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1. Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite globalization?


Do you think the significance of English language as an international language will be lost
with globalisation or its significance will increase with globalisation?
What is your opinion?

The role of globalisation in the proliferation of English language all over the world is widely debated, with
many people claiming that thanks to globalisation, other languages and cultures will gain more exposure
and threaten the dominance of English language. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain
why in this essay.


One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the usage of English language
in almost every part of the world, thanks to globalisation. There is a widespread worry that increased
exposure of other languages and cultures will threaten the dominance of English language. In my opinion,
this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be rejected.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that thanks to
globalisation, the interaction between people from different languages and diverse cultural backgrounds
will inevitably increase. As English is already the most widely used language throughout the world, not only
will it help people to communicate effectively with each other, but it will also be embraced by more and
more people. Needless to say, this universal appeal of English will keep it in a preponderant position, as far
as gaining more popularity is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that now English is the language of Science, Commerce, trade,
arts, history, literature, media, entertainment and what not. Unlike in the past, when the world was not
much connected without a common language and so it was next to impossible to keep abreast with the
latest happenings, nowadays English has helped mankind overcome all communication barriers. Hence, the
likelihood that English will thrive, flourish and spread rapidly is very high.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the apprehension that English language
will lose its value because of globalisation is ungrounded indeed.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of globalisation in the
proliferation of English language are too great to ignore.

2. The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they shouldn’t
waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media
such as computer software, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

There is no doubt that a library is of key importance in offering students ample opportunity to augment
their knowledge in numerous fields from arts and science to trade and commerce. A school of thought,
however, contends that libraries should focus only on increasing their collection of books, not on expensive
media such as DVDs and computer software, because the collection of books is what a library is recognised
and renowned for. This notion, in my opinion, merits little consideration as the ubiquity of technology has
dramatically changed the way people access information and knowledge today.
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is equipping libraries with such expensive media as
DVDs and computer softwares along with increasing their collection of books. There is a widespread worry
that this will only lead to a myriad of problems for libraries in catering to readers’ requirements. In my
opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be rejected.

There are a number of arguments in favour of investing money by libraries on electronic media storage. The
most preponderant one is that the way people now read books and attain knowledge is no longer the same
as it was even a decade or two earlier, prior to the advent of hi-tech media. Not only can readers store
hundreds of e-books, electronic copies of paper-based books, in a single device like e-book readers and
tablet devices, but they can also retrieve these books later and read them more conveniently without
worrying about carrying them. Needless to say, it is high time libraries should also utilise this technological
advancement and offer both the hard as well as the soft copies to readers. It should be mentioned here
that technology also allows the libraries to ensure that the books can be accessed only for a certain period
and can be copied to no other device, thus helping to avoid piracy and copyright concerns.

Another pivotal aspect of CDs and DVDs is that they can help elaborate something more clearly and
effectively with the audio-visual effects they have. Besides, by using computer software instead of a heavy
encyclopedia or dictionary, learners can grasp things promptly, augment their knowledge successfully and
broaden their horizons efficiently. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of libraries’ using
state-of-the-art technological devices.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that an immense change in people's reading habit
stemming from the advent of technological media sources demands that libraries allocate significant
amount of money on keeping CDs, DVDs and software as well as on maintaining a rich collection of books.
This will not only cater to the need of growing number of young learners that prefer these new forms of
media to the conventional ones, but also benefit learning enormously.


In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of allocating significant
amount of money on keeping CDs, DVDs and software as well as on maintaining a rich collection of books
by libraries are indeed too great to ignore.

3. Should voting be compulsory for all citizens or people should have freedom to choose
not to vote. What is your opinion?

The idea of mandatory voting system is widely debated, with many people claiming that forcing people to
vote does not appear to be rational at all in a democratic environment. However, I do not entirely accept
this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of compulsory voting. The most conspicuous one is that in order
to get an authentic reflection of people’s perception on an election, each and every adult has to exercise
their suffrage. Not only does it enable the citizens of a country to choose the right leaders they want to see
in the government, but it also ensures that the country does not select the leaders who are not honest,
sincere, dedicated and accountable. This is because the majority of population cannot be unanimous in
choosing wrong leaders. Needless to say, all these benefits stand the country in good stead, when it comes
to good governance and efficacious management.

Another pivotal aspect of compulsory voting is that if people have freedom not to vote, many people will
not feel any pressure to exercise this democratic right. For example, unlike countries such as India and
Pakistan, which do not force people to vote and so, the turnout of voters is very low, countries with
stringent penalties for not voting such as Australia usually have higher turnouts, thus making the election a
fairer one. Hence, it is apparent why many are against offering any leeway to voters for the sake of

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of compulsory voting are
indeed too great to ignore.

4. In today’s world, different governments and international organisations are confronting

many problems to deal with. What is the most pressing problem among them? How can it
be taken care of?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in a number of problems all over the world. In
my opinion, pollution is the biggest of all. In this essay, I will elaborate this problem and recommend some
suggestions to overcome this soaring concern.

There are a myriad of consequences of pollution in the world. The most conspicuous one is that pollutants
from industries and other sources contribute to deteriorating the environment. Not only do they have an
adverse impact on the ecology, but they also cause people to suffer from a range of diseases. Needless to
say, all these demerits have a far-reaching impact on flora and fauna.

Steps to deal with this problem are many, but the most significant ones are not remote or complicated, but
accessible and practicable. Primarily, the government should introduce stringent laws and regulations to
ensure that factories and manufacturers use eco-friendly measures in producing goods. Besides, the
international organizations can raise funds and thus help underprivileged nations to fight off pollution in
every sphere. Last but not least, an awareness programme to educate people of the harmful effects of
pollution can also be initiated.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the situation that has stemmed from pollution can
be successfully remedied, provided that the aforementioned measures are taken. Its harmful effects are
indeed too dire to ignore.

