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So, What is a Jordan Syatt?

Real quick, my name is Jordan but everyone calls me, “J.”

Long story short, I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee.
And, on a slightly more serious note, I’m a 5x World Record
Powerlifter, the owner of, and I’m also Gary
Vaynerchuk’s personal strength and nutrition coach.

But listen.

I created this manual for YOU. To help you burn fat, build
strength, and ramp up your metabolism with 101 quick, intense,
metabolic strength circuits that – until now – were reserved for
my private coaching clients. Now they’re yours – free.
The Metabolic Blueprint
I’m Giving You the Tools to Burn Fat FAST While
Building Strength, Ramping Up Your Metabolism, and
Improving Your Performance.

I won’t lie to you.

The workouts in this book are not easy. They’re gonna

push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed. Get
you sore (the good kind). And leave you drenched after
every circuit.

But they work. Really well. And if you’re willing to put

your nose to the grindstone you’re going to see serious
results very quickly.
The Metabolic Blueprint
Gimme One Second.
I Want to Show You Something Real Quick.
This is Lisa. She’s been an
online coaching client of mine
for the past 3 years and has
not only changed her body
but her entire mindset
around working out,
nutrition, and fitness.
She’s mastered how to fit
fitness into her life…rather
than trying to fit her life into

Tony is both an online coaching client and a member of my
Inner Circle. Long story short, in the past 6 months of working
together, Tony was finally able to plow through his plateau so
he could burn fat and build strength at the same time.


The Metabolic Blueprint

I’m Showing You What My Clients
Have Done Because…

I love my clients to death. And I’m more proud of them than I can
even begin to express.
The truth is, though, they’re normal people. Just like you and me.
And if there’s one thing I hope you take from this manual it’s that
you leave truly BELIEVING you can do it too. You can achieve
anything and everything you want.
Because the fact is you can. You just need to believe it. And when
you believe…then you can act on it every single day. And with that,
failure isn’t an option. The Metabolic Blueprint
Enough Jibber Jabber.
Let’s Get to the Workouts
Like I said, I’m going to push
you harder than you’ve ever
been pushed.
These workouts are going to
test you both physically and
They’re short, intense, high
metabolic output workouts
specifically designed to
increase your metabolism,
boost your strength, and burn
fat FAST.
I hope you’re ready.
Any questions, shoot me an
email to with
“101 Workouts” in the subject
line and I’ll get back to you
within 72 hours.
Good luck,

The Metabolic Blueprint



Full Body Blast

Upper Body Workouts

Lower Body Workouts

Sprint Workouts

Final Words

The Metabolic Blueprint

Chapter One

Full Body Blast

The Metabolic Blueprint

1. Batman
Equipment: dumbbells
Conditioning Rules

Do 2 reps of each exercise in order then
4, 6, 8, and 10 as quickly as possible
Make it intense. without sacrificing form. Then go back
down the ladder: 8, 6, 4, and 2
Make it use big muscles.
Make it technically perfect. The Circuit:
Push-Up with a Pause
Make it short. Jump Lunge
Make it fun. Batwing Row
Lateral Lunge

The Metabolic Blueprint

2. Key to Ignition
Equipment: Dumbbells or Kettlebells, chinup bar
Instructions: Complete as many rounds as you can in 6 minutes. Rest for 2-3 minutes and then repeat
one more time.

The Circuit:
180 degree jump squats x 5
Pike pushup x 5
Goblet hold Bulgarian split squats x 5/leg
Chinups x 5 (assist with band if you need it)

3. Hot Pastrami
Equipment: Kettlebells
Instructions: You’ll sandwich a ladder of kettlebell movements while keeping your bodyweight moves
the same number of reps for a total of 5 full rounds of work. Phew.

The Circuit:
Kettlebell swings: 10,8,6,4,2
Diamond pushups: 8
Kettlebell front rack squat: 10,8,6,4,2
Inverted row: 8
Kettlebell goblet clean: 10,8,6,4,2
Dead bug: 8

4. Pumpkin Spice Latte

Equipment: Dumbbells or Kettlebells
Instructions: This basic workout can be a bitch if you load up the weight. Set a gym timer for 30 seconds
of work and 30 seconds rest. Complete all the moves in order, working and resting for 30:30. At the end of
one round, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat once more.
The Circuit:
Lunge jump – alternating legs
Sumo alternating DB row
DB push press
long lever plank (hold for :30)

The Metabolic Blueprint

5. Syatt, Why U Do Dis To Me?
Equipment: Dumbbells or Kettlebells
Instructions: Complete 4 rounds of this brutally effective circuit - and try to rest only after you’ve
finished an entire round.

The Circuit:
Single leg hip thrust x 8/leg
Spider planks x 18 (alternating legs, 9 per side)
Goblet hold step ups x 8 per side
Constant tension pushups x 18 (avoid the very top and bottom of the movement and move like a piston,
keeping continual tension in your body while you work quickly but with picture perfect form.)

6. So Pushy
Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: Barbell complexes can sometimes feel limited by upper body moves. This circuit allows you
to load your barbell just a bit heavier in order to feel more challenge on the leg focused movements while
allowing you to successfully complete reps for the press and row. Aim for 4-5 rounds of this circuit, taking
2-3 minutes rest only at the bottom of each round.
The Circuit:
RDL x 10
Row x 5
Clean x 10
Push Press x 5
Back Squat x 10

7. Play Ball
Equipment: Medicine ball
Instructions: Med ball time – you’ll alternate core crunching, heart pounding slams with strength moves.
Complete 3-4 rounds as quickly as possible, resting 1-2 minutes between rounds.
The Circuit:
Med ball slams x 12
Med ball Forward lunge with crossover x 6/leg (hold the ball at your chest and twist over your leading leg
as you sink into each rep.)
Med ball slams x 12
Med ball lateral lunge with pulse x 6/leg
Med ball slams x 12
Med ball pushup x 6 (pushup with one hand on ball- roll ball to other hand, do another rep. Alternate
hands as you go for 6 total pushups. If this is too tough, ditch the ball and do the pushup variation that
best fits Metabolic
body.) Blueprint
8. Recess Tricks
Equipment: Jump rope
Instructions: bust out your jump roping skills for this simple but sweaty scorcher. Work your way down
the ladder by 10s for the jumps and 1 rep at a time for the pushups. Take rest only as needed and see just
how quickly you can get this set busted out.
The Circuit:
Jump rope x 100 (90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10)
Close grip pushup x 10 (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

9. Bro, Bro
Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: admit it, you really want to work arms. So do that and then some. Knock out 4 rounds here,
resting for 2-3 minutes at the bottom of a round.

