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Dvadashadarshanakananakesari Acharya Swami

Kashikanandagiriji Maharaj, Mahamandleswar

. M wM,
Translation into English by
Dr. Usha Bhise,


Bharati-Samskrta-Vidya-Niketanam - August 1991.

?) mti-mfcT-farT-ftfcm

mffc fkr >m ^ ^ ^«000\^1

Available at:-
(1) Bharat i-Samskrta'-Vidya-Niketanam
12, Shankar Kunj, Govind Nagar, Ghatkopar,
(2) Ananda-van Ashram
416-A,S. V.. Road,Kandivli, Bombay-400067.
(3) Pustak Bharati
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Building,K.M.Marg,
10 & 11, Devaraja Mudali St.,
DPY RIGHT Chennai - 600 003.
^ 4i^df^lP)uii fcT 3mto% I W^T
^T%*T mws^r VRtHift
Vlf!r^RB>FA!F *RfnT I W: rjlM»lHPI^ W1 Ilf

WJR ^ W y^HIH I tRRWfa <5^:

^ Wlf^T: JR% W ^T: ^T: ^ ^\ TR$T I
rfr pd^RRTRt ^
jt mm w I

KUffilBKlU^imBnSIHGEtliCE&l UlilKMKI
WldB ^ I IT 3jfst? ^TO’JWFTT 3TV
^TRTTcT JfT^f »T wfcT cT*flf^ ^fT
wntor m ^ uft*j<H^ <iw^ sj$it
3RW TicT f^Rw I ^TW^'RT^TJRr M.dcVlchRT«t ^<t>< SiftST ^ ‘
WftRT ifcT f-FQT: I

\ 31RR£KU mm,
f^-^-7FI-f^RtrT-^u5H<l^'H -^tf^-?JJIlfW I

iptipt \ 3#sn^prf^f sfl^t i w 11

J J J >3 *\ 0

^PT ^ ^ <Wi«t»qRft ^forcjcT \h\\

#r - *jjrit

-f^ - - aicT^^rr^rq^r
^ptiptI j#rppRft wfrqf^r forger i is. i i
^PT ^PT ^ ^q-<wf£fr IIV311


J J J J O t» '

-tfiwi't jrfNppi^r TTwrfffo- 3ft^rg^ 1\c i

^PT ^PT $ ^RmI^R^ W«hM(?R IP I
m tapr


f^d<vj|4U\ri~4W^"4li^4)-{^4W-^'^cl I

^nr Stager i in 11

mrsrcltajct nftii
^T-^ft ~^’“4)i^ld -^j^ld ~ df^dd -^r^MH
i^[?ld-ftlf?M _^<r?l6{~Jji^d -<lild _^1hP|J>¥'^ |

wim\ '<wi$qKft tm% m\\

^ 1PT ^ W#f ^cT I Iftl I

jrf^n^rW tm$r irvjii

wm wiM %-jfci 3
3# TOT WfrfWr 3T ^ 5T ^r \
cR <R% ^T frft
^ wwRft tmft iittii
w ot wi^r «(# Pi^iRi
jI^I 'd’l4 ^ linn

cT^_i®l<H<AS’r^chtH q^rT^-dH *T^ ^T^Rt

£ mr i wfcr it # titmm $ kvflt i

&, f4$riiffirfanfaft?t, ffyfrfiksiFFfzrfkf}

# I ^<jM *FZ?FTi>l <kjfc) # il'Hji (Dw jpi # •F%JjW$t
3R?r fkn 1sk fk&fflif&fi %$t ?*fr / %kt sk Wf

(#po mfkm #
(^JIWm^Tf^f:) Fflft *fr pi# Sjfa I £
mtft! (FnmksrtifMd i ?wft3iiftfrwifk°j
3nfck$$zM?t 1inn
Hail, Oh daughter of Mountain, who has
caused joy to the Universe, praised by Nanada,
residing on the peak of the superb mountain
Vindhya, making Vishnu manifest his sports,
praised by Indra, Oh Blessed one, consort of

