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1. Ispred zajedničkih imenica upotrebljenih u određenom smislu

- We are looking the house with a blue door.

2. Ispred imenica koje predstavljaju jedinstveni primerak

- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
- The earth turns round the sun.

3. Ispred osobe ili stvari o kojoj je već bilo reči

- He is the man I met in the street yesterday.
- I found a purse in the street and I took the purse to the police.

4. Ispred superlativa
- She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
- He is the kindest man I know.

5. Sa rednim brojevima
- He lives on the third floor.
- Thomas Gainsbourough lived in the eighteenth century.

6. Ispred prezimena u množini kako bi se označila cela porodica

- I stayed with the Smiths when I was in holiday last year.
- We have invited the Brays to dinner.

7. Ispred imenica: the sea, the sky, the ground, the countryside, the country
- The sea is calm today. Sit down on the ground please.
- The countryside is beautiful in spring.
- He goes to the country on Sundays.

8. Ispred imenica: cinema, theatre, radio

- What do you prefer to go to the cinema or to the theatre?
- Let’s listen to the radio for a change.

9. Ispred prideva koji se koriste kao imenice da bi istakli jednu celinu

- The poor are more generous than the rich.

10. Ispred imenica reka, mora, okeana i planinskih venaca: the Andes, the Red Sea, the Suez
Canal and the Pacific

11. Ispred naziva brodova, vozova ili aviona: the Queen Elizabeth, the Comet, the orient

12. Ispred imenica koje ističu deo dana ukoliko su u pratnji in ili during:
- He sleeps late in the morning.
- He finally won popularity during the Civil War.

13. Sa nazivima novina: The Times, The Daily Mail, The Guardian

14. Ispred naziva: hotela, prodavnica ili institucija: the Hilton, the Science Museum, the
Odeon, the National Theatre
15. Ispred imenice u jednini koja označava celu vrstu:
- The sheep gives us milk and wool.

16. Ispred naziva muzičkih instrumenata

- My son plays the piano. Peter is learning to play the violin.

18. Ispred nacionalnosti: the French, the English …

19. Ispred imena zemalja, pogotovu ako se u sastavu nalazi reči State, Kingdom, Union, ili
ako su u množini

- Marry lives in the United States.

- He comes from the Netherlands.
- What does the United Kingdom consist of?

20. Ispred grupe ostrva: the Canary Islands, the Philippines

21. Imenice koje u svom nazivu imaju konstrukciju OF: the Statue of Liberty, the Tower (of
London), the Isle of Wight;

22. The is also used in proper names consisting of noun(s) and/or adjective(s) + noun.

The Empire State Building, the English Channel, the White House, the Royal Festival
Hall, the Rolling Stones, the Berlin Philharmonic (Orchestra), the British Museum, the
Titanic, etc.

23. The is used for many larger organizations and institutions (not commercial enterprises),
including those with initials that are normally spelled out.

The Commonwealth, the Fed, the EU, the WHO, the BBC,the FDA, the IAEA, etc.

24. The is used for currencies.

The U.S. dollar has risen against the yen but fallen against the euro.

25. Many forms of entertainment are preceded by the definite article the, but not the medium
of television.

I go to the cinema/movies, the theatre, the circus, the ballet and the opera.

In the daytime I listen to the radio, but in the evenings I prefer to watch television.


1. Ispred apstraktnih imenica koje su upotrebljene u opštem smislu

- Honesty is the best policy.
- Nobody can escape death.

2. Ispred imena materijala upotrebljenih u opštem smislu

- They never eat meat on Fridays.

3. Ispred naziva obroka upotrebljenih u opštem smislu

- He never has lunch at home.

4. Ispred naziva: mostova, gradova, ulica, trgova, železničkih stanica, aerodroma i zemalja:
Westminster Bridge, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, Paddington Station, Munich Airport

5. Ispred reči: Lake, Cape and Mount: Lake Ohrid, Mount Everest and Cape Horn

6. Ispred imenica koje označavaju jezik: English is my favorite subject *the English language

7. Ispred naziva: godišnjih doba, praznika, dana ili meseca

- Spring is the best season fro trips.
- He was born in August.

8. U brojnim izrazima: on watch, at work...

9. Ispred naziva ulica: 42nd Street, Oxford Street

10. No article is needed for most places consisting of just the name of a person, or the name
of a person/place followed by a noun.

Harrods, Macys, McDonald's, Lloyds Bank, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace,
Kennedy Airport, Waterloo Station, Cambridge University, etc.

11. An article is unnecessary in official job titles if there is only one person holding this
position at any given time.

George Osborne is (the) Chancellor of the Exchequer.

George Osborne is a Cabinet minister.

12. No article is needed before the names of meals, unless it is a formal occasion.

Roger had breakfast in his hotel room.

I attended a dinner at the Rotary Club.

13. No article is needed for the names of games or sports.

Anna Kournikova plays tennis to keep in shape.

14. No article is needed before bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school, college,
university, etc. when these are used for their primary purpose.

If, however, they are used for any other purposes, the is required.

She stayed in bed on Sunday morning instead of going to church.

The angry customer threatened to take him to court.
The aging dissident was released from prison.
After graduating from high school he went to university.

She sat on the bed while she changed her socks.
He entered the church to photograph its interior.
Some decorators forgot a ladder in the prison and they found the place empty when they came
back for it.

15. Articles are not needed in more abstract expressions of situation like to/at sea, to/at/out of
work, in/out of town, in/out of office, etc.

If, however, you start talking about somewhere concrete or some place in particular, then the
definite article the is required.

My uncle first went to sea at the age of 15.

He used to spend several months at sea.
I go to work every day. I was at work yesterday.
Jack's been out of work for almost a year.
What's on in town (= my local town) this weekend?
Pat's out of town (= the town she lives in) until Tuesday.
This government has been in office for about a year now. The opposition parties would dearly
love to vote it out of office.

I went to the sea/seaside to swim.
I stayed by the sea/seaside all day.
What's on in the town (= a particular town, not necessarily my own) this weekend?
How do I get out of the town?
Sally spent all day in the office (= her workplace).
She didn't get out of the office much before 7 o'clock.

16. Ispred imena jezika

- We are studying English.
- Do you speak French?
- Can you translate this into Serbian?
- He can understand Greek.

Ukoliko se posle imena jezika stavi reč language upotrebljava se određeni član:

The English language, the French language, the Italian language ...

17. U izrazima: at home, to go home, by name, on foot, by bus, by train, to go to bed, to be in

trouble ...


Neodređeni član se upotrebljava samo u jednini i ispred:

1. zajedničkih imenica da označi celu vrstu:

- A dog is a faithful animal.
- A bird has two wings.

2. hundred, thousand, million, dozen umesto one

- A dozen eggs, please.
- I have read a hundred pages.

3. imena pripadnika narodnosti kada se radi o jednom licu: a Yugoslav, an Italian, a Chinese, a
German, a Japanese, a Swiss ...

4. uz profesije: he is a doctor

5. u izrazima: it is a pity, to be in a hurry, all of a sudden, in a short time, for a change...

6. Posle reči once u sledećim izrazima: once a day (week, month, year)

7. u konstrukcijama: such a, quite a, many a, rather a

- He was rather a fool.

- It was such a busy day.

8. u izrazima poput: He earns $200 a day. She swims twice a week. He drove at 60 miles an hour.

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