troll rock deals 60% to fortress from 80%.
-Cave Troll in level 5 become 25% tougher to heros.
-Cave Troll shoulder punch now deals 90% to EconomicStructures and 55% to Fortress
from 100%.
-Cave Troll with tree damage radius 55 from 60.
-Cave Troll with tree damage now 130, from 120
-Cave Troll with tree damage against structures 55% from 50%.
-Cave Troll with tree now deals 40% to forts, from 50%
-Cave Troll with tree now deals 100% to lairs, from 50%
-Cave Troll with tree deal 82% to Phalanx from 100%
-Cave Troll with tree deal 77% to Tower Guards, from 100%
-Cave Troll with tree now deals 95% to Rhun Easterling, from 100%.
-Cave Troll with tree now deals 110% to Isengard Pikeman, from 100%.
-Cave Troll with tree 105% damage to Heroes when equipped with a Tree.
-Cave Troll SLASH/URUK armor now 25%, from 33%.
-Cave Troll PIERCE armor now 38%, from 41%. Originally 33%.
-Cave Troll SPECIALIST armor now 80%, from 100%. Originally 100%.
-Cave Troll CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 25%, from 18%. Originally 25%.
-Cave Troll throwing goblins don�t collide with allies anymore.
-Cave Troll throwing goblins collision damage radius 18 from 12.
-Cave Troll throwing goblins now causes terror in a small radius during 5 seconds.
-Cave Troll throwing goblins damage against structures halved.
-Cave Troll command points now 30 from 25.
;------------------ok. drakes-----------------------;�
-Goblin Fire Drake geometry increased, so units don't approach inside to attack it.
-Goblin Fire Drake Inferno ability cooldown now 3 mins from 2 mins.
-Goblin Fire Drake now takes 10% MAGIC from 5%.
-Goblin Fire Drake armor now takes 5% of FLAME from 0%. (so its not completly
invulnerable to certain spells)
-Goblin Fire Drake armor against SPECIALIST 45% from 30%.
-Goblin Fire Drake now takes 66.7% Crush-Revenge, from 100%.
;------------------ok. goblin structures--------------------------;;
-Goblin Treasure level 3 upgrade build time 25 secs from 30.
-Goblin Treasure level 3 upgrade cost 400 from 600.
-Goblin Spider pit level 3 upgrade now cost 350 from 500.
-Goblin Spider Pit level 3 upgrade build time now 25 from 30.
;------------------ok. goblin fortress--------------------------;;
-Goblin Fortress Razor Spines upgrade now also heals nearby units, values set to
Men well's.
-Goblin Fortress Razor Spines upgrade now cost 900 from 1000.
-Goblin Fortress Razor Spines now properly damage enemies. It deals a constant very
tiny amount of damage to any unit that is meele attacking the fortress.
-Goblin Fortress Dragon Nest upgrade decreases Drogoth spawn time by 10%.
-Goblin Fortress Burrow expansion cost 350 from 450.
-Goblin Fortress Burrow expansion health 1500 from 1000.
-Goblin Fortress Burrow expansion can now make rally points.
-Goblin Fortress Spider Holes expansion health 1500 from 1000.
-Goblin Fortress Giant Sentry expansion health 2000 from 1500
-Goblin Fortress Giant Sentry expansion cost 750 from 1200.
-Goblin Fortress Tower expansion health 1300 from 1000
;------------------ok. goblin structures upgrades--------------------------;;
-Goblin Spider pit health now 1700 from 1500. (Goblin cave is 2200)
-Spider pit once built by first time now automatically purchases Venom Sack
sciencie for FREE, notifying the player with the voice.
-Spider pit will now show up a passive icon telling the player that hordes can be
upgraded with poison sacks. (on this case by reaching lvl 3 / lvl 5)
-Spider venom sacks are granted automaticaly to Level 3 Spiderlings
-Spider venom sacks are granted automaticaly to Level 5 Spider Riders.
-Spider lings / spider riders show up a passive icon that gains color once reach
its respective level. Also informs about poisoning enemies.
;------------------ok. gorkil ---------------------;
-Gorkil leadership range now 300 from 200.
-Gorkil Skull Totem now also gives +25% experience. (from only 50% armor)
-Gorkil Call from the deep cooldown 240 seconds from 190.
-Gorkil healing rate from 30hp/s to 40hp/s
-Gorkil gains +60 extra health at level 3. (total 120 from 60)
;------------------ok. shelob-----------------------;
-Shelob level 8 9 10 experience required increased slightly.
-Shelob Tunnel now available at level 7.
-Shelob Tunnel cooldown restored to 90 seconds. from 45 secs.
-Shelob does not automatically crush when attack a target anymore.