Siva (in particular), consort of many (Brahma,
Vishnu 'and Siva), maker of many (beings) who
has crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a
charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya) , Victory to you, Victory to you. (1)

crr <#r m i -fW

telT: # I 3RT ^
nfeRR jjfNtorcft h*jt i
i wiwfo i irji

m # rfforqt ?## i m it PFffc farm #

*toRR*fag# I <p ^W3# w*Rf$rwftRcfr # /

w y)yui # fpf# Qjffif Ft ?Fft I ^ Hldl! <pr 3KT

^frmttftotsTFrjtFt 1 sr#
WK&rrtfr # wftFt iirii
Oh Goddess, who showers boons on gods,
molests demon Durdhara, destroys demon
Durmukha, is gladdened by the joy (of herself
and others), nourishes the three worlds,
satisfies Sankara, removes the guilt (of
devotees), is delighted in the war-cries,
causes harm to the Danavas, gets angry with the
sons of Diti (i.e. Demons), causes affliction
to the arrogant, Oh daughter of the ocean (as
Lakshmij who has crushed the demon, Mahisha,

wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter
of Mountain. (Himalaya), Victory to you,
Victory to you.(2)


w«bqRj5r mu
3^ ^K^fa i 5PlcfW'H hw,
ftpT ;tPi[ 44 Id cP4T d4<| ^441: 4TT d4TI 'M-H'H
fimw- mwr sm\ srfer ^ "
I cPfrSniT 3 ft^eTI IWlMcf 4R<MRd<H I ta:
#pT: H^R M#1 TOctl
tewfMfa wft&\ wrOT^'JidHi^ ^ wjitfcl - cRiPr
Ffrfec^%cwiwfa\ imi

t J7KM! 3# ftft m ! W jj#

ijtrftwmf i tfrmvftmftftfcr-mftft i cpr

tmwn i <pw

wspzRfcr §■/ ft mm fowl

^ ffty (ftfW!) # IWrftffl ft tp $ ft

i ftwfkrfrvfftft, wrfk
jmrnrfM fcrtfi fzrftmftmft i®n
Hail, Oh Mother of the World (and) of me (in
particular) dweller in the forest of Kadamba
trees which are dear, delighted in the roar of
laughter, dwelling in the interior of one7 s own
house in the peak of lofty Himalaya - the
crest-jewel of mountains, sweet like honey,
hater of (the demons) Madhu and Kaitabha,

taking delight in the Rasakrida of Vishnu, the
destroyer of Kaitabha, who has crushed the
demon, Mahisha, wearing charming knot of hair,
Oh Daughter Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you.(3)

^cT 11$

I *ldlPl<sNSlft W^FJ: <PJTfa#33TF3T

? W fojflfedl: ?pst: ct
I I f^TT^rJRT:.
cfot, *R 3T TT^ J|U$fo<[<U|

I ^fcT
ftflilftwfl I UsMt ^IT: W ?VT I
- toj^T I toj^T
w\ ww Mcrat yr«
w W H*JT I I lltfll

jwdmdmri uftrnpjjMi mdi&fai

fcmdtftmrnfcptfti fr^ij&r# forfeit ft
fetrttftfp&wmftmr i
rf^$fewfcfrffer i §mrw?ffe$Frf*tif
fcjFjprwwj^frmwdwmrfw i
W fifclW lltfll

Hail, Oh Gosddess who has shattered the best

horses into hundreds of pieces (and) rendered
the masters of elephants as having the trunks
(of the elephants) chopped off, possessed of
the lord of animals (lion) well-known for the
fierce valour displayed in breaking the
foreheads of enemies' elephants, who with her
staff-like arms knocked down demon Chanda and
caused the fall of demon Munda who has crushed

the demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you. (4) -•


«\ C

sro ^ftqr^rRft tejcT i h 11

3# T#T I ^ c^T# sfaff 3$dT W

Mwr hi^t, mf#
«fT I I ft# SJ^ftT
#r i #t TOm

Jfftd^TO SraTCcTfcT #Tff: W: W

Wi | »*prc#rot:PR:. | <d^kira<d*#l
3T . -\
MdPd I 3# ■ffFRT#’ #Sc^fft cR^T PT#S#R[
WMftfrF# #T#cTI cTC#
vj J J \