5. Should top-level authorities of a company take employee’s suggestions or ideas to take

any decisions. Discuss in detail.


Employers/authorities of a company should take suggestions or ideas from employees in

taking any decision. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is involving employees in decision-making process by
a number of organisations, be it big or small. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a
myriad of problems in any company. In my opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be

There are a deluge of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that thanks to the
input from employees, employers will have diverse ideas and concepts to work on. Not only can the
company come to a much wiser decision based on the data, but they can also make the staff feel privileged
by considering their opinion important. Needless to say, all these merits stand any business in good stead,
as far as increasing its productivity is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of involving the employees in the strategic planning of an organisation is that they
will not feel that they are merely following orders; they will rather feel that they are an indispensable part
of the organisation, which will motivate them to put in more efforts. Unlike those companies, which impose
orders on their employees and so fail to generate spontaneity among them, companies that value their
employees’ opinion succeed in motivating them to work spontaneously. Apparently, the latter benefit more
when it comes to productivity.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits which considering employees’
advice and suggestions offers in a company are indeed too great to ignore.

6. Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Do you
support it or not? (Agree/ disagree)

The role of celebrities, be it in sports or in entertainment, as a role model for youngsters is widely debated,
with many people claiming that these famous personalities have hardly any didactic purpose to serve. In
my opinion, this notion merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that these famous
personalities often show the brighter side of their lifestyle and most of the inner aspects of their
characteristics are hidden from the public. Not only are they involved in a race against each other to gain
name, fame and money, but they are also unhappy in their family life, thus leading to many complications
like depression, frustration, loneliness and the like. Needless to say, the likelihood that these shallow,
artificial and greedy people will benefit youths in shaping their beliefs and ideologies in a positive way is
bleak indeed and so no one would recommend that a teenager should pursue an artificial life like this.
(Needless to say, all these demerits have a far-reaching impact on youngsters.)

Another overt facet of following celebrities is that rarely do they possess such essential attributes as moral
and ethical values that are deemed vital in becoming a good human being. Besides, thanks to the ubiquity
of the Internet and the popularity of the social networking sites, youngsters who are both immature and
vulnerable are readily exposed to celebrities’ brawling over insignificant things and verbally assaulting their
counterparts and what not. Hence, it is apparent why many believe that teenagers should rather imitate
the lifestyle of their parents or teachers, who possess a deluge of qualities, from sincerity and honesty to
perseverance and dedication. (Hence, it is apparent why many are against a youth’s following these
artificial people as their role model.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks associated with the youth’s
imitating the lifestyle of celebrities are indeed too dire to ignore.

7. In education system, is assessment through written formal examination valid?


Do you think formal written examinations are a good way to assess knowledge at school?

The role of conventional written tests in gauging a student's capability is widely debated, with many
academics claiming that these tests are flawed and can hardly measure one's performance accurately and
comprehensively. In my opinion, this proposition merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that in order to attain
good grades in these stereotyped exams, students are not required to possess an in-depth knowledge in a
specific subject. Not only do these traditional exams allow a mediocre student to perform as well as a
prodigy, but they also fail to instil knowledge in students, thus failing to broaden their horizons. Needless to
say, all these demerits have a far-reaching impact on the academic performance of students.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that questions in these exams are often repeated and so, anyone
having access to past test papers can memorise pre-prepared scripts and achieve good marks. Besides, the
intellectual ability of students is impeded as they do not need to explore things with inquisitive attitude to
learn and discover new limits. Hence, it is apparent why many are against these stereotyped exams based
on rote learning.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of formal-written tests are
indeed too dire to ignore.

8. It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good
choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The idea of starting one’s married life prior to completing their academic studies or building their career is
widely debated, with many people claiming that doing so would give birth to a deluge of concerns. My view
coincides with this notion as there are several strong elements those lie within it.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that thanks to their
young age, couple will be feeble and vulnerable, when it comes to taking serious decisions about life. Not
only will they struggle to cope with different situations their married life will entail, but they will also suffer
from financial hardship without an established career. Needless to say, with so many problems to deal with
in such an early age, the relationship between each other will only deteriorate, contributing to an unhappy
conjugal life.

Another overt facet of this argument is that getting married earlier would mean an uncertain future for a
youth, both in terms of higher studies and career. This is because with arduous responsibilities in life such
as raising children and the like, they will not succeed in career building. Neither will they be able to rear
their children properly, nor fulfil their basic requirements, be it financial or psychological. Hence, it is
apparent why many are against early marriage.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of getting married earlier
without completing one’s studies and developing their career
are indeed too dire to ignore.

9. Do you think marketing strategies for big companies should be placed on offers and
discounts? In what ways does this impact their reputation?


Should the marketing department of a company emphasize on giving discount and offers to
their customers or should they focus more on maintaining their brand? What is your

The role of offering short-term promotions in the marketing strategies of a company is widely debated,
with many people claiming that alluring customers by reducing commodity prices is only likely to
deteriorate the image of the company in the long run. In my opinion, this proposition merits serious

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that the impression
attracting customers with frequent discounts creates among customers is that the company is enticing
them into purchasing products in an effort to augment its profit at the expense of quality. Not only do big
brands like Apple, Samsung and the like avoid offering discounts, but they also focus more on their brand
name keeping prices high at all times. Needless to say, all these demerits of promotions and discounts have
a far-reaching impact on a company’s growth.