-Shelob and Gorkil Stings Paralyse duration from 10s to 6s
-Shelob has a new spell at level 10; Web of Ungoliant.
-Shelob now suffers an additional 13% penalty against buildings(50% from 63%)
-Shelob takes 77.77% Crush Revenge from 100%
-Shelob takes 45% SPECIALIST from 35%.
;------------------ok. spider riders ---------------------;
-Goblin Spider Rider experience required for levels 5 to 10 now 120 60 60 60 60 90
from 100 0 50 50 50 50.
-Goblin Spider Rider experience award increased by 2.
-Goblin Spider Rider bow CAVALRY_RANGED damage now 246/246 from 282/240.
(Unupgraded/Fire respectively). (Originally 240/240)
-Goblin Spider Rider bow upgraded FLAME damage now 25 from 30.
-Goblin Spider Rider Banner Carrier respawn rate restored to 10 seconds, from 7.
-Elven mithlond pike +50% bonus against spider riders removed.
-Generic Crush-Revenge weapon +50% damage bonus against spider rider removed.
-Goblin Spider rider armor to Specialist now 235% from 150%. //LogNote: If it was
220% from 150%. SR would suffer absolutely no change at all against Elves due
previuos bonuses removal.
-Goblin Sp�der rider armor to MAGIC and CRUSH penaltied by -33.33%
-Goblin Spider rider armor to MAGIC re-improved by +25% at level 5.
-Goblin Spider Rider crush knock-back amount now 40 from 65.
;------------------ok. spiderlings-----------------------;
-Spiderling damage now 45 from 42. (Originally 50)
-Spiderling PIERCE armor now 65% from 100%.
-Spiderling SLASH armor now 40% from 50%.
-Spiderling SPECIALIST armor now 250% from 200%.
-Spiderling CRUSH armor now 25% from 1%.
-Spiderling buildtime now 28 seconds from 30.
-Spiderling with venom sacks now correctly applies the 1.08 scalars to dwarves,
corsairs and buildings.
;------------------ok. marauder-----------------------;
-Marauder HalfTroll damage now 100/180 from 100/200.
-Marauder HalfTroll splash damage does not accept damage additive (leaderships,
ranking bonuses, stances, etc)
-Marauder HalfTroll banner now respawns horde members each 10 seconds from 7.
*Marauder PIERCE armor now 180/110 from 180/130
*Marauder POISON armor now 45/25 from 50/32
*Marauder SLASH armor now 240/96 from 240/60
*Marauder SPECIALIST armor now 130/70 from 175/130
*Marauder SIEGE armor now 75/40 from 75/65
*Marauder FLAME armor now 100/70 from 100/97
*Marauder MAGIC armor now 100/70 from 100/97
*Marauder HERO armor now 120/84 from 120/104
*Marauder STRUCTURAL armor now 100/50 from 100/26
*Marauder CAVALRY_RANGED armor now 40/25 from 50/39
*Marauder Logical Fire armor now 100/15 from 100/20
*Marauder Flanked penalty value now 50/50 from 50/100
;------------------ok. summoned spiderlings-----------------------;
-Summoned Spiderling damage now 235 from 250.
-Summoned Spiderling scalar against buildings now 50% from 55%.
-Summoned Spiderling duration now 60 seconds from 35. (Originally 180)
-Summoned Spiderling reload time now 210 seconds from 180. (Originally 360)
-Summoned Spiderling now are equipped with venom sacks and inform it thru a passive
-Summoned Siderlings can now use cavalry stance templates.
;------------------ok. isen siege-----------------------;
-Ballista build time now 27 from 20.
-Ballista now has a minimum cast range of 80(can't shoot in melee)
-Battering ram health 1750 from 1500. Originally 2000.
-Battering Ram damage restored to 1000 from 750. Damage on fortress 75%.
-Isengard Explosive mine now takes down a fortress only IF it's inside a 25 radius,
from 125. Otherway, the fortress will remain with a black health bar. (around 2% of
;------------------ok. isengard walls-----------------------;
-Isengard Outer Wallhubs not displaying the radius of wall expansion fixed.
-Isengard Outer WallHubs now are 15% bigger. (because they act as a mini-fortress
to allow the expansion of the walls)
-Isengard Outer WallHubs health now 3000 from 1500.
-Isengard Outer WallHubs expand walls radius now 600 (from 400).
-Isengard Fortress WallHubs expand radius now 1500 (from 400)
;------------------ok. isengard structures---------------------
-Isengard Siege Works level 2 upgrade time 25 secs from 30.
-Isengard Armory level 3 upgrade build time 25 secs from 30.
-Isengard Armory level 3 upgrade build cost 400 secs from 600.
-Isengard Furnace ranking to lvl2 gains a 12% armor bonus against SWORDS and SIEGE.

