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Submitted by:

Fernando, Zyra Mae Lanto, Tricia

Alcantara, Clarisse Villarta, Chloe

De Ocampo, Richelle Fumera, Gabriel

Garillo, Glenabbey Serafica, Jerome

Iglesias, Loriel
Chapter I



Every year, graduating high school students are faced

with the problem of having to decide on future career

paths. The decision whether or not to continue with post

secondary education and the choice of an institution to

attend are two critical decisions that students make at

this time in their lives (Johnson & Chapman, 1979). Before,

we are free to do what job we want to do for living since

life is simple. As the world changes, life becomes together

that in order to be successful in life, we must consider

what profit we gain from a certain job.

Due to the number of courses today, a student

graduating from high school may find himself in a difficult

situation. Choosing a course is a very important aspect.

There are also a lot of factors that may affect a

graduating high school student in choosing a course. These

factors may include job opportunity, preferred course of

the parents, peer’s influence and personal choice of

The seniors are loaded with a pile of school works,

their theses, and some house chores but some still find

time to spend it with their friends or just dillydally

despite their busy schedule while some make use of these

days to study their next lessons. These things made them

forget that soon, they will be leaving this school and they

need to pick a course to find a university or college. They

even missed to search for courses and universities they

might want to apply to but instead they arrive for a course

they do not even like.

Aiming for dreams is easy but fulfilling them is not.

Students must take everything into consideration.

Background of the Study

Choosing your course is already the first step on your

journey to a good career. Before being admitted to a

university, your course preference will always be asked.

The researchers believe one factor affecting the course

preference of the graduating students is the job

opportunity or economic demand. Students should consider

economic demand in choosing a career. Due to the number of

courses today, students should know if the course they want

is needed by the economy. This can be considered to raise

the awareness in some situations like in lacking of workers

in a particular profession or course. If you consider this

factor students will have a higher percentage of having a

great job with a great salary.

The preferred course of the parents also affects the

child in choosing the course. Some parents want the best

for their child so they are the one who choose the course

instead of their child. Some of the reasons are like

getting a job in future with high salary and affordable


The other factor is the peer’s influence. Part of

growing up is having circle of friends. In college,

students do not want to be separated with their friends up

to their college life, so those who are with their friends

decide their course to be the same.

The last factor affecting the course preference is the

personal choice as course. Most of the graduating high

school students follow their passion and pick a course

relating to it. Their reason is for their future job which

they could surely enjoy.

The researchers believe that students who graduated

from college with the course suited for them would even
have a higher percentage of having a job. Therefore, this

study intends to determine the factors affecting the

college course preference among senior high school students

of Roosevelt College San Mateo for the school year 2014-

2015. These factors serve as the preference of students in

choosing a college course which includes the economic

demand, preferred course of the parents, peer’s influence

and the personal choice of course. The researchers also aim

to know how to diminish these incidents. By conducting this

research, the researchers would be able to propose

solutions that would help the students today.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Fourth Year Students


 Peer’s Influence Preferred

 Parent’s Course
 Job Opportunity
 Self Decision

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Based on the conceptual framework above, the factors

affecting the college course preference of the fourth year

students are personal choice of course, preferred course of

the parents, peer’s influence, and job opportunity. These

factors can lead in deciding and choosing a college course.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the

college course preference of the fourth year high school

students of Roosevelt College San Mateo of academic school

year 2014-2015. Specifically, it sought to answer the


1. What are the factors that affect the choice of course

1.1. Personal Choice;

1.2. Parent’s Decision;

1.3. Peer’s influence;

1.4 Job Opportunity?

2. What is the most preferred course of the Fourth year

students of Roosevelt College San Mateo?

3. There is no factor that affect the course preference

of the Fourth year students.


Selecting a college course to study is a multistage

decision process affected by a variety of factors involving

self-decision, job opportunity, parent’s influence and peer

groups. This study assume to find which factor among these

four will greatly affect the college course preference of

the fourth year students of Roosevelt College San Mateo for

the school year 2014-2015.

Hypothesis 1.

Job opportunity of the students influence higher choice

of course in college.

Hypothesis 2.

Influence from parents will slightly affect the college

course of the students.

Hypothesis 3.

Peer’s influence does not directly affect the choice of

course of the students.

Significance of the Study

Education is the totality of learning acquired by

individual which is inherited form one generation to

another, while career serve as its application. The

collaboration of these two fields play a key in improving

individual’s competence and professionalism and serve as

their personal achievement.

Therefore this study is deemed significant to the


Students. In this account of the study, students are

placed to be more benefited and advantageous. They are the

center of the research because ultimately they develop the

awareness of themselves, strength and weaknesses for their

career development by continually summarizing and

reflecting upon what they are learning from home, school

and community. By conducting this research, the students

will be able to decide what course to take according to the

factors that affects them.

Parents. In this modern society, parents or guardians

play a big role in the life of their child especially if

the child is graduating. A parent will guide their child

until that child can stand and compete with other

individuals in the business. All parents only wish what is

best for their child. In this study, parents will look

forward in giving their child an assurance to acquire

quality education that would enable them to obtain better

job, better income and brighter future.

Teachers. Teachers make a wide contribution in the

knowledge and in molding every graduating student. If a

student is able to finish studies and get a good job,

teachers would be one of the proudest people for that

student. All of the knowledge and advices that teachers

taught the students were worth it. In this study, the

teachers will be given information about the preferences of

the students such that they can focus in the skills needed

by the students if ever the latter would pursue the career

they have chosen.

School administration. The result of this study will

help the school administration in putting up an effective,

integrated career information and guidance system that

plays a very helpful role in guiding students towards

making the best possible career decisions.

Scope and Delimitation

The study was delimited to the 143 recent fourth year

high school students of Roosevelt College San Mateo for the

school year 2014-2015. The questionnaire was distributed on

September and October 2014.

Participants were asked to reflect and recall

situations and decisions that occurred in the past.

Students who were absent from school on the day the survey

was administered, were not able to take the survey.

This study focused on their career preference of the

fourth year high school students of Roosevelt College San

Mateo. It looked into their socio-demographic

characteristics in terms of sex, age, parents’ educational

attainment, parents’ occupation, size of income and sibling


Definition of Terms

The following words are operationally defined to

enhance the understanding of the readers of this paper.

Career. A field for pursuit of consecutive progressive

achievement specially in public, professional, or business

life. In this study career is the application of education

whereby it is the totality of acquired knowledge.

Course. A specific study that a student will be

pursuing in the future for his or her desired profession.

Factors. The things a student should consider or not in

choosing a course for college.

Interest. To induce or persuade, the feeling of being

motivated and to engage oneself in the desired course.

