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I. Identification
_______________________________1) Use of medications to treat mental illness.
_______________________________2) 3 components of the CNS.
_______________________________3) Pathway connecting the 2 hemispheres and coordinating their functions.
_______________________________4) Hemisphere that controls creative thinking, intuition, and artistic abilities.
_______________________________5) Lobe of the brain that controls the organization of thought, body movement, memories, emotions, and moral behavior.
_______________________________6) Lobe that interprets sensation of taste and touch and assist in spatial orientation.
_______________________________7) Lobe for the center for the senses of smell and hearing and for memory and emotional expression.
_______________________________8) Lobe that assists in coordinating language generation and visual interpretation, such as depth perception.
_______________________________9) Center for coordination of movements and postural adjustments.
_______________________________10) Chemical substances manufactured in the neuron that aid in the transmission of information throughout the body.
_______________________________11) Used to compare the rates of certain mental illness or traits in identical and fraternal twins.
_______________________________12) Used to determine a trait among biologic versus adoptive family members.
_______________________________13) Used to compare whether a trait is more common among first-degree relatives than among more distant relatives or
the general population.
_______________________________14) Examines the effect of psychosocial stressors on the body’s immune system.
_______________________________15) Drugs used to treat mental disorders.
_______________________________16) Maximal therapeutic effect that a drug can achieve.
_______________________________17) Describes the amount of the drug needed to achieve that maximum effect.
_______________________________18) Time it takes for half of the drug to be removed from the bloodstream.
_______________________________19) A drug will prove effective for a disease that differs from the one involved in original testing.
_______________________________20) Drug is found to have serious or life-threatening side effects.
_______________________________21) Decreasing gradually of medications.
_______________________________22) Temporary return of symptoms.
_______________________________23) New symptoms resulting from discontinuation of the drug.
_______________________________24) Drugs that treat symptoms of psychosis.
_______________________________25) Major action of all antipsychotics in the nervous system.
_______________________________26) Time-release form of medication for maintenance therapy.
_______________________________27) Duration of Prolixin (Decanoate Fluphenazine).
_______________________________28) Duration of Haldol (decanoate haloperidol).
_______________________________29) 3 components of EPS.
_______________________________30) Geodon is contraindicated in patients with a known history of what
_______________________________31) Acute muscular rigidity and cramping.
_______________________________32) Tightness in the entire body with the head back and an arched neck.
_______________________________33) Eyes rolled back in a locked position.
_______________________________34) Treatment of Acute Dystonia.
_______________________________33) Symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease.
_______________________________34) Ratchet-like movement movements of joints.
_______________________________35) Intense need to move about.
_______________________________36) An enzyme and is increased during neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
_______________________________37) Syndrome of permanent involuntary movements.
_______________________________38) Tardive Dyskinesia is reversible or irreversible
_______________________________39) What 3 medications would lengthen the QT interval, leading to potentially life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias or
cardiac arrest.
_______________________________40) What medication that produces fewer side effect but may cause agranulocytosis.
_______________________________41) Used for treatment of major depressive disorders, anxiety disorder, depressed phase of bipolar disorder and
psychotic depression.
_______________________________42) 4 groups of antidepressant.
_______________________________43) A life-threatening side effect that may occur if foods containing tyramine and MAOI is taken.
_______________________________44) Today’s drug of choice for depression.
_______________________________45) Treatment for akathisia.
_______________________________47) May cause priapism.
_______________________________48) May cause liver damage leading to liver failure.
_______________________________49) May cause seizure.
_______________________________50) S/E due to taking MAOI and SSRI at the same time.
_______________________________51) SSRI is taken during what time of the day?
_______________________________52) Treat bipolar disorders by stabilizing mood.
_______________________________53) May cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
_______________________________54) If lithium exceeds _________, dialysis is indicated.
_______________________________55) May cause aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis.
_______________________________56) Most effective antianxiety drug.
_______________________________57). Side effect of antianxiety drug.
_______________________________58) Primary use is for ADHD, residual attention deficit disorder and narcolepsy.
_______________________________59) Daytime sleepiness.
_______________________________60) What 3 components to avoid that would further stimulate patient.
_______________________________61) Sensitizing agent that causes adverse reaction when mixed with alcohol in the body.
_______________________________62) Disulfiram inhibits what enzyme?
_______________________________63) Herbal medicine used to treat depression.
_______________________________64) Herbal medicine for anxiety.
_______________________________65) Herb helps in sleep and used to relieve stress and anxiety.
_______________________________66) Herb for memory.

II. Identification
Time before onset of effectivity:
a. Cyclic compounds: ___ to ___ weeks
b. MAOI: ___ to ___ weeks
c. SSRI: ___ to ___ weeks

Complete the table.

Hormone Excitatory Inhibitory

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

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