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Ethel Mitty Sandi Flores

Sexuality and Intimacy in Older Adults

Chris Rheaume, RN, BS, and Ethel Mitty, EdD, RN

In most long-term care settings, staff mem- ‘‘Sexual rights’’ means having access to sexual
bers tend to view a resident’s attempts at sex- health care services, information, and education
ual expression as ‘‘problem’’ behavior. about sexual expression. It also encompasses
However, we are increasingly recognizing certain freedoms: to choose whether to be sexu-
that interest in, and the right to, sexual ex- ally active, to choose or reject a sexual partner,
pression exists throughout the life span and and to participate in a consensual relationship.
should be supported. Assisted living nurses This last right has particular relevance for assis-
need information and tools to adequately ad- ted living (and other residential settings) where
dress residents’ sexual health and to over- cognitively impaired residents, those who are
come the many barriers to intimacy in this hampered in their ability to interpret cues in rela-
population. This article briefly reviews age tionships, might be at risk. In this article we
and illness-related changes in sexual func- briefly describe the research regarding older
tion; describes the research regarding older adults, discuss their family’s and caregivers’ atti-
adults’ and their family’s and caregivers’ atti- tudes regarding sexuality and intimacy; discuss
tudes regarding sexuality and intimacy; dis- sexuality and residents with dementia; review
cusses sexuality and residents with age and illness-related changes in sexual func-
dementia; and reviews nursing assessment tion; and review nursing assessment and educa-
and educational interventions that support tional interventions that support sexual health
healthy sexuality among older adults. (Geriatr in older adults.
Nurs 2008;29:342–349)
Research on Sex and Aging
Sexuality is a core dimension of life that incor-
porates notions, beliefs, facts, fantasies, rituals, Today, broad assumptions about aging, includ-
attitudes, values, and rights with regard to gender ing intimacy and sexuality in later life, are being
identity and role, sexual acts and orientation, and challenged. Based on both anecdotal reports
aspects of pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction.1 and formal study, it is increasingly clear that the
Influenced by biopsychosocial, economic, cul- desire for closeness and sexual contact can en-
tural, religious, and spiritual factors, the expres- dure for a lifetime. Existing research on sexual
sion of sexuality and desire for intimacy is activity of older adults suffers from inadequate
complex, no less so for an older adult than for descriptions of the population, particularly
a teenager. The notion of sexual health, as with across cultures/ethnic groups and with regard
physical health, is not simply the absence of sex- to education and financial status. Hence, the
ual dysfunction or disease but, rather, a state of ‘‘generalizability’’ of research findings is limited.
sexual well-being that includes a positive ap- This leaves health care professionals somewhat
proach to a sexual relationship and anticipation in the dark about what older adults want and
of a pleasurable experience without fear, shame, need to satisfy their sexual interests. However,
violence, or coercion. Assisted living nurses can by becoming familiar with current efforts to un-
be key to older adults’ attainment and continuity derstand the issues concerning sexuality and ag-
of their individually expressed sexuality.2 ing, and by challenging their own assumptions on