-Isengard Uruk Pit level 2 upgrade now cost 450 from 500. //LogNote:This way
upgrade is more considerable than begin a Warg Pit.
-Isengard Warg Sentry now display a radial shadow decal in the placement cursor
that indicates the guard range of the wargs.
-Isengard Warg Sentries leash range reduced. 500 from 600. (Radius where they crush
but not atack. Radius where they attack is 450).
-Isengard Warg Sentry buildtime 50 from 55.
-Isengard Warg Sentry armor from Structure armor to Unit Production armor. (means
it's counter is CAVALRY and SPECIALIST)
-Isengard Warg Sentry wargs are not affected by leadership anymore.
;------------------ok. isegard fortress-----------------------;
-Isengard Fortress ballista expansion health 2000 from 1000
-Isengard Fortress ballista expansion now costs 750 from 1200.
-Isengard Fortress Burning Forges upgrade discounts now -10%/-20%/-30%/-40%/-50%
from -10%/-20%/-25%/-30%/-35%.
-Isengard Fortress Excavations respawn units range 250 from 200.
-Isengard Fortress Excavations cost discount on structures re-added. Discount bonus
now -7.5%/-15%/-20%/-25%/-33%. (Originally -10%/-20%/-25%/-30%/-35%)
-Isengard Fortress Excavations can now heal builders and heros. No longer heals
warg sentries.
-Isengard Fortress Excavations heal range 250 from 300.
-Isengard Fortress Excavations respawn rate now 10 seconds from 8.
-Isengard Fortress Wizard Tower Build cost 1200 from 1000.
-Isengard Fortress Wizard Tower lightening strike now deals significantly more
damage to Flyers.
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher range 250 from 300
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher build cost 750 from 1500.
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher damage now 200 from 300.
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher buildtime 25 from 30.
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher bombs target point have been pushed forward a bit.
+50 actually.
-Isengard Fortress Mine launcher doesnt knock back heros anymore. Resistance 100%
;------------------ok. isengard infantry-----------------------;
-Berserker SLASH armor now 85%, from 100%.
-Berserker PIERCE armor now 75% , from 100%.
-Berserker POISON armor now 15% , from 100%.
-Berserker auto heals in level 5 from level 7.
-Berserker now deals 90% damage to structures from 100%.
-Berserker now deals 85% damage to heros and fortress from 100%.
-Isengard Uruk Hai Fighter now deals 75% against builders.
-Isengard pikeman damage now 40/70 from 40/80.
-Isengard pikeman SLASH armor now 240%/96% from 240%/80%.
-Isengard pikeman URUK armor now 200%/75% from 150%/50%.
-Crossbowmen Pre Attack random delay 66 from 200. //LogNote: This was ment to
perform the initial unload of bolts against flyers quickly, but this delay is
actually applied on every single shoot. Consider it buff.
-Crossbowmen damage 60 from 62. //LogNote:Balances slightly with previuos change.
-Crossbowmen health restored to 110 from 100.
-Crossbowmen PIERCE armor now 77%/38.5% from 77%/40%.
-Crossbowmen POISON armor now 30%/15% from 30%/25%.
-Crossbowmen now deal 125% to eagles, from 115%.
-Crossbowmen now deal 115% to drogoth, from 100%.
-Crossbowmen now deal 125% to mounted wk, from 100%.
;------------------ok. warg riders wargs-----------------------;
-Warg rider experience required for levels 5 to 10 now 120 50 50 50 50 80 from 100
0 50 50 50 50.
-Warg rider Howl reducing itself armor now affect the following damage types:
SPECIALIST and STRUCTURAL, from every kind of damage type.
-Warg rider Howl bonus damage now 165%, from 170%.
;------------------ok. saruman-----------------------;
-Saruman experience required for levels 8 / 9 / 10 increased slightly. (Still
lesser than 1.06) //LogNote:due WoP
-Saruman Fireball damage against Fellbeast/WitchKing now 90%/50% from 75%/75%.
-Saruman Wizard Blast damage restored to 500 from 650.
-Saruman Wizard Blast re-gains 150 extra damage on level 4.
-Saruman Blast now deals 200% to Heroes and 300% to Gandalf. from 100%.
//LogNote:Lore change.
-Saruman health 2900 from 2800.
-Saruman dominate spell can no longer convert Grond.
-Saruman Speech Craft now grants 100 experience, from 50.
-Saruman Speech Craft cooldown now 120s, from 180s.
-Saruman ThunderBolt is now a Word of Power.
-Saruman Word of Power cooldown set to 300s. (Vanilla Gandalf was 360s with 25%
recharge bonus).
-Saruman Word of Power Damage/Radius set to 500/250 respectively. (Vanilla
Gandalf's WoP values, currently Gandalf is around 1000/400)
;------------------ok. lurtz ---------------------
-Lurtz cripple strike stun duration 20 secs from 30.
-Lurtz cripple cooldown now 100 seconds from 60.
-Lurtz cripple strike range increased to 400 from 350. (Note, when the cripple
arrow is casted on a hero, lurtz STILL does need to approach within a distance of
320, and the cripple arrow will be shoot only if the hero does not walk out of the
attack range area, which now is 400. This means lurtz have less chances to miss the
target and "start-cooldown")
-Lurtz cripple strike can now be casted on flyers. Damage set as x3.5 bow damage.
Does not stun.. Now AI will use lurtz cripple on flyers.
-Lurtz leadership now grants +25% experience.
-Lurtz radius of leadership 275 from 200
;------------------ok. sharku-----------------------;
-Sharku respawn timers actualised to his buildtime (45 secs from 50).
-Sharku splash damage now 135 from 170 and can not be increased by ranking up. Base
damage stays 270.
-Sharku health 2400 from 2000. Sharku armor set as Mouth of Sauron one. (consider
MoS health is 2800)
-Sharku can no longer eat Builders. (in order to avoid the bug)
;------------------ok. wormtongue-----------------------;
-Wormtongue experience required for levels 8 9 reduced, and increased for level 10
proportionally. Does not mean he is nerfed. He needs to kill the same amount to
reach to 10.
-Wormtongue debuff now stacks with generic debufff. //LogNote:Grima debuff never
reduced armor/damage. Just speed and reload rate from few archers.
-Wormtongue speed debuff duration 25 secs from 30.
-Wormtongue can now use Backstab ability over Eagles, Fellbeasts. (All flyers
except WitchKing. Drogoth was already included)
-Wormtongue can now convert dismounted Witchking. (restored but bug is no longer
-Wormtongue corrode allegiance can not be casted on flyers (even if it wouldn't
work by orthodox ways, there are known manners to glitch it)
-Wormtongue Corrode allegiance reload time now 240 seconds from 180.
;-----------------ok. Isengard spellbook-----------
-Suited the way of how units are affected by Palantir.
-Now affects ONLY the casted units, ONLY once, on an area of 150 from 120. (From;
affecting units on an area of 120 and "recharging" other units that walk through a
200 radius area.)
-Palantir speed bonus now affects MINES.
-Freezing Rain now also affects enemy monsters. (Originally it used to debuff
-Fuel the Fires now works on allies. (+65% production for Lumber Mills)
-Fuel the Fires now also grants 15% armor to the player Lumber Mills. (not allies)
-Devastation damage to ents 2400 from 800.
-Devastation paralyze duration now 5000 milliseconds from 5500
-Dragon Strike cooldown from 720s to 670s
-Dragon Strike can now hit flyers.
-Dragon Strike FX improved
-Dragon Strike getting stuck at fortresses fixed.
-Dragon Strike now has a lifetime in case it ever gets stuck in the map. (changes
to happen over a fortress highly reduced)
-Dragon Strike weapon radius increased
-Dragon Strike weapon damage increased
-Dragon Strike now attacks from a higher position
-Dragon Strike now deals less overall damage to Fort�s and Structures