The Circuit:
1.5 goblet squat x 6
DB Hammer curls x 12
Goblet reverse lunge x 6/leg
DB overhead triceps extension x 12
DB single leg RDL x 6/leg
DB rear delt fly x 12

10. Band-Aided
Equipment: Thick and thin resistance bands (i.e. Superbands for good
Instructions: Complete as many rounds as you can muster in 10 minutes. Take breaks as you need them,
but try to take them at the bottom of the round.
The Circuit:
Banded good mornings x 20
Hindu pushup x 10
Band pull-aparts x 20
Broad Jump x 10

The Metabolic Blueprint

11. Rope Burn
Equipment: Battle rope, dumbbells
Instructions: got a battle rope? Then
you’re in business. Set a gym timer for 30
seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest,
alternating between rope slams and
strength moves. Aim for 3 rounds total.
The Circuit:
Rope slams
Rope slams
squat thrusters

12. Cheerleaders on Steroids

Equipment: Dumbbells, chinup bar

Mix Up Instructions: 2,4,6,8 – what do you

appreciate? Your fine looking self from doing

Your this metcon, that’s what. Complete the reps as

indicated for the circuit as quickly as possible.
Rest 2-3 minutes and repeat 1-3 more times,

depending on how much game you’ve got.

The Circuit:
Broad Jump -2
T Pushups -4/side
1.5 Single Leg Hip Thrusts – 6/leg
8 Chin Ups (assisted are fine – aim for hard,
not failure.)
yourself to 13. Dare You to Laugh
Equipment: Ab wheel, cable rope,
try a kettlebell
Instructions: laughing may actually feel a
barbell little painful the day after making it through
this ab circuit. Hey, I warned you. Cycle
complex or through the circuit as many times you can in
4 minutes. Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat 1-2
more times.
another The Circuit:
Ab wheel rollout x 5
workout that Tall Kneeling Pallof Overhead Press x 10
Kettlebell Russian Twists x 15/side
The Metabolic Blueprint
is new to
14. Minefield
Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: use a landmine set up with your Olympic bar to complete the following circuit. Set a timer
for 10 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible. Rest when necessary, but take it at the bottom
of the round if you can.
The Circuit:
Landmine Single Leg RDL to Reverse Lunge x 6/leg
Landmine Row x 6
Landmine Goblet Squat x 6
Hindu pushups x 6

15. Avada Kedavra

Equipment: Dumbbells, bar or suspension trainer for rows
Instructions: you’ll cast a curse a few times while doing this killer set. Complete 4 rounds of the circuit,
moving as quickly as possible from move to move. Rest 2 minutes at the bottom of each round.

The Circuit:
Single leg hip thrust x 6/leg
Inverted row x 8
DB push press x 10
Burpees x 12

16. Cruciatus
Equipment: Slider disks, chinup bar, dumbbell or kettlebell
Instructions: this painful but powerfully effective workout requires only a few items in your bag of tricks.
Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 2-3 minutes at the bottom of each round.
The Circuit:
Lateral Heidens x 3/side
Slider 1 arm Pushups x 8/side
1.5 Chin ups x 3
Goblet step ups x 8/leg

The Metabolic Blueprint

17. Combo Platter
Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: go light on the weight, trust me. Work your way down the ladder of combo squats/lunges,
while keeping your reps of rows constant. Prepare to #werk.

The Circuit:
Front squat to reverse lunge x 8/leg
Bentover barbell row x 12
Rest 90 seconds
Front squat to reverse lunge x 6/leg
Bentover barbell row x 12
Rest 90 seconds
Front squat to reverse lunge x 4/leg
Bentover barbell row x 12
Rest 60 seconds
Front squat to reverse lunge x 2/leg
Bentover barbell row x 12

18. Like Riding a Bike

Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: once you get the hang of landmine moves it’ll be smooth sailing. Except with more sweats
and grunts. Complete as many rounds of these two moves as you can in 4 minutes. Rest 3 minutes and
repeat once more.
The Circuit:
Landmine Reverse Lunge to Overhead Press x 8/side
Landmine Row x 8/side

19. Blast Off

Equipment: Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Barbell
Instructions: complete 1 rep for each of the moves, then work your way up consecutively: 2,3,4,5… all the
way up to 10. Rest 3 minutes. Ponder doing this again. If you’re a little nuts, have at it. You can do this set
with dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell.
The Circuit:
Hang Clean x 1,2,3….10
Push Press x 1,2,3… 10
Front Rack Squat x 1,2,3…10

The Metabolic Blueprint

Fact: EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen
consumption) is what lets your body keep
burning calories long after you finish your metcon
20. Cruciatus workout.
21. Avada Kedavra
Equipment: Slider disks, chinup bar, Equipment: Dumbbells,
dumbbell or kettlebell bar/suspension trainer for
Instructions: this painful but powerfully Instructions: you’ll cast a curse a few times
effective workout requires only a few items while doing this killer set. Complete 4 rounds of
in your bag of tricks. Complete 3 rounds of the circuit, moving as quickly as possible from
this circuit, resting 2-3 minutes at the move to move. Rest 2 minutes at the bottom of
bottom of each round. each round.