Job opportunity. It refers to the majority of present

occupation which many companies are in need for a

particular job.

Preference. It is the other term for recommend, the

power or opportunity of choosing. In the study, the term

career preference refers to the basis of student in

choosing the course whether it comes from self decision,

parent’s influence, peer’s influence or job opportunity.

Chapter II


This chapter presents a review of related studies and

literature regarding the factors affecting the course

preference of graduating high school students.

Related Literature

The purpose of this review of literature is to

establish the facts which are already known from previous

researches. The literatures that will be discussed will add

up to the knowledge of the researchers for the research


Foreign Literature

O’Hare (2012) concluded that studying for a new

qualification can often be one of the most effective ways

of boosting your career prospects, whether by enhancing or

by equipping you with professional qualifications that will

enable you to move into a new line of work. Some factors

should be considered before signing up to a course,

ensuring that you find the right one, theories and

concepts, whereas vocational courses teach the hands on

skills relating to a specific profession such as nursing.

One of the things student should consider is whether to

choose an academic or a vocational course. And often the

best way to get a feel for a course and the benefits it is

likely to have is to organize chats with former students.

This literature is related to our research study

because it discusses some hints that a student should

understand and know. This article helps students in

deciding what course to take, if the students will focus on

vocational course or academic course. It discusses the

difference between vocational courses which is focused on

enhancing skills while in educational courses focus is on

bachelor, masters degrees, theories and concepts.

Smith (2010) suggested that some factors students can

consider in decision making. First factor is knowing you

natural talents. In this case we should choose a course

that fits your talents, a course that you can work on

easily. Next is work style, this means that you should

examine yourself about how you work or study. He said that

in choosing a career does not necessarily mean you have to

re-evaluate down the line based on your long-term


Smith’s article is somehow related to this research

study because it shows how students should examine

themselves. Students should more likely to prioritize their

self decision than others. He showed that students should

pick a course that they are good with or a course that they

can put their heart on. Self chosen course should prevail.

Ogowewo (2010), explained that the choice of career was

gender biased and the factors that influenced the students’

choice of career were: interest, life ambition, challenging

nature of the career, prestige attached to profession,

intellectual ability, high salary potential, and prospects

of job opportunity. He also said that school counselors

should employ their expertise to determine the aptitude and

interest of students in the career choice.

This article embodies that there are a lot of factors a

student can consider in choosing a course. It explains that

students should deeply examine themselves about their

interest, their ability and skills. And also the should

have a study on about the state of the economy. What

courses are in need, and if their course preferred has a

great help in future career path.

Davidson (2009, said that choosing a career is one of

the most influential decisions in life you make in your

life. Unlike a job that is used to solely pay bills, a

career is a pursuit that normally requires a lot of time

and emotional investment on top of the need to provide for

yourself and a possible family. Choosing a career can be

difficult and a number of different factors play into the

decision of what career to pursue.

The message of this article is related to our study

because it explains the decision in choosing a career path.

A student should not take decision making easily. They

should give time in deciding what course to take. Career is

what a student will have after graduating college. This is

about the profession a student can have in the near future.

Green (2010), reviewed that many factors influence your

choice of career, ranging from personality and individual

preferences to practical concerns such as salary, job

outlook for the field, career stability and opportunities

for advancement. Other people choose their careers based on

a desire to help others, solve a specific problem, or

continue a family legacy in a specific industry.

The literature of Green is somehow related to our study

because it discusses that education, family needs, job

market, values, goals, and talents are the things a student

could accept in preferring their course. It enables

students to understand that many things can be taken into

consideration before coming up to a specific course to

Slutsky (2010), discussed that choosing a career is a

decision that affects the standard of life, the daily

activity and social life. Many people have difficulty

deciding on their career, but certain factors influence

their decision. Researching careers, interest, family

business, family profession and education of parents, and

high school, are the factors that mostly students take into

consideration based on her study.

Slutsky’s article is related to our study because it

discusses that not only personal qualities a student

possess are the only thing that needs to be considered but

also the state of living of the family, and family

background. This article wants students to understand that

parents should also be part of the decision making.

Melone (2014), claimed that choosing the right career

path is one of the most important things you can do for

yourself and your family. Whether you are choosing your

first career or embarking on a second or third, finding

something that you enjoy and excel at can do wonders to

improve your whole life. While no job is ever perfect,

there are some factors that you should consider to help

ensure you get into the right career for you. Interest,

career opportunities, and education and training, these are

the factors that Melone said to be the main considerations

of students in taking up a course.

Melone said that students should find out their career

to pursue soon. Students need to pursue a degree that will

take into account the months or years required to train.

The author also said that students should put their passion

and skills into a career, because students would likely to

enjoy their college life and succeed in their future


Hanson (2011), coined that a career choice is a

decision that affects the rest of a student’s life. Career

choices are pivotal points in adolescents’ life. So no

matter if they are headed for work or for college, there

are factors that affect their career decisions. Role

models, peers, grades, economics, location, and time

orientation are some of the factors a student should


Based on what Hanson said, this article is related to

the current study because career choice is connected to the

college life of each student. After college, a student will

pursue what he/she studied by having a career or

profession. In career choice students will apply what they

learned when they are still studying.

Brown (2009), emphasized that finding the perfect

college for students is a time consuming task that requires

patience and research. As you search for the perfect school

to fulfill your academic dreams, take time to meet with

college administrators and professors at each of your

prospective schools. Take the following factors into

account during your selection process. The factors are

cost, size, location, housing, student life, admissions,

and programs.

In this article it points out that students should not

only think about what course they should take but also bear

in mind in what school they should study. Determining what

course to studied and in what school to study is connected

to each other, that is why this article is related to each


Schuldt (2011), cited that deciding where to apply can

be a daunting task considering that the U.S. boasts about

3,000 colleges. The key to narrowing down your options is

to pick an initial pool of 20 to 25 colleges that interest

you and to focus your research efforts on these schools.

Selecting a large pool of colleges upfront gives you the

flexibility to eliminate colleges that you decide do not

suit you, still leaving you with a range of colleges to

which you can apply. Try not to be too rigid in your

preferences as they may change as you learn more about the

colleges during the search process in choosing a college or

university students should consider geographic location,

enrollment, campus setting, academic focus and the


It is somehow related to our research study because the

main topic of this article is about how to find a school

that is suited to each student and for their desired

course. Students should also study and research about their

desired school because if a student have a good course but

the school he or she is enrolled with is not expert in the

course that they picked, their quality of their education

is not that high.

Petrilli (2014), shared that people who graduated from

college earn significantly more than those who do not. It

also indicates that low-income students in particular

benefit from college, becoming nearly three times more

likely to make it into the middle class than their peers

who earn some or no college credits. And it’s not just

about money: College graduates are also healthier, more

involved in their communities, and happier in their jobs.