342 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5

the subject, nurses can help residents of long- macy, and sexual attitudes. This kind of informa-
term care communities to attain the level of inti- tion can be reassuring to older adults who
macy and sexual expression that is satisfying to express a desire for intimacy in their lives.
them. Opinions about sex differ across gender and
As described by Wallace, older adults (pre- age groups.5 The importance of sexual activity
sumably those aged 65 years and older) can in quality of life of women diminishes with age.
have satisfying sexual experiences throughout Older men are less likely than older women to
their adult lives3; weekly sexual activity is com- state that they do not enjoy sex nor would they
mon well past middle age.4 In a 1999 American like to live without it. Older men are concerned
Association of Retired Persons (AARP) survey about their health status and sexual activity,
of 1384 older adults, respondents reported that whereas older women are concerned about their
sexual activity was pleasurable, but no clear con- partner’s health status as well as finding a partner
sensus emerged on the importance of sexual ac- for themselves. Having a partner influences a per-
tivity to a good relationship.5 (This speaks to son’s feelings about the importance of sexuality
the influence of a younger generation’s mores or to life quality. Older men and women without
interests on ‘‘interpreting’’ what we think an older a partner ascribe less importance to sexual activ-
adult is interested in, sexually or otherwise!) The ity and its necessity for a good relationship. Al-
AARP survey found that older adults with part- most half of male and female respondents, both
ners felt that a satisfying sexual relationship with and without a partner, felt that sex between
was important, whereas those without partners nonmarried people was inappropriate. One won-
did not feel such urgency. Women over age 75 ders about the pervasiveness of this attitude on
were less likely to have a partner than older new nonmarital relationships in residential care,
men and, as such, seemed to have a less positive especially among those older adults who are cog-
attitude toward or interest in sexual activity than nitively challenged.
men of the same age. Men with or without a part- Given the reported incidence of depression
ner had more frequent thoughts, fantasies, and among assisted living and nursing home resi-
feelings of sexual desire (and self-stimulation) dents,7 the AARP survey found that depressed
than women, with or without partners. older adults were more likely than the general
Not surprisingly, the AARP survey revealed that population to say that they do not enjoy sex. Older
older adults with a chronic medical condition adults who did not have any chronic or disabling
(even if controlled, such as hypertension) engage conditions or were not on any significant medica-
in less sexual activity than their contemporaries tions (i.e., presumably healthy people) were less
who are not belabored by medical conditions or likely to respond that they were quite happy to
medications.5 Older men reported that elevated forgo sexual activity forever compared with the
blood pressure, diabetes, prostate enlargement, general population, nor did they feel that sexual
and cancer inhibited their sexual activity and in- activity was only for married people. These data
terest. According to these self-reports, impotency are interesting in that better health (i.e., being dis-
increases with each decade, starting at age 60. ease free, not taking any medications) is associ-
Few respondents, men or women, were taking ated with somewhat liberal sexual attitudes.
any medications to improve sexual performance The World Health Organization Quality of
or satisfaction, but more men than women had Life—Older Adults (WHOQOL-OLD) interna-
sought treatment for sexual functioning. For tional study that measured quality of life (QoL)
women, satisfaction with their sex lives was of older adults across several cultures consisted
grounded in their attitude toward sex, their part- of 24 items in several domains: past, present,
ner’s characteristics, and their personal self-con- and future functionality and activities; autonomy;
cept. In men, sexual satisfaction was most social participation and relationships; death and
influenced by their feeling that their partner was dying; and intimacy.8 Whereas overall QoL was
romantic and sensitive to their moods. measured by the classic, ‘‘How would you rate
Other research suggests that sexual desire di- your quality of life?’’ (responding on a 5-point Lik-
minishes around age 75 and that age is negatively ert scale), the sexuality items addressed sexual
correlated with sexual interest, attitude, partici- drive, expression (i.e., how sexual needs are ful-
pation, and intimacy.6 However, overall health filled), opportunity, and difficulties. Intimacy
is positively correlated with self-esteem, inti- was addressed in part by asking if the respondent

Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5 343

was satisfied with the level of intimacy in his or Viewed from the perspective of privacy, inti-
her life. Intimacy did not explain QoL scores, macy cannot be forced upon a person even if all
even though it was highly correlated with sexual the signs indicate that he or she is craving human
activity. Personal relationship was the most pow- contact. Rooted in the ethical principle of respect
erful predictor of QoL; sexuality was important for person, privacy is a personal right.11 Caregiv-
but less so. Health status was also significantly ing (e.g., assistance with activities of daily living)
related to QoL. Given the relationship of percep- straddles the space between privacy and person-
tions about one’s health to sexual expression, as- hood; it is a kind of intimacy that cannot be
sisted living nurses should assess—with cultural avoided; it is ‘‘task related.’’ However, caregivers
sensitivity—the older adult’s interest in sexual should not assume that a person likes or wants to
activity and devise an appropriate plan (including be touched. Non-task-related ‘‘affective’’ touch-
education) should the resident have this interest. ing, such as simply stroking a person’s cheek or
Today’s older adults do not necessarily equate holding his or her hand may be viewed as assaul-
sexuality with intercourse alone, but, rather, they tive, erotic, comforting, or presumptuous, de-
view the need and sensation of feeling loved as pending on a person’s cultural background,
part of their sexual identity. This can be expressed relationship with the one touching, and personal
as romancing another, companionship and commu- comfort zone. Nursing home residents regarded
nication, affection, touch, and a sense of personal touching as acceptable and proper in specific sit-
attractiveness. In older men, interest in and desire uations, when it did not exceed what the resident
for genital sex often shifts to a desire for intimacy. wanted or was comfortable with, and when they
Clearly, health care professionals who guide older felt respected while being touched.11 Using hu-
adults in matters of sexual health should consider mor to defuse a situation in which the recipient
sexuality more broadly than the models depicted seems discomfited by intimate caregiving acts
in modern media, arts, and entertainment.9 must be approached cautiously, because there
is great opportunity for the resident to misunder-
stand or misconstrue the caregiver’s intent.
Intimacy, Touch, and Quality of Life