The Circuit: The Circuit:

Lateral Heidens x 3/side Single leg hip thrust x 6/leg
Slider 1 arm Pushups x 8/side Inverted row x 8
1.5 Chin ups x 3 DB push press x 10
Goblet step ups x 8/leg Burpees x 12

The Metabolic Blueprint

22. Under Pressure 23. Muddy Waters
Equipment: Band, Kettlebell or Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: complete the indicated reps for each
Instructions: this circuit uses 2 constant movement, moving fluidly from one to another
tension movements – which are just variations without setting down your bar. If an Olympic bar is
on basic movements using only 90% of the too heavy, dumbbells work well too.
range of motion. Instead of hitting the very
end points of the movement, work almost all
of it and don’t let up on that pressure. They’ll
The Circuit:
burn like hell, and so will the fat. Barbell Sumo RDL x 6,5,4,3,2,1
Bentover Barbell Row x 6,5,4,3,2,1
The Circuit: Barbell Clean x 6,5,4,3,2,1
Constant Tension Bulgarian Split Squat x Barbell Overhead Press x 6,5,4,3,2,1
12/leg Barbell Front Squat x 6,5,4,3,2,1
Constant Tension Pushup x 12
Band Pull Aparts x 24

You’re going to try all of these,

right? Right?
24. Deathly Hollows 25. Drop the Bass
Equipment: Barbell Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: You’ll move fluidly from one Instructions: complete this circuit 3-4 times,
movement to the next, doing just one rep of taking 1-2 minutes of rest at the bottom of each
each one before moving on. However, once round.
you do all 5 moves, you’ve only done 1 rep of
the complex. You’ll do 5 rounds of this before
taking rest: then you’ll do it 4 more times,
making a total of 5 giant reps for 5 rounds
before you take any rest. Once you do rest,
catch it for 4-5 minutes before doing it again
3-4 more times. The Circuit:
Barbell Front Rack Step Up x 6/leg
The Circuit: Barbell Bent Row x 6
Barbell RDL x 1 Barbell RDL x 6
Barbell Shrug x 1 Diamond Pushup x 6
Barbell Hang Clean x 1
Barbell Split Jerk x 1
Barbell Back Squat x 1

The Metabolic Blueprint

26. Gym Class Hero
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructions: complete as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes. No slacking here, or you’ll get extra
laps on the track.

The Circuit:
Spider Pushups x 5/side
Walking Lunges x 10/leg
Mountain Climbers x 15/side
Russian Twists x 20/side
Jumping Jacks x 25
Plank x 30 sec hold

27. Toy Box

Equipment: Sliders, Suspension Trainer, Medicine Ball
Instructions: drag out all the fun stuff in the gym for this one. Complete as many rounds as possible in
10 minutes, taking rest as needed at the bottom of a round.

The Circuit:
Med Ball Squat to Overhead Throw x 10
TRX Hinge Row x 10
Foam Roller or Slider SHELC x 10
Slider 1 Arm Pushups x 10 (5 per side)

28. Rotten Tomatoes

Equipment: Thick and thin resistance bands (i.e. Superbands for good
mornings), dumbbells
Instructions: you’re going to burpee a lot: except not a lot all at once. But yeah, burpees. Get ready.
Complete as many rounds as possible of this circuit in 12 minutes. Rest when you need to, but try to take
your rest at the bottom of a round.
The Circuit:
Burpees – 10
Lateral Lunges with pulse – 5/side
Burpees – 10
Bent Over Dumbbell rows – 5/side
Burpees -10
Leg Whip with Glute Bridge – 5/side

The Metabolic Blueprint

29. Burn Down the House
Equipment: Dumbbells (Bodyweight Optional )
Instructions: perform 10 reps of each exercise, adding one new movement to what you’re doing each
round… after doing the ones you did in previous rounds. Work as quickly as you can with picture perfect
form. Choose light weight on your movements – this one is harder than it looks. If you want to do this
with no dumbbells, try a table row or chin-ups instead of sumo rows.

If you’re really crazy, you can take 5 minutes of rest and then work this circuit backwards, Beginning with
rows and working to squats.
The Circuit:
Jump Squats
Jump Squats, Pushups
Jump Squats, Pushups, Reverse Hyperextensions
Jump Squats, Pushups, Reverse Hyperextensions, Lunges
Jump Squats, Pushups, Reverse Hyperextensions, Lunges, Sumo Alternating Dumbbell Rows
Jump Squats, Pushups, Reverse Hyperextensions, Lunges, Sumo Alternating Dumbbell Rows, Burpees

Lighten 30. Rotten Tomatoes 2.0

Up. Equipment: Dumbbells, Jumprope

Instructions: for burpee fans, here are more

Metcon burpees. This is a “chipper” workout so move

from one challenge to the next until you
finish it all up. Rest when needed – if you

workouts need to break the work up into smaller sets,

go for it.

aren’t for The Circuit:

Burpees – 40
Pushups – 40 (elevate hands if you need)
Goblet Squats – 40
working Bent Over Rear Delt Raise – 40
Hip Thrusts – 40
Jump Ropes - 40

lighten up
The Metabolic Blueprint
31. Single Ladies
Equipment: Dumbbell
Instructions: use a single dumbbell to complete 6 reps of each movement on one side. Cycle through
the circuit on that side 3 times before switching sides. Move back and forth between sides, switching every
3 rounds for a total of 9 minutes of work.
The Circuit:
Dumbbell Single Arm Row x 6
Dumbbell Clean x 6
Dumbbell Lunge Racked on Shoulder x 6
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge x 6

32. Cheeto Fingers

Equipment: Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Cable Rope or Band
Instructions: pace yourself for this chipper style workout. It’s fine to pause for a few seconds during a set
and then continue work; but aim to get this set done as quickly as possible, taking rest only when you
need it. Record how long it took. Then in a few weeks, do it again and try to beat your own time.
Complete all reps of a movement before moving on to the next.
The Circuit:
30 Kettlebell Swings
30 Mountain Climbers (per side)
30 High Knees
30 Constant tension bench presses
30 Goblet squats
30 Cable or band Face Pulls
30 Jumping Jacks
30 Flutter Kicks

33. Sandwich Buns

Equipment: Chinup bar
Instructions: a killer glute move sandwiched by two tough upper body exercises = brutal but effective
work. Do 10 reps of each move consecutively. Rest 1-2 minutes and then move down to 8,6,4, then 2,
resting at the bottom of each round.
The Circuit:
Pull Up (band assisted if needed) x 10,8,6,4,2
Single Leg Hip Thrust x 10,8,6,4,2/leg
Close Grip Pushup x 10,8,6,4,2

The Metabolic Blueprint

Do It J’s Way
1. Work smarter. Don’t
practice bad technique.
Work as hard as you
can with perfect form.

2. Rest periods are

suggestions –the work
shouldn’t feel easy, but
use your head and take 34. Mad Scientist
rest when you need it. Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: using light weight (trust me, you don't want
to go heavy) complete the circuit below as many times as
3. You can’t out-train a possible in 6-minutes. Rest for 1-minute. Repeat.

poor diet. If you’re The Circuit:

using these workouts Dumbbell Goblet Squat x 5
Yoga Plex x 2/side
to lose weight, make Pushup x 5
sure your nutrition is Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 5/leg

on point too.