Petrilli’s article is related to our study because it

shows the benefit of studying the course that the students

really love. And it also shows that students who graduated

have the opportunity to earn more, in this case students

should strive hard in studying so in the future their life

will be successful and great.

Jaschik (2013) hinted that maybe it is much more

simple: undergraduates are significantly more likely to

major in a field if they have an inspiring and caring

faculty member in their introduction to the field. And they

are equally likely to write off a field based on a single

negative experience with a professor. In choice of major is

due to faculty members, although the influence can go

either way. Faculty determine students' taste for academic

fields by acting as gatekeepers, either by welcoming them

into an area of knowledge, encouraging and inspiring them

to explore it, or by raising the costs of entry so high so

as to effectively prohibit continuing in it. Faculty can

positively or negatively influence student taste for a

field -- some compelling teachers can get students engaged

in fields that they previously disliked, while other, more

uncharismatic faculty can alienate students from entire

bodies of knowledge, sometimes permanently.

In this article it explains that some students consider

their teachers or professors in their decision making.

Their teachers set as the role models for them, some

students choose the same course that their teacher took. It

is related to our study because it is about the teachers

who became a major factor in the decision making of the


Elicon (2009), pointed out that choosing a college

major is probably one of the hardest decisions they will

make in their life. It does not help that there are now a

lot of college courses and college programs among which

students have to choose. There are some major

considerations in choosing a college course; interest,

aptitude, values, money matters, time and practical

considerations, commitment, times, choices and spiritual


This column is related to the current study because it

showed that students well being is considered in the

decision making, which is a factor for choosing the right

course. Students should know that they should learn how to

choose a right course that their parents can agree with

especially when it comes to financial support. Students

should also consider the state of living of the family

because students should not choose a course that the

parents could not afford.

Hecrne (2009), affirmed that parents are deeply

involved and influential to their high-achieving children’s

college choices. The report also found out open houses,

dialogue with college friends, alumni and admitted-student

programs are extremely influential to students.

Other people’s influence to students can be considered

but it depends on the student if they should take the

opinion of their friends in choosing a course. It is

related to our study because the researchers want the

students to realize that not all the opinions of others

should be taken into consideration. Students should know

how to weigh things so that they can choose a right course

for them.

Holland (2012), hinted that individuals are attracted

to a given career by their personalities and numerous

variables that constitute their backgrounds. Career

counselors have traditionally focused on a career choice,

values, interests, abilities, skills and work-life

experiences are viable factors that are discussed and

This column is somehow related to our study because it

talks about the abilities of each student, which is a major

factor in choosing a course. Students should know their

strengths and weaknesses so that they can evaluate what

course fits them. It is important that every students know

what they want and what can they do, so that it will not be

difficult for them choosing a course.

Wolf (2014), stated that there are many factors to

consider when evaluating prospective colleges. It is up to

you and your family to determine which criteria is most

relevant for you. Some criteria are “make or break”, one

thing that colleges on your list must have in order for you

to consider them; others would be desirable to have but

they are not mandatory.

This column is related to our study because it helps

the students to realize that many factors can be considered

but it is up to the student if they will consider it. The

most important thing in decision making is to choose a

course that the student really wants not because others

want it for them.

Reynolds (2009), quoted that when students begin

college, they are often intimidated by the rarified

atmosphere of intellectual life, so their colleges walk

them through course enrollment and see to it that they

enroll in a variety of courses designed to give them a good

start on academic life. After the first semester, however,

students begin to make more informed and independent course

choices, which may be based on requirements,

practicalities, and personal bent.

This script is related to our research study because

it indicated that college life may be fun but it is not

only about fun, it is also about studying if the course you

took is really suited to you.

Goffredson (2012), viewed that people become attracted

to certain occupations. Self-concept is the key factor to

career selection and people want jobs that are comfortable

with their self-image. The key determinants of self concept

are one’s social class, level of intelligence and social


This script is related to our study because it laid

out that the decision of the student should really be

considered. In choosing a course a student should examine

himself about how far can he go, and what are his talents

and skills that are appropriate for his desired course.

Local Literature

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Commissioner

Jenifer Jardin- Manalili(2011),believed that students

looking to be hired immediately upon graduation should

steer away from courses like nursing, criminology, and

education. Instead , they would do well to go into fields

like: Optometry, nutrition and dietetics, guidance

counseling, social work, medical technology, pharmacy,

library science, psychology and dentistry. Based on their

findings, there was an oversupply of licensed professionals

buying for jobs in the fields of nursing, education and


This literature is related to this thesis because it

helps us choose the right course for us. It also tells us

the different courses that are needed nowadays. It states

that nursing, education and criminology has an oversupply

of licensed professionals.

Commission on Higher Education (2009), observed that

as many as 142,000 or 25% , of all graduates took up

business administration and related courses.Medical related

courses are the next most popular category, with about

110,000, or 20 percent. The other popular courses are

information technology (IT), education or teacher training,

and engineering.CHEd data over the past decade showed the

same popular courses among college graduates.On the other

hand, the least popular courses based on the number of

graduates include agriculture-related courses, religion,

home economics and general courses.

It is somehow related to this thesis because it tells

the top courses that are taken up by the graduates. It also

gives us an idea on what are the least popular courses.

With this, we can choose what course or jobs are really


Santos (2009),found that the students consider more

carefully economic factors in times of distress and

financial difficulties. These factors include job

opportunities to supplement their income, accommodation

costs and family home proximity.

This literature is somehow related to this research

because it focuses on one factor that can affect the choice

of course which is to consider economic factors. This

factor can help financial difficulties.

Fermoso (2010), noted that whenever the economy is on

downturn, as it has been worldwide in the past two years,

people begin to realized that some jobs are more desirable

than others because they are more suitable.

Recent university graduates who picked their degrees

based on projected income alone have found out that, at

this juncture, job security is an even more important

criterion in course selection.

This article wants to inform that many people choose

the wrong course for them. It also tells that job security

is one of the important criterions in choosing the right

course for us.

Limpahan (2014), emphasized that college is all about

preparing for the real world, and choosing the right

college course is the best preparation one can have. Why

make a big thing of a college course? Well, most students

go to school to secure a bright future for themselves and

their families at the same time, a college course can

predetermine the professional identity one may have for


The article written by Limpahan is related to this

thesis because it emphasizes how choosing a college course

is important. This is the best preparation for our future.

One can secure a bright future if they choose the right

course for them.

Verona (2009),claimed that picking a career is the

most important decision the average student makes. It

should involve a self-critical analysis: Where does my

talent lie, what is the reality of earning a living by

using it. Prepare yourself for a career that is based on

the realities of your talent and the job market.

