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Date: 07-16-17

1. Land distribution limit per legally married couple under CARP.

A. 10 hectares
B. 3 hectares
C. 7 hectares
D. 5 hectares

2. This refers to the development objective of meeting the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs consistent with
the principles of social equity, efficiency and environmental integrity.

A. Intergenerational responsibility
B. Social sustainability
C. Sustainable development
D. Sustainability and equity

3. This refers to nature and man-induced geological processes that have potential to cause
destruction and pose a threat or risk to human life and property.

A. Natural hazards
B. Biological hazards
C. Geohazards
D. Critical and dangerous hazards

4. It refers to the policy objective of meeting the food requirements through intensive local food
production in a sustainable manner based on the country's existing and potential resource
endowments and related production advantages.

A. Food security
B. Food sustainability
C. Food self-sufficiency
D. Food adequacy

5. This refers to lands within the critical watershed, brackish and fresh water wetlands, pasture
lands and croplands which require rehabilitation and whose continued unsustainable use would
adversely affect the productivity of lowland agricultural areas and the stability of the upland
A. Critical land
B. Dangerous land
C. Ecologically critical land
D. Ecologically fragile land

6. It refers to a band of dry land and the adjacent ocean space (water and submerged land ) in
which terrestrial processes and uses directly affect oceanic processes and uses and vice versa.

A. Shoreline areas
B. Littoral areas
C. Coastal areas
D. Riparian areas

7. Land areas frequently visited by calamities.

A. Landslide areas
B. Dangerous prone areas
C. Calamities stricken areas
D. Environmentally critical areas

8. Its purpose is to develop other development controls to ensure an objective implementation of

the CLUP.

A. Zoning ordinance deliberation

B. Zoning ordinance approval
C. Zoning ordinance drafting
D. Zoning ordinance objective setting

9. Who are the participants in conducting Goal Achievement Analysis?

A. People
B. Citizens
C. Stakeholders
D. Planners

10. This analysis mainly concerned with the strategy effects on the welfare of the community
rather than any smaller group.

A. Socio-economic analysis
B. Economic analysis
C. Cost benefit analysis
D. Social cost-benefit analysis
11. This is needed in order to address the dependence of communities on forest resources.

A. Forest management
B. Community-based Forest Management
C. Community-based Forest dependency
D. Community-based Forest project

12. This refers to the area available within the city/municipality for expansion.

A. land supply
B. Land area
C. Area availability
D. Urban area

13. This refers to an approach used to determine goals and objectives.

A. Fishbone analysis
B. SWOT analysis
C. Cost benefit analysis
D. Goal-achievement analysis

14. What is the meaning of MZO?

A. Model Zonal Ordinance

B. Mode Zoning Ordinance
C. Model Zoning Organizing
D. Model Zoning Ordinance

15. A type of planning that helps to conserve areas of ecological, aesthetic, historical and
cultural significance.

A. Heritage Planning
B. Tourism Planning
C. Regional Planning
D. Land use Planning

16. What process is use to project future land development?

A. Land banking forecast

B. Land forecast
C. Market forecast
D. Market survey
17. What is process to determine the best location for new site and service scheme?

A. Suitability mapping
B. Location mapping
C. Site mapping
D. Land area mapping

18. Where to find particular information needed for analysis purposes?

A. Aspect map
B. Analysis map
C. Base map
D. Hazard map

19. This refers to an area within a city or municipality intended for cultivation and pastoral

A. Pastoral zone
B. Cultivation zone
C. Agro-industrial zone
D. Agricultural zone

20. This refers to an area within the city for dwelling/housing purposes.

A. Dwelling area
B. Housing area
C. Settlement area
D. Residential area

21. What is the best way to perform actual ground survey and ground truthing?

A. Measuring
B. Windshield Surveying
C. Foot Surveying
D. Global Positioning System

22. This refers to a participative process whereby the municipalities and cities define its future
that it wants.

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Setting the vision
D. Goal setting
23. What method was members of the group allow sharing their ideas in a non-confrontational

A. Open forum method

B. Brainstorming method
C. Discuss method
D. Workshop method

24. Refers to an effective way of building group consensus and moving it to joint resolve and

A. Workshop method
B. Participatory method
C. Cooperation method
D. Democratic method

25. Refers to building of concrete plan and initiate group action.

A. Action planning method

B. Initiating method
C. Building method
D. Concrete plan method

26. Refers to the fourth step of planning process where assessment involves technical and
participatory method.

A. Processing the situation

B. Selecting the situation
C. Identifying the situation
D. Analyzing the situation

27. Who will appraise the comprehensive land use plan of cities and provinces?


28. A private commodity which can be owned, used, bought or sold.

A. Real estate
B. Real Property
C. Land
D. Personal property
29. Refers to the rational and judicious approach of allocating available land resources
to different land use activities.

