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In group of three, students have to perfrom a conversation in which they are preparing for a trip
together, but also include memories about previous trips. Describe all your travel experiences.
MAG: Hi, Elizabeth. How are you doing?
ELI: Hi Magdalena. I’m so exited because we’re going to travel to Trujillo. But at the same time I’m
really worried because i don’t know what to pack.
MAG: Oh really? Don’t worry abaout that. Let’s go to your home. I can help you to pack.
ELI: ok let’s go. I need many advices.
MAG: Well, when i traveled to others cities i usually pack sunscreem, clothes for the ocassion,
confortables shoes. I bring a carry-on luggage with mi ID, mi boarding pass, some money, a camera
and a book because I like reading during the flight.
ELI: you travel a lot right? Tell me about one of your trips.
MAG: The last year I went to Huaraz. I had to bring a jacket, swaters and a pair of snikers because I must
walk a lot to go to museums and amazing lakes. I liked practicing puenting. It was risky but I enjoyed it.

ELI: That’s sounds great.

MAG: By the way, check the weather in Trujillo.

ELI: i need to review in internet. Ok internet say the weather in Trujillo it’s warm during the day but is cold at

MAG: Ok, you have to pak sunscreen, summer clothes and some jackets.

ELI: But, first we’ve buy a fashionable and practical carry on luggage.

MAG: Oh!!! I have a missed call.

ELI: Who is caling you?

MAG:I don’t know the number. I need to screen my calls.

ELI: Oh! Someone is calling me . I have to answer the pone.

MAN: Hello? Is Elizabeth there?

ELI: this is elizabeth. May i ask who is calling?

MAN: This is Manuel.

ELI: Hi Manuel what’s happen?

MAN: Do you have any plans this weekend?

ELI: Yes, I have. I plan to travel with Magdalena to Trujillo. Have you ever travel to Trujillo before?
MAN: Yes, I was there when I was fifteen years old. I want to return there.

ELI: Really? Would you like to go with us? We will need a travel guide.

MAN: That’s sounds great. But I don’t have much money.

ELI: No problem. This time we pay the bill. But first we need to gather.

MAN: Ok, why don’t we meet in Mega Plaza in one hour?

ELI: ok, shure. I need to hang up the phone. I must inform Magdalena.


MAN: Hi girls! Tell me about your travel plans.

MAG: You know Trujillo right?. Tell us about it.

MAN: A lot of people say Trujillo is very dangerous. In fact some streets are safe.

ELI: Are you shure?

MAN: Yes, when I was in Trujillo. I had to walk around the city because there was no ATM and I needed
money for lunch and it's really safe. Many people in this city helped me in a friendly way. I also made some
friends. I will introduce you when we arrive to Trujillo

MAG: Oh I forgot to confirm our flight. We don’t have time to discuss. I need to call to the travel agency to
confirm our fight. Hang on for a moment. Ohhhh it’s not true! I don’t have batery. Can I borrow your cell

MAN: shure, here you go

MAG: Ok. I confirm the fight. We are going to travel in two days. We need to pack quickly.

MAN: In this moment. I will go home to pack. I’m so exited.

ELI: Ok. Lets go guys.

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