35. No Chill
Equipment: Suspension Trainer, Med ball

Instructions: one ball; one suspension trainer; one circuit that you’ll complete 4 times, resting 1-2
minutes between rounds.

The Circuit:
TRX Hinge Row x 12
Med Ball Slams x 12
TRX Y x 12
Med Ball Forward Lunge with Rotation x 12 per leg

The Metabolic Blueprint

36. The Wringer
Equipment: Kettlebells
Instructions: put yourself through 2 rounds of this fat destroyer. Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds. If
you’re a glutton for punishment, do a 3rd round.

The Circuit:
Double Kettlebell Swing x 10
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press x 10
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 10
Double Kettlebell Row x 10
Pushups with Pause x 10

Goal Weight: Sexy As Fuck.

The scale is just one tool. Never let it take your mind away
from the ultimate goal of how you actually look and feel.

37. Jack Rabbit

Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: you’ll do the three movements of the complex fluidly, moving from the renegade row (a
pushup holding a dumbbell with a single arm row on each side to complete the movement), to jumping
your legs forward as in a burpee. Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders and stand. Perform a shoulder
racked squat to overhead press (thruster). Finally, bring the dumbbells back to shoulders and perform a
lunge on each side. That’s one rep of the complex.

To complete the workout, perform 5 rounds of the circuit as quickly as possible, resting as needed but
preferably at the bottom of a round.
The Circuit:
Complex x 5 rounds
Jumping Jacks x 50 at bottom of each round.

The Complex:
Renegade Row x 1
Squat Thruster x 1
Shoulder Rack Reverse Lunge x 1/leg

The Metabolic Blueprint

38. 666(6)
Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: cycle through this circuit as quickly as possible 3 total times. Rest 3minutes. Repeat 3 more
times. Rest 2-minutes. Repeat 1 time for an "all out" fat blasting finisher.

The Circuit:
Reverse Lunge to RDL x 6/leg
Incline DB Bench Press x 6
Single-Leg Hip Thrust x 6/leg
Batwing Row with 3sec Pause on Chest x 6

39. The Dirty 100

Equipment: Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Barbell
Instructions: complete 10 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible - that constitutes 1 round.
Complete 10 total rounds for a total of 100 repetitions per exercise (hence The Dirty 100 ). Rest as much as
needed and try to finish in the shortest time you can.

The Circuit:
Thruster x 10
Squat Jump x 10
Push-Up x 10

HERE is a video of me explaining the entire circuit.

40. Delightfully Terrible

Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: Using light weight (trust me, you don't want to go heavy) complete the circuit below as
many times as possible in 6-minutes. Rest 2-minutes. Repeat for 4minutes.

The Circuit:
Pause Goblet Squat x 5
Neutral Grip Pause Push-Up x 5
Lateral Heiden x 3/side
Sumo Alt DB Row x 5/arm
Long Lever Hollow Body Hold x 20sec

The Metabolic Blueprint

41. The Pit of Despair
Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: using light weight (trust me,
you don't want to go heavy) complete the
circuit below as many times as possible in 6-
minutes. Rest for 1-minute. Repeat.
The Circuit:
Alternating DB Reverse Lunge x 8/leg
Yoga Plex x 3/side
Alternating DB Bench Press x 8/arm
Reaching Plank x 3/side
Pause Squat Jump x 3

42. Old Macdonald

Loaded Equipment: Dumbbells
Carries Instructions: Complete the circuit as
written, then switch sides for each move.
Rest 1 minute and repeat the entire circuit
on each side 1-2 more times. .

When doing a one-

The Circuit:
handed farmer’s Farmer’s walk (20 yards, R arm)
walk, Single arm dumbbell thruster x 6 (L arm)
Farmer’s walk (20 yards, R arm)
Imagine that your Single arm row x 6 (L arm)
Farmer’s walk (20 yards, R arm)
nose is in line with Forward Lunge with DB on L shoulder x 6
your belly button. Farmer’s walk (20 yards, R arm)

It sounds silly but

43. Hustle Muscle
it helps keep you
Equipment: Bodyweight, optional
centered. dumbbells for squats
Instructions: Complete 4 rounds of this
Think about walking bodyweight complex as quickly as possible,
resting only as needed.
tall too: imagine
that the top of your
head is being pulled The Circuit:
1.5 Squat x 5
toward the ceiling. Alternating Jump Lunges x 8/leg
The Metabolic Blueprint Reaching Pushups x 5/side
Burpees x 8
44. Europa Foreva
Equipment: Dumbbells, Kettlebell
Instructions: those Eastern Europeans excel at coming up with killer exercises. Celebrate that with this
fat fryer. You’ll complete the circuit as quickly as possible, rest 3-4 minutes and then complete 1-2 more
The Circuit:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 6/side
Turkish Get Up x 3/side
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift x 9
Kettlebell swings x 12

45. Building Your Base

Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: Set the clock for 6-minutes and complete as many rounds as possible while maintaining
perfect form.
The Circuit:
Single-Arm Farmers Walk x 20 steps/leg
Push-Up x 5
Goblet Squat with Pulse x 5

46. Final Fantasy

Equipment: Bodyweight. Optional ball/kettlebell/dumbbell for twist
and squats.
Instructions: perform this circuit with perfect form/technique for 5 minutes straight. I want you to
complete as many rounds as possible in the 5 minute time allotment. Pace yourself at first because this is
going to get extremely difficult.
The Circuit:
Squat x 5
Push-Up x 5
Lunge x 3/leg
Russian Twist x 10/side