##n Rrcm #f# *r:

3FZ cfjfoq- jrfcftwfl fata

frfr$mz§fn$r ^^mfcvffarimtskd 3#
fflfrd’fpt $ i jpr^lc) ftfwrtftrT, wfht,wwf&jffr
f$)«Kjf) 3NUI ?cT 3NWI W^RF^T^rr VT I f^><rrj
T5-^ ?H? ?? (^ffa)
$ tmtm3fz w fam few w inn
Hail, Oh Goddess, supported by the powers
of undefeated gods which arose for the death
of enemies who were ferocious in the battle,
having Siva, the foremost dignitary of
ingenious thoughts, as an efficient messenger,
who made up her mind to put an end to demon-rttle
because of the messenger (Sugriva) of demons
having evil behaviour, evil wishes, evil mind
and wicked disposition, who has crushed the

demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you.(5)

*PT W1 $ IKI

3$( McT I f^pf^VT

?4wn rfr ? m *it w\ i "^r:
TOT 4^|up4J<|U|i

M^cT I ^
MtaFpfi *Piot for ^^di^Kdyto-
I 'Wi ^r JF^T^TT
" ^di ^rrfr
? for I ffo frlfof I

*TOT ST <IVT I avr -"HcF:

to fcm ^n%wf'*% i
^ 3T #TO m*$& #aT Sffi
ft» toot* tot i to^r i irii

fmri wmitqzffcn&fr
wyyiMwwwsm i g^f#??pfter£3cW
wtff wM fk ?<f>fc?3(t # m ^r }'qwrsmi
for g»r 3#r ftgro
q*rfr vm sfc
JTT TOfr cT^ ft I TOTO «tf / STO
ft i to ft rffaifwfcfl i to ft Mi^wiMttwJt
mri i fill
Hail, Oh Goddess who has destroyed demon
Dhoomralochana together with his hundreds of
followers by the sheer utterance of sound
"hum", Oh Female who has sucked up in battle
the germ of blood emanating from demon
Raktabija, who has satisfied the lord of
goblins (Siva) by the war-cry "Siva-Siva", in
the great battle with Sumbha and Nisumbha, who

has crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a
charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to you. (6)

W1WT £ T3W® i|V3

FT ^ iciW "
W W l d?#T


‘ TFf’rf:
^TJ$f^>T: ^ tyUffdMcil FIT c^T I Fj^T F^TT
fafe m mw$- i
flprt' FcWM aifedl^<l$ftJM<3W
fa# Mwtft i
^jw^fafa^r 1jnWf ft i
S|Wf I fd% I ^cJT <M«IMi
f^rfcT: ^T^Tt cTT^^TTT^F-T^^f^: "T^T «jc<;Kul[^!d1
" I
TO cWT TOt *5$T To: R Ml Mr
WT # ffcdt ct^rfcT I
^IdVlr^^RHId^^^y^JI: "TO#Ft
M I R ^ RJptoi w- I ^ ^

3TTTOt *TO tTcf^JTO iftr TO^f? I 'd^'Rt

tfHM RTOVi^r^R vm-^ ~ TOPT^[\
TO fdT 7^ TO?T
RTO TO$T ^ «^<H^fodW<hK^ TO: R
^FT^lft I IMII

mfk$ frM ^ mmw ^

*! 11pPfoT<ffl WMTffl frti
37T^TJ3##JTfifrttfTjfcftznfttft iwvwm
ZFfit $t RpT &TT ^7 &TRT J3JT-W {Wtffi WT lpTW*f

