You are on page 1of 9

Month 1 (Dec)

x Codecademy Javascript, HTML, CSS weblink

codewars 8 kyu challenges (ongoing) weblink
github basics course weblink
freeCodeCamp challenges (finish
section) weblink
YDKJS Books (6) weblink
Odin Project section Intro weblink
Month 2 (Jan)
Codewars 7kyu (ongoing)
Sublime Text tutorials & setup weblink (ongoing) weblink
FCC JSON, Intermediate front end,
Intermediate Alorithm weblink
YDKJS (6) finish
CS50 edX course weblink
Odin Project section Section 2 weblink

Month 3 (Feb)

Coderbyte easy javascript weblink

Book Javascript Allonge weblink

FCC advanced algo., advanced front end weblink

Codewars 7/6kyu (ongoing) (ongoing) weblink
30days challenge weblink
CS50 edX course (cont.) weblink
Odin Project section Section 3 weblink

Month 4 (Mar)
Codewars 7/6kyu
book: to choose from list
FCC Data Visualization Certification weblink weblink
Start Own projects/hackathons etc.
Intro to MongoDB weblink (ongoing) weblink
Start looking seriously at codecamps
Odin Project section Section 4 weblink

Month 5 (Apr)
book: DOM elightenment Book - DOM Enlightenment
FCC Back End Dev weblink
Book : JavaScript Design Patterns Book - JavaScript Design Patterns
Book : Open Data Structures Book - Open Data Structures (ongoing) weblink
Apply to code camps
book: ch 1-4 eloquent javascript
Odin Project section Section 5 weblink

Month 6 (May)
book: to choose from list
FCC weblink (ongoing) weblink
Project - Clone this Admin template weblink
Project: Clone this228 landing page weblink
Project: Clone this126 blog template - note
that there are multiple pages
Project: Clone this167 online resume template
Odin Project section Section 6 weblink
Daily Schedule
2 hours codewars
2 hour Book
3 hours FCC

2 hour Coursera/codecademy/Odin

If needed / Other Resources

Udacity Github course weblink

Book: how to become… weblink

booklist weblink

Article : What I Studied Before Applying to

Hack Reactor weblink

Article: JavaScript Learnings: From Zero to

Hack Reactor in 5 months weblink

Design Patterns
Notes to Remember
Development Enviroment
Pick your favorite editor, write all your code on your own machine in that e
Save all your code to GitHub
Publish all your projects to the web - using, github pages, heroku
Avoid codepen.
Avoid cloud 9 or any other "just code it on the web so you don't have to lea
your own machine" site.
Whenever you are doing a "Clone this" project - use only assets you create
copyrights which would allow you to use them.
else's effort.
Power up your learning - make every minute count towards making you job re
When you're working through a book, type out the example code and do al
When you're working through a course, do all the assignments.

When you're building a Project, include a built process (like gulp77), include at least 5 automated tests (Karma46, m
commit messages71
I mentioned above), use your build process to minimize assets, use a linte
your JavaScript and have some method to your madness when it comes to
conventions (like BEM51)

If you get stuck and need to look something up:

Use the official docs.
Train yourself to write the code, not copy paste it.

Shay Howe44 has a good overview of HTML and CSS if you need more than you got in the CS50 and MEAN stack cou

If you're at a loss for how to figure out the design for a page you're building, reference Google's Material Design doc

If you get lost. If this is too hard.

Buck up camper - no one said this was easy - it is WORTH IT though.
Figure it out. Ask for someone to point you in the right direction.
Don't Quit.
Don't Panic!
Using GitHub
thenewboston's Git Tutorials Playlist on YouTube64
The Git Tutorial on CodeSchool35
GitHub site16
Git Cheatsheet42 - new link, the old one changed (interactive) (reference and guide)

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