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6 Discussion and Outlook 587

~~ .~
..... ..........
T :::::
..... SM :::::::’
PM .................

Figure 10.18: Schematic representation of the phase diagram of the infinite-

dimensional half-filled Hubbard model in the U/t-T plane, based on 11881. The
low-temperature phase is anantiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) for any U > 0. For
moderate Us,the high-temperature phase is a correlated paramagnetic metal (PM),
while at high Us,a transition into a paramagnetic Mott insulator (PI) is observed.
The semi-metallic (SM) crossover region (indicated by dots) between the P M and PI
rapidly broadens with increasing 2’.

As for the weak coupling limit: collecting contributions up to order

1/D in an expansion about D = 00 allows an essentially complete treat-
ment which describes the non-analytic energy scale of the SDW as well
as perturbative corrections up to second order in u = U / t [418, 4191.
Fluctuations originate from the on-site interaction thus they have no
reason to vanish at D = m; on the contrary, the character of the so-
lution is basicaIly the same in D = 00 and D = 3, and (at T = 0)
presumably even in D = 2. The calculation confirms that though or-
dering is weakened by correlations, it is not eliminated at any U # 0.
Formally, the results look like renormalized Hartree formulas. However,
the D-dependent renormalization factors do not approach 1 as U -+0
but retain distinct values of O(1). This finding highlights the intrinsi-
cally fluctuating nature of order36derived from an on-site interaction: it
would be wrong to think of the mean field value of the order parameter

3sMeaning order with a non-conserved order parameter. Ferromagnetism is an


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