J? $I RR ft-M ft % uliyijwMw 9t

Oh Goddess, whose bangles are set in motion,

because of the limb (hand) which throbs by its
association with the joyous occasion of the
twanging of bow, who mainly struck at the necks
of soldiers, reverberating with quivers full
of arrows which were tawny like gold, whose
striplings were shouting in diversified manner
on the battlefield where the destruction of the
fourfold army was effected (by you), who has
crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming
knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to you. (7)

3# ^wii I wrai tr tim TOt
WTRlTOi^ *RT %: M TO
am ^ wm^\ ^it tot: q\ m i TO\
i fopro TOrc^fr A Mfe
s& ^
I >S J
TJ isS $rf*TcTT ^STOTOft

^^TO^^TTOT%?T TOT TO^T Jplfrfc'dl: Al^T

\ # I fTO^^rm^Hf^T^
JTF^r JJtijtydl ft^dW4l«W<MI TOI: *TT # °<WsfcW I
I I \C 11

£ 3Fir I 5? tM tit $ pr $ m$ in w sm

tifttf^Tftiirwmftwft i wtiftirtBJtfyfm

mpff^tit^mt imti^rMt ft ft
3jt ftisFI 14) 3RT tit TWZW "7K7 4" Rll) ftillfti ipf
5$ i mt §*rft jotrctf a#? g^r jrtto i m ft
jrfbnjwfffl mri tw ft to 3t^ e/rfM

Hail, Oh Goddess whose palm offers
blessings and fearlessness to the heroic
husbands of wives of enemies who were seeking
shelter (with you), in who is holding in her
hand the hand the sparkling spear which is
placed on the necks of opporidents who are the
headache of the three worlds, who has rendered
noisy the multitude of directions with the joy'
of drum-beats of gods making "dum, dum" sound,
who has crushed the demon Mahisha, wearing a
charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to you. (8)

mb -

-f^r-^TR-TcT I
^z-i^r- €ftr-3T^-f^FTR-T%
mml i\%

^fir^T c^ TcT I <j>dl$d<iid<^c<Kcl 1$T ^
Hmirf^sfaw ^r m %m tx
I fcT: ^lft«hl MWWW* «J><^*1 ^

$ i mu

3Rjm tt & rffagf hM cTM

yfim frmyrtvtfwft i ffvfftfmrmfr

Ifo tifo vti wff i ggj>e tpFfz fsifem

^pf I JW UW %1s[ <R sR cpf 3fldP<<d efift I
*w ft mr m I

wfWifcyi wii

Oh, Goddess, who takes delight in the

dance-sequence in the midst of acting done by
divine women and accompanied by the sound
"tatatheyi-tatheyi", who takes pleasure
through curiosity in the singing to the
accompaniment to rhythm (tala) expressed
through "Kukuthah, Kukuthah, Gudada" etc., who

takes joy in the deep-sounding drum (mrdanga)
resounding with "Dhudhukuta, Dhudhukuta,
Dhindhumita", who has crushed the demon,
Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh
Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you.(9)

(W) 3TSS*miF -


W\- ^1'Rl^•‘(1 Pi~ Rtfd-_ f$)fsld"4)fed~ tylHcl

•3PT 'Jl’^id I Ipft

df'Mi: W cPJT I 'jPT 'jPT 3T«T: VT id«Hl dl^lf^dl dcM^ul
\mm f§fm

^fecrfcr 13nte#rte i

?r ^ ^ i mzdfo i iimi
zmmi 3?ffrmpzMi
jfajfh.gfv# §^fcKftrwf%rfarm‘*R,
JR-tiFT $ffl JJFjf 5PT cf><J) *)" I <>i)j| vN'PK %"
mz§fcifrtf$ iww
$ m w I 3ffc cjpr*fr dlFF&jcQ $ mffivf ¥lf *R
m-mffo-ffcsmtRct f? ^ wm^^r
m^fMcr^T^t41 fatsitfztfdsksjTtftlM
d tWfr ffcm •Tiffi
mwfttft imi sft
?t //?•//

