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I. Identification
_______________________________1) A mental disorder characterized by bizarre and distorted thoughts, perceptions, emotions, movements, and behavior.
_______________________________2) Type of schizophrenia characterized by grossly inappropriate affect of flat affect, incoherence, loose associations and
extremely disorganized behavior.
_______________________________3) Type of schizophrenia characterized by marked psychomotor disturbances.
_______________________________4) Type of schizophrenia characterized by persecutory (feeling victimized or spied on) or grandiose delusions.
_______________________________5) Disordered thinking.
_______________________________6) Type of schizophrenia characterized by at least one previous, though not a current episode; social withdrawal; flat
_______________________________7) Type of schizophrenia characterized by mixed schizophrenic symptoms along with disturbances of thought, affect and
_______________________________8) Body’s response to exposure to a virus.
_______________________________9) Exhibits the symptoms of psychosis and at the same time all the features of a mood disorder.
_______________________________10) Two people share a similar delusions
_______________________________11) Patient exhibits the symptoms of schizophrenia but for less than 6 months necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria
of schizophrenia.
_______________________________12) Client has one or more non-bizarre delusions.
_______________________________13) Client experiences the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom, such as delusions or hallucinations.
_______________________________14) Other term for brain anatomy.
_______________________________15) Atypical antipsychotic drug that is both dopamine and serotonin antagonist.
_______________________________16) Syndrome found in West Africa and Haiti, involves a sudden outburst of agitated and aggressive behavior or marked
_______________________________17) Chronic psychosis experienced by Latinos in the United States and Latin America. Symptoms are incoherence,
agitation and visual and auditory hallucinations.
_______________________________18) Preoccupation with death and the deceased frequently observed among members of some Native American tribes.
_______________________________19) An experience of spirits possessing a person seen in Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt.
_______________________________20) Psychotic reaction is an acute, tine-limited episode characterized by dissociative, paranoid, or other psychotic
symptoms occur after participating in the Chinese folks.
_______________________________21) Chemical messenger between immune cells, mediating inflammatory and immune responses.
_______________________________22) Other term for antipsychotic medication.
_______________________________23) Reaction to antipsychotic medication characterized by muscle spasms.
_______________________________24) Reversible movement disorders induced by neuroleptics, including dystonic reactions, Parkinsonism and akathisia.
_______________________________25) Neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism includes shuffling gait, masklike faces, muscle stiffness.
_______________________________26) A late-appearing side effect of antipsychotic medications is characterized by abnormal, involuntary movements such
as lip smacking, tongue protrusion, chewing, blinking or grimacing.
_______________________________27) Characterized by restless movement, pacing, inability to remain still.
_______________________________28) Effective drugs in treating akathisia.
_______________________________29) Used to screen movement disorders.
_______________________________30) Failure of the bone marrow to produce adequate WBC.
_______________________________31) A serious frequently fatal condition seen in those being treated characterized by muscle rigidity, high fever.
_______________________________32) General slowing of all movements.
_______________________________33) Imitation of movements and gestures.
_______________________________34) Client appears unmoving.
_______________________________35) Imitation of what someone says.
_______________________________36) Maintenance of any position in which they are placed even if the position is awkward or uncomfortable.
_______________________________37) Jumbled words or phrases that are disconnected or incoherent and makes no sense to the listener.
_______________________________38) No facial expression.
_______________________________39) Hesitation before the client responds to questions.
_______________________________40) Few observable facial expressions.
_______________________________41) No pleasure or joy in life.
_______________________________42) Client believes others can hear their thoughts.
_______________________________43) Client believes others are taking their thoughts.
_______________________________44) Client believes others are placing thoughts in their mind against their will.
_______________________________45) Client suddenly stop talking in the middle of a sentence and remain silent for several seconds to 1 minute.
_______________________________46) Poverty of content in a sentence.
_______________________________47) Fixed false beliefs with no basis in reality.
_______________________________48) Client’s belief that “others” are planning to harm the client or are spying.
_______________________________49) Often center around the second coming of Christ or other significant religious figure or prophet.
_______________________________50) Characterized by the client’s claim to association with famous people.
_______________________________51) The client’s belief that television broadcasts, music, or newspaper articles have special meaning for her.
_______________________________52) Generally vague and unrealistic beliefs about the client’s health or bodily functions.
_______________________________53) A hallmark symptoms of schizophrenic psychosis. False sensory perceptions or perceptual experiences that do not
exist in reality.
_______________________________54) Refers to sensations such as electricity running through the body or bugs crawling on the skin.
_______________________________55) Common type of hallucination that involve hearing sounds, most often voices, talking to or about the client.
_______________________________56) Type of hallucination that involves smells or odors.
_______________________________57) Type of hallucination that involves seeing images that do not exist at all.
_______________________________58) Type of hallucination that involves the client’s report that he or she feels bodily functions that are usually
_______________________________59) Type of hallucination that involves a taste lingering in the mouth or the sense that food tastes like something else.
_______________________________60) Type of hallucination occurs when the client is motionless but reports the sensation of bodily movement.
_______________________________61) Client feels detached from her/his behavior.
_______________________________62) Excessive water intake.

63) Duration of action in Fluphenazine is __ to __ days.

64) Duration of action of Haloperidol is __ to __ days.

II. Identification
Write (+) for POSTITIVE symptoms and (–) for NEGATIVE symptoms of schizophrenia.
( ) 1. Apathy
( ) 2. Flight of Ideas
( ) 3. Delusions
( ) 4. Ambivalence
( ) 5. Lack of volition
( ) 6. Flat affect
( ) 7. Associative looseness
( ) 8. Echopraxia
( ) 9. Anhedonia
( ) 10. Alogia
( ) 11. Hallucinations
( ) 12. Ideas of reference
( ) 13. Catatonia
( ) 14. Blunted affect
( ) 15. Perseveration

III. Identification
Identify the type of Unusual Speech Patterns:
_______________________________1) “I’m afraid of grittiz. If there are any grittiz here, I will have to leave. Are you grittiz?”
_______________________________2) “Corn, potatoes, play games, jump up, grass, cupboard.”
_______________________________3) “Would you be so kind, as a representative of Florence Nightingale, as to do me the honor of providing
just a wee bit of refreshment, perhaps in the form of some clear spring water?”
_______________________________4) Nurse: “How have you been sleeping?”
Client: “People have been following me.”
Nurse: “Where do you live?”
Client: “At my lace people have been following me.”
Nurse: “What do you like to do in your free time?”
Client: “Nothing because people are following me.”
_______________________________5) Nurse: “Can you tell me how you’re feeling?”
Client: “Can you tell me how you’re feeling, how you’re feeling?”
_______________________________6) “I will take a pill if I go up the hill but not if my name is Jill, I don’t want to kill.”
_______________________________7) “I want ot go home, go home, go home, go home.”

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