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Appendix B

Single-Spin-Flip Ansatz

Let us start with the N-electron ?-spin Nagaoka state IN), and examine
whether it is stable against local disturbances, such as the turning over
of a single spin. Shastry, Krishnamurty and Anderson [359]suggested
using the following single-spin-flip variational trial state

An electron is taken from the Fermi level, and placed at the bottom of
the 4-spin band with wave vector q. The resulting state may contain
a doubly occupied site. The Gutzwiller projector P serves to optimize
the amplitude of double occupation.
The case of a single $-spin electron in an ?-spin Fermi sea is special
because it allows the exact evaluation of expectation values in a rela-
tively straightforward manner'. Expanding cLl in Wannier basis, we

'Remember that we resorted to using the Gutzwiller approximation when treating

the case of a finite ratio N ? / N $ . An exact treatment of this more general problem
is, in principle, also possible [271] but far too complicated for our purposes.


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