Oh Goddess, who is praised by the World

which is engrossed in a praise-song in which
the word "jaya" occurs last, whose victory is
fit to be muttered by (the words) "jaya"^
"jaya", who tempts Sankara, the Lord of

Creatures, by the jingling of her anklets,
which make the sound "jhana, jhana, jhinjhimi,
jhin", who takes delight in the lovely music
sung in the drama acted by Siva in the form of
half-female and half-male when he has started
his dance, who has crushed the demon, Mahisha,
wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter
of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to you,
Victory to you.(10)

KIrih EHEEH ■It'L'It'll . 3^^%^
fa# # # *lfa: TOTT: ST cfc#^^W
Piw: zmm to i ^tofa i
TORRTT Wli lffl sfa 5rW#rM I fofowt
TOT: #tf HH 3?<m ^fa HR: i to*TT ST
toiM3*«4)i ^rto i imii

tos forftos #' to? ^ #ppfr / fr

vftwjwfffl! mrm?t i t uwvm opro ssrt
I gw fijTO SHT tor, tor TO# (qjR) fcWM

(gro # 3tr#t to to arfir to? (fro to#

pf flfalSHM tt I Frft t> WJFf #T 4H4 (RjrftRf) *pf)
tor (to) to ’(to # w (¥) jgM (toft)
# tofa # ftjrffav frmiqwd ffpsid

1 wrf wfcr M $ tom $ to # to- to #

to $? to tottMt mfM rw ftm? tojs

yjfflfzftfcT r ^ ii??n
Oh Goddess, having a cheerful disposition,
who is possessed of very attractive lustre like
gods whose minds are delicate like flowers,
possessed of a face like the moon which causes
the white lotus to bloom - the lotus which
originates in the clear waters and who has
resorted to the pollen that is yellow like
termeric, who chastised the demon, Bhramaraby
the movements of beautiful eyes which cause the
semblence of violent bees, who has crushed the
demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you.(11)


WKWim <118 "TilId 41 9n^K<l<£ld^ulc4^?l''-dc4l5


Rfe%& I pm 3FWTCFJ
%rft jffcr i Ma I M £^faa^b1 *r fa$#
Wlfiiirfy ^ at s'<pfM wrfi ^ 4 afm^r
I I fo# ^Rt m
terTOaoit:" ^fcT 3TO^T-

5PT i wtiwfafavmmM

tfayfh (wtm) m jtic
<R$ t WT trffc® $sf <pWI Iffft VffiW W3 TOT
ti msifdqfcd wm OTwkwtfvium
wti Mwvft #moi1 vftfk $ p^fpf
w$i atop# w tf fo $? <pr

mtr mr wtir # *itor £ ,§jt ar^r

n&rlfo dfanfflftifrft'-i mvi
Oh Goddess, who is pleased with wrestlers
in the form of eye-lashes which are made to play
the role of wrestlers to encounter the choice
wrestlers who have intensified the battle, who
is surrounded by a cluster of Lodhra trees
which have reflections of Sun's rays falling
on the royal swans who have built nests of
creepers thereon, who is graceful on account
of the movements of feet which are reddish and
brightened like blooming white flowers, who
has crushed the demon Mahisha, wearing a

charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to

m\ mu
aater wr ftert JW5K tot TOlfalf
^G- WcHM - W cfoTH%:
I dc^'Sjt I m- I
^ m OT3TT: M TM W JlM^I: G\
cTVT 3 I^wfarf^K^MicN| |
fT: OT ^fW: *TT
*rr :<?■ O) ^ s$ ^ i £
I 3^r I ?1FW
w wrci%to*?: i 5