The Metabolic Blueprint

49. Tick Tock
Equipment: Kettlebell
Instructions: this is a “EMOM” or “every minute
on the minute” workout. How it works: for 10-15
minutes (depending on your level of
conditioning), set a timer to beep every 60
seconds. At the beginning of each minute period,
you’ll perform the moves in the circuit. Then rest
for the remainder of the minute. The faster you
go, the more rest you’ll get – and need to recover
and do it again. To make these flow more easily,
choose a weight that will challenge you for your 5
squats and use the same kettlebell for your
swings. It’s fine to quickly switch out your weights
47. Well Plated The Circuit:
Kettlebell Swings x 10
Equipment: Weight Plate Goblet Squats x 5
Instructions: all you need for this is a weight
plate. Pick a size you can do for the chops, as that’s 50. Donkey Kong
probably the limiting move in this set. Perform 3-4
rounds of the circuit, resting for 1-2 minutes Equipment: Barbell, bar for hanging
between each round.
Instructions: you’ll do 12 reps of RDLs every
round, but move down in reps for hanging leg
The Circuit: raises as you go. That’s it!
Diagonal Chop x 6/side
Overhead Squat with Plate x 6
Middle chop x 6 (like a slower KB swing, except The Circuit:
when you drive back up, raise the plate above your RDL x 12
head.) Hanging Leg Raise x (16,12,8,4)
Reverse Lunge (hold plate at chest) x 6/leg

48. Deadlift Party 51. True Strength

Equipment: Barbell Equipment: Dumbbells

Instructions: Load the bar with 65-70% of your 1 Instructions: complete 4 full rounds as quickly
repetition maximum (1RM) and set the clock for 6- as possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep
minutes. Do 2 reps every 20seconds for the entire rest to a minimum and try to save it for the
6-minutes. bottom of each round.

The Circuit: The Circuit:

Deadlifts x A Lot Sumo Alt DB Row x 5/arm
Single-Leg DB RDL x 3/leg
DB Push Press x 5
DB Front Squat x 3

The Metabolic Blueprint

52. Rung Ring Rang
Equipment: Kettlebell
Instructions: complete ladders of the circuit: 2 alternating moves laddering up and down, respectively.
Rest 2 minutes and perform one more round.

The Circuit:
Kettlebell Swings x 10, 20, 30, 40
Mountain Climbers x 40, 30, 20, 10 (total work, split the reps between each leg. So 40 = 20 per leg)

“Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The
more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and
nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom.”

-Jack LaLanne, the “Godfather” of Fitness

53. Smash and Grab (A Swiss Ball)

Equipment: Swiss Ball, Dumbbells

Instructions: complete the circuit as many times as you can in 10 minutes, taking rest as needed but
preferably at the bottom of a round.

The Circuit:
Swiss Ball Stir the Pot x 5
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row x 10
Swiss Ball SHELC x 15
Dumbbell Alternating Overhead Press x 20 (10 per side)

The Metabolic Blueprint

54. Walky No Talky
Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructions: the more you focus, the more you’ll get out of your workouts. Dig in deep and word hard
for 5 rounds of this circuit. Take 1-2 minutes rest at the bottom of each round.

The Circuit:
Dumbbell Walking Lunge x 12/leg
Dumbbell Push Press x 12
Long Lever Walkout x 6

55. Clark Kent

Equipment: Chin-Up Bar,


Instructions: put on your cape and be a

hero for this terribly tough set. Check the full
tutorial too to learn how to do a Superman
Pushup. One time through this circuit is
more than enough work for the day.

Make your way down the ladder of reps,

resting for 2-3 minutes at the bottom of
each round. Don’t quit– superheros never

The Circuit:
The Inner Circle also Superman Pushup x 6,5,4,3,2,1
gives you exclusive access Kettlebell Swings x 16,15,14,13,12,11
Chin Ups x 6,5,4,3,2,1
to brand new, achingly Jump Squats x 6,5,4,3,2,1
effective workouts every
month that you won’t find
anywhere else.
Find out more by clicking
The Metabolic Blueprint
Chapter Two

Upper Body

The Metabolic Blueprint

56. Poker Pushups
Equipment: A deck of cards

Set the clock for 8-minutes. This is your time
limit. Now, grab a deck of cards and place it
beside you. Start the clock and immediately
start pulling cards one by one. The number on
the card is the number push-ups you need to

Your goal is to get through as many cards as

possible within the 8-minute time frame. I’ve
yet to meet a single person who could
complete the entire deck in 8-minutes. Good
The Circuit:
- Face card equals 10 push-ups. - Ace equals
11 push-ups. - Joker equals add 60-seconds
to the clock.

Note: if you can’t do more than 20 perfect

push-ups from the floor then elevate your
hands onto a bench for this challenge.

57. Throw Your Hands in the Air

Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: use relatively light weight here because you’ll be taking very little rest. Complete your reps for
this circuit as quickly as possible (with perfect form, of course). Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat circuit 3-4
more times.

The Circuit:
Bentover Barbell Row x 10
Barbell High Pull x 10
Barbell Overhead Press x 10

The Metabolic Blueprint

58. The Push Pull Countdown
Equipment: Chin-Up Bar/Lat pull down bar
Instructions: Complete the ‘countdown’ below as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, if you can’t do at
least 20 perfect push-ups from the floor then elevate your hands onto a higher surface (like a bench).

The Circuit:
10 Chin-Ups/Lat Pull Downs
20 Push Ups
8 Chin-Ups/Lat Pull Downs
16 Push Ups
6 Chin-Ups/Lat Pull Downs
12 Push Ups
4 Chin-Ups/Lat Pull Downs
8 Push Ups
2 Chin-Ups/Lat Pull Downs
4 Push Ups

59. Up and Away

Equipment: Dumbbells + Rack/Smith Machine/Suspension for Row
Instructions: complete reps of each move consecutively, moving as quickly as possible though the
circuit. Rest 2 minutes and then cycle through the circuit one more time.
The Circuit:
Inverted Row x 10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 10
Dumbbell Overhead Press x 10
Close Grip Triceps Pushup x 10
Overhead Rope Triceps Extension x 10
Bent Rear Delt Raise x 20

60. When I Dip You Dip We Dip

Equipment: Chinup bar, Resistance Bands
Instructions: Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes, taking rest when you need it but
preferably at the bottom of a round.

The Circuit:
Chin Ups x 8
Dips x 8
Band Pull Aparts x 8

The Metabolic Blueprint

61. Double Trouble
Equipment: Chin-Up Bar, Dumbbells, Med Ball
Instructions: complete the circuit as written, going as quickly from move to move as you can. Rest 2-3
minutes and then repeat 1-2 more times.