Another pivotal aspect of price cuts is that although companies will have short-term financial benefits, they
will lose that premium tag they used to enjoy in the past. Unlike other competitors, who are more into
image building, these companies will lose recurring customers, thanks to the fall in their reputation, thus
suffering in the long run astronomically. Hence, it is apparent why many are against such marketing

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the pitfalls of offering discounts to increase
the number of customers are indeed too dire to ignore.

10. What is the best invention of the last 100 years: computer, antibiotics, airplane? Explain


Any new technological development in recent years is a boon or curse for the society in

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of revolutionary
developments changing the way people live their lives, thanks to an array of innovations of modern
science, from computing and aviation to medicines and treatment. In my opinion, of all these wonders of
science, computers are what have played the most pivotal role in contributing to virtually every aspect of
human life.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of computers as the most significant invention. The most
conspicuous one is that by using computer, the Internet, a number of softwares and other such equipment,
not only can teachers make lesson plans effectively, but students can also enhance their knowledge and
broaden their horizons with much ease, convenience and efficacy. Besides, with the Internet being an
indispensable part in computer, people no longer feel detached or segregated from the ever-changing
world, irrespective of their geographical locations. Needless to say, all these benefits stand mankind in
good stead, as far as performing with ease and efficacy in every sphere is concerned.

Another overt facet of computer is that thanks to its performance and contribution to such sectors as
transport, health care, scientific research, weather forecast and what not, computer has greatly reduced
human involvement. Apparently, less human involvement means that the likelihood of making errors in
these crucial areas has also declined. Hence, there is no doubt that the improved efficiency, effective
management and comfortable life we enjoy today can primarily be attributed to computer, an
extraordinary innovation that any other achievement of modern science is no match for.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that nothing is comparable to computer. This is
because never has any single invention of science benefited mankind in so many ways as computer has.

11. The environment we are living in is in danger due to various problems. So who do you
think should be responsible to solve it? Is it the government, organizations or each


Climate change is a huge concern in today’s world. Discuss about the roles that
Government, corporates and individuals can play to improve it.

In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in environmental concerns, with climate change being a
pivotal one. Although convergent efforts from all, be it companies, individuals or governments are required
to alleviate this concern, I think it is the government, which has the most important role to play in this

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. On the one hand, by implementing stringent rules
and regulations, the government can ensure that factories and individuals apply environmentally friendly
measures in manufacturing goods. On the other, with strict policies and financial penalties in place,
manufacturers are more likely to take numerous measures to curb pollution, from applying a range of
recycling procedures to disposing of hazardous chemical appropriately. In other words, the more lenience
and leeway the government shows, the greater amount of pollution is. Needless to say, all these merits
stand the government in good stead, when it comes to shaking off this soaring.

Another pivotal argument is that unlike other bodies, with a deluge of resources and legitimate power to
fight off climate change, the government is the strongest of all to do everything it takes to address this
concern, such as raising awareness through a variety of campaigns, enforcing stringent rules and the like.
Hence, it is apparent why instead of others, I am focusing on the government.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the role played by the government in escalating the
concerns of climate change is instrumental indeed.

12. Some people believe laws change human behavior. Do you agree with it?
The role of laws in bringing a positive change in people's behaviour is widely debated, with many people
claiming that human behaviour is rarely affected by enforcing stringent rule-setting. However, I do not
entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous argument lies in the fact
that rigorous rules can engender fear among miscreants, who mostly commit crimes because of the leeway
they enjoy in breaking the law. Not only do these stringent rules make people aware that their illegal or
unlawful activities will result in severe punishment such as financial penalty, jail term or even death
sentence, but the likelihood that they will indulge in criminal activities is also bound to decline. Needless to
say, all these benefits stand people in good stead, as far as making them disciplined is concerned.

Another argument in favour of rule-setting can be seen in childhood, when a child learns to do things
following a proper order set either by their parents or by their teachers. Besides, by sticking to these rules
and regulations, children not only learn essential attributes like discipline and punctuality, but also excel in
academic studies. Hence, it is apparent why many believe that human behaviour is immensely shaped by
law and order.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of strict rules in shaping
human behaviour is instrumental indeed.

13. The Illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those
who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


‘In future the illiterate will not be those who cannot read, but those who do not learn’- By
some writer, Discuss what do you understand by this statement.


The idea of determining one’s literacy based on the capability to read and write is widely debated with
many academics claiming that there are such other factors as being able to learn, unlearn and relearn that
have a greater role to play in this regard. In my opinion, this notion merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favor of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that gaining academic
qualification does not necessarily mean that one will be able to learn naturally. Far from learning for the
sake of learning, these days students study only to acquire good marks. Not only do students today
consider education as a way of getting employment opportunities in future as well as gaining name and
fame, but they also become crippled, dependent and ineffective without attaining knowledge through
experience, past mistakes and self-analysis. Needless to say, all the demerits of academic excellence
without the ability to learn and relearn have a far-reaching impact on learners.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that in this globalized era, where information about anything is
so readily available thanks to the ubiquity of the Internet, people can learn numerous skills, enhance their
knowledge about other cultures and above all broaden their horizons. Besides, with an open mind, people
can thrive and excel in their career unlike those who do not consider acquiring knowledge limited to
schools and colleges. A deluge of examples of this scenario can be seen both in affluent as well as
impoverished nations. Hence, it is apparent why many consider education a lifelong process.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the idea of defining literacy as the
capability to read and write is flawed, especially in this modern era. In my opinion, it is high time that we
consider learning to be a never-ending process with constant improvements throughout life.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of learning with constant
improvements throughout life are indeed too great to ignore.