I cRT ^ ^cT:"-
*JTf*faP^R^J?fi3T I M 4^dl $icl
^t ftw: i w&r i ^rfofo i nmi

w#r w# wt it fr tfayfr i f

jtftoiqwtf'f)i §mftjyd i fferr fM fr *wft

$ JRfeT, f&Zf JRJfjfl rf>f f«IJfofl ^ Wlc/jfl ^ I jpT’f^P'T

<?&*#£ ywutfjf g^W# for w jr wmw

J3JT t 5*f $mWf>l *F> RJJ$ 4*^1 Jjffo <fol 3T?ft <pf
Wlrrf!ffcft WWB <F>ityfft ?t 11?3 II

Oh Goddess, ruling (as Matangi) over the

best of intoxicated elephants rendered stucky
with the profuse ichor trickling from their
foreheads, who has got the beauty of moon a$
the ornament of the three worlds and who is the
daughter of milky ocean, (as Lakshmi), hail Oh
daughter of Cupid (as Kamarajesvari) who
infatuates those whose minds are desirous of
beautiful women, who has crushed the demon,

Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh
Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you.(13)

src spt ^JiftwjwRPi m

I N 3TOI <m£t|4<W cRT\ to
Mf^r^TT: ^trt: w m I

i ^ < \i ii” 11 i vi \ ii i\i i viim r\i i fl’i\r\i i

oqnt ^ fmmz fitofcr

sppfo *1 dlflW 3h4)»1I
W cTVT I «i Iflfalftcl
i fm wiz tmrv w ft t
i ft^rrifw#

w ffcw $m tfc wm fam tow# w#

jf f ^TsT W ^W&l ^W ?t^T JrQ~ WJlc)
f" I cpT^ff) flff&f) $ jf ^ ^fcW $ ^ QHrl
fftm W 7^" f" 3JFT ^RJT fflWI <Mc) <Pc) ^ 37^ $7*7" $ Wf
jit 'fjtf ijuq qrjft f i iw n
Oh Goddess, having the spotless and
delicate lustre of a lotus-petal (and) having
the expance of forehead like clear moon, during
whose sport consisting of foot-steps which are
residence of all graceful arts the sweet-
sounding swans are dancing, who is possessed
of a group of rows of Bakula flowers which
mingle with the crest of a bunch of blue lotuses
full of swarms of bees, who has crushed the
demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you.(14)

i <j-^chqRi^ iimi
I WOT: 3^TT T^UT te^RT, &
3TW IjfefT:

<M^4U4icK^clH H^ldl W
i *tt
3T ^ ST I I
fafadHi ^«H<iuii sifaftft
wferar flcFjrtt i vfc ^R^w: M
i s#Md s i
ft^3T%T^p^r i forfa |

#1 ^Tf: f^T: "< tT ^fR'1

wm-1 cflft: Wi^fWlcR

^fMr: *FJT W c^rtcN Wfa

wr f i mvrffcm £
rnmztftwwfr f!
<pT cftff $fqi} $jif if «f\jf/«) HJ/cf) ?t cit 5&$>f

?} 1<p#jf
'i/Icft ?t I (7*T ^^ii) <M ^T JJvfR *<FTU1 J3JT WT 3f7c7T
f” 3?tf 3^4) 3TT^T3r $ J^T ffv(B 3>T
$mii uw.frmwwff^f mtfsFmmiirftw
enM*raMfr lift 11

Oh Goddess, possessed of sweet sound of

cuckoos who are ashamed as their notes are
excelled by the sound of flute in your hand,
residing in the bowers of mountain rendered
charming on account of the attractive humming
of assemblage of bees, having a multitude of
sports endowed with the excellent qualities of
the group of great Sabari^-s who are subordinate
to yourself, who has crushed the demon,
Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh
Daughter of Mountain•(Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you.(15)

3T W¥ -


^ ^ ll^il

W.tWT I 4T # I
i m$k! mm

m I focrfcT !