Related to this literature, it is related to this

research because one of its factors in choosing the college

course is self-critical analysis. She considered this in

picking a career.

Pascual (2014), considered that the involvement of

family, school administrators and guidance counselor to

help students make good career choice in the future.

Respect for family is one of the most influential factors

that impact Filipino student’s career decision. Aside from

family realted factors, economic factors which includes the

employability and availability of job in the future is also

considered by students.

This column is related to this research because it

states the different factors to be considered in choosing a

course. According to him, family is one of the most

influential factors that affect Filipino student’s course

Del Norte (2013) asserted that choosing a course

carefully is an important aspect which will give conclusion

to a student’s academic endeavor. The researchers have

decided to make a study about the factors that graduating

high school students consider in choosing a college course.

The researchers provides the information that will cover

various factors such as: having better job opportunities,

pursuing your passion, etc. This research will help

students and parents alike in choosing a course.

In accordance to this literature, it is related this

research because it covers the importance of choosing the

right course carefully. It also studies the factors that

the students consider in choosing a college course.

Hanna (2013)concluded that picking a college to attend

is only half of the decision, though. The other

half involves choosing an actual course to pursue. Seniors

trooping to various university campuses for taking

their entrance exams. After all, that is a major step in

being able to attend the college of their choice.

Hanna talks about the courses which is connected to

the current study. According to her, another factor to

consider is the university campus. Choosing the college

course to attend is still the major step.

Esmerna (2011), coined that going to college and

being in the presence of books, homework, and traumatizing

teachers were the least of my worries. What haunted me most

was the disturbing reality that whatever course I took

would probably determine what the rest of my life would be

like. Choosing a college course is not exactly easy. Some

are torn between two loves and others.Your inner voice is

not the only one deciding for you. Your parents’ voices are

now in your head, offering subtle hints on what they want

you to become. That is when the “train to my college

future” starts to take a different route, from straight

ahead to zigzagging all the way.

This literature wants to express that every graduating

student should decide carefully in what course they want to

take because it will determine of what will they become for

the rest of their lives.

Cruz (2014), stated that the Academic Track, the Core

Subjects take care of the CRS and the Strand Subjects

prepare students for the particular college course that

they plan to take. This is different from the other Tracks.

In the other Tracks (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood,

Sports, Arts & Design), the Strand subjects are really

terminal subjects, in the sense that they are not

preparations for future studies but are meant to give

students the tools to immediately enter the workplace.

This literature pointed out that preparing for college

is not easy. Students should know all the things they have

to consider in order to have a successful college life and

to be productive for the future.

Crusis(2009), explored that choosing a college major

for some is easy; some people know exactly what they want

to be when they grow up. For others, choosing a college

major is probably one of the hardest decisions they will

make in their life. The most basic consideration in the

choice of a college major or college course is, of course,

what you want. The next things to consider are values and

money matters. Money because it will dictate what course

you can or cannot afford.

This literature wants to imply that there are lots of

things to consider when choosing a college course. There

are also different people that may find choosing course as

easy or difficult depending on their financial capability.

De Guzman (2009), assumed that picking a college to

attend is only half of the decision when going to

universities. The other half involves choosing an actual

course to pursue. One strategy is to find out what most

college courses people are into these days.

The message of this literature is that every student

should decide according to what she prioritizes because

college is all about deciding. In order to move forward you

should learn how to choose the right way. Like in this

thesis, students should learn the factors affecting their

course to be satisfied about their future career.

Baldoz (2011), quoted that “The moratorium, I believe,

is a decisive action on the part of the CHED to mitigate

potential oversupply of graduates in certain disciplines,

and in the process, to encourage incoming students to opt

for courses that offer the best chances of employment after

graduation,” The country should effort towards market

intelligence, responsive training and education programs,

adequate investments on education and training, and better

quality learning inputs and outputs that will pave the way

towards better matching of the skills of Filipinos with

requirements in the job market.

Like the CHED secretary says, in order to have a good

economy and productive workers, every individual should be

careful at the very first stage of their career which is

choosing the course that will tell of who are they for

their lifetime. It is somehow related to our thesis because

this study aim to know the factors affecting the choice of

course of students to help them choose the right course for


DOLE Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz

(2011),pointed out that parents should take an active role

in their children's career choice. "Career guides are very

important to parents. Gone are the days when a parent's

task is merely disciplinary. Now, parents should have a

developmental role as they actively engage themselves in

the career planning process of their children. They must be

able to convey to their children the significance of

choosing the right career," DOLE secretary said.

This literature wants to imply that parents have a big

role in deciding on what course their children should

choose because they are the one that will give the

financial support. Not only the financial but also their

opinion about a certain course because they are the one who

are more knowledgeable in life.

Suah (2014) expressed that the career extravaganza, a

program which the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

conducted was realized with a vision to make work and

provide graduating high school students with an insight

about career paths in different industries, get information

about the labor market and opportunities, understand the

world of work and reduce the number of job mismatch. It was

also endeavored to reduce the number of job skills mismatch

by giving the students and parents with adequate

information that will guide them in choosing a course that

could lead to either gainful employment or successful

business venture.

In some means, this is related to this study because

this article tells about a program which help every

graduating students in choosing their career this,

they will have an insight about what jobs will be in demand

for the future that is related to one factor in this study

which is the job opportunity.

Gamil (2011), coined that students looking to be hired

immediately upon graduation should steer away from courses

like nursing, criminology and education, according to the

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Instead, they would do well to go into the following

fields: Optometry, nutrition and dietetics, guidance

counseling, social work, medical technology, pharmacy,

library science, psychology and dentistry. Manzala said

that to measure if the labor supply was in proportion to

the job market demand in a particular profession, they took

note of the number of people who passed the board. Manalili

explained that “oversupplying” occurs because the career

choices of college students are “based on demands from the

previous years.”

The message of this literature is that every student

should determine what course he wants to take accurately

because it has a huge effect in economy and their income in

the future. This is related in this study because job

opportunity, one factor that affects the choice of course

of the students greatly affect because they consider the

assurance of work after graduating.

Bacani (2014), The Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) is advising incoming college students to go for

"priority courses" for them to get financial assistance and

to land in-demand jobs that could help spur economic

growth. According to the new list, the priority courses are

those in the fields of agriculture, engineering, science

and math, information technology, teacher education, health

sciences, arts and humanities, social and behavioral

sciences, business administration, architecture, maritime

and communication. Skills and jobs that match the projected

employment requirements of key industries until 2020.

According to this literature, one should consider the

job opportunity in choosing a college course which is one

of the factors affecting the choice of course in our study.

By prioritizing what job are in demand, this could help a

lot to our economic growth.