The Circuit:
Chin Ups x 4
Hanging Leg Raise x 8
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 16 (8 per side)
Med Ball Overhead Slams x 32

62. Temperature Change

How Metcon
Equipment: Seated cable row
Matters. Instructions: Complete 6 full rounds as
Strength training quickly as possible while maintaining perfect
form. Keep rest to a minimum and try to save
should still be your #1 it for the bottom of each round.
priority, even when The Circuit:
you’re trying to get Speed Push Up x 3
Slow Russian Twist x 8/side
leaner… especially Seated Cable Row x 8
because you’re trying
to get leaner. Use
metcon to incinerate
63. Bittersweet
fat, build yourDumbbells
Equipment: work
Instructions : set the clock forand have
5 minutes and alternate between these two exercises as many times as
possible while using time building
perfect form.

strength. The two go

The Circuit:
Push-Up x 5
together like me and
Sumo Alt DB Row x 8/arm

The Metabolic Blueprint

64. So Clean, So Fresh
Equipment: Barbell
Instructions: You’ll begin by performing 6
consecutive reps of each exercise in this
complex. One move flows into the next so
don’t put the barbell down. Rest 90 seconds
and then repeat with 5 reps of every move.
Make your way down the rep ladder, taking
your rest at the bottom of each round.
The Circuit:
Barbell Row x 6,5,4,3,2,1
Barbell Clean x 6,5,4,3,2,1
Barbell Push Press x 6,5,4,3,2,1

65. King Tut 67. Master Chef

Equipment: Chinup bar Equipment: Kettlebell, Lat Pull with neutral grip

Instructions: complete this pyramid Instructions: Set the clock for 5-minutes and alternate
workout as written, resting as little as between these two exercises as many times as possible while
possible until you complete all the using perfect form.
movements. As you can see, you’ll work your
way upwards in reps then back down again, The Circuit:
performing first 2 of each exercise, then 4, Alternating KB Overhead Press x 3/arm
and so on. Neutral Grip Lat Pull Down x 8

The Circuit:
T Pushup x 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 per side
Deadbug x 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 per side
Neutral grip chin up x 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 (use bands 68. Big Boulders
if/when necessary)
Equipment: Swiss ball, bands
66. Power Cycle
Instructions: Use this workout for extra shoulder and ab
Equipment: Dumbbells work while spiking your heart rate. Perform the moves
Instructions: complete 5 full rounds as consecutively… doing 10 of each movement on round one.
quickly as possible while maintaining perfect Rest 1 minute and then bump your reps down the next rung
form. Keep rest to a minimum and try to of the ladder.
save it for the bottom of each round.

The Circuit:
The Circuit: Push press x 10, 8, 6
Dumbbell Row (Right Arm) x 6 Swiss ball pike x 10, 8, 6
Push-Up x 3 Band pull aparts x 20, 18, 16
Dumbbell Row (Left Arm) x 6 Band front shoulder raises x 20, 18, 16 (light and constant
Push-Up x 3 tension on these. Make them burn.)

The Metabolic Blueprint

69. Gruesome Gauntlet 71. Carpet Cleaner
Equipment: Dumbbells Equipment: Barbell or Dumbbells
Instructions: a gauntlet is a style of workout Instructions: you’ll be mostly on the floor for this
where you increase your weights by 5 pounds barbell circuit. It works well to set up a barbell in a
every round, for each movement in the circuit. So rack for a floor press. Do your ab moves near it and
don’t choose too much weight in your first round – then grab the same bar and do your rows. Dumbbells
start light. You’ll crank up your heart rate, work make a fine substitute too. Just aim to do as many
your muscles, and beg for mercy by the end. Yeah, rounds as you can in 5 minutes. Rest 3 minutes and
that’s normal. then do one more round.

How it works: perform 5 reps of each exercise The Circuit:

consecutively. Then add 5 more pounds to each Barbell Floor Press x 8
exercise and do it again. (Choose appropriate Deadbug
weights for each move.) You’ll go for a total of 5 Side Plank x :20/side
rounds, trying to complete the gauntlet in the least Barbell Bentover Row x 8
time possible – but do take rest if you need it.

The Circuit:
Dumbbell bench press x 5
Dumbbell skull crushers x 5
Dumbbell overhead press x 5
Dumbbell chest supported rows x 5
Dumbbell alternating biceps curls x 5

70. Swole Mate

Equipment: Cable, Dumbbells

Instructions: Arms, bro. Arms. Ok, back and chest

too. Done quickly, without rest, until you make it
through an entire circuit. Then rest 1 minute and 72. The Hauler
do it again for 1-2 more rounds.
Equipment: Dumbbells
The Circuit: Instructions: Set a clock for 8 minutes. Complete as
Close Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown x 8 many rounds of this circuit as you can, taking rest as
Cable Biceps Curl x 12 you need it at the bottom of a round.
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Pres x 8
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension x 12 The Circuit:
Farmer’s Carry x 30 yards R Hand
Feet elevated pushup x 6
Farmer’s Carry x 30 yards L Hand
Batwing row x 12

The Metabolic Blueprint

Chapter Three

Lower Body

The Metabolic Blueprint

73. Launch Codes 74. Get Low(er)
Equipment: Kettlebells Equipment: Dumbbells or
Instructions: Instructions:
This lower body workout will make your heart get ready to lunge your tuchus off in this quick
rate skyrocket almost instantly. Alternate the 2 complex. Work your way down the ladder of
movements to complete as many rounds as reps, taking 1-2 minutes of rest before moving
you can in 5 minutes, taking rest only as down another rung.
The Circuit:
The Circuit: Reverse lunge with crossover (8,6,4,2)
2 Kettlebell Front Rack Squat x 8 Curtsy lunges (8,6,4,2)
2 Kettlebell swing x 16 Jump Lunges (8,6,4,2)
Lateral Lunges with pulse (8,6,4,2)

The Metabolic Blueprint

75. Functional Power
Equipment: Kettlebell
set the clock for 8-minutes and complete as many rounds as
possible while maintaining perfect form.
The Circuit:
Kettlebell Goblet Squat x 5
Kettlebell Swing x 5
Single-Arm Kettlebell Farmers Walk x 20steps/side

76. Back It Up
Equipment: Kettlebell, Heavy Resistance Bands
Instructions: complete this burning glute and hamstring circuit with reps as indicated. You’ll move as
quickly as possible from move to move. Then you’ll bump reps down by 5 each round. Rest 3 minutes
between rounds.
The Circuit:
Hip Thrusts (20,15,10,5)
Kettlebell Swings (20,15,10,5)
Banded Good Mornings (20,15,10,5)
Goblet Squats (20,15,10,5)

77. The Up Down 78. Weeble Wobble

Equipment: Barbell Equipment: Barbell or Dumbbell, Slider

Discs/Ball/Roller for SHELC,
Instructions: go up and back down the hill of
Instructions: try not to fall down after this
reps: first 2 of each consecutively, then 4, 6, and
workout. A little weeble and wobble is okay
8. Rest 2-3 minutes and then go back down the
though. Complete the circuit as quickly as you
ladder: 8, 6,4, and 2.
can with perfect technique. Rest 4 minutes and
then go for one more round.