JWIwt ?F3^t ^TW $T tf*fT I
TOrft Sri ^R^TOTFT ftR3?WT VTT ft W
sftSRT: mftft fmm\ wr
i ^r^r i i i^i i

ZR #fr ! 5PT ^ 3T%? faVJRT VrMl

jrmtripji! ^rf^wmmirirRttm
t ft $twifrit tit fri$r m ^rrit $ i
$wl wiltifawsRpsm mw&wiWtftsifc
imtf ^ *{m w t wt yr zM £ tefifr rnirit
*m frmgwl tRVRwffifasri
Wri f ri$ ft %R W^Jl Rft WR WR ft ril ^ <Hldl i
wSr wftirft wr ftmri wtfm m $ yrf j^r
w-PR # ftft? ft ft *a w ft ft wri w* m
ifivfti ft ftmf ritftririfiRrt
$T*ft ft JFJPR rit Wtt W frRi tllKlI

Oh Goddess, having lustre which supersedes

that of the moon because of the charing rays
issuing from the yellow silk garment worn

around the waist, having the splendour of
moon-like nails which shine with glittering
rays coming from the crest-jewels of god and
demons prostrating before you, having breasts
which have surpassed the peaks of golden
mountain (Meru) and resemble the temples of
divine elephant (Airavata) grown strong with
the ichor, who has crushed the demon, Mahisha,
wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter
of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to you,
Victory to you.(16)

wt \ 1Rvs
I WW: ^ 3R&

i wwjp-- #mi wv mfcr
31141^X1141 $fcl I ^crfcT I 4^41^1 dk'bl^^ d<M
TOTT4T?ft ^ W feTWI^: 4T# ^T 4T ^T ^T
4T <wi3<H4Xfl<1(4*4$
^ricTI 4pft W\, 4WTft: W\ fo:, cPfr MHt
W^MVkWfltft WT^, cPft: MT?ft 4WW1^
3W4F& 3# wf^DjT 4FW#^# ^ SWTSft
fSM#: Wti- 4TT^T I ^T ^rfcT hUfa II

UFftF^*T $ffl Wfatf 3M*) ^jT $" WffiFR (tftf) *)" *fr
vjflcf f?faT */T I ? *F^" R^3JW •T^t; 3?^ ^
wwmf % *? Jtftwrft cFFT# 4# # «fr .1 £
ijw$m tRfiiwi Wif g^f £m. swfcmwp
wwfcwiw*ft$$ ? mff, mwp mi#
*if?wi4) ^-3rt ^fi# prftzitjf i jRK&rr i
qw rnrdk Miftt mRsuft (jftmw)

ffirff I ? 37T tyJTf& if tRTiffll jf 3ftT cjpT *f
l^T ^)*f) fifty I j|?v$||

Oh Goddess, the only time praised by the

thousand hands of Sahasrarjuna who had
excelled the thousand-rayed Sun by his valour,
haying a son like Karttika who had fought a
victorious battle in the clash between gods and
Tarakasura, one for whom pleasure is created
in the accomplishment (accorded by Sage
Medhas) by giving justification for the
self-same mental agony of (King) Suratha and
(the Vaisya) Samadhi, who has crushed the
demon. Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you.(17)

I cT?JTO»p3piRi
^MfWpTRT TOfT ^JcTOR f^ftfcT TO I

H^cT l<h<H ? $*^$4|
\ \
3R5R HjR" ^ > n
I ^

wtm^t - -irar 3TO ^ w ^ m *n4 ^

l^tRUT^-RutTOT^r I f^# -$m

JT^r tft tor " |fcT ^ W: I 3T fTR: | 3PT ^rfcT I

^W t 3P-fl I ffiffflT
^1 ^>7cTr P
mtrfair ? vrrfrnn ab
^ITT ^ 4/l^fld Wtf $ ft Wul *Rf <jjll vfr ^i<H
$3$WfW<<cl(ll'Jf) fowl) wffo t SWfafvRT
mvftmwtfttit i iiftii