14. Information revolution has changed the ways of mass communication and has some
negative and positive effects on individual’s lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a colossal change in the way of mass communication thanks to the ubiquity
of state-of-the-art technology. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend. Although, I am of
the view that the former outdo the latter.

A large number of benefits can be attributed to this development. On the one hand, by utilising such
advanced communication tools as Facebook, Twitter and the like, now media can reach a much broader
range of consumers, as they no longer have to rely on conventional newspapers, magazines. On the other,
with the proliferation of the Internet and Internet enabled devices like notebooks, smart phones, people
can check emails, read epapers and what not, even when they are on the move, thus, keeping themselves
abreast with the ever-changing world. Needless to say, all these benefits stand people in good stead, as far
as broadening their horizons is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of this development is that it has enabled different societies whether they are
situated locally or far away, to enlighten each other by sharing their knowledge in numerous fields, from
history and culture to Art and literature. Besides, modern methods of mass communication can augment
awareness of a range of societal issues that can be addressed accordingly. Hence, it is apparent how society
benefits astronomically.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the role of the advent of modern
communication technology in today’s mass media is instrumental indeed, as it has not only broadened the
horizons of individual but also made them aware of other societies, cultures and languages, no matter how
remote or segregated they are.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of modern communication
technology in today’s mass media are indeed too great to ignore.

15. Nowadays millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some people
argue that the money should be spent on other essential areas such as healthcare and
education. Discuss both sides.

The idea of spending astronomical sums of money on space research is widely debated, with many people
claiming that this could be better spent on such other vital sectors as healthcare, education and the like. In
my opinion, this notion merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that with countless
numbers of satellites out there, forecasting weather has never been as precise and accurate as now. Not
only can scientists predict flood, storm, tsunami and other calamities with near-perfect precision, thanks to
space exploration, but researches on space also allow constant contact between satellites, space shuttles
and the like, which would otherwise be next to impossible. Needless to say, all these merits stand space
research in good stead as far as state-of-the-art communication is concerned.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of space exploration. The
primary concern stems from the fact that space research entails colossal amounts of expenditure, whereas
we have got millions of people starving all over the world. Besides, affluent nations can best use their
resources by improving the infrastructures in an array of sectors such as healthcare, education, transport
and so on, instead of sending robots to find water on the Mars, costing taxpayers billions of dollars. Last but
not least, the large amounts of money spent on these ventures can be better utilised in uplifting the living
standards of people in underprivileged nations.

From what has been discussed, one can observe that there are other priorities in the world at present, from
eradicating poverty to setting up new infrastructures to improving the standard of living, which should be
looked after first, before investing such mammoth sums of money on space research programmes.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
space exploration are indeed too great to ignore.

16. People pursue dangerous activities like skydiving, motorcycle sports, water river rafting
etc. Do you support? If yes, why and if not, why?


Discuss Pros and Cons of adventures sports like extreme skiing, bungee jumping etc.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is people’s indulging in such dangerous activities as
bungee jumping, skydiving and water rafting. There is a widespread worry that this would only lead to a
myriad of problems in an individual’s life. In my opinion, this apprehension is warranted and merits serious

There are a wide range of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that these
sports are likely to pose life threatening risk to these sports persons, thanks to the nature of these sports
with peril being an integral part of them. Not only can perilous sports lead to serious injuries or even death
of persons involved in them, but these sports also require huge amounts of money to be poured in.
Needless to say, all these demerits have a far-reaching impact on participants.

There are, however, some benefits that can easily overwhelm the potential pitfalls of these games. On the
one hand, with having excitement, rapture and tremendous pleasure from these extremely dangerous
activities, one can enjoy a much-needed break from their hectic schedule. On the other, by exploring new
places, individuals will have exposure to people from different cultures and languages, thus broadening
their horizons. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of such dangerous activities.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite having some benefits the
drawbacks of dangerous activities are indeed too dire to ignore.

17. The claim that animals have rights has been the subject of much debate since 1970. Are
zoos helping or hurting our animals? Should zoos be banned? Do you agree or disagree?
The role of zoos in conserving animals is widely debated, with many people claiming that zoos cannot be
compared with the natural habitat that is required for animals to thrive. In my opinion, this proposition
merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my opinion. The most conspicuous one is that zoos usually
have limited space for animals, which are rather accustomed to an open environment under the sky. Not
only does this congested space that they are forced to live in hamper their normal movement, but it also
keeps them away from interacting with other animals in their natural habitat in the forest. Needless to say,
no matter how many facilities animals enjoy in captivity, this unnatural life in the cage cannot contribute to
their effective nourishment whatsoever. (Needless to say, all these demerits have a far-reaching impact on
animals’ nourishment.)

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that being superior to and more powerful than other animals,
humans have no right to keep them captive, thus deteriorating the ecological balance enormously. Unlike
those animals that live in the jungle without any restriction and so enjoy a spontaneous life over there,
animals in captivity are sadly deprived of their basic rights, freedom being a pivotal one. Hence, it is
apparent why many are against keeping animals in the zoo.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of zoos are indeed too great
to ignore.

18. Some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic targets,
while others say that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends.

What is your opinion?

