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1. Ioana is afraid of bridges.

She goes to great lengths to avoid them on her way to work

so as not to have to cross any bridges. Recently, she set a goal to apply for another job
that would bring a significant salary increase. However, when she arrived at the
building, she discovered that she would have to cross a bridge to enter. She couldn't
even manage to cross the bridge for the interview.
Specific Phobia
2. Mihai was sent to you for psychotherapy following a suicide attempt. During the
interview, he easily tears up, speaks slowly, and keeps his gaze lowered. He reports
difficulties falling and staying asleep in the last month. Mihai mentions a lack of
appetite and a weight loss of 6 kg in the past month. He shares that he no longer
enjoys things that used to bring him pleasure, and he believes life is no longer worth
living. Mihai does not expect things to improve in the future, which is why he
attempted suicide.
Major Depressive Episode - A depressive illness is a whole‐body illness, involving your
body, mood, thoughts, and behavior. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel
about yourself, and the way you think about things.
3. You meet Elena in the emergency room of a hospital where her parents brought her
for evaluation. They are concerned because she has been donating all her belongings
and says she wants to move to Bucharest "to save the world." Her parents explain that
lately Elena has hardly slept, despite seeming full of energy, as if in a frenzy. When
you talk to Elena, you notice she speaks very rapidly, making it difficult to interrupt
her with questions. She appears agitated and cannot stay still.
Major Depressive Disorder overlaid on Dysthymic Disorder
4. Marius is worried that he might harm someone unintentionally. He constantly thinks
about the danger of unintentionally causing harm. He is convinced that if he does
things seven times, he can avoid this danger. For example, if he opens his wallet, he
must do it seven times. When he locks the door in the morning, he must do it seven
times. He is terrified that if he forgets to do this, someone will be hurt.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – O are recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or
images that are intrusive and inappropriate and cause anxiety. Compulsions are urgent
repetitive behavior such as hand washing, counting, or repeatedly checking to make sure that
some dreaded event will not occur (e.g., checking that all doors are locked and then checking
again and again).
5. Mirela is afraid to leave her home. In the past year, she has only left the house once.
The fear of leaving the house began a year ago when she was in a store and
experienced a strong sense of terror. She felt she lost control and could have died.
She had two more such attacks afterward, both when she was outside her home, and
since then, she has been afraid to go out. The only time she went out in the last year,
she insisted her husband stay with her the entire time until she returned home.
Panic disorder - restrict their travel or need a companion when they are away from home or
familiar places. The severity of avoidance behavior can range from mild, in which there is
distress, to severe, in which the person is completely homebound.
6. Mircea admits feeling restless all the time. He doesn't know why he's worried, but he
feels constantly anxious. He complains of frequent dizziness, shortness of breath, and
a constant feeling of sweating. You notice he appears fearful during the interview and
startles easily.
Generalized anxiety disorder or No anxiety disorder. The diagnosis of an anxiety
disorder would be appropriate only if the anxiety were excessive or inappropriate to the

7. Lorena feels very sad since her husband passed away 12 days ago. She eats very little
and has difficulty falling asleep. She often cries. Lorena is preoccupied with thoughts
about her deceased husband and doesn't want to do anything else but think about him.
She has declined invitations from friends and spends most of her time alone.
Normal Grief

8. Luiza is a 35-year-old architect. She presents herself at the clinic very distressed,
saying she can no longer work and, in general, can't function. She feels tired all the
time, to the point of exhaustion. She cries easily and almost daily. She has difficulty
falling asleep and has lost 7 kg in the last two months without trying. She shares that
the past two months have been very difficult for her; she no longer enjoys doing
anything and often thinks about suicide. However, she also points out that she has
never been a very happy person. She believes that things rarely go well for her and
has given up hope that good things will happen to her.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - causes severe anxiety, depression and mood changes.

9. Dan is so afraid to speak in public that he can't take the floor at a business meeting.
This causes issues at work because he always avoids situations where he would have
to speak in front of others. He's afraid he'll seem ridiculous, and that people will laugh
at him.
Social Phobia

10. Cristi survived a plane crash two months ago. Many people died, including his best
friend who was next to Cristi and was decapitated. Cristi still feels apathetic and
speaks reluctantly about the accident. Certain sounds and smells bring painful
memories. At night, Cristi often wakes up in the middle of a nightmare about the
plane crash.
Posttraumatic stress disorder, in which a person has been exposed to an event that involved
actual or threatened death or serious injury, and the person reacted with intense fear,
helplessness, or horror. In this disorder, the person persistently reexperiences the event
through recollections, dreams, or a sudden feeling as if it were recurring.

11. Filip is a 22-year-old student. His friends have encouraged him to seek therapy
because they see him as unhappy. Filip says he doesn't think much about it, but he's
probably been unhappy since his mother's death six years ago. He says he can't enjoy
life anymore, and things always go wrong for him. He doesn't have eating or sleeping
disturbances or suicidal thoughts.
Normal Grief

12. Clara is going through a divorce. She has numerous financial difficulties and often
worries about her savings. She generally feels agitated and irritable and has felt this
way over the last month.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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