The Circuit: The Circuit:

Barbell Lunge x 5/leg Jump lunges x 4/leg
Barbell Good Morning x 5 Dumbbell or barbell RDL x 8
Shelc x 12
Lunges x 16 (8 per leg)
Kettlebell swings x 20
The Metabolic Blueprint
79. Chicken
Equipment: Kettlebell
Instructions: a perfect swing is like playing chicken with your privates: keep it high and close to your
goods while you hinge those hips back. Practice your swing along with these killer strength moves for a
total of 10-12 minutes of working through the circuit. Do as many rounds as you can, taking rest when
you need it but preferably at the bottom of the round. Use just one kettlebell.
The Circuit:
Kettlebell swing x 16
1 arm kettlebell front rack squat x 8/side
KB halos x 8/side
Kettlebell swing x 16
Kettlebell goblet squat x 8
Kettlebell Russian twist x 8/side

80. Hail to the Queen

The Balance Act:
Equipment: Kettlebells
People ask me how many
days per week to Instructions: Sink deeply into some curtsy lunges
to kick off this quick circuit. Set a timer for 5 minutes
strength train and how and see how many rounds you can get done. Follow
this up with some mobility work for your legs and
much conditioning work take a deep breath. Done.
to do. It depends on The Circuit:
your goal, of course. Kettlebell Goblet Curtsy Lunge x 6/leg
Kettlebell Halo x 6/side
But 3-4 days per week Kettlebell Lateral Lunge x 6/leg
of strength training is
plenty for most people.
81. Tack
Caffeinated on 2-3 of these
fat burners eachBarbell, week Chinup Bar
and then…
Instructions : Abs. Legs. rest! Orlegs.go
More abs. More Down, down, down the ladder you go. Do reps for each
move consecutively and then work your way down… from 8 to 2. Try to get through this as quickly as
for a walk. It’s good
possible. Then grab a cup of kawfe.
The Circuit for you too.
Barbell Front Squat x 8,6,4,2
Hanging Leg Raise x 8,6,4,2

The Metabolic Blueprint

82. Poptart
Equipment: Jump Rope, Dumbbell (optional)
Instructions: IIFYM? Skip this terrible excuse for pastry and do this set instead. You should have it done
in just a few minutes. Rest 1 minute and then repeat one more time.

The Circuit:
Jump rope x 50
Single Leg Hip Thrusts x 10/leg
Jump rope x 50
Lateral Lunge with Pulse x 5/leg

83. Primal Instinct

Equipment: Bodyweight – with optional Kettlebell, Dumbbell, and
small tight band
Instructions: perform this functional circuit in a spot where you have room to move. Tip: for constant
tension movements, you’ll use about 90% of the range of motion at both the top and bottom. Pump dem
quads in the constant tension squats here.
The Circuit:
Bear Crawl 10 yards
Constant Tension Goblet Squat x 20
Leap Frog x 10 yards
Bodyweight Hip Thrust with optional band above knees x 20

84. Will Squat for Tacos

Equipment: Dumbbells or Kettlebells for Split Squats
Instructions: Set a timer for 4 to 5 minutes. Complete as many rounds of this workout as possible, taking rest
only when necessary. Go home. Ask someone to rub your butt and feed you tacos.

The Circuit:
Lateral Heidens x 3/leg
Bulgarian Split Squat with Pause at Bottom x 4/leg
Single Leg Hip Thrust x 5/leg

The Metabolic Blueprint

85. Alarm Clock
Equipment: Barbell or
depending on
Instructions: choose a weight for
your favorite squat variation that you
can do for around 10 reps. Set a gym
timer to sound every 60 seconds. To
begin, do 1 squat. When the next
minute arrives, do 2. Continue to add
a rep at the top of every minute until
you no longer have any rest time left.
Think you can make it 10 minutes?
I’ll be impressed. Try this with a
deadlift, pushup, or any other big

The Circuit:
Back squat, front squat, or other
variation x 1-???

86. Go Home Syatt. You Are Drunk...

Equipment: Kettlebell or Dumbbell
Instructions: step 1 – superset Bulgarian split squats with goblet squats. Step 2 - perform the circuit as
written. Step 3- call Syatt colorful names.
You’ll do 10 reps of bodyweight reps for each movement in round 1. In round 2, you’ll add 10 pounds. Round
3? 20. Then 30. And 40. Then finally 50, if you can. (If that’s too much load, go up by 5 pounds each round.) If
this is much too much, just do as many rounds as you’re able to knock out with hard effort and great form.

Bulgarian Split Squat x 10

Goblet squat x 10

87. Lift a Little, Will Ya?

Equipment: Kettlebells or Dumbbells, Sliders, Ball, or Roller for SHELC
Instructions: complete 4 full rounds as quickly as possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum
and try to save it for the bottom of each round.
The Circuit:
Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat (right leg) x 5
Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat (left leg) x 5

The Metabolic Blueprint

Chapter Four

Sprinting Workouts
The Metabolic Blueprint
89. Jackrabbit
Equipment: Treadmill
Instructions: find a treadmill. Crank it up
as fast as your legs will carry you. Rest. Rinse
and repeat. Try to do this for a total of 10
minutes, but if you’re new to sprinting, try it
for just 5-6 minutes of total work to begin.
The Circuit:
Sprint 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

88. Not Really Naptime 90. Sunny D

Equipment: Treadmill Equipment: Track

Instructions: Set a timer for 6 minutes. You’ll work

through these 2 minute sets of sprints and pushups Instructions: Get your butt outside if it’s a
for 3 rounds. nice day. Find a track. Do the work. Kick ass.
Repeat 4 rounds of this circuit.