QoL is a complex multidimensional concept. Barriers to Sexuality and Intimacy

Variables or criteria associated with a ‘‘good’’
QoL include good health, good social relation- Most of today’s assisted living and nursing
ships, and social support. The data are inconsis- home residents came of age at a time of conserva-
tent regarding a direct relationship between tive norms and double standards, that is, during
QoL and age (i.e., being younger rather than the first few decades of the 20th century. This
older), gender, functionality, marital status, and was a time when, in general, pleasurable sex
socioeconomics. The signal lack of research was for men only; women engaged in sexual ac-
about intimacy and QoL of older adults might tivity to satisfy their husbands and to make
be attributed to the tendency to use the terms babies.9 Older adults now in their 70s and 80s
sexuality and intimacy synonymously. were busy raising families and making a living
Having or being in an ‘‘intimate relationship’’ during the ‘‘sexual revolution,’’ which, for the
connotes various feelings and behaviors—and as- most part, passed them by. Their sexual histories
sumptions (some of which might be erroneous). are shaped by concerns other than the need for
It is suggested that intimacy consists of 5 distinct personal expression—theirs was not the ‘‘me’’
components: commitment, mutuality (interde- generation! Some of the barriers to sexuality
pendence), emotional intimacy (includes caring, and intimacy in this age group are likely to be
positive regard), cognitive intimacy (includes rooted in notions of body image, beliefs, and
thinking about the other; shared values), and values regarding sexual expression (e.g., outside
physical intimacy (ranging from closeness to in- marriage), and lack of knowledge about or, espe-
tercourse).10 Intimacy exists but is expressed dif- cially for women, comfort with their sexuality.
ferently among siblings, between friends, and Lack of opportunity for sexual experiences is
between parent and child. However, for purposes a major barrier to sexual fulfillment for older
of this article, intimacy is construed in the con- adults. Loss of a partner through death or inca-
text of a romantic relationship. pacity of a spouse is a common scenario in the

344 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5

lives of older adults. Demographic studies con- myths about sex and aging that are held by the
firm that women significantly outnumber men in wider society. In Western culture, older men
the older population: in the 65 to 74 age group, and women are not generally viewed as sexual
there are approximately 82 men for every 100 beings, and this attitude carries over into care-
women; between 75 to 84 years of age, the ratio givers’ interactions with residents. In a nursing
of men to women is 65 to 100; and in the over- home study of demented residents and sexual be-
80 age group, the proportion is 40.7 to 100.12 havior, staff was supportive and accepting of
The relative scarcity of males in long-term care ‘‘caring acts’’ between residents with dementia,
settings (as well as in the community) can lead and they likened ‘‘romantic behavior’’ to ‘‘puppy
to interpersonal conflict among older women as love.’’ However, erotic/overtly sexual behavior
they compete for attention from available men. generated anger and efforts to protect a resident
Assisted living staff need to respond to these sit- whom they perceived had been coerced into sex-
uations with sensitivity and approach such con- ual activity.11 The meager gerontological curricu-
flicts in a manner that preserves the dignity of lum in most health care professional education
all concerned parties. gives even less attention to sexuality of older
Lack of privacy in the communal living environ- adults.13 This sends the message that sexuality
ment of an assisted living residence—and even is not an important aspect of gerontological
more so for a nursing home—creates challenges health and contributes to a general unease among
for residents who wish to have an active sex life. health care professionals in raising and discus-
Few facilities are designed to accommodate inti- sing sexuality in health care or residential
mate moments, and residents can anticipate inter- settings.3
ruptions by well-meaning caregivers and other
staff, any hour of the day or night. Although having
a private room or suite is helpful, residents can Lack of Information
still feel inhibited by staff members or other resi-
dents in close proximity who might overhear per- Older adults lack accurate information about
sonal conversations or observe intimate behavior. sexuality. Sex education was not standard curric-
Beyond the issue of physical privacy is the privacy ulum during the formative or even college years
of information, the notion that others can easily of today’s older adults. Sexual values were
become aware of the most intimate aspects of shaped by circumstances (e.g., economics, war,
the resident’s life. All staff members involved in enculturation), and influenced by societal myths
a resident’s care may have access to his or her (e.g., that menopause signifies a downturn of sex-
medical and mental health information, including ual desire and loss of sense of femininity; that
treatment of any sexual-related medical problem sexual activity must be initiated by the male;
such as vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction. that there is only one correct position for inter-
Fear of becoming the topic of conversation course). Limited knowledge about sex and atti-
among staff and others can be a deterrent to older tudes about sexuality among older adults are
adults who might otherwise seek advice from inextricably linked.3 Consequently, older adults
their health care provider or pursue opportunities may hesitate (or even be loathe) to discuss sexual
for sexual fulfillment. Residents with mild cogni- matters with their health care providers or may
tive impairment may also sense a loss of auton- be under wildly erroneous assumptions about
omy (without necessarily being able to sexual function in later life. One manifestation
articulate it) and the loss of privacy that this im- of this lack of knowledge or willingness to dis-
plies. Finally, the attitudes of adult children to- cuss sexual matters is the rising rates of HIV/
ward their elderly parents’ sex lives may stand AIDS diagnoses in older adults. (Eleven percent
in the way of sexual expression among residents of AIDS cases are reported in those over 50 years
and staff attempts to support it. of age.14 In older adults, the diagnosis of HIV/
AIDS tends to be made later, the disease’s course
Attitudes of Health Care is faster, and prognosis is poorer. Improving HIV/
Professionals AIDS education for older adults can be an effec-
tive strategy for reducing these infections.15
Health care professionals are influenced by Western culture places great value on youth,
many of the misconceptions, stereotypes, and physical attractiveness, and vigor. The pervasive

Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5 345

message—conveyed in countless subtle and Medications associated with ED include anti-
not-so-subtle ways—is that aging and sexual depressants, antihistamines, antihypertensives,
desirability are mutually exclusive. We are bom- antipsychotics, and several over-the-counter
barded with advertisements for skin creams, cos- preparations (e.g., for heartburn); in most cases,
metic surgery, and hair color formulas, with the the mechanism for this side effect is unknown.
underlying assumption that facial wrinkles, sag- Sexual response can also be adversely affected
ging breasts, and gray hair are the banes of aging. by alcohol consumption. Testosterone levels
We consider it impolite to ask an adult his or her have little to do with ED but can have a major in-
age, as if longevity were shameful. This narrow fluence on libido (sexual desire).
view of aging places limitations on us as individ- Within the past decade, a class of pharmaceuti-
uals and on our society as a whole. Older adults cals known as phosphodiesterase enzyme type 5
may well share these perceptions and are cer- (PE5) inhibitors have become available for the
tainly victimized by the negative stereotypes treatment of ED. Currently, only 3 of these medi-
that these attitudes represent. This can play out cations are on the market in the United States: sil-
in a number or ways, including lowered expecta- denafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalfill
tions for sexual fulfillment and avoidance of (Cialis). They work in concert with sexual stimu-
intimate relationships due to a sense of unworthi- lation to relax smooth muscle, allowing blood to
ness or shame. fill the penis and cause an erection. PE5 inhibi-
tors have vasodilating properties that can be con-
traindicated in some patients or in the presence
of other vasodilating medications. The use of
Age-Related Changes and Medical PE5 inhibitors concurrently or intermittently
Conditions in Men with organic nitrates is contraindicated and can
be fatal. In a small number of cases, sudden
Decreased desire (loss of libido) can be caused loss of vision, due to a condition known as nonar-
by medical problems, depression, medication teritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
side effects, or lack of information about the (NAION), has occurred with the use of PE5 inhib-
range of sexual activities that could be pleasur- itors, as a result of ischemia of the optic nerve. A
able.16 Some older men believe that they have cause-and-effect relationship has not been estab-
erectile dysfunction (ED; once more commonly lished, however, and the drugs are still widely
known as ‘‘impotence’’) when they are actually used (WebMD, 2008).
experiencing an age-related change in physical An alternative to medication for ED is the vac-
response. When compared with younger men, uum pump device. Both manual and battery-oper-
older men require more physical penile stimula- ated versions are available and may be covered by
tion and a longer time to achieve erection, and Medicare if deemed medically necessary. They
the duration of orgasm may be shorter and less in- work by creating a vacuum that draws blood
tense. ED is the inability to achieve and maintain into the penis, causing an erection.17 The pumps
an erection for successful intercourse. It is the can have adverse consequences if not used cor-
most prevalent sexual problem in men, and its in- rectly. In a long-term care facility, a caregiver
cidence increases with age; approximately 75% of may need to assist the resident in using the device.
men have experienced difficulty achieving an
erection at some time by the time they reach 70
years of age. ED is commonly caused by blood Age-Related Changes and Medical
vessel disease associated with hypertension, dia- Conditions in Women
betes, high cholesterol, and smoking. Neurologi-
cal causes of impotence include spinal cord Aging also affects the female sexual response,
injury and Parkinson’s disease. Impotence can including fewer and weaker orgasms, mainly
also occur following prostate surgery. Anxiety, due to hormonal changes, but also as a result of al-
depression, and relationship issues may all be im- tered body image, relationship and family issues,
plicated in ED. Some men suffer from widower’s and medical conditions that may arise in late
syndrome, that is, difficulty achieving erection life.16 Postmenopausal changes in the urinary or
because they harbor guilt about pursuing a sexual genital tract associated with lower levels of estro-
relationship after the death of their spouse. gen can make sexual activity less pleasurable. The