One who sprinkles the stage meant for (the

dance of) your divine qualities with waters of
rivers in which bits of shining Nagakesara have
been mixed, will he not share the happy
experience of embracing the sides of
pitcher-like breasts of Indrani ? Oh Siva who
conceals (the nature of Brahman), who are
Speech Divine and to whom gods bow down, I
resort to your feet, Oh goddess, who has
crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming
knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to

wmraft -

to ? ^KMcc^c) \<k*i ? ^ I
- % tirora^

fterfo tot: ttt cw i w ^rrft

WWTPWllcfl I I R«ll


% mr! p&ftmd 1$ 3jmi pm%*t


11 mfcmtiw
TOT 13?4f WUT t F?jfr
3^^ *fr <fw ffcjnf tffaf) ? *ftr, $w
3tfk ^ fftyfd $ ^ Wdl! tjJ-tfl} Wfrfl $
# WW # WT ? IR°II

Oh Pure One, the person who looks upon your

moonlike face together with its digits causing
a bond (with your essence) as the bank (beyond
which the river of sorrow does not proceed) -
will he ever be turned away by the ladies of
Indra's City, having moonlike faces and
auspicious faces ? Oh Goddess, having the name
of Siva as her treasure, or my opinion is that
with kindness you achieve it. Oh Goddess, who
has crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a
beatiful know of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to

3#r w\& ^wftr *ra# c^TS'^ift i

m ^ t frf^T^f^r w# \r\\\

:#r wftfo i srfa JT^r ftr«rar<praT wot

o% #w i <p% c^r m& ^fror i
Sift yfr ^TOI^T-^TT I 3# Wfm^T F^rfcT
^^rF#^7TFM I
f^T to I tow cW Mftd^qar 3ifa ^TTcT: ^\

fqt!? ^BT3Rt 3#Rf TO1T ^ I ^ ^lM^|: I

* I WS% n^l^dlfe I TcT ^T *3%R3T I ^T ^
3# #diil #>1'F# 3T itflft TO^ft 5 ^JR3TI
3T? 3#?R tfgft ?T^ cPRftfW I
3WR SPTffWRF I mf* cT # wf^T: I 3NIf*
^ # WRI :f T¥RT I OT ^fcfto^r JM##f
W-?TR^: ! 3HT I I WII

t JM ! tfT ?f, %W W W1T <Kt I f

WF5vff$! f WI#frM ! tfzrfrfw $ #
ft ft # ft sjfiM $$$ mwr t jf^r
l ft m w J# wr t $r zmt rffirdfr
! mtfwofhttpmrft! 3pt
m d mrwi! mqmfnmti i iivii
Hail, Oh Uma, you should be compassionate
to the afflicted and kind. Hail Oh Rama, with
your kndness you are the mother of the
universe. You have been conjunctured (to be
such) as you are. Oh Revered One, adopt that
which is fit for me. Remove my extensive
sorrow. Oh Goddess, who has crushed the demon,
Mahisha, wearing a beautiful knot of hair, Oh
Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you.(21)

(Jp^lR-jpRT-^^-. %, ^ - 5^600^)
# ^nhpfoffclT' ^cPT I

3w#f ¥ -fcsqsfa wm- st.

W. 4 ^-^WT-fa^T: %'¥$lWfa ¥ SVfflT: WT |fcT
PM fOTT m ¥ Wd¥W I
3T. 3T. ¥?T*F?¥,v
mtm-, HR^-¥^r-^T-f^cR¥

This Book has been published with the help of the

Computer Software 'VIVIDHA' supplied by National
Centre for Software Technology, Gulmohar Cross
Road No.9, Juhu, Bombay 400049.
Our indebtedness and high appreciation are due to
Dr. S.P. Mudur and Shri SureshK. of NCST (National
Centre for Software Technology) who helped us by
developing ( supplying different types of fonts
used in this publication.

Dr. A. Sadanandan, Vice-President, B.S.V.N.

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