;;----------------------------------#Global: Shared

;----------------------------ok. bats/crebain-----------------------------;
-Crebains now inmune to any possible non-ranged damage kind, like logical fire or
summoned watcher damage.
-Bats/Crebain FIRE/MAGIC armor now 50% from 100%.
-Bats/Crebain PIERCE armor now 75% from 100%.
-Bats/Crebain debuff radius now 175 from 200.
;----------------------------ok. warchant-----------------------------;
-Warchant radius of effect and radius-button increased. (now 125 from 100/105)
-Warchant now provides an extra 10% speed bonus.
-Warchant damage bonus now 140% from 150%.
;------------------ok. cloudbreak-----------------------;
-Cloudbreak affects units on all it's levels. //LogNote:Not intentional at
beggining, but it's a secondary effect from fixing Cloudbreak stun being canceled
by other kinds of fear, like fear to be trampled.)
-Cloudbreak now convert trolls into stones. Duration 20seconds. Inmune armor but
-Cloudbreak now heals 150 hp during 15 secs.
-Cloudbreak now respawns units from hordes each 6.5 seconds.
-Cloudbreak revive allied units FX now is yellow-orange from violet
-Cloudbreak attributes can be killed by another cloudbreak, (either enemy ally,
etc. like every darkness/frezingrain)
;------------------ok. darkness-----------------------;
-Darkness buff over MONSTERS will be 25% damage 33% armor and 50% exp. Affect
mountain giants now.
-Darkness does not affect berserkers and spiderligns anymore.
;------------------ok. untamed allegiance-----------------------;
-Untamed allegiance does not heal MACHINES anymore.
-Now AI will use untamed allegiance over its units, like a normal heal power.
;;-------------------ok. summon wildmen-------------;;
-Ai will now use dunland wildmen as army breakers.
;------------------ok. summon hobbits-----------------------;
-All summoned hero hobbits share 650 health. from 400, 600, 600 and 800.
-Phialo of galadriel recharge time 20 secs from 30.
-Merry/Pippin rock now have a damage bonus against Mumakils.
-Merry/Pippin rock weapon restored. Now simply damage is 100 (hobbit rock 35).
Delay betweenshots stay 1000 (hobbit rock is 1700). Range is 450 (hobbit rock is
350). Speed of rock 225 (hobbit rock is 150).
-Merry/Sam firecracker now miss 40% damage on the very border of the warhead
radius. (radius 15; 100% damage, radius 25; 60% damage) from (radius 25; 100%)
-Sam Firecracker now deals 10% to Mumakil. From 75.
-Pippin campfire respawn units range 200 from 300.
-Pippin campfire now respawn 1 single unit each 5 seconds, from infinite units each
10 seconds.
-Pippin campfire heal range 200 from 300.
-Pippin campfire can now detect stealth.
-Pippin campfire lifetime now 90 secs from 200.
;------------------ok. dragon-----------------------;
-Summoned Dragon fire breath now deals 33% against flyers.
-Summoned Dragon fire breath now deals 50% against allied structures.
-Summoned Dragon breath now deals less damage in outer radius.
-Summoned Dragon now have the Commands Stop and Attack move.
-Summoned Dragon now deals 50% against the Balrog from 25%. Originally 100%. (now
wins the 1v1 but it takes a while)
-Summoned Dragon Reposition and Appaer weapon at destination knockamount now 100
from 150. Originally 50.
-Summoned Dragon Reposition and Appaer radius of damage and knoback now 120/110
from 130/175. Originally 75/55
-Summoned Dragon Reposition and Appaer knockback amount against heros restored to
;------------------ok. watcher-----------------------;
-Watcher arms now deal 135% from 100% to heros and monsters.
-Watcher Scan delay time to grab and eat a unit now 7.0 secs from 10 secs.
-Watcher summoning instant-kill object filter reverted.
-Watcher summoning now deals 5% damage against Banner Carriers. In the very
epicenter it still deal 100%.
-Watcher summoning scan delay to grab and eat a unit now 7 secs from 10.
;------------------ok. balrog-----------------------;
-Balrog now receives 250% more damage from any flood horse. (Idea from rotwk)
-Balrog Summoning Explotion radius of damages reduced by 10%. Now 108/180 from
120/200. //LogNote:Consider Watcher is just 75 radius.
-Balrog Summoning Explotion now deals 5% damage against Banner Carriers. In the
very epicenter it still deal 100%.
-Balrog Summoning Explotion now has 167ms delay in the outer radius.
-Balrog Sword knock-back amount restored to 140 against heros. Units remain 250.
-Balrog Ignite cooldown 45s from 10s. (originally 60s). //LogNote:Consider duration
is already 40s(originally 30s). Player now has to ignite right when it's available.
-Balrog Ignite UnpackTime 1350 from 1800. PackTime 1200 from 1600.
-Balrog Fire Breath now deals 50% to flyers in the case where it actually hurts
-Balrog Leap cast ability cursor now is limited with the leap range. Means he will
not approach if he's out of range, since you couldn't cast it.
-Balrog Leap range now 1300 from 1600. Originally 800.
-Balrog Whip doesn�t affect allies anymore
-Balrog Whip now one-hits Tom Bombadil.
-Balrog Whip now deals 75% from 100% against any forges. Including dwarf
-Balrog Scream ability UnpackTime 990 from 1500. Pack time 1180 from 1800
;------------------ok. bombadil. ---------------------
-Re-added Tom Bombadil Leadership for Elf Faction. (25% damage 25% armor 50%
experience, and now properly stacks with elf wood)
-Tom Bombadil punch now has only 33% chances to knock-down a hero, from 100%.
-Tom Bombadil punch now deals 300% against Barrow Wights.
-Tom Bombadil punch damage now deals 200 MAGIC damage, and 150 CRUSH damage. From
400 magical damage.
-Tom Bombadil punch radius 60 from 75. Originally 50.
-Tom Bombadil speed now 60 from 63. Version 1.00 speed: 45. Version 1.06: 40.
-Tom Bombadil lifetime 55 secs from 45. -Originally 60-
-Tom Bombadil SonicSong cooldown 20 seconds from 15 seconds. -Originally 20-
-Tom Bombadil SonicSong now deals 350 damage in radius 55.0 and 200 damage in
radius 110.0. From 200 damage in radius 110. Version 1.06 damage 500.
-Tom Bombadil health 7000 from 9000.
-Tom Bombadil now attacks a target before crushing it.
-Tom Bombadil can now attack the Army of deads. Damage will be minimal.
-Tom Bombadil armor flanked penalty removed.
-Tom Bombadil now takes 25% MAGIC from 17%. Actually it makes much sense, he's
kindof a magic criature, something with a magic soul like a balrog, a galadriel, or
something like that. (people says it is J.R.R Tolkien itself). And counter to these
shits shud be magic things, like oathbrekers and rog.
-Now summoned dragon deals 225% against Tom bombadil.
-Tom Bombadil reload time restored to 480 seconds from 410. He pwns gud now.
;------------------ok. groves/land. ---------------------
-Men Grove and Mordor taint radius now 225 from 250. (Patch 1.00 used to be 175)
-Grove and Tainted Land lifetime now 240s, from 300s.
;------------------ok. earthquake----------------------;
-Earthquake causes slightly more damage to units.
;-----------------ok. wyrm-----------------------------;
-Wyrm fire breath now deals 50% against allied structures.
-Wyrm fire breath now deals 33% against flyers.
-Wyrm fire breath now deals 200% against machines.
-Wyrm structural armor now 65% from 100%.
-Wyrm auto-reposition will now consider on this order Heroes, Structures (not
fortress). If noone are found, then machines, once machines are gone she will try
to teleport between 3 hordes, if neither finds this; then she will repositionate
against anything. [from prefering infantry and dismounted heroes, then anything

;;---------------------------# Global: Fire Arrow

-All archers (except Ithilien Ranger) + Fire Arrows: PIERCE damage setted up to
unupgraded arrow PIERCE damage.
-Archers on foot + Fire Arrows: gain a +15% PIERCE damage bonus against everything
but CAVALRY. +7.5% against Cavalry + a normal FLAME damage amount.
-Mounted archers + Fire Arrows: gain a +15% PIERCE damage bonus against everything
but PIKES + a normal FLAME damage amount.
(From Archers gaining both PIERCE/FLAME damage amounts unequally. Some archers were
gaining more PIERCE than FLAME, others more FLAME than PIERCE)

;------------------ok. have a specific

GoblinArcher unupgraded = 26 PIERCE damage.
GoblinArcher + fire arrow = 26 PIERCE damage (+15% bonus to units exept cavalry) +
20 FLAME damage.
GoblinArcher unupgraded = 28 PIERCE damage. (yeah we also nerfed them)
GoblinArcher + fire arrow = 20 PIERCE damage + 30 FLAME damage.

