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The biography of Claudio Vallejo

Claudio Vallejo was born on September 7, 1948 in Cuenca Ecuador. The two firs songs are “by
your love” of composer Abilio Bermudez and “for you” from his own inspiration. But
he did not become famous. With the song "You'll have to remind me" of compositor Naldo
Campos, he did become famous. With this song Claudio Vallejo to be known outside the
national boundaries.
Due to his public so far, he has been hired to act in different parts of the world as a son: New York,
Washington, Chicago, Miami, Toronto - Canada, Montreal, Ottawa, Caracas - Venezuela, Northern
Peru, Southern Colombia, England, France, Madrid - Spain and Rome.

Claudio Vallejo has 11 Volumes in CDs, professional Videos recorded in the United States and in
Cuenca - Ecuador.

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