Related Studies

The purpose of this review of related studies is to

provide an overview of previous research on knowledge about

the factors affecting the course preference of graduating


Foreign Studies

Lee and Chatfield (2010), identified that the factors

that influence the appropriate factors for which most

students affected with. The results are also beneficial to

colleges in the development of appropriate promotion of

courses; to differentiate themselves in a meaningful way to

potential students over the world.

Relate to this research study, the study of Lee and

Chatfield coined that identifying the factors that affect

the choice of course would be beneficial because student

will find easier the appropriate course for them.

Tan (2009) that the described the relative importance

of major college course choice factors. It was also

conducted her in the Philippines so it can help many

Universities around the nation to determine what and how

many slots for the college course should be taken by means

of how in demand the courses are.

This study is related to this thesis because it tells

that one major factor of college course preference are the

jobs that are in demand. They need to know how many slots

are available depending on the students choice of course.

Edwards and Quinter (2011) stated that the main

objective of this study was to find the factors influencing

career choice.

According to Mr. Edwards and Quinter, the main

objective of this research is to find the different factors

that are affecting the course choice. If the students know

the different factors that affects their course choice it

will be a great help for them to know who should consider

the most.
SJ Lee (2011) asserted that the significant factors

used to choose colleges among in-state, out-of-state and

international students might not be the same. Tuition and

financial aid are different for each of these groups. Job

opportunities during and after graduation are not the same.

Also, the reputation recognition of a college might be

different internationally than domestically. This could

affect job opportunities for students in their own


In accordance to this research, it is assumed that the

significance of the various factors is not the same among

these three groups of students.

Garce (2009) found out that by increasing career

development activities, which include setting career goals,

students had a higher self esteem. Another outcome of a

higher self-esteem, it can help us to choose more difficult

goals. Students must be given an opportunity to identify

and explore their desired careers. Ultimately, students

will further their education and have a better chance of

succeeding in the "do or die" world in which we live.

Garci wants to tell that if a student has higher self-

esteem they can aim for more difficult goals. Students

should try and explore their preferred course for them to

succeed and turn their dreams into reality.

Roach, McGaughey and Downey (2013) the study asserted

that economic demand is more important to students than

interest in the field.

This study is related to this thesis because it tells

that a student considers economic demand more important

than interest in the field. The student will choose a

course where they can get a job easily.

Huanye (2013) said that a person who is forced to do a

job that he or she does not enjoy will quickly lose

interest in his or her work. The career that the student

should choose must be fulfilling. It must allow the student

to express their creativity and individuality.

Huanye affirmed that if a person is forced to do a job

he or she will not succeed. Students need to choose a

course they truly love. This is in some ways related to

this research.

Baines (2009) discovered that there are many

commonalities between students from different continents

such as the importance of personal interests and parents.

Whilst there are also differences it would seem that

applying cultural stereotypes to international students.

This study is related to this thesis because it

pointed out that students have different personalities that

they can consider in choosing a course. Students should

consider their love towards an object to be able to succeed

in their own careers.

Otpeng (2012) found out that career choice is a

complex decision for people since it determines the kind of

profession that they intend to pursue in life. For some

people an interest is of such importance in their life that

it is the main influence on their career choice.

This study showed that students who pursue the things

they love will succeed. It is hard to imagine spending time

on something you do not like.

Saadiasardar (2011) believed that many factors affect

career choices of college students. Identifying these

factors would give parents, educators, and industry an idea

as to where students place most of their trust in the

career selection pattern.

According to Saadiasardar’s study, it shows the

different factors that affect the course preference of a

student. This study gives a lot of help to the students who

or what to consider the most in choosing a course.

Alphamama (2014) concluded that some students do not

seriously consider many alternative choices in career

selection. Sources of influence, such as parents or

mentors, could be brought into a circle of counseling and

discussion to help student form a comprehensive career plan

or outline.

Focusing on the Alphamama’s ideas, it is related to

this research because it indicated that there are lots of

factors of influence in career selection. Some students do

not seriously consider these factors.

Sanchez (2013) observed that having a solid

application will lead you to the right path, enrolling into

college with the help and knowledge from high school is a

great resource, rather than depending on yourself to create

a phenomenal college application.

This study pointed out that students will never be

truly great at what they do if they do not have any passion

for their work. That is no way to live.

Shumba and Naong (2012) believed that several studies

show that new students all over the world are usually faced

with a dilemma in making career choice decision in their

lives. Mothers were cited as partiscularly influential

because they provide support that eases children’s

apprehension about careers.

According to this study, choosing a course is a

difficult decision to make. Parents are one of the factors

that greatly affect the student in choosing their course.

Kimura-Walsh, Yamamura, Griffin and Allen (2009)

pointed to the importance of school resources for Latina

students in college preparation, but also indicated that

services available to these students differed based on

their class ranking and perceived eligibility for selective


This study is related to this thesis because it tells

that school resources are important in college preparation.

They also see it as one of the factors in choosing course


Smith (2009) extolled the necessity of educating

parents of African American students on the ways in which

to get to college and successfully complete a degree, in

order to provide support to students.

The idea of Smith is related to the current study

because it explains that parents should finish college and

get a degree in order to provide support for their children

and give them a good education which leads to finding good

course preference in the future.

Nunez, Hoover, Picket, Stuart-Carruthers and Vasquez

(2013) have focused more on the transition and success of

Chicano/Latino students in college and high lightened the

strategies for supporting success once students


This study is somehow related to this thesis because

it tells that they focused more on the success of students

in college, which means that if students found the right

course for them, there’s a bigger chance that they will get


Perna and Thomas (2009) also examined the impact of

tests on the levels of college enrollment for high school

students. They focused on state-mandated high school tests

and found greater negative consequences for students at

schools with lower socio economic status and academic


This study is wants to tell that students at school

with lower socio economic status and academic achievement

has less chance in passing the test for college enrollment

which can also lead to less chance in pursuing the course

they prefer.

Anderson (2009) each study cited provided some insight

into the college choice process. The way in which students

choose college may be changing from traditional methods.

For example, a recent article in USA Today indicated that

more students are using facebook as a way of communicating

with university officials and taking care of business.

Related to this thesis, this study tells that one of

the reasons why students choose a college is because of

traditional method like social networking, where they can

interact with people in the universities and the students

there can promote the school.

Local Studies

Mihyeon (2010), stated that the study suggested that

parents, teachers and guidance counselors should recognize

their own critical roles in shaping high achieving students

career development and provide tailored career related

services to meet different needs of high achieving


The study of mihyeon states that parents,teachers and

guidance counselor should shape their students and be a

role model. They are responsible to provide career services

related to the student’s course to achieve higher standards

of professions.