;;-------------------# Global: Units, Structures, Neutrals,

;----------------------ok. ring heros-----------------------;

-Galadriel health restored to 5000, from 12000. She's too fast to be
indestructible, unlike sauron who can't even aproach to enemy base.
-Galadriel's summon oathbreakers have been replaced by a new special spell that
heals nearby units and heros.
-Sauron auto heal amount now 75 from 100.
-Sauron & Galadriel are not considered as Monsters anymore. So Eagles won�t deal
additional damage as a bonus on them.
-Sauron now displays his stance command.
-Sauron Word of Power now has a "I Own A Short Dick" kind of special effect that
might crash the game.
-Ring heros now take 20% SIEGE and POISON from 10%. (goblins can't damage them)
-Sauron mace knock-back amount restored to 60 against Heros, from 110. Units remain
-Galadriel punch knock-back amount restored to 60 against Heros, from 110. Units
remain 110.
;;------------------------ok. heroes-------------;;
-Tough hero armor(Elrond Aragorn & Gimli) now take 17% from 15% of SPECIALIST
;;------------------------ok. pikes-------------------;;
-Now Isen pikeman and Rhun Pike are ALSO inmune to cavalry hordes crush. (from only
FoL pikes)
-Easterling Pike / Marauder Pike: Porcupine Formations now grant 55% armor, from
-Isengard Pike / Dwarf Phalanx: Porcupine Formation now grants 50% armor, from 65%.
;;------------------------ok. workers-------------------;;
-All Workers (rebuilders) can�t be shokwaved or crushed anymore.
-All Fortress rebuild percentage per second will be 0.13% (from evil ones 0.12%,
and good ones 0.15%)
-All Workers bored time will be 3000ms. (from 5000 on elves men goblin mordor and
isen. and from 1000 in the dwarven one)
;;-----------------ok. builders.-------------------;;
-Builder extinguish fire can now be multi selected. //LogNote:Rotwk idea.
-All Builders now automatically regenerate health.
-All Builders now receive 87% damage from Isengard Uruk Fighter, from 100%.
-All Builders SLASH/HERO armor now 37.5% from 50%.
-All Builders cavalry ranged/SPECIALIST/CRUSH/poison/non-specified armors now 33%
from 50%.
-All Builders HERO_RANGED armor now 25% from 33%.
-All Builders PIERCE armor now 25% from 33%.
-All Builders CAVALRY armor now 30% from 33%.
-All Builders fly-into armor now 25% from 50%. (this is one of variuos kinds of
damage dealt by general flyers)
-All Builders now take 33% from 50% from all unspecified damage types.
;;------------------------ok. archers-------------------;;
-Archers on defensive stance now lose 20% speed, from 35%. (Originally 60%)
-Bombarded arrows from all archer hordes in the game have splash damage. Radius set
to 2.5, from 0.
-Archers Fire Arrows bombard burn rate decreased, 12 from 20.
;;-------------------ok. siege units-------------;;
-Artillery can now level up. Gaining health and damage per rank, aswell awarding
more experience when killing it. Total health gains at level 10 are +100%. Each
rank adds +3% damage.
-All kind of fire-breath (Fire drakes, Balrog, Dragon, Drogoth incinerate) now deal
double damage againt machines (doesn't affect battlewagon).
-Men & Mordor Fortress artillery expansions minimun attack range now 250/200 from
300/300 respectively. //LogNote:Consider other artillery from walls min attack
range is 150.//LogNote:Reason for this changes; when dwarf/men attempt to attack a
fortress thru a builder wallhub+wall+artillery, the defender builds a fortress
catapult and it used to don't be able to attack the enemy walls if they are too
-Mountain Giant & Ents now have the same crush deceleration as wagons, from 0%
deceleration. Purchased ents only; not summoned.
-All artillery machines and Mountain Giants now have +17% range of shroud
reveal. ;;/ Not ents due treebeard leadership.
-Machines now take 40% SPECIALIST from 25%.
-Machines take 65% URUK damage, from 50
-Machines take 85% siege damage, from 75%.
;;_-----------------ok. Generic structure changes-------------;;
-Fortress Ivory Tower, Mighty Catapult, Gorgoroth Spire special abilities icons are
now placed in the 4th visible radial icon (fits with Eagle/Drake/WizardTower icon).
-Fortress Fire Oil Casks, Magma Cauldrons or Boiling Oil special abilities icon now
removed from radial commandsets. Palantir icon standarized in the 2nd spot after
Buy Builder.
-Fortress structural armor now 15% from 25%.
-Fortress structural damage against CAVALRY 135% from 150%. (from 100% for Elf)
-Fortress structural damage against cave trolls now 200% from 100%. (Consider that
originall they used to take 50%.)
-Fortress Tower Expansion(exept Mordor barricade) Damage against cavalry 135% from
150%. //;;Explaination;;//BT2DC seted up this change: "All fortrees towers damage
to be 60 from 75. And deal 150% to cavalry" --this doesn't affect Mordor barricades
at all, they work differently and they have not required a change--. They ended up
reverting this, but they kept the 150% scalar on cavalry. Not rlly bad, but
obviusly it was a lazzy work. This 150% scalar on cavalry affects all Axe Thrown
structural weapons, including sentry towers. And since Haradrim palace and Treasure
Trove use Fortress weapons, they also had got this game breaking bonus.
//LogNote:;Note this bt2dc guys did not add this Structural damage buff to
elves.//Now has been made sure that only fortress towers and fortress self have it.
Damage against cavalry is REDUCED for Goblins Isen Men Dwarves and INCREASED it for
-Fortress Expansion CRUSH armor 5% from 150%.
-Fortress Expansion PIERCE armor doubled, now 7.5%, from 15%.
-Fortress Expansion now receive HALF damage from Dwarf Axe Thrower and Mordor
Haradrim Lancer.
-Unit-Production structures uruk armor now 26% from 30%. (Consider this 30% was a
vestige of patch 1.00, where swords kill barracks. Uruk sword types would be isen
uruk hai and mordor orcs)
-Forges (Treasure Trove, Arsenal, Eregion Forge, Blacksmith) now use a unique armor
based on it's previuos armor, which takes 20% less SPECIALIST & CAVALRY damage.
-Dwarven Forge Works now gain 1000 extra Health Points at level 3. And armor
bonuses. 20% SPECIALIST / +20% CAVALRY.
;------------------ok. ship units.---------------------
-All Ships now take more 50% more siege damage.
-Men of Dale Black Arrow now deals 35% to ships. No longer one-hits.
-Mordor Flyers & Eagles now deal double damage on ships.
-Drogoth now deal less dmg on ships and in a minur radius of damage.
;------------------ok. neutral. buildings. ---------------------
-Ruined tower vision now 450 from 600.
-Ruined tower health now 1600 from 2200.
-Capture flag time for Dwarven guardian now 10 secs from 7.
-Capture flag time for Isengard uruk now 18 secs from 20.
-Capture flag time for Mordor orc now 21 secs from 25.
-Outspot health 1000 from 1500.
-Signal fire is now an un-attackable building (Invulnerable armor from Structure
armor). (Reason behind; it's heal and recharge power behaviors do still working
when it's destroyed, and only few people know it. Since it can not be fixed, we
avoid people who know exploiting it against people who don't.)
-Signal Fire vision range and shroud clearing range increased to 600 (Same as
normal towers)(from 160).
-Inn health 1500 from 2000.
-Shipwright health 2000 from 3000.
-Shipwright can now heal nearby ships.
-Outpost health now 1000 from 1500.
-Outpost money income amount now 50 from 60.
-Shire farms (outposts) income now same as the generic Outpost. Time required to
begin money production standarised to 35. (from 25 maggot farm and 45 the long
;------------------ok. neutral. lairs.-----------------------;
-Resources gained per treasure chest from creep lairs reduced by 40%.
-Now Fire drake lair hole spawns 2 gold chests and 1 experience chest. (From 1 gold
1 experience)
-Minor Spider from lair guard max range now 250 from 350. (set as tier 1 lair
-Minor Spider from lair now takes 125% SPECIALIST from 75%.
-Minor Spider from lair experience award now 3 from 2.
-Minor Spider from lair now takes 133% HERO damage from 100%.
-Minor Spider lair hole now spawns 3 treasures chests from 4.
-Fire drake from lair guard max range now 375 from 420. (consider that tier 1 lair
range is 250)
-Fire drake lair hole now spawns two gold chests. (from 1 gold chest, 1 experience
-Neutral Cave Troll PIERCE armor now 38% from 41%. Originally 33%.
-Neutral Warg siege armor now 130% from 100%. (catapults, troll gotta pwn)

