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9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

PC-11 My math class...

14 responses

I prefer..
14 responses

A very quiet math classroom.

A math classroom with lots of
activity/background noise.
A combination of both.


I would rather...
14 responses

Work on my own when given

50% the opportunity.
Work with a partner or with
small groups.
A combination of individual
work and partners/small

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9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

I believe that once I leave a math class (after a lesson/activity)...

14 responses

I should have a very high

degree of proficiency with t…
Proficiency only comes with
practice - I'll always need t…
A little bit of both
The latter option and if
needed help I would ask th…
21.4% Combination of both, some
topics I will be proficient in…
I always understand the to…

When having to do group/partner work, I prefer...

14 responses

Working with the same

person/people all of the time
28.6% Working with different people
throughout the year.


I have seen some bene t in doing to group work on sets of questions (i.e.
working on the white board)
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Strongly disagree
42.9% Disagree
Strongly agree

Please offer some insights into your answer to the above question
(regarding working with groups on white boards).
14 responses

I did not understand some things with ratios but after I saw Andrew do it, I got it.

it helps

I believe group work is effective but only sometimes and not always in math class

I do believe solving together makes learning easier since if your able to teach a fellow student it shows that
you know the subject.

some people do more work then other and not everyone in the group will understand or one person will take
control of the question.

Almost all the time, there is always one person who doesn't get the concept but everyone else does. It also
helps because you get to hear the ideas of others in your group.

i work really well in group activities

I feel like working on whiteboards in groups can help us gather our thoughts and gure out the
concept/question given. As well as improving our ability to explain our reasoning to others.

If I'm stuck on a question perhaps I can ask my groupmate to help me out with it if they understand or we can
work it out together.

I like working with a group before we learn the actual topic. I like challenging myself to gure it out, then
checking if I am right. For example, a couple classes ago, we worked in groups to nd lengths of a non-90
degree angle. I enjoyed the challenging, but it was really nice that we went over how to solve the problem

Answering questions on the white board with a small group is actually helpful because then it is not just the
teacher constantly lecturing but more 'hands on', like we get to solve problems with people in our group ad
come up with a solution can satis es us.

Not everybody always participates. It is often just ine or two persons who try to solve the tasks and the other
ones do not do it because they do not have a pen or the person with the pen does not share his thoughts.

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I nd that I will sometimes learn a bit from this but also will nd that I don't learn much other times.

I believe math is mainly about learning procedures and practicing until I

can repeat the same procedure to a high degree of pro ciency.
14 responses

Strongly disagree
14.3% Agree
64.3% Strongly agree


I believe an important aspect of learning mathematics is problem solving

and working at somewhat unfamiliar problems.
14 responses

I agree
I somewhat agree
I disagree

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9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

I believe that an important aspect of learning mathematics is

collaboration/communication with my learning community in order to
better understand material.
14 responses

Strongly disagree
28.6% Neutral
35.7% Strongly Agree


When I struggle with a concept, I'm more likely to...

14 responses

Try and "plug away" and

figure it out on my own.
71.4% Try to get a bit of extra help/
explanation as soon as I can.
Disengage. Stay stuck.


When I struggle to understand a concept or topic (i.e. low quiz score/test

score), I am more likely to...

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9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

Take responsibility for that

and try to find a way to refine
and improve moving forward.
Look to blame other factors
that are out of my control (…
Just take responsibility and
forget about it
78.6% Both
I believe it is better to realzie
and fix your mistakes fo yo…

When I nd things challenging, in any aspect of school, I...

14 responses

Attack it - I throw myself into

the most challenging aspects
of my life, be it sport, art or…
Treat it similarly to any other
aspect of my life - I put a
100% good, reasonable effort acr…
Usually I deal with
challenging aspects of sch…
Usually I deal with
challenging aspects of sch…

Something that is going well for me far in PC-11 is...

14 responses



I am understanding everything pretty well right now

staying engaged

trigonometric ratios

I am understanding most of the concepts we have learned so far. 6/8
9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

my focus level in class

I can understand the trigonometry concepts as well as understand the sine law.

Being able to kinda answer questions

- Quizes
- understanding concepts we learn in class. (except for one)

I am able to understand the topic and comprehend the new techniques used in it.

I understand everything, we talk about in class way better than in the beginning, because I learned the speci c
words for the topic.


Doin the extra practice worksheets to understand the material

Something that has been tricky for me so far in PC-11 is...

14 responses

Everything AFTER sin=y/r cos=x/r tan=y/x


I could probably do to practice more to really ensure understanding

Doing HW

the sine law

When I see some questions, sometimes the wording of the question throws me off a bit.

not understanding the concepts such as trigonometry

Sometimes forgetting special triangle ratios.

Understanding things immediately

Sine Law. Sine Law was a little bit tricky to understand at rst, however after practice, I became a lot better at
recognizing how to use it and when to use it.

Honestly nothing so far is tricky for me!!!!

explaining how to deal with a problem because I do not know all the speci c words and phrases.

This topic

Fully understanding the lessons in class. 7/8
9/30/2018 PC-11 My math class...

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