The role of one’s professional and economic achievements in determining one’s success is widely debated,
with many people claiming that as a social being, the success of a person should largely be attributed to
spending quality time with friends and family. In my view, this notion merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my view. The most conspicuous one is that succeeding in
one’s career and having a solvent life only means one’s materialistic achievement, which has little
connection with happiness. Not only does having a happy family life and congenial friends ensure
satisfaction, pleasure and entertainment in one’s life, but it also helps one to find the true meaning of life.
Needless to say, all these attributes stand people in good stead, as far as providing food for their soul is

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that there is a great likelihood that focusing excessively on work
instead of spending time with family members and friends will contribute a great deal to causing an array
of concerns like loneliness, depression and dejection. Unlike those workaholic people, who hardly have any
social life and so suffer enormously in the long run, people with a proper balance between life and work are
bestowed with a sense of completeness and contentment in life. Hence, it is apparent why many are in
favour of living a balanced life.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
choosing family and friends over work in terms of achieving success are indeed too
great to ignore.

It is argued that university students should study a full range of subjects, instead of some
specific subjects. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

These days, it has become a growing trend to see universities teaching their students the curriculum which
entails a large array of subjects. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of
the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that studying a
variety of subjects at universities instills in youngsters a wealth of cognisance and expertise in numerous
fields. Not only will this vast knowledge make the young ones more capable to cope with any challenge
their work is likely to entail, but it will also help them excel in their career, thus making them preponderant
in this competitive job market. Needless to say, all these merits stand the employees having colossal
knowledge in numerous fields in good stead, when it comes to thriving and remaining ahead of their
counterparts, who have limited exposure in different spheres.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of studying a large range
of subjects at university. The primary concern stems from the fact that students will not attain an in-depth
knowledge on a particular stream, while learners of a certain subject will specialise in their own field.
Besides, thanks to the time consuming nature of studying many units, youngsters will struggle to keep
abreast with the skills required to equip them for future challenges. Hence, it is apparent why many are
against diverting students' attention to myriad fields rather focusing on a particular one.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
studying different subjects in making a youth consummate as well as in helping them match the needs of a
fast-changing and competitive society are indeed too great to ignore.

Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their
future aspect or have some adverse effects. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

These days, it has become a growing trend to see parents teaching their children a second language at an
early age. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the
former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that when it comes
to picking up a language, a child is nimble, adept, competent and what not, thanks to an extraordinary
capability their brains possess. Not only do children grasp the vocabulary, pronunciation, accent and other
aspects of the language more spontaneously, but they also use it widely worrying little about making any
mistake unlike their older counterparts, who rather feel shy to practise it in the fear of making mistakes and
feeling embarrassed. Needless to say, all these merits stand a child in good stead, as far as having a strong
command of a second language is concerned.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of learning second
languages in childhood. The primary one is that pushing children to learn more than one language in such a
tender age can contribute to slowing down their overall learning process. Besides, their social and
communication skills can suffer so can other relevant skills. Hence, it is apparent why many academics are
against a child’s exposure to more than one language in early childhood.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
learning a second language by children in early childhood
are indeed too great to ignore.

Is travel a necessary component of education? Will scholars sitting at home have more
knowledge than the one who travels?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see scholars considering travel as an integral part of
education. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the
former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that it enriches one’s
experience by offering invaluable lessons about numerous facets of the world. Not only does it augment
one’s knowledge about the outside world and the harsh reality it entails, but it also contributes to
broadening one’s horizons. Needless to say, all these merits stand a learner in good stead, as far as
attaining numerous skills required to successfully interact with society is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that sitting at home does not ensure one’s successful acquisition
of education because studying at home from books can only increase one’s knowledge about certain
subjects, but cannot serve the real purpose of education which is only possible through socialising with
people from different cultures. It hardly needs mention that travelling will keep scholars in a preponderant
position, when it comes to their psychological well-being.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the significance of travelling in learning is
indeed too great to ignore.

22. In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite
as well. What is your opinion?

The role of an increased number of tourists in underprivileged nations is widely debated, with many people
claiming that it gives birth to greater concerns than the upsides it has to offer. However, I do not entirely
accept this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a number of benefits that can be attributed to tourism. The most conspicuous one is that in order
to fulfil numerous requirements such as food, accommodation, transportation, shopping and the like,
tourists have to spend a considerable amount of money while they stay in a country. Not only does it create
a deluge of jobs for local people, but it also contributes a great deal to improving the local economy.
Needless to say, thanks to all these merits, tourism undoubtedly stands a nation, be it impoverished or
affluent, in good stead, as far as augmenting its economy is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that tourists instil their culture, heritage and their lifestyle in the
local people. Unlike those countries which attract more tourists and so, the people of the country have an
exposure to other languages and cultures, thus broadening their horizons, countries with few tourists are
deprived of this didactic value. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of encouraging tourism at a
large scale.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of growing tourism are indeed
too great to ignore.

23. Some people say that increased travels between countries bring more disadvantages
than advantage. Agree or disagree?

Whether an upsurge in international travelling in recent decades has offered greater upsides than
drawbacks is a matter of discussion, with many people claiming that the demerits of this trend outweigh its
merits. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that increased
international travels is will augment the number of tourists, who will spend money on food,
accommodation, shopping and other amenities. Not only will the money spent by tourists contribute a
great deal to the country’s revenue, but an upsurge in the number of travellers will also mean an influx in
the number of foreign entrepreneurs, who can collaborate with their local counterparts in investing on a
range of projects. Needless to say, all these benefits will stand the nation in good stead, as far as opening
up a wealth of employment opportunities for the unemployed is concerned.

Another pivotal facet of a surge in travelling is that the interaction of different cultural values, ideologies,
languages and lifestyles will inevitably increase. Besides, far from giving birth to conflicts between diverse
beliefs, this trend rather renders an opportunity to learn from each other, contributing a great deal to
enriching one's experience and broadening one's horizons. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of
augmenting travel between countries.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some concerns, the role of
increased travel is instrumental indeed, not only in helping the local economy to thrive, but also in
providing with an exposure to diverse cultural values and ideologies.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of increased travel between
nations are too dire to ignore.

24. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and
negative impacts of this change.
Positive and negative effects of today’s Communication

In recent years, there has been a dramatic change in the way people communicate with each other, thanks
to the advent of modern technology. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, which will
be explored below.

There are a myriad of benefits of modern communication methods. The most conspicuous one is that with
the ubiquity of the Internet, now the world is connected more closely than ever before. Not only has the
Internet allowed people to easily keep in touch with their friends and family, but it has also enabled
businesses to conduct numerous operations in almost all parts of the globe. Needless to say, all these
merits stand people in good stead, when it comes to increasing ease, convenience, comfort and efficacy in
everything they do, be it in their personal life or their professional life.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of modern ways of
communication. The primary one stems from the fact that by remaining dependent on technologies, people
now no longer feel the need to meet people face-to-face, which has greatly reduced one’s social
interaction. This has undoubtedly created an unwelcomed gap between people, even in the family
members. Hence, it is apparent why many are against modern ways of communication.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
modern communication methods are indeed too great to ignore.

25. Education is the biggest barrier in my learning- Einstein. What do you mean by this?
And do you think Einstein was correct in saying that.


The role of conventional ways of acquiring education is widely debated, with many academics claiming that
traditional academic studies hinder one’s spontaneous learning and so prove detrimental in the acquisition
of education. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that not every
learner possesses extraordinary talent as prodigies like Albert Einstein or William Shakespeare, who did not
require a proper learning environment. Not only do mediocre students need a step-by-step procedure in
order to acquire knowledge successfully, which also varies according to their age, but frequent tests and
exams are also essential to ensure that such students have learnt their lessons properly. Needless to say, all
these merits will stand learners in good stead, as far as effective learning is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of traditional education is that the curriculum is set in such a way that by the time
they finish their academic studies, students learn a variety of subjects. Besides, they gain knowledge in such
fields as science, commerce, arts and literature, thus extending their horizons, instilling essential values in
them and above all, honing their skills in numerous fields. Hence, it is apparent why many believe that
without a fixed guideline to follow, learners are bound to go astray, ruining their promising future.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that formal education complements learning;
the argument that claims conventional learning methods to be an interference with real learning is
ungrounded indeed.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of formal education are
indeed too great to ignore.

26. Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be free for
everyone, irrespective of personal wealth. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

There is no denying that education is of pivotal importance, in preparing a youth for future challenges.
Many academics, however, contend that it is the government’s duty to provide free education for all,
regardless of their financial status. In my opinion, this proposition merits little consideration and should be
rejected as one can see several strong elements against it.
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is providing free education to all, regardless of their
financial status by governments. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of
problems in a country. In my opinion, this apprehension is warranted and merits serious consideration.
There are a deluge of reasons why offering free education to all is not practicable. The most preponderant
one is that this will involve astronomical expenditures on teachers, staff, books and other logistics and
many governments, be it wealthy or poor will struggle to afford these colossal expenses without charging
any fees. What seems more pragmatic in this scenario is that only the students from underprivileged
backgrounds should be entitled to government support. Not only will this step help impoverished families
become solvent and self-reliant, but it will also contribute a great deal to the development of a nation
because the higher the literacy rate is, the more skilled the workforce is. Needless to say, all these benefits
will stand a country in good stead, when it comes to shaping its youth’s future.

Another key facet of free education for all lies in the fact that thanks to the government’s enormous budget
on education, infrastructure development in other vital sectors such as health care, accommodation,
transport and the like will suffer immensely. Besides, it will not benefit people as expected because people
will enjoy advanced facilities in one field but will be famished or deprived in the other, due to the
government’s lack of a balanced approach in its expenditures. Hence , it is apparent why many are against
free education for all.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that ensuring education for all is a prerequisite to the
development of a nation. Nevertheless, offering it free to all is not a valid and pragmatic approach to
achieving this goal, as it engenders greater drawbacks than upsides.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of providing free education
to all are indeed too dire to ignore.

27. Nowadays age discrimination in any company has become a common trend. Do you
think it is a positive or a negative development?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today’s corporate world is an increased bias in favour of the youth,
thanks to their age, flexibility and adaptability to modern working environment. As such, there are both
merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

There are a number of arguments in favour of my stance. On the one hand, no matter how energetic and
enthusiastic they are, with insufficient knowledge and exposure about their work, young employees often
find it hard to take right decisions based on their limited experience unlike their senior counterparts. On
the other, by having these vulnerable and whimsical youths in place of the experienced employees that
have wealth of knowledge and expertise gained in their long haul career, a company will suffer
astronomically. It hardly needs mention that choosing young employees over experienced ones is only
likely to augment inefficiency.
There are a deluge of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that no matter how
energetic and enthusiastic they are, with insufficient knowledge and exposure about their work. Not only
can young employees find it hard to take right decisions based on their limited experience unlike their
senior counterparts, but the company can also suffer astronomically in the long run by having these
vulnerable and whimsical youths in place of the experienced employees. Needless to say, all these demerits
have a far-reaching impact on the productivity of a company.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that training young employees would mean that the employers
will have to spend more time, money and resources, which can affect the generation of revenues
significantly. Besides, if modern technology is what senior employees lag behind in, they can easily
overcome this shortcoming by taking relevant training in their respective field. Hence, it is apparent why
many are against discriminating employees on the basis of their age.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that with all the skills and invaluable experience at work,
old employees are equally as effective as their younger peers, if not more. Therefore, the practice of
discriminatory policies towards a specific age group is ungrounded indeed.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of age discrimination are
too dire to ignore.

