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Stephenie Eichamer 
1532 Conan Doyle rd 
Naperville, IL 60564 
(630) 577-7915 

September 14, 2018 

Ms. Elizabeth Knuth 

2360 95th St  
Naperville, IL 60564 

Dear Ms. Knuth, 

I am writing to you to express my interest in the CMO position you have open at Summit. I am a 
Senior at Neuqua Valley High School, I have numerous leadership position, and have had 
experience inside the NV business department. I have located the opening through 
communication through past employees who have raised my interest in this company and its 
open position. 

I am qualified for this job due to my past experience within the business department at Neuqua 
Valley, along with my experience as a leader. I have had hands-on experience leading an 
undefeated lacrosse team as captain, organizing monthly meetings as a leader of Neuqua 
Valley’s Book Club, leading Neuqua Sockz to victory in Marketing 3rd hour Apprentice Project, 
and by having numerous opportunities within the Music Department (Sousaphone section 
leader, Low brass section Leader, High school Helper, Leadership Academy Member). 

I am certain I am a good candidate for this position and will bring much success to Summit. 
Please contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule an interview. I appreciate your 
consideration and look forward to hearing from you. 

Best regards, 

Stephenie Eichamer 
Senior, Class of 2019 

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