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I. Identification
_______________________________1) Lack of energy.
_______________________________2) Average affect and activity.
_______________________________3) Pervasive alterations in emotions that are manifested by depression, mania or both.
_______________________________4) Formerly called manic-depressive illness.
_______________________________5) Person’s mood cycles between extremes of mania and depression.
_______________________________6) Abnormally & persistently elevated, expansive or irritable that lasts about 1 week.
_______________________________7) Abnormally & persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasting 4 days.
_______________________________8) One/more manic/mixed episodes usually accompanied by major depressive episodes.
_______________________________9) One/more major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode.
_______________________________10) Physiologic consequence of a medical condition.
_______________________________11) Physiologic consequence of ingested substances.
_______________________________12) At least 2yrs of depressed mood for more days. Less severe symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a major
depressive episode
_______________________________13) 2 yrs. Of numerous periods of both hypomanic symptoms that do not meet the criteria for bipolar d/o.
_______________________________14) Person experienced increased sleep, appetite and carbohydrate cravings, weight gain, interpersonal conflict, and
_______________________________15) Onset within 4weeks of delivery.
_______________________________16) Person experienced insomnia, weight loss, and poor appetite
_______________________________17) after delivery characterized by labile mood & affect, crying spells, sadness, insomnia, anxiety
_______________________________18) Develop within 3 weeks of delivery characterized by fatigue, sadness, emotional lability, poor memory, confusion,
delusions, hallucinations, poor insight & judgment, loss of contact with reality
_______________________________19) Seizure activity in a specific area of the brain.
_______________________________20) Slow body movements, slow cognitive processing, and slow verbal interaction
_______________________________21) Losing any sense of pleasure from activities they formerly enjoyed.
_______________________________22) Repeatedly going over the same thoughts.
_______________________________23) Client takes up to 30 sec. to respond to a question
_______________________________24) Increased body movements & thoughts, pacing, accelerated thinking & argumentativeness.
_______________________________25) Cycles alternate between periods of mania, normal mood, depression, normal mood, mania
_______________________________26) Unrelenting, rapid, often loud talking without pauses.
_______________________________27) Racing, often unconnected, thoughts distractibility.
_______________________________28) Manic episodes with at least one depressive episode.
_______________________________29) Recurrent depressive episodes with at least one hypomanic episode.
_______________________________30) eliminates manic episodes
_______________________________31) Intentional act of killing oneself.
_______________________________32) Thinking about killing oneself.
II. Multiple Choice
Identify the theorist. Encircle your answer. 4. One’s ego aspired to be ideal. To be loved & worthy, one must achieve
these standards
1. Looked at the self-depreciation of people with depression a. Freud
a. Freud b. Bibring
b. Bibring c. Jacobson
c. Jacobson d. Meyer
d. Meyer e. Horney
e. Horney f. Beck
f. Beck
5. Compared the state of depression w/ a situation in w/c the ego is
2. Saw depression as resulting from specific cognitive distortions in powerless
susceptible people. a. Freud
a. Freud b. Bibring
b. Bibring c. Jacobson
c. Jacobson d. Meyer
d. Meyer e. Horney
e. Horney f. Beck
f. Beck
6. Children raised by rejecting/unloving parents were prone to feelings of
3. Reaction to a distressing life experience. insecurity & loneliness.
a. Freud a. Freud
b. Bibring b. Bibring
c. Jacobson c. Jacobson
d. Meyer d. Meyer
e. Horney e. Horney
f. Beck
f. Beck

III. Fill in the blanks

Duration of medications.

1. SSRIs
Insomnia decreased in ___ to___ days
Appetite returns to normal ___ to___ days
Energy returns in ___ to ___ days

2. Cyclic Antidepressants
Lag period of ___________
Full effect _____________

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