Perez (2010), studied that the factors that serve as

preferences of students in choosing a career in college

include childhood aspirations, family, peers, interest ,

values and in-demand jobs. Career preferences are free

oppurtunity to select a desired course. It is also a

decision-making in a confusing situation which occurs

during the senior year of high school level.

According to this study, it points out the different

factors that affect the course of the students like

childhood aspirations, family, peers, interest, values and

in-demand job. This factors also help the decision-making

of the students specially senior highschools.

Mattison (2009), found that career uncertainty may be

influenced more by outcome expectations rather than self-

efficacy. The researcher suggest that information and

guidance received may be an influential factor in career


The study of Mattison is all about career uncertainty

which occurs among students. Guidance from other person may

influence or affect this uncertainty. It can help them

decide and choose the right course for them.

Bongat (2011). Decision-making is distinctly a human

activity. The process of decision making is one of the most

complex mechanisms of human thinking, as various factors

and courses of action intervene in it, with different

results. Nothing makes a person more productive than the

last minute.

According to Bongat, high school is all about decision

making. It is the most complex mechanism of lunar thinking

that makes people energized and productive in thinking

different results.

Del Norte (2013) believed that people who graduated

college found more job opportunities available to them than

those who had a lower form of education. The researcher

believes that students who graduate college with the course

suited for them will even have a higher percentage of

landing a job.

Del Norte believed that graduated people get more job

opportunities than those who did not finished their

studies. They can easily find a job that is suited for them

and related to their chosen course.

Chan (2013) indicated that the decision of a career is

firstly based on what educational qualification you have or

is looking forward to having. It is based on your

personality and the path or field you have inclination in

that will decide the job for that you will apply. The

researcher considered that there will be certain factors

that will really be very important and you will have to

give them importance to select the career. Then again try

to select the path which best fulfills every need yet makes

you happy working on it.

Chan stated that career decisionmaking is basedon the

student’s skills. Students who choose career that is based

on their personalities will enjoy their work and succeed in

the future.

Romero (2013) stated that each student has unique

personality with special drives and abilities. These drives

affect their motivation to exert energy to decide.

Decision-making opens to the portal for student to assess

his/her liabilities and assets and how he or she would want

to use them. It is necessary to examine individual

decisions in the context of a set of need, preferences an

individual has and values they seek.

Romero stated that students have their own different

skills and personalities. It affects the students in

choosing their college course.

Charmaine (2014) expressed that career planning may be

considered as one of the most important paths in an

individual’s life, which leads to making informed career

decisions or choices.

Charmaine asserted that in most cases where individuals

make wrong career choices or decisions, they end up being

unemployable or may find themselves moving from one career

to the next because they actually do not know themselves

quite well where they end up seeking for career assistance.

Mendras (2014) discussed that the most difficult

decisions for them to make are the choice of college

institutions to attend, and also what course program to

take. For students who see themselves attending in a

university, the assessment process perhaps undertakes high

priority especially nowadays that the higher education has

transformed in many ways. Choosing a course carefully is an

important aspect which will give conclusion to a student’s

academic endeavor.

Mendras discussed that a students should choose their

course carefully and students should assess the school

where they will attent.

Alimorong, Tansiking, Lagasca, Lazo, Manansala, Madayag

(2014) found out that when students make decisions for

their career, job opportunities or high employability is

important because it impacts the level of students’

personal satisfaction and personal growth or development

opportunities. Jobs with great salaries and revenue for its

products and services, the results showed that most

students thought that high employability or job

opportunities is a great contributory factor why they chose

such field or career.

This study states that the job opportunity is a major

factor that the fourth year students should rely in

choosing their course.

Gaston (2014) claimed that many students would classify

the field of study as interesting and not too difficult at

all but the course includes several intriguing subjects,

even the practicum is highly anticipated by the graduating

students due to its social relevance. The researcher

considered it as a possible factor in choosing a course in


Gaston coined that the field of study is a very

interesting part for students. It is also a factor that

affects the decision-making of the fourth year students.

Atinaja (2013) said that many students find it difficult

in choosing what course to take in college. For seniors or

graduating high school students, the pressure goes higher

as the end of their term is coming because the time is

running and decreasing for deciding what course they will

take. Choosing a course is really a hard decision to make.

Your future depends on it and the decision you will make

would determine what life you will have in the future.

Atnaja wants to imply students should be really careful

in choosing a course because it is a hard decision to make.

Student’s decision will greatly affect their profession in

the future.

Acupan, Amuan, Galang, Manalo, Pinpin, Remoquillo (2012)

expressed that in choosing proper choice of course,

students will be able to develop and improve our God given

talents and apply our knowledge and intelligence to it,

though it is a free of cost opportunity to select and pick

a course, this is not an easy task for it requires a lot of

analysis of the course and decision-making.

This study is related to the current study because

students should rely and improve their God-given talents

that they will use to pick the right course for them.

Lacozta (2014) pointed out that students also make

choices that determine their living expenses whether to

live on campus or at home. They make up whatever difference

exist between their family’s resources and their total

student budget through a combination of work, student

loans, and commercial credit.

According to Lacozta, there is a huge different between

living in campus and living with parents at home. Whatever

the student preferred to choose,there are different impacts

in the student.

Hernandez, Reyes, De Roca (2012) explained that Filipino

students are becoming imaginative and creative in choosing

a course because of multifarious crisis such as

socioeconomic crisis, political crisis, and as well as

financial crisis which is greatly affected by global

economic crisis.

The ideas of Hernandez, Reyes and De Roca asserted that

Filipino students are very imaginative in choosing a

course. Students have the abilities to make a difference

and change the economy.

Regina (2012) concluded that choosing a course is one of

the biggest choice you’ll make regarding with your

education. Career starts in when you enter your own field.

Thus, choosing your course is already the first step on

your journey to a good career so everything must take into


According to Regina, the first step to a successful

career is deciding the right course that fits a student. It

has a big impact to the student’s chosen path in life.

Muhammad (2013) observed that many students are giving

interest in the course because of being recognized as one

of the top courses to be taken in the Philippines. One of

the factors in choosing the course is being chosen and

going out of the country to train and learn more about the

industry that you have chosen. The researcher cited that

students need to be more attentive and interested in the

course they will choose because it will help them to be

prepared for their job in the future.

Muhammad stated that most students in the Philippines

according to what career the country can give them and also

the demand work of the other country.

Lorenzo (2012) believed that the most basic

consideration in the choice of a college major or college

course is what you wantor your interest. You should choose

the course that you wanted to get into and resonates within

the very fiber of your being.

The study of Lorenzo emphasized that in picking the

course that you want, you should choose the one that

satisfies your interest and can develop your skills.