28. Places where one grows up play a key role in one’s success. Write about a person who
got accomplishments because of the place s/he grew up in.
Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about
native regions and accomplished person influence on the regions they belong to?

There is no denying that where one is raised plays an instrumental role in contributing
to one’s success. In this essay, I will elaborate the story of such a successful person
whose accomplishments can largely be attributed to the environment he was brought
up in. This person is Dr A.P. J. Abdul kalam, who became an eminent scientist as well
as the president of India.

There are a myriad of ways how Abdul Kalam benefited from the atmosphere he was
brought up in. The most conspicuous one is that both his parents were highly educated
with plenty of support in numerous forms. Not only did the congenial environment at
home motivate him to succeed, but the impoverished and underprivileged society he was raised in also
encouraged him more to become something so that he could
bring a positive change in the lives of these destitute people. Needless to say, the place one grows up in can
stand one in good stead, in terms of achieving success.

Another pivotal aspect of Abdul Kalam’s life is that the suffering and hardship he
went through in childhood made him more capable to deal with the arduous and
cumbersome pressures of life in future. Besides, poverty and struggle made him determined to eradicate
poverty from society. Hence, it is apparent how his financial insolvency has made him a warrior to change
the world.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the impact of the ambience one grows up
in is indeed too great to ignore, as far as attaining success in
life is concerned.
29. Some people think placing advertisements in schools are a great resource for public
schools that need additional funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them
as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.
Choose which positions you most agree with and discuss why you chose that
position. Support your point of view with details from your own experiences,
observations or reading.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is schools’ placing adverts in their premises in an
effort to raise funds. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of problems in a pupil’s
life. In my opinion, this apprehension is warranted and merits serious consideration.

There are a wide range of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that the
primary focus of children at the school age is to gain knowledge, be it academic studies or moral and ethical
values and schools are the first institutions to teach these lessons. Not only are students innocent,
immature and naive enough to get distracted from their studies, but the existence of billboards, placards
and the like also ruins the learning environment and goes against the didactic purpose of a school. Needless
to say, all these demerits have far-reaching impact on students.

Another pivotal facet of this argument is that if a school requires additional funding for its maintenance and
operation, it could search for other alternatives that will not happen at the expense of a child’s learning
environment. It hardly needs mention that all the demerits of advertisements placed in schools will prove
detrimental to students, when it comes to drawing them away from their study goals.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of
placing advertisements in school premises are indeed too dire to ignore.

30. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or it is responsibility of
producers to avoid extra packaging of products? Give your views or any relevant example
with your own experiences.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the packaging of products, be
it day-to-day goods or luxury items. It has long been much contention whether manufacturers are more
responsible than customers to avoid over packaged products or vice versa. In my opinion, the latter
proposition is more warranted and merits serious consideration .

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that that the
eye-catchy shimmering material used for packaging is mostly non-disposable which adds to the
environmental pollution to a great extent as well as to cost of product. Not only do these packets
contribute to greater production of waste contaminating water, soil and other natural resources, thus
causing many health problems, but their manufacturing cost is also an extra economic burden on
customers providing no extra benefit whatsoever. Needless to say, all these demerits have a far-reaching
impact on customers.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that manufacturers try to make products as lucrative looking as
possible so that they can cater to the demand of consumers and survive in this cut-throat-competitive
market. Besides, tendency to eat on the move has also contributed a great deal to the demand of over
packaging, thus making it convenient for buyers to consume products wherever they like. Hence, it is
apparent why many are in favour of consumers’ taking initiative to stop buying over-packaged items.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the role of customers in shaking off this
soaring concern of over-packaging is instrumental indeed.

31. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news and for some
it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see people relying on television, both as source of
information and recreation. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the
opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that thanks to the
ubiquity of TV, people can keep themselves informed with the events happening in the world, be it local,
national or international. Not only does television keep individuals abreast with the ever-changing world,
but it also generates interest among them about other languages and cultures. Needless to say, all these
merits stand people in good stead, as far as enhancing their knowledge as well as broadening their horizons
is concerned.

Another pivotal facet of this argument is that with a deluge of programmes for people of all ages, television
can add much-needed recreation and entertainment to their hectic life, thus serving as an essential food
for soul. It hardly needs mention that these benefits will keep individuals in a preponderant position, when
it comes to contributing to their psychological well-being.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of TV are indeed too great to

32. Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your
opinion? Support it with personal examples.

It has long been much contention whether parents should be held responsible for their children’s
behaviour or not. In my opinion, the former proposition merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that parents’
intervention can heavily influence a child's personality and behaviour development. Not only do children
break the law in the absence of either incentive or motive unlike their adult counterparts, but their acts are
also accidental and intuitive, signalling the accumulative effect of the environment where they grow up.
Needless to say, parents should act as gatekeepers to prevent their children from observing wrong

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that many parents fail to set a positive role model and because
children have a natural ability to imitate others, their violent or unlawful behaviour is potentially a replica
of their parents'. besides, children with fine upbringing normally show their courtesy and professional
etiquettes in coping with real-life problems, such as conflicts with others, while those children with poor
upbringing are more likely to act violently. Hence, it is apparent why many believe that parents should be
held responsible for the behaviour of their young delinquents.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the role of parents in shaping children’s
behaviour is instrumental indeed.

33. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this?
Discuss with appropriate examples.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the mall culture, as shopping
malls have evolved into multi-storied structures housing a large number of stores that sell diverse products
and services. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of problems in consumers’ life.
In my opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be rejected.