Experience Levels#---------------------------------------------------------;;
;;--Suited the experience awards of all units, which were
rushed on 1.08. Specific experience level changes appaer in each faction.--;;
changes will appaer here.--------------------------------------------------;;
;;---------------------------------------------For very
curiuos people: Take a look at data\ini\gamedata.ini-------------------------;;

;------------------ok. MONSTERS. MACHINES.-----------------------;

-All Monsters level5-level 10 gain +3 to autoheal amount.

-Attack Troll & Mountain Giant experience award increased slightly in comparison
with weaker monsters. (by +5)
-Evil monsters (tier 1 trolls) experience required increased. Now 75 75 75 160 70
70 70 70 140 from 70 70 70 70 20 50 50 50 50.
-Evil monsters (tier 1 trolls) damage gains reduced. now 10 10 10 25 10 10 10 10 20
from 30 30 30 20 5 5 5 5 15.
-Evil monsters (tier 1 trolls) health gains increased. Now 100 100 100 150 100 100
100 100 150 from 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20.
-Dwarven Battlewagon and Demolisher experience required for levels 5 to 10 fixed.
Now 150 80 80 80 80 120 from 100 0 0 100 100 100.
-Dwarven Battlewagon and Demolisher experience award suited. Now 10 10 15 15 25 25
30 30 35 40 from 10 15 20 25 30 7 7 7 7 7.
-Dwarven Battlewagon and Demolisher damage gains increased but reorganized. Now 30
30 30 50 20 20 20 20 30 from 50 50 50 50 5 5 5 5 5. (in total it would be 50% of
original damage)
-Dwarven Battlewagon and Demolisher health gains increased but reorganized. Now 150
150 150 250 150 150 150 150 200 from 250 250 250 250 10 10 10 10 10. (in total it
would be 50% of original health)
;------------------ok. Cavalry.-----------------------;
-Rivendell Lancer and Gondor Knight experience required for levels 3 to 10
decresed. Now 85 95 115 70 70 70 70 100 from 115 115 115 70 70 70 70 100.
-Rivendell Lancer and Gondor Knight experience award reduced slightly (by +1).
;------------------ok. Good/Evil units.-----------------------;
-Good Troops experience required for level 5 to 10 now 100 50 50 50 50 100 from 50
100 50 50 50 50. To be considered Lorien Archer, after level 5, they require 100.
-Gondor Troops (including gondor archer) damage gains for levels 6 to 10 now 5 5 5
5 10 from 10 10 10 10 10.
-Gondor Troops health gains for levels 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 20 from 20 20 20 20
-Evil Troops (not orcs)experience required for levels 5 to 10 now 100 50 50 50 50
100 from 50 100 100 100 100 100.
-Evil Troops (not isen units and not marauder)damage gains for level 6 to 10 now
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 from 5 5 5 5 15.
-Evil Troops health gains for level 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 20 from 20 20 20 20 20.
;------------------ok. Elites.-----------------------;
-Good Elites health gains for levels 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 20 from 20 20 20 20
-Evil Elites health gains for levels 6 to 10 now 10 10 10 10 20 from 20 20 20 20
-Evil Elites experience required for all levels now 70 70 70 90 70 70 70 70 90 from
95 35 105 100 0 50 50 50 50
-Good Elites experience required for levels 5 to 10 now 90 70 70 70 70 90 from 70
20 50 50 50 50.
-Isengard units and halftroll marauder damage gains for level 10 now 10 from 15.

;;--------------------------#Global: Heros Experience

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 60 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 70 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 80 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 100 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 130 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 160 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 190 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 230 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 250 from 300

*EOWYN_LVL1_EXP_AWARD 30 from 20
LVL2_EXP_AWARD 35 from 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 40 from 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 45 from 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 55 from 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 60 from 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 70 from 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 85 from 75
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 105 from 100

*ARWEN_LVL1_EXP_AWARD 25 from 20
LVL2_EXP_AWARD 30 from 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 35 from 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 45 from 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 55 from 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 60 from 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 70 from 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 80 from 75

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 45 from 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 55 from 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 65 from 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 75 from 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 85 from 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 95 from 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 105 from 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 115 from 75
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 130 from 100

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 55 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 65 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 80 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 90 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 105 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 120 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 135 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 150 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 175 from 150

*GIMLI_LVL1_EXP_AWARD 40 from 35
LVL2_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 60 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 70 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 80 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 95 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 110 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 125 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 145 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 160 from 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 60 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 75 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 85 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 100 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 120 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 150 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 170 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 200 from 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 60 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 70 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 80 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 120 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 130 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 150 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 160 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 170 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 200 from 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 30 from 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 40 from 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 45 from 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 60 from 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 70 from 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 80 from 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 90 from 75

