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Save Girl Child

“Don’t Let Their Lives End Before It Even Begins”

India is growing dynamically in every field. Today, the boom in economy, innovative
technologies and improved infrastructure has become nation’s pride. The country has
witnessed advancements in all fields but bias against a girl child is still prevailing in the

In the Indian society, male considered themselves dominating and superior than women
which gives rise all the violence against girls. Girl children are considered as the curse or
burden from the ancient time. If we think from our own mind the question arise that how the
girl child can be a curse or burden. The answer is very clear and full of fact that without a girl
child, boy child can never take birth in this world. Then why people do lots of violence again
women and girl child. Why they want to kill the girl child before taking birth in her mother’s
womb. Why the eyes are not being open of the people even after many surprised truth and
facts about girls.

It is a matter of great shame that cases of female infanticide are still reported due to the
preference for male babies. The United Nations says an estimated 2,000 unborn girls are
illegally aborted every day in India. In India, there are less than 93 women for every 100 men
in the population.

However this anti-female bias is by no means limited to poor families. The main causes of
female infanticide are as follows:
1. Preference for the Male Child: A male in the family is traditionally considered to be
a source – source of money, source of respect, source of name and fame. A woman
is considered a financial obligation. Traditional Indian society considers that
“Investing in a daughter just like watering your neighbour’s lawn.”
2. Dowry System: The birth of a female child indicates huge amounts of expenditure
later in her life, when she shall be married
3. Safety: Another reason for the unwanted status of the female child is the burden on
her parents regarding her safety.
4. Hindu Scriptures: It is also argued, according to Hindu scriptures, it is a male who’ll
light the funeral pyre of his dead parent(s). However, no Hindu scripture or
religious text asks to kill a female child or foetus.
We worship many female Goddesses at various festivals however never feel a little bit of
kind to the women living in our home. It is very clear that a girl child always become
blessing for the society and reason for the continuation of life in this world. Truly, the girls
are pillars of the society.

Now-a-days, women are working outside in the field with the men by meeting shoulder to
shoulder together with their all the responsibilities at home. Various competitive exam results
also prove that girls are better performers than boys. We should actively participate in the
campaign of save the girl child by removing the male dominating nature of the society.
Saving the girl child first needs parents to change their mind. They need to stop neglecting
their daughter’s nutrition, education, living style, etc. All the rules and regulations should be
tough and active against those who are involved in the crime against girls (whether they are
parents, doctors, relatives, neighbours, etc). Only then, we can think and expect a good future
in India.

Women should also need to be strong and raise their voice. They should learn from the great
women leaders in India like Sarojini Naidu, Indira Gandhi, Kalpana chawla, Sunita
Williams, etc.

Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has said in his speech on girl child that “Am
Standing Before you as Beggar” and also launched a nationwide campaign named “Beti
Bachao-Beti Padhao (means Save the Girl Child and Educate Her)”

Let’s hope this initiative by the government will help to save the lives of many female
All I want is to bloom like a small flower in this beautiful garden!
All I want is to shine like a dew drop in this winter morning!
All I want is to live under this beautiful sky!
All I want is the right to breathe like my luckier brother!
All I want is my mother's warmth in this cold world!
All I want is your arms to protect me.
But when those protective arms became blood stained!
My faint cries echoed
"All I want is the right to live! live ! live!"

“Give Girls the Wings to Fly, Not the Pain to Cry and Die”

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