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594 Ch.

10 The Correlated Metallic State

The limit U + 00 is described by the fully Gutzwiller-projected state

(9.29). Analogously to (C.13), applying (C.16), and remembering that now
{gfJ/’}n {hfJ/’}= 0, we can write

The configuration sum in the last line gives C ~ ~ ~N/2-1
’ l . Recalling (C.4),
we find that the renormalization factor of the spin correlation function is


whereby (10.27) is derived.

Problem 10.5 Our derivation closely follows [34]. To simplify the notations,
let us write the Hubbard Hamiltonian (with nearest neighbour hopping) as

%=-t?+UD (10.108)

where the dimensionless operators and D are readily identified. The defini-
tion of the Baeriswyl state


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