Chapter III


Methods of Research

The method that the researchers will be using is the

descriptive method. It is designed to provide the research

information about what is happening in the present.

The study is about the “Factors Affecting the College

Course Preference of the Fourth Year Students of Roosevelt

College San Mateo”, the researchers aim to find out the

factors that affects a student in decision making through

the use of a questionnaire. This study is focused on the

present that is why the researchers use the descriptive


Locale of the Study

The study was handled within the premises of Roosevelt

College San Mateo. The researchers get information of the

students from the Registrar’s Office in the four sections

of the fourth year level. All the answers will be coming

from the sections Jose Rizal, Mariano Gomez, Burgos and

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the fourth year

students of Roosevelt College San Mateo for the School year

2014-2015. The fourth year students are 152, and there are

143 students who answered the questionnaire.

Data Gathering and Procedures

Since the researchers are only conducting this

research at only one year level, the Fourth year students,

the researchers write a letter of approval addressed to the

Directress – Mrs. Norita Lachenal. The researchers used one

kind of questionnaire composed of four topics; self

decision, economic demand, parent’s decision and peers’

influence; in order for the researchers to know which

factor affects the Fourth year students’ course preference.

No sampling will be used because all the fourth year

students will be taken as the respondents in our study.

Research Instrument

The study used a questionnaire to survey fourth year

students for collecting data. The researchers made the

questionnaire based on the factors affecting in choosing

college course. The questionnaire was divided into 4

topics. These are Parents' Decision, Personal Choice, Job

Oppurtunity and Peers' Influence. The survey questionnaires

was constructed consisting of twenty questions, five

questions for each of the factors affecting the course

preference of the fourth year students.The questionnaire

was made to determine what factor they are most affected


Statistical Tools

The researchers used the formula to measure the

weighted mean of the factors affecting the course

preference of the fourth year students. Sometimes the

variable x has certain weight and this weight depends upon

the importance of significance of the variable. The formula

of the weighted mean is as follows:

x̄ = Σfn
f = frequency in each weight

x̄ = weighted mean

X = assigned weight

n = total number of frequency in each weight

We find the most frequent answer for all the questions

and interpret it as the overall factors of the choice of

course of the fourth year students in Roosevelt College San

Mateo School Year 2014-2015.

Chapter IV


This chapter focuses on the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data would determine the factors

affecting the college course preference of the Roosevelt

College San Mateo School Year 2014-2015. The discussion

that follow are presented according to the data asked for

by the problems of the study.

Table 1.1

Parent’s Influence Percentage Breakdown

FACTOR Strongly Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)

Parent’s 13.03% 39.26% 23.42% 17.96% 6.34%

As shown above, 13.03% of the fourth year students are

strongly agree in the statements given in the

questionnaire. On the other hand, 39.26% which is the

highest percentage of the fourth year students chose agree.

Meanwhile, 23.42% of the fourth year students are not sure

and 17.96% disagree that their parents influence them in

choosing their career choice. While the remaining 6.34%

strongly disagree that their parents influence them.

Table 1.2

Personal Choice Percentage Breakdown

FACTOR Strongly Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)

Personal 19.54% 44.19% 19.19% 12.32% 4.75%

Table 1.2 revealed that almost half (44.19%) and the

biggest percentage of the fourth year students agreed that

the personal choice is important as a factor choosing their

course. While 4.75%, the lowest percentage strongly

disagreed that personal choice should be considered in

choosing career.
Table 1.3

Job Opportunity Percentage Breakdown

FACTOR Strongly Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)

Job 17.61% 50.70% 27.11% 3.52% 1.06%

As clearly seen on table 1.3, half of the students,

50.70% agreed that job opportunity is a factor in choosing

their course. On the other hand, 27.11% more than quarter

of the fourth year students are not sure about job

opportunity as a factor. And only 1.06% of the students

strongly disagreed that job opportunity is a factor in

choosing their course.

Table 1.4

Peer’s Influence Percentage Breakdown

FACTOR Strongly Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)

IV. 5.46% 27.11% 26.06% 25.88% 15.49%

Table 1.4 shows that 27.11% of the fourth year

students agreed, 26.06% are not sure, 25.88% disagreed,

15.49% strongly disagreed, and only 5.46% strongly agreed

that their choice of course are influenced by peers.

Table 2.1

1st Choice of Career

Choice of Career Frequency Percentage

Engineering 27 19.01

Business 22 15.49

Accountancy 13 9.15

Medicine 16 11.27

Communication 9 6.34

Science 21 14.79

Arts 12 8.45

I.T 13 9.15

Education 6 4.23

Mathematics 1 0.7

Tourism 2 1.41
Table 2.1 disclosed that Engineering has the highest

percentage with 19.01% for the first choice of course

followed by Business with 15.49%, Science with 14.79%,

Medicine with 11.27%, Accountancy and I.T with 9.15% then

Arts with 8.45%, Communication 6.34%, Education with 4.23%,

Tourism with 1.41% and Mathematics having the lowest

percentage with 0.7%.

Table 2.2

2nd Choice of Career

Choice of Career Frequency Percentage

Engineering 32 22.54

Business 17 11.97

Accountancy 7 4.93

Medicine 14 9.86

Communication 7 4.93

Science 13 9.15

Arts 15 4.23

I.T 13 10.56

Education 6 9.15

Mathematics 1 4.23

Tourism 12 0.7

Economics 1 8.45

Nutrition 1 0.7

Food Tech 1 0.7

Agriculture 1 0.7

Public 1 0.7
Table 2.2 shows that Engineering has the highest

percentage with 22.54% for the second choice of course

followed by Business with 11.97%, Arts with 10.56%, I.T and

Science with 9.15% then Medicine with 9.86%, Tourism with

8.45%, Accountancy and Communication both with 4.93% and

then Education with 4.23%, lastly, Mathematics, Economics,

Nutrition, Food technology, Agriculture and Public

Administration having the lowest percentage with 0.7%.

Table 3.1

Statements - Verbal
X Interpretation

I. Parent’s Influence

1. My course is related to my 3.50 Agree

parent’s decision.

2. My course is according to 3.30 Not Sure

what my parents can afford in

3. My course is based on what 3.20 Not Sure

my parents said that suits me.

4.My chosen course is 3.84 Agree

beneficial to my parents.

II. Personal Choice

1. I have decided my course 2.96 Not Sure

since I was in the elementary.

2. I am satisfied with my own 4.14 Agree

choice of career.

3. I am not yet sure of my 3.21 Not Sure

chosen course.

4. I think my choice provides 4.15 Agree

opportunity to grow

III. Job Opportunity

1. My choice is a highly paid 3.82 Agree

2. My course is based 3.83 Agree
according to the demand in the

3. My choice is a course where 3.82 Agree

I can easily land a job.