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 35 from 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 40 from 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 45 from 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 55 from 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 60 from 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 70 from 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 80 from 75
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 90 from 100

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 45 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 50 from
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 65 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 80 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 95 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 120 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 135 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 155 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 180 from 150

LVL8_EXP_AWARD 105 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 120 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 145 from 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 60 ; 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 70 ; 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 80 ; 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 90 ; 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 105 ; 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 120 ; 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 130 ; 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 140 ; 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 170 ; 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 35 ; 25
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 40 ; 30
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 50 ; 35
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 60 ; 40
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 75 ; 45
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 85 ; 50
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 95 ; 60
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 100 ; 75
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 130 ; 100
LVL2_EXP_AWARD 50 from 40
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 60 from 45
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 70 from 50
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 80 from 60
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 110 from 75
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 125 from 90
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 140 from 105
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 155 from 125
LVL10_EXP_AWARD 170 from 150

LVL2_EXP_AWARD 70 from 50
LVL3_EXP_AWARD 85 from 70
LVL4_EXP_AWARD 95 from 80
LVL5_EXP_AWARD 105 from 95
LVL6_EXP_AWARD 115 from 110
LVL7_EXP_AWARD 130 from 120
LVL8_EXP_AWARD 145 from 125
LVL9_EXP_AWARD 160 from 150

;;--------------------#Miscelaneous: Maps, Tooltips,
Campaign #------------------------;;

;;------------------------ok. maps.-------------------;;
-Balanced lairs in Dunharrow.
-Fixed some original bfme2 maps not appaering/appaering incorrectly in the map list
of the game. (Harlindon, Isengard-Iron Hills bug, Mouth of doom)
-Removed Haldir Maps.
-Removed all Mission maps. (Tower wars, gladiator maps)
-Removed all poorly made maps, unplayable or unbalanced. Either from BFME1 or user-
made maps.
-Reorganized creeps and neutral buildings from certain BFME1 maps.
-Fixed un-flattern terrain in certain BFME1 maps.
-Edited original BFME2 Tower Hills; outposts removed.
-Edited original BFME2 Fangorn; outposts removed. Troll lairs positions improved.
-Edited original BFME2 Buckland; towers and it's hills removed. Wight and troll
lairs replaced by wargs.
-Edited original BFME2 Redhorn; switched outpost by signal fire and signal fire by
outpost. (so to reach outpost you need to pass through all the cave trolls)
-Edited original BFME2 Udun; reverted to original without trees.
-Added new maps, most of them from EA RotWK or found maps by RotWK unnoficial 2.02
-Added Ankh-Morpork, Tolfalas and Dark island, which BT2DC always have had but 1.08
patch missed.
-Udun II has warg lairs that will be shown up only if ring heros are enabled. Rocks
around the hypotetical lair spots indicate if wargs are there or not.
-Fixed terrain of Halifirien and balanced warg lairs.
-Edited Green Frogg pass, now all river is crossable.
-Edited Westfold. Reworked all creeps locations, removed some trees, added rohan
tents/ruins in order to cover-balance due the lack of symetry, cleaned the middle
of the map and added a neutral tower. Added two inns with two trolls in a manner
that reminds of Fords of Isen II.
-Edited Rohan (BFME1). Removed some trees. Added two inns with two trolls in a
manner that reminds of Fords of Isen II. Moved warg lairs.
-Edited Old Forrest II. Now all river is crossable.
-Edited certain 8 player maps, removed some neutral buildings/creeps/Creeps.
(Dagorlad, adorn river)
-Edited Wold; lairs spots.
-Edited Belfalas. Removed a couple of ruins and suited lairs.
-Edited Enedwaith; Removed a couple of lairs.
-Added snow falling particles to Himling
-Edited Tournament Bt2DC. Renamed to Tournament Anorien, added a couple of rohan
tents, drew a hill in the middle of the map as a tribute to Udun, the most played
2vs2 map. Removed some trees and cleaned the middle.