346 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5

resulting vaginal dryness and thinning of tissue older adult or couple. Specific suggestions in-
can cause pain and irritation during intercourse clude practical advice regarding arousal tech-
(dyspareunia) and leave fragile mucous mem- niques and ‘‘mutual pleasuring’’ exercises. First
branes susceptible to infection. Water-based per- recommended by Masters and Johnson, the sug-
sonal lubricants used during foreplay or gestions are designed to reduce stress and anxi-
intercourse can be very helpful. Low-dose topical ety and improve communication.3 Intensive
estrogen creams or estrogen-based vaginal sup- therapy, the fourth phase, is long-term but rarely
positories (typically inserted twice per week after required except in cases in which the problem is
a 14-day period of daily administration) help to the relationship, as opposed to the sexual
plump tissues and restore lubrication, with less activities.3,18
absorption than oral hormone treatments.
Body image can be particularly important post-
mastectomy, which for some women represents Residents with Dementia
loss of a part of their femininity. Any medical con-
dition that adversely affects mobility and endur- Sexual interest and activity does not disappear
ance, such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis with onset of a dementing illness. Those in the
can limit sexual activity and make some positions first stage of Alzheimer’s disease may experience
uncomfortable. Many of the same medications heightened sexual desire or a complete loss of in-
that are problematic for men can adversely affect terest in such activity.19 Hypersexuality is rela-
the female sexual response; these include antihis- tively rare but not uncommon in dementia and
tamines, antihypertensives, antidepressants, anti- can be treated with medication. Certain medica-
psychotics, antispasmodics, antiestrogens, and tions, such as benzodiazepines, are associated
alcohol.16 with loss of sexual inhibition.19
Assessment of decision-making capacity is es-
sential for residents involved (or potentially in-
Nursing Assessment: PLISSIT Model volved) in a sexual relationship, with particular
focus on comprehension of both parties’ inten-
First used with young adults, the PLISSIT tions or interests; their understanding of physical
model is used to assess sexuality and guide inter- intimacy and sexual activity; and their expecta-
vention in older adults as well.13 PLISSIT is an ac- tions of the relationship and of the activity. If
ronym for Permission, Limited Information, there is evidence that understanding is lacking,
Specific Suggestions, and Intensive Therapy. then the demented person must be protected
‘‘Permission’’ has 2 components. Asking permis- from sexual exploitation and abuse, including un-
sion of the individual to talk about his or her sex- wanted touching.
ual activity puts the individual in control and can There is no simple answer to the dilemma of
alleviate feelings of guilt or anxiety. It is perfectly a demented person who really wants to be inti-
acceptable to say something like, ‘‘I would like to mate or engage in sexual activity but is unable
discuss your sexual health with you. What con- to foresee the consequences—for example, being
cerns do you have; what troubles you?’’ The sec- abandoned, so to speak, after the sexual activity.
ond component is ‘‘giving permission’’ or In situations like these, an interdisciplinary
reassurance that their thoughts, fantasies, and ethics committee meeting or consultation might
feelings are normal (as long as the behavior be warranted.20 Among the questions that can
does not harm another person, the partner). Pro- be raised are those addressing the impact of
viding ‘‘limited Information’’ such as basic anat- this new relationship on the spouse (in the event
omy and physiology about sexual functioning that one or both are married), the facility’s role in
and age-related changes corrects misconcep- judging the wishes and understanding of the 2
tions that might be impairing sexual function. In- residents and the presence or absence of coer-
formation can also include discussion about cion, whether either resident (or both) is mistak-
illness and the effect of medication on sexual ing the other as his or her spouse, and the extent
activity. to which this new activity reflects an authentic
A sex counselor or therapist should be in- value expressed in the past by the resident(s).
volved in the third and fourth phases to design It is critical to recognize the sexual needs of
an individualized intervention for the specific residents and to make accommodations for these

Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5 347

while preserving the rights of others. For exam- using a 4-point Likert scale (strongly agree to
ple, masturbation is a normal (for men and strongly disagree) regarding aging, dementia,
women) way of achieving sexual pleasure in the decision-making capacity, sexuality, and intimacy.
absence of a partner. Caregiving staff should re- The survey helps identify discussion topics and
ceive support and education about how to re- the areas in which staff education, sensitivity
spond when they discover a resident training, and policy development are indicated.20
masturbating (i.e., they should take steps to en- Staff education about sexuality and intimacy of
sure the resident’s privacy). Sexual activities older adults encompasses recognition of cues,
that are commonly problematic in long-term desires, and interest in sexual activity and inti-
care facilities include masturbation in public macy. It also must address the use of and access
spaces, disrobing in public, inappropriate or sug- to pornographic material, assisting expression of
gestive sexual comments, exposing private body sexuality through masturbation, and discussion
parts, reaching out to fondle or grab body parts and debunking of stereotypes (e.g., the ‘‘dirty
that are associated with sexual arousal, and at- old man’’). The Sexual Dysfunction Trivia Game
tempting to kiss others. These behaviors are dis- can help educate staff about aging and sexual
tressing to other residents and staff and signal dysfunction and dispel related myths and miscon-
a need for an interdisciplinary sexual assess- ceptions. Topics addressed in the 100 trivia ques-
ment. The purpose of this assessment is to deter- tion include statistics, ED, findings on physical
mine the underlying need the resident is examination that can be associated with com-
expressing and how it might be addressed. (The plaints of sexual dysfunction, health teaching,
possibility of urinary, vulvar, or vaginal sympto- age-related sexual changes, and history/
mology should not be overlooked in a resident interview.23
who frequently touches his or genital area.) Bore- In long-term care settings, supporting sexual
dom, loneliness, and the need for reassurance health of older adults begins with an assessment
can all lead to sexualized behavior that others of sexual history on admission. This includes ob-
find objectionable. taining information about the person’s sleeping
A resident might be mistaking another person habits (e.g., without sleepwear), sexual orienta-
for his or her spouse and begin exhibiting unwel- tion, history of extramarital affairs, sleep pattern,
come intimate behavior toward that person.21 On current sexual activity (e.g., masturbation), and
the other hand, sexual expression between resi- interests.20 It is useful to know the resident’s atti-
dents could indicate development of a new rela- tude toward sexual humor and entertainment,
tionship, as beautifully depicted in the 2007 such as explicit magazines or movies. How does
movie with Julie Christie, Away From Her. the resident meet his or her need for sexual
More recently, former Supreme Court Justice expression and intimacy?
Sandra Day O’Connor poignantly described the All residents should be offered a level of pri-
relationship between her husband, who has Alz- vacy commensurate with their individual needs.
heimer’s disease, and another resident in a resi- Ways to promote privacy might include hanging
dential care setting.22 a ‘‘do not disturb’’ sign during conjugal visits
and arranging something for the roommate to
do during this personal private time. For some
Overcoming Barriers to Sexuality residents, the opportunity to pet or stroke an an-
and Intimacy imal may provide the sense of touch they are
missing. Gay and lesbian older adults, estimated
Intimacy, if not sexuality, is a continuing hu- to number 1 to 2.8 million, may need support to
man need for most people. Staff misconceptions maintain their relationship (if their partner lives
and negative attitudes about sexuality and aging in community) or starting one in the assisted liv-
pose a barrier to sexual fulfillment for long-term ing residence.24 Sex education and counseling
care residents. Health care providers need to ex- might be indicated for those residents who ex-
amine their own attitudes and refrain from label- press an interest in pursuing or resuming sexual
ing an older adult’s sexual activity or interest as activity. Residents’ families might also benefit
a ‘‘problem.’’ A helpful tool for reaching this from sex education or counseling, keeping in
goal is the Staff Attitudes about Intimacy and De- mind, however, that the resident’s privacy rights
mentia (SAID) survey, which consists of 20 items are paramount.

348 Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5

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Geriatric Nursing, Volume 29, Number 5 349

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