4. My choice can hone my 4.04 Agree


IV. Peer’s Influence

1. I choose a course according 2.11 Agree

to my friends’ preferred

2. My friends are positive 3.60 Disagree

about their choice of course.

3. My friends chosen course is 3.15 Not Sure

an appealing profession.

4. I do not want to be 2.03 Disagree

separated with my friends so I
will choose the same course.

Table 3.1 shows the summary of the answered

questionnaires of the fourth year students of Roosevelt

College San Mateo. This includes the mean and verbal

interpretation for each of the questions. Based on the

table shown above, the respondents, are not sure that their

course is related to their parent’s decision, the

respondents agreed that their course is according to what

their parents can afford in college, the respondents are

also not sure if their career choice is based on what their

parents said that suit them and agreed that their course is

beneficial to their parents. Considering personal choice as

a factor of choosing a course, respondents are not sure if

they already decided their course since they were in

elementary while they agreed that they are satisfied with

their own choice of course, the fourth year students are

not sure if they are decided to their chosen course and the

respondents agreed that their career choice provides

opportunity to grow professionally. Regarding about the

factor job opportunity, the respondents agreed that their

career choice is a highly paid profession is based

according to the demand in the society; a course where

respondents can easily land a job and can hone their

skills. The fourth year students agreed that they chose a

course according to what their friend’s preferred course.

The respondents disagreed that their friends are positive

about their choice of course; not sure if their friends’

chosen course is an appealing profession and disagreed that

they do not want to be separated with their friends so that

they will choose the same course.

Table 3.2

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal


I. Parent’s 3.35 Not Sure


II. Personal 3.62 Agree


III. Job 3.80 Agree


IV. Peer’s 2.81 Not Sure


Table 3.2 clearly shows that the respondents are not

sure that the factors Parent’s decision and peer’s

influence are affecting them in choosing a course that suit

them. On the other hand, the fourth year students agreed

that the factors personal choice and job opportunity should

be considered as a factor in their career preference.



This chapter represents the summary of findings, the

conclusion that had been formulated as well as

recommendations offered. This study was made in order to

find the factors affecting the college course preference of

the fourth year students of Roosevelt College San Mateo.

To determine the factors that affect the career choice

of the fourth year students, the percentage system and mean

were computed. These were used as basis for determining the

tabulated data.

Summary of Findings

These findings revealed the following:

1. The percentage system was used to describe the

percentage breakdown of the fourth year students according

to each of the factor.

1.1 The fourth year students got the highest

percentage which is at 39.62% and said to be agreeable.

And the lowest is at 6.34% which is equivalent to strongly

disagreeable. This means that the fourth year students

agreed that parent’s influence can affect their choice of


1.2 Revealed that almost half (44.19%) the biggest

percentage of the fourth year students agreed that the

personal choice is important as a factor choosing their

course. While 4.75%, the lowest percentage strongly

disagreed that personal choice should be considered in

choosing career.

1.3 As clearly seen on table 1.3, half of the

students, 50.70% agreed that job opportunity is a factor in

choosing their course. And only 1.06% of the students

strongly disagreed that job opportunity is a factor in

choosing their course.

1.4 It shows that 25.88% disagreed, and only 5.46%

strongly agreed that their choices of course are influenced

by peers. It means that fourth year students do not really

consider the preferred course of their friends and

classmates in picking their own choice of course.

2. The group also considered the preferred course of the

students through the table showing their 1st choice and 2nd

choice of course or program.

2.1 The course that got the highest percentage is the

Engineering course which summed up to 19.01% and the

courses related to Mathematics got the lowest percentage at


2.2 The course that got the highest percentage is

Engineering related courses which is at 22.54% and the

course/s that got the lowest percentage are Tourism, Food

Tech, Nutrition, Agriculture and Public Administration

which fall at 0.7%.

3. In order to identify what factor greatly influences the

fourth year students, the researchers used the weighted

mean. The factor which greatly influences the fourth year

students is the job opportunity.


On the basis of the findings of this study the following

conclusion were drawn:

1. Factors such as Parent’s influence, Personal

choice, Job opportunity and Peer’s influence can affect the

fourth year students in deciding on their choice of course.

Therefore the researchers conclude that fourth year

students do not only look at their personal choice of

course as their guide in deciding what course to take but

also the decision from their parents, peers and the

availability of the job are being also considered by the


2. The course that got the highest percentage is the

Engineering related courses both in the 1st and 2nd choice

percentage breakdown. It means that most of the fourth year

students want to take an engineering course.

3. The factor that got the highest weighted mean is

Job opportunity. Therefore the researchers conclude that

this factor greatly affects the fourth years students in

choosing their choice of course. Students tend to analyze

if the course they want can improve and embody their skills

and is highly paid profession.


After thorough procedures and analysis of data, the

following recommendations are hereby made to develop and

improve the research problem:

1. The students should give more consideration to the job

opportunity than the others.

2. The teacher should give the students more knowledge on

choosing the right course.

3. The parents should also help, guide and encourage their

children in choosing the appropriate courses for them.

4. The school should give more seminars to help the

students to come up with a course that suit them.

5. The peer’s choice of career should not be affected by

the preferred course of the students.

6. Teachers and parents must encourage the students to

carefully think about what career they will choose.

7. A student should choose a course according to what they

really want not because others want it for them.

8. Students should research about the courses that are in

demand and in what school can they hone their skills.

Name: Gender:

Section: Age:

Preferred Course: Preferred School:

1st choice:

2nd choice:

“Factors Affecting the College Course Preference of the

Fourth Year Students of Roosevelt College San Mateo School Year

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Put a check mark

on the box below that corresponds to your answer, if you strongly
agree, agree, not sure, disagree or strongly disagree to what the
statement says. Please answer the following with complete honesty.

Strongly Agree Not Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) Sure (2) Disagree
(5) (3) (1)

I. Parent’s Influence
1. My course is related
to my parent’s decision.
2. My course is according
to what my parents can
afford in college.
3. My course is based on
what my parents said that
suits me.
4. My chosen course is
beneficial to my parents.
II. Personal Choice
1. I have decided my
course since I was in the
2. I am satisfied with my
own choice of career.
3. I am not yet sure of
my chosen course.
4. I think my choice
provides opportunity to
grow professionally

III. Job Opportunity

1. My choice is a highly
paid profession.
2. My course is based
according to the demand
in the society
3. My choice is a course
where I can easily land a
4. My choice can hone my

IV. Peer’s Influence

1. I choose a course
according to my friends’
preferred course.
2. My friends are
positive about their
choice of course.
3. My friends chosen
course is an appealing
4. I do not want to be
separated with my friends
so I will choose the same

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