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Maharana Pratap (or Rana Pratap Singh) was one of the bravest Kings of Mewar.

He is famous
in Indian history for successfully fighting against the army of the Great Mughal Emperor Akbar.
Maharana Pratap was a Rajput. He was the son of the great Maharana Udai Singh, who was the
founder of the city of Udaipur. He was born on 9th May, 1540. There were many warrior Kings
in the history of India, who in respect of personal valor, capacity for government, diplomatic
acumen and qualities of generalship were equal to or in some respects even superior to
Maharana Pratap, but the subsequent generations have accorded special honor to Maharana
Pratap. The sole reason of this was his refusal to submit to Akbar on the ground that bartering
away one’s liberty to secure any honor is unworthy of a self-respecting person. He sacrificed all
comforts and convenience at the altar of a noble ideal, fearless defiance of death. He refused to
be cowed down by an apparently invincible power of the enemy. With a mere handful of men
at his back, he defied the arms of a powerful Emperor like Akbar with such fortitude, valor and
irrepressible courage and confidence that it has evoked admiration on all hands. He won
undying fame and glory because of his readiness to die for a noble cause. If in his war against
Akbar the Rana had succeeded in roping in the active support of other Rajput chiefs, his credit
would have been higher and he might have found it easier to defend the liberty of his land.

In the medieval times, the work of Nizamshah's daughter and Adilshah's wife Chandbibi was
very important as a brave woman Rajkarti who prepared an image of herself in the history of
India. Chandbibi, who became popular due to the reforms of the state administration, also
defeated the enemies by performing shining in the battle. Chandbibi, who is well-known as a
good horse in his childhood, has also acquired the skills in battle. Besides acquiring mastery in
Persian and Arabic, he has also learned Kannada and Marathi language. He also had special
interest in music and painting. Nizam Shah married his daughter Chandbibi to Adilshah of
Bijapur to arrange for his diplomacy. Chandbabi started going to war with Adilshah. After the
death of Adilshah in 1580 Chandrabi started his state administration by placing his brother's
son on the ground. At this time, Bijapur's commander and chief raised his voice against him but
he also defeated them. At the same time, after the assassination of the Nizam of Ahmednagar,
a controversy began for his assassination. Chandrabibi came to town to get rid of these
questions. At the same time, Shahjada Murad of Delhi had gone to the south with his
accomplished army, Chandbibi defeated Murad with full skill. Pleased with his patience, Murad
gave him the book 'Chand Sultana'.

Rani Durgavati was the Gond Queen. She was the wife of Daalpat Shah. She is famous in Indian
History for defeating the army of Baz Bahadur and bravely fighting against the Mughal Army.
Rani Durgavati was born on 5th October 1524. She belongs to the family of famous Rajput
Emperor Keerat Rai of Chandel Dynasty. Rani Durgavati was born at Kalanjar fort (presently in
Uttar Pradesh). She was a brave girl could sacrifice her life for the honor of her kingdom. Then
Duragvati got married to Daalpat shah of Gond Dynasty in 1542. The relationship between
Chandel and Gond dynasty were very good. King Daalpat Shah died in 1550. Vir Narayan was
the son of Daalpat Shah and Rani Durgavati. Vir Narayan was just around 5 year old kid at the
time of death of his father. Rani Durgavati herself took over the Gond Kingdom. Then she
moved her capital from Singaurgarh to Chauragarh due to its strategic importance. Baz Bahadur
attacked her army but got huge losses and defeated by the army of Rani Durgavati. This victory
brought fame and name for Durgavati. Akbar defeated the Malwa ruler Baz Bahadur in 1562
and brought it under Mughal dominion. When Rani Durgavati heard about this Mughal attack,
she preferred to die respectfully rather to live disgraceful life. The battle between armies of
Mughals and Rani Duragvati took place in 1564. The Mughal Army was huge but Rani Durgavati
fought with great vigor and courage. After the death of her faujdar, Rani Durgavati decided to
lead. But Rani Durgavati got injured and taken away to safe place. When Rani felt that victory is
not possible, Rani Durgavati refused to stay there and killed herself. The incident took place on
24th June, 1564. In 1983, the University of Jabalpur was renamed as Rani Durgavati
Vishwavidyalaya by the Madhya Pradesh Government. There is also a train named Durgavati

Aurangzeb (also Aurangzeb Alamgir) was the sixth king or emperor of Mughal Empire. His full
name was ‘Abul Muzaffar Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad Aurangzeb’. Aurangzeb was the third son
of Shahjahan. He was born in 1618. He was a man of a serious disposition with great powers of
dissimulation. He was packed with courage, valor, patience and self-confidence.
Aurangzeb was highly applauded by his father for his bold conducts. In 1635, Shah Jahan sent
him as the chief commander to suppress a rebellion. In 1636, the Emperor sent him as the
viceroy of the Deccan where he stayed till 1644. His letters bear testimony to the fact that
during his regime he did his best to settle the newly conquered territory, promote agriculture
and improve the revenues of the state. Aurangzeb soon acquired the same position in the reign
of his father as the latter had enjoyed in that of his own father Jahangir. He was looked upon as
the ablest general in the empire. Aurangzeb lived a long life. He died on 28th February, 1707 at
the age of 88.

Guru Gobind Singh', the tenth Guru, was born at Patna Sahib in Bihar, India on December 22,
1666. He is the last of the Tenth Gurus of Sikhism. He was the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, who
gave his life to protect religious freedom.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji was nominated as the Guru by the ninth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Tegh Bahadur
who was also his father. After Guru Tegh Bahadur's death, Guru Gobind Singh became Guru on
November 11, 1675. He lost his father, mother, and all four of his sons to a religious war, being
waged by the Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb was keen to see Islamization of Hindus an Sikhs.
Guru Gobind Singh established the 'Khalsa', a military force of saint-soldiers which he baptized.
Guru Gobind Singh is highly regarded by the Sikhs his monumental role in the development of
the Sikh faith. He was a learned man. He compiled a number of books and poetry collections in
his life. Before his death in 1708, he declared the Guru Granth Sahib, which is Sikhism’s Holy
Scripture to be the permanent Sikh Guru.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti is celebrated by the Sikhs as the birthday of their tenth and last guru
Guru Gobind Singh. It is a religious celebration in which prayers for prosperity are offered. This
day witnesses large processions and special prayer gatherings at all Gurudwaras.

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