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Dukungan keluarga dalam rehabilitasi remaja ...


Adana Sepryanto Saputra *, Mohammad Basit1, H Iswantoro2

STIKES Sari Mulia Banjarmasin
STIKES Sari Mulia Banjarmasin
2Deputy Director RSJD Sambang Lihum Peat

* KorespondensiPenulis. Telephone: 082354898926, E-mail:


Background:Based on data from BNN 2015, the number of companies

increasing drug abuse, while the drug phenomenon itself like ice berg. Judging
from the highest provincial narcotics vulnerable first rank is Jakarta while
provionce including fifth in the prone drug use reached 5,127 people. While the
number of narcotics cases by age group in 2015, the school-age children and
adolescents under 19 years amounted to 2,186. adequate family support is
needed, because of the presence of family support major key to youth drug users
clean living life without drugs.
Aim:Knowing the family support on drug use in adolescents at the Mental
Hospital Sambang Lihum Peat
Method:Design of this research is Descriptive Analytical with a total sample of 24
adolescent drug users by using the technique of sampling totality. Collecting data
using the instrument in the form of a questionnaire on family support to young
drug users.
Results:The results showed the drug usersadolescence is mostly used in the
mid teens 63% and most sex male as much as 88%, with the use of the type of
drug that is the most that is the zenith 38%, with the fragile use of more than one
type of drug as much as 54%, based on the data obtained results family support
bedasarkan dimensions of support in Information form 75% Support in the form of
assessment 92%, Instrumental support in the form of 79%, Emotional support in
the form of 79%. From the overall results as much family support75% of families
to provide support for a cure juvenile drug users.
Conclusion: family support is indispensable for adolescent drug users in
rehabilitation period sambang mental hospital lihum peat.

Keywords:Family support, drug, Youth.


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