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Miss A, 22 y.o. is an employee in a company. When she comes for the first
time, the mood of her face is gloomy and desperate. When the doctor doing
interview and psychiatric examination, her voice is very slow, her movements are
minimal, and she often asks the question that asked by the doctor.
Miss A tells that she is feeling sad for a long time where there is hardly a
day that she is happy for the past a month and her activities are limited. She had
just been laid off from her job a month ago. Her sadness is followed by weight
loss of about 3-4 kg due to loss of appetite, loss of spirit in doing daily activities,
difficult to fall asleep or if she could easily wake up from sleep. Miss A told the
doctor that her sadness had worsened since the last two weeks, she had become
easy to cry without cause and she felt pessimistic about her future. Lately, she
thinks her life is worthless and she'd rather die.
Since the dismissal, Miss A never tried to find a new job again because she
was desperate with her life then she became withdrawn from the association when
previously she was known as an active person. Her sadness got worse as Miss A
began to get confused about financing her life and her family.

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