There are a number of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that shopping
malls house a collection of retail stores and restaurants along with a plenty of parking space. Not only do
shopping malls eliminate parking problem by providing parking either free of charge or for a nominal fee,
but they also contribute a great deal to making shopping convenient with such stores as groceries, shoes,
food courts and the like under one roof. Needless to say, all these merits stand consumers in good stead, as
far as eliminating shopping hassle is concerned.

There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of shopping malls.
Primarily, they include excessive crowding, especially on weekends and holidays. Besides, crowded aisles
and stores make shopping very difficult and people often end up forgetting items they needed to buy. Last
but not least, the temptation to browse is always present, and browsing often leads to buying things that
are not needed, thus making it difficult to keep to a monthly budget.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
big shopping complexes are indeed too great to ignore.

34. Talk about the pros/cons of this era as is full of daily inventions.

It has long been much contention whether this technological era has more benefits than drawbacks or vice
versa. In my opinion, the former proposition is more warranted and merits serious consideration.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is that technological
advances show people a more efficient way to do things in every sphere. Not only are students able to
learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms, but agricultural processes that once required
dozens upon dozens of human workers are also automated now, thanks to advances in technology, which
means cost-efficiency for farmers. Needless to say, all these benefits stand mankind in good stead, as far as
broadening their horizons is concerned.

There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of state-of-the-art
technological era. Primarily, the more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to
depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. Besides, a breakdown of any
machine or a crash of any computer makes humans almost disabled until the problem is resolved. Hence, it
is apparent that this kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because
they become less self-reliant.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some drawbacks, the benefits of
this advanced era are too great to ignore.

35. ​“Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the western countries. According to you, what are the
reasons/effects and what solutions can be proposed by governments and individuals?”
Reasons + Solutions:
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is an upsurge in xenophobia all over the world,
especially in the affluent nations. There are a wide range of factors that account for why this is happening.
This essay will present an overview of these factors and suggest potential solutions.
There are a myriad of reasons for an increase in xenophobia. The primary one lies in the fact that many
think that immigrants from impoverished countries should not be entitled to all the benefits such as
healthcare, employment and the like that the former have access to. As a result, they suffer from a sense of
insecurity and indignance, which engenders hatred, fear and what not. Besides, intolerance towards
diverse cultures also plays a role in deteriorating this issue.
Steps to deal with this problem are many, but the most effective ones are in fact not remote or
complicated, but accessible and practicable. Firstly, the government has to take a firm stance against
xenophobia. It can not only highlight the instrumental role played by immigrants in the social and economic
development of the country, but also hold discussions and talks on this issue more frequently. Besides,
multicultural programmes and events can be organised by individuals or different community groups so
that the local residents get an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of different cultures which will in
turn contribute to shaking off hatred, discrimination and hostility towards the immigrants. Only when
convergent efforts from all sectors are ensured, can we expect to see a considerable progress in
overcoming this soaring concern.
In view of the above discussion, one can conclude that the problem of xenophobia can be successfully
addressed, provided that the aforementioned measures are taken. The potential impacts of this
phenomenon are indeed too dire to ignore.

Effects + Solutions:
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is an upsurge in xenophobia all over the world,
especially in the affluent nations. There are a deluge of adverse impacts that can be attributed to
xenophobia. This essay will present an overview of these consequences and suggest potential solutions.
There are a myriad of alarming consequences associated with xenophobia. The primary one is that
immigrants not only experience such racially discriminatory behaviours as physical and verbal abuse, but
also remain deprived of numerous benefits and opportunities in a variety of fields, be it in education, work
or politics. Besides, it can also lead to lack of fraternity and respect, which are deemed integral elements in
a society.
Steps to deal with this problem are many, but the most effective ones are in fact not remote or
complicated, but accessible and practicable. Firstly, the government has to take a firm stance against
xenophobia. It can not only highlight the instrumental role played by immigrants in the social and economic
development of the country, but also hold discussions and talks on this issue more frequently. Besides,
multicultural programmes and events can be organised by individuals or different community groups so
that the local residents get an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of different cultures which will in
turn contribute to shaking off hatred, discrimination and hostility towards the immigrants. Only when
convergent efforts from all sectors are ensured, can we expect to see a considerable progress in
overcoming this soaring concern.
In view of the above discussion, one can conclude that the problem of xenophobia can be successfully
addressed, provided that the aforementioned measures are taken. The potential impacts of this
phenomenon are indeed too dire to ignore.

36. In many countries students take a year off after finishing school and work or travel
during this period. Should students take a gap year before attending universities? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of it?

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is taking a year off by students before commencing
tertiary education and spending this time either on travelling or working in an effort to gain some hands on
experience about the outside world. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I
am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a deluge of arguments in favour of my stance. The most preponderant one is that it will render a
much-needed exposure of the outside world to the youth. Not only will this exposure, be it through travel
or work experience, augment their self-reliance both psychologically as well as financially, but it will also
instill in them an array of essential social skills that are deemed pivotal in coping with harsh reality of the
world. Needless to say, all these attributes will stand a youth in good stead, as far as surviving in the
fast-paced competitive world is concerned.

Notwithstanding all these merits, taking a year off in student life is not without concerns. On the one hand,
by remaining away from studies for a considerable period, students are likely to develop an unwelcomed
apathy towards studies because of a strong influence and impact these distractions have. On the other,
with all the perilous and spoiling elements such as evil companies and drugs available at hand, teenagers
can easily go astray, thanks to the immaturity and vulnerability of their age, thus ruining their promising

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the role a gap year plays in a student’s life
is instrumental indeed. nevertheless , its potential drawbacks should not be overlooked either.

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