The Circuit: The Circuit:

Sprint x 30 sec 50 meter sprint
Rest x 30 sec 50 meter walk
Pushups x 20 sec 100 meter sprint
Rest x 40 sec 100 meter walk

Why Sprint?

Sprinting is one of the best ways to not only torch

fat: it’s also a killer method of building power, speed,
and strength.

If it’s been awhile since you’ve made like a cheetah,

ease in:Blueprint
The Metabolic start with short intervals on flat surfaces.
91. Like Being Chased
Equipment: Hill or treadmill
Instructions: find a hill to run up or use an incline on your treadmill: either way, run like you’re being
chased. Repeat this 5 times.

The Circuit:
High incline sprint x :20
Rest x :60

92. The Sprinting Tree

Equipment: Trees Outside
Instructions: make sprinting a game. Sprint until you see the next tree. Then walk until you arrive at the
next. If you’re in a heavily greened up area, make it 2 or 3 between trees. Change it up. Here’s one way to
do this.
The Circuit:
Sprint x 1 tree
Walk x 1 tree
Sprint x 1 tree
Walk x 2 trees
Sprint x 2 trees
Walk x 4 trees

93. Full Throttle 94. Rolling Deep

Equipment: Treadmill Equipment: Treadmill

Instructions: You’re going to amp up your Instructions: hills are hellish. Don’t say I didn’t
treadmill and your speed. On a flat treadmill, warn you. Complete the circuit. If you dare, try a
alternate between sprints and walks for the second round.
following intervals.
The Circuit:
The Circuit: Interval #1: low incline sprint :30, rest :60
Interval #1: sprint 20 seconds, walk 60 seconds Interval #2: low incline sprint :30, rest 45
Interval #2: sprint 30 seconds, walk 50 seconds Interval #3: low incline sprint :30, rest 30
Interval #3: sprint 40 seconds, walk 40 seconds Interval #4: low incline sprint :15, rest 2 minutes
Interval #4: sprint 30 seconds, walk 50 seconds
Interval #5: sprint 20 seconds, walk 60 seconds

The Metabolic Blueprint

95. Mood Swings 98. Buffet of Fat Burning
Equipment: Treadmill Equipment: Hill or Treadmill
Instructions: High, low, or nothing at Instructions: a little bit of this and a little bit of that fill this
all? Play around with hills for a total of hill sprint challenge. Find a big hill outside to climb, a big
4 rounds. staircase, or crank up the incline on your treadmill.
Repeat 1-2 more times.
The Circuit: The Circuit:
Low Incline Sprint: 20 seconds Hill Sprint or High Incline Sprint: 20 seconds
High Incline Walk: 40 seconds Side plank x :20 per side
High Incline Sprint: 10 seconds Plank with shoulder tap x 10 per side
Rest: 20 seconds Walk: 60 seconds

96. Bring a Towel

Equipment: Treadmill
Instructions: max effort, max rest.
Simple but effective work will turn you
a powerhouse. Repeat this circuit 6

The Circuit:
High Incline Sprint: 10 seconds
Complete Rest: 20 seconds

97. Werewolf
Equipment: Plate Loaded Sled
(like a Prowler)
Instructions: if you have a sled, you 99. See-Saw
can work on your strength and prowler
while shooting your heart rate through Equipment: Treadmill, Slider Discs
the roof too. Have a clock nearby. You’ll
do a full sprint and rest 4 times as long Instructions: Sprint, Saw, Sweat. That’s the basic idea of
as it took you to work. this workout. Repeat this 4 times for 6 minutes of work.

Use weight that’s about half as much as

you weigh – and that’s if you’re well The Circuit:
conditioned. Repeat this 10 times. Lay Low Incline Sprint: 10 seconds
on ground. Rest: 20 seconds
Bodysaw x 10
The Circuit: Rest: 20 seconds
Sled Sprint: 30 to 40 yards Low Incline Sprint: 10 Seconds
Rest: 4 x your sprint time. Rest: 50 seconds

The Metabolic Blueprint

100. What Smells?
Equipment: Dumbbells (Bodyweight Optional)
Instructions: Fartlek runs are a less structured way to do hard interval work. Plus it incorporates the
word fart. You can’t lose with that. If you’re outside, use trees or light poles as your guide. On a treadmill,
use time.

What does hard mean? You decide. For an all out hill sprint, as hard sa you can possibly muster – and
that’ll mean easy is total rest. You can take it down a notch by keeping your effort hard but a bit more
restrained. In that case, make your easy effort a walk.
The Circuit:
Hard effort: 10 seconds
Easy effort: 20 seconds
Hard effort: 10 seconds
Easy effort: 10 seconds
Hard effort: 20 seconds
Easy effort: 20 seconds
Hard effort: 20 seconds
Easy effort: 10 seconds.

101. The Grand Finale

Get Warm.
Equipment: Treadmill and
dumbbells Walking or
Instructions: Sprint it, walk it, sweat a ton.
Move through this treadmill set 1x. Then hit
the floor for a short push-pull cycle before
doing the sprint set once more.
The Treadmill Circuit:
Low Incline Sprint: 25 seconds
Low Incline Walk: 45 seconds
High Incline Sprint: 10 seconds
Low Incline Walk: 30 seconds
Feet elevated pushups 2 x 12
Batwing row 2 x 12
Bent rear delt raise 2 x 12
The Metabolic Blueprint
sets; just
Thank you!

I hope you have fun with these workouts and that they help you
move one step closer to achieving your ultimate goals.

In the meantime, I’ve always got your back. 100%.

So if you need anything – anything at all – or have any questions

or comments or concerns feel free to contact me directly via

I respond to every email with 72 hours.

Talk soon!

-J The Metabolic Blueprint

Publisher & Editor:
Jordan Syatt
Syatt Fitness, LLC.
Publisher's Notice: Copyright 2015. Syatt Fitness, LLC. All rights
reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that
permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act
without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests
for permission or to obtain a private label rights license should be
directed to Neither the author nor the
publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the
legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing
documents, materials, or instructions in or enclosed with this
newsletter and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the
appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you
should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any
marketing documents, materials, or marketing plans you have
developed or would develop on your own. All rights are reserved
by the publisher.

The Metabolic Blueprint

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