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Aluno(a) ___________________________________________ 7º :____

Professora: Maria Cristina Valor: 6,0 Nota: _______

1) Escreva as horas de acordo com as regras da língua inglesa:

2) Relacione a 1ª coluna com a 2ª:

1. It’s one o’clock ( ) 1:30

2. It’s five past one ( ) 1:20
3. It’s ten past one ( ) 1:00
4. It’s a quarter past one ( ) 1:45
5. It’s twenty past one ( ) 1:05
6. It’s twenty-five past one ( ) 1:10
7. It’s half past one ( ) 1:15
8. It’s twenty to two ( ) 1:40
9. It’s a quarter to two ( ) 1:55
10. It’s five to two ( ) 1:25
3)Acrescente os advérbios indicados entre parênteses nas frases abaixo:

a) He listens to the radio. (frequently)


b) They read a book. (sometimes)

c) Peter gets angry. (never)

d) Tom is very friendly.


4)Complete as frases com o SIMPLE PRESENT, usando os verbos dos parênteses. Fiquem
atentos aos verbos na 3ª pessoa do singular.

a)We _____________ in the morning. (study) ( Nós estudamos de manhã)

b) She_____________ in a school. ( work) (Ela trabalha na escola)

c) He ______________ soccer every day. ( play) (Ele joga futebol todo dia)

d)Miriam ____________ a beautiful car. ( have) (Miriam tem um carro bonito)

e) Clarisse _____________ Geography. ( teach)(Clarisse ensina Geografia)

5) Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões em português:

My name is Jane and I am a very intelligent

teenager. I am fifteen years old and I have two brothers. I
go to school in the morning and help my parents in the
afternoon. In the evening, I study English at a school. I
love ice cream; I eat an ice cream every day. My brothers
don’t like to study. They want to open a small restaurant
because they like to work. I like science and I want to be a

Teenager: adolescente/ parents: pais/ want: querer/ I eat: eu tomo/ ice cream: sorvete
To open: abrir

Responda em português de acordo com o texto

a) Qual a idade de Jane?____________________________________________________________

b) Quantos irmãos ela tem?___________________________________________________________

c) Quando Jane estuda inglês?_________________________________________________________

d) O que os irmãos querem abrir como negócio?


e) Qual profissão Jane quer seguir?___________________________________

6) Relacione os verbos abaixo com a tradução correta.

(1) Work ( ) dançar

(2) Cry ( ) assistir
(3) Dance ( ) chorar
(4) Wash ( ) consertar
(5) Fly ( ) trabalhar
(6) Study ( ) lavar
(7) Stay ( ) voar
(8) Watch ( ) estudar
(9) Go ( ) ficar
(10)Fix ( ) ir

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you .”B.B. King
("A coisa bonita sobre o aprendizado é que ninguém pode tirar isso de você.")

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