;;-----------------ok. tooltips.-------------------;;
- 1.09 now also supports Italian (thanks to Luigi), Russian (thanks to Findirato &
Morris), French (thanks to Halet & Celebrimdor), Spanish (Ecthelion) and Polish
- Added the new 1.09 text strings for un-supported languages aswell. Ensured
displayed version ingame says 1.09 and new text strings show up in english.
- Fixed useless hotkeys for Italian, Russian, Spanish, French & English. (Like E)
- Dwarf Rebuild now indicates how many health points it's gonna heal.
- Improved special power descriptions from all DEBUFF powers. (venomous words,
doubt, enshrouding mist). Now indicates about working on heros.
- Freezing rain now indicates it cancels simple leaderships + high tier leadership.
- Bats/crebain/mist/dain/dreadvisage/doubt now indicates it cancels simple
- Fixed CreateAHero abilities hotkeys for spanish language. :D
- Elrond athelas hotkey is now R, from C. (Matches with aragorns)
- Elrond farsight hotkey is now T, from R. (Matches with other need target position
- Standarized elf coat hotkey for all languages to C, from F.
- Glorfindel starlight now indicates about stuning sensitive to light units.
- Improved all pikemen tooltips. Now it also says they are effective against unit
production buildings.
- Created 3 new icons for Lone Towers commandset, that indicates about the upgrades
received from Fortress.
- Grima backstab now indicates it can be used against flyers.
- Shelob stinger tooltip now indicates it paralizes heroes.
- Shelob & Gorkil stinger descriptions now indicates the durations of it's effects.
- Fixed Glorfindel Wind rider armor value tooltip. Now properly says 40%, not 60%.
- Eye of Sauron and Starlight now indicates it's a simple leadership kind, thus
debuffable without Frezzing Rain.
- Dwarven Forge works now indicate the armor bonuses gained at level 3.
- Elven Eregion Forge, Men Blacksmith, Isengard Armory, Goblin Treasure Trove now
indicate the bonus armors obtained at level 2 & level 3.
- Goblin mine shaft now indicates it gains +25% armor per level.
- Fixed Men Wells, Galadriel Mirror, Dwarven Hearth description about healing units
only when out of combat. It's not true. Swaped with Battlewagon hearth, which
indeedly yes works like that.
- Houses of healing, Siege Kegs, Mystic Fountains, Excavations, Men Wells,
Galadriel Mirror, Dwarven Hearth and Pippin Campfire now don't only indicate about
healing, now also inform about replenish horde rates.
- Porcorpine stance now indicate the armor bonus value and about the enemy
deceleration penalty.
- Added a object description for pippin campfire.
- Actualised tooltip of Gondor and Uruk figher shield wall formation atribute.
- Houses of healing, siege kegs, mystic fountains and Excavations now indicates
they don't only heal, also respawn. To differenciate from Mordor Moat healing,
which doesn't respawn.
- Fixed legolas knife-fighter tooltip armor bonus number.
- Farsight and palantir now indicate the number of bonus they grant.
- Fixed wormtongue debuff tooltip. It doesn't really reduces armor and damage.
- Fixed all fortress banner tooltips, even in 1.06 some of them were incorrect.
- Added descriptions to Dwarf stonework, siege kegs and banners about upgrading
lone towers.
- Added descriptions to Numero stonework, houses of healing and banners about
upgrading lone towers.
- Generic Damage Stack leadership (Elven statue & Battlewagon Banner), Eye of
Sauron leadership, Generic Armor leadership (Gorkil, Arwen, Men Statue), Campfire,
Palantir, Farsight, Sharku leadership and darkness now properly indicates that they
always stack. And removed that kind of indication from other normal leaderships.
- Special kind of leaderships like Howl, Mighty Rage, Stubborn Pride, Gloriuos
Charge now indicates the bonus cannot be removed and always stack.
- Glorfindel Starlight now indicates it does not stack with armor leaderships.
- Fixed Glorfindel Blade of Purity indicating it gives 100% damage. Corrected to
- Fixed fuel the fires tooltip. Actualised and indicates that requires a fortress.
- Fixed after 10 years the Elf wood tooltip that indicates it cancels leadership.
- Actualised undermine tooltip. (Indicates the damage in the epicenter is now
bigger than perimeter)
- Switch to rocks from hobbits/ents now have a tooltip. Set up to T.
- Fixed all Legolas special abilities requiriment in the tooltips. All of them were
- Gandalf shield bubble ability now appaers in his commandset. Indicates it's armor
- Actualised faramir wound arrow tooltip. Indicates it's high damage and only few
monsters would flee.
- Fixed eowyn disguise tooltip. Rohirrim desaceleration was never trigered through
disguise. Now indicates that disguised Eowyn wears rohirrim splash-damage spear.
- Actualised Eowyn Shield Maiden tooltip.
- Eowyn Smite Thrown tooltip improved. Now it's mentioned the bonus against evil
heroes and it's caractheristical strengh against mordor Flyers.
- Single-evacuate garrison (from tunels, towers, ships) now have a hotkey. Set up
to T. (Note that evacuate-all still being V)
- Added hotkeys for hobbit abilies. Pippin fireworks (V to set up and B to ignite).
Firecrackers R. Merry campfire V.
- Merry and Sam firecracker tooltips separated. Merry indicates it's bonus on
buildings and Sam in shelob.
- Merry firecracker mentions it's effectiveness against mumakils.
- Corrected pippin campfire healing and leadership filter tooltip.
- Actualised House of healing hero respawn discount.
- Goblin Dragon Nest fortress upgrade now indicates it heals Drogoth and now reduce
Drogoth revival timmer.
- Razor Spines & Mordor Moat fortress upgrades now indicate that heal units.
- Summon Citadel now indicate it's conexion to the tunnel network.
- Fixed Sharku abilities tooltips. His Tame The Beast ability filter affects all
cavalry units, not just wargs. Require level 9 now 2.
- Actualised Hour of the WK tooltip. Indicates it affects all nearby heros on it's
area of expansion but reset timmers are 60%.
- Fixed all summoned lone towers object descriptions. Indicates the leadership /
heal / armor bonuses through fortress upgrades.
- Fixed signal fire tooltip. Mentiones that the powers recharge bonus is applicable
for un-used powers only. Indicates it's healing to Heros.
- Actualised cave-troll throw goblin ability. Indicates that causes terror on
- Fixed Elendil ability hotkey. Hotkey set up to V, from E. (E is a command for
- Fixed Battlewagon hearth not indicating it's stealth reveal.
- Removed "resistant to arrows" description from Crossbowmen. They have never ever
- Actualised all Generic Damage leadership descriptions. Now indicates it also
grants +25% experience bonus.
- Fixed Theoden Gloriuos charge tooltip with the real armor bonus gained. Now also
indicates about the damage and desaceleration bonus.
- Eomer Spear thrown tooltip indicates it's new bonus against Mumakils.
- Fixed Men of Dale Black arrows. Mentioned the damage bonus against Mumakils and
the kind of damage dealt.
- Gimli axe thrown ability mentions it's bonus against flyers.
- Actualised gimli slayer ability values in tooltips.
- Actualised Darkness tooltip. Indicating monsters receive different bonus.
- Lurtz cripple arrow tooltip indicates it's applicable on Flyers to damage them.
- Drummer Troll leadership tooltip indicates it's bonus on Trolls.
- Removed "effective against cavalry" from Goblin Archer poisoned arrows tooltip.
- Warg Howl now indicates it also penalties Warg armor.
- Fixed Guardian Charge hotkey, set up to R from E. (E is a horde selecting
- Mumakil charge hotkey set up to R from E. (E is a command)
- Actualised Haldir Golden arrow level requeriment on the tooltip. Now also
indicates it's effectiveness against mounted heros and it's meta-impact 1.09
- Actualised dead-eye tooltip. Now it's indicated the fact it penalties thranduil
self armor.
- Added relevant tooltips to the units that form part of the horde bonus
filter. ;;Idea from RotWK 2.02.
- Sunflare tooltip now indicates that the spell cancels Freezing Rain and
Darkness.;;Idea from RotWK 2.02.

;;---------------ok. campaign changes-------------------;;

-Good Grey Heavens; fixed elven Fortress Hero menu command set not having icon to
go back.
-Evil Grey Heavens; good ship speed reduced.
-Good Erebor Defense; restored the old inn command sets from patch 1.00. (Men of
Dale for Dwarf, Corsairs for Mordor)
-Good Celduin River; restored the old inn command sets from patch 1.00. (Men of
Dale for Dwarf, Corsairs for Mordor)
-Evil Lorien; Galadriel health doubled.
-Good Blue Mountains; fixed drogoth balance in Blue Mountains. Vanilla rebalance
was affecting nazguls, not drogoth. (Due weapon renames on 08)
-Good Campaign; fixed errors in the spell book tree. //LogNote: e.g. powers being
inaccessible due wrong prerequisites, or not requiring prerequisites at all.
-Evil Campaign; Untamed Allegiance convert creeps ability restored. Now it's
possible to complete all secondary missions in Fornost.

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