A. Land planning
B. Land use planning
C. Land using planning
D. Land management planning

30. Key to orderly and rational development in any local government unit.

A. Analyzïng
B. Legislating
C. Implementing
D. Planning

31. The acronym ADSDP means?

A. Ancestral Domain Sustainability Program

B. Ancestor Domain Sustainable Development Plan
C. Ancestral Development Strategy Dimension Program
D. Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development Plan

32. Refers to a document embodying specific proposal for guiding, regulating growth and
development of a city or municipality.


33. Refers to accumulation of sand ridges of the beach formed by natural processes and usually
parallel to the shoreline.

A. Dunes
B. Shoreline
C. Dike
D. Seashore

34. Central concern of sustainable development.

A. Sustainability of government programs

B. Efficiency of delivery of basic services
C. Food security
D. Poverty
35. Refers to the condition of informal choices.

A. Empowerment
B. Motivation
C. Reason
D. Action

36. It refers to the necessary precondition of empowerment.

A. Good service
B. Efficient service
C. Effective service
D. Fast service

37. Refers to establishing pragmatic appropriate flexible and dynamic structures that involves
participation of stakeholders.

A. People empowerment
B. Stakeholders empowerment
C. Community empowerment
D. Citizen empowerment

38. It focused on the economic production from extractive to modern service sector.

A. Protection land use

B. Production land use
C. Extractive land use
D. Modern land use

39. The path towards enhancing the integrity of the country's ecological domain.

A. Ecological integrity
B. Domain integrity
C. Country integrity
D. Socio-economic integrity

40. Refers to the linking of the consumption and production areas through appropriate
infrastructure system.

A. Spatial integration
B. Infrastructure integration
C. Production integration
D. Protection integration
41. This refers to specific sites for tourism development located in areas identified as priorities in
the national and regional tourism master plans as well as those designated through legislative
and executive issuances as tourist spots and tourist zones which can be developed into tourism
estates or integrated resort, leisure, and recreation complexes, and other tourism related

A. Tourism development spots

B. Tourism development areas
C. Tourism integrated areas
D. Tourism redevelopment sites

42. The power to zone is derive from.

A. Constitutional power
B. Ordinance power
C. Political power
D. Police power

43. This refers to the comprehensive plan for urban and urbanizable areas aimed at achieving
its objectives.

A. Housing framework
B. Urban framework
C. Planning framework
D. Regional framework

44. A program upgrading and improving blighted areas squatters areas/

A. Slum improvement and resettlements programs

B. Urban development
C. Urban regeneration
D. Urban development

45. What is the method of knowing your direction using your bare foot?

A. Pacing
B. Walking
C. Running
D. Jogging

46. It refers to the method of knowing your direction using your bare hands.

A. Fingering
B. Pointing
C. Handling
D. Palming

47. This refers to the grant of residential land within an urban and reform zone made by the

A. Residential Freehold
B. Freehold
C. Free patent
D. Freeland

48. A scheme whereby a group of homeowners occupying a contiguous parcel of land.

A. Neighbourhood ownership
B. Township
C. Barangay
D. Community

49. Refers to the acquisition were land values are determined based on land classification,
market value and assessed value taken from existing tax declarations.

A. Land swapping
B. Land Titling
C. Land Administration
D. Land Redevelopment

50. An Acquisition of land values based on existing use and socialized housing programs.

A. Land Swapping
B. Land Banking
C. Land Management
D. Land Survey

51. This refers to the proper administration and efficient management of our land resource for
the general welfare of the public.

A. Land Governance
B. Land Administration
C. Land Management
D. Land Survey
52. One of the scopes of practice of EnP is pre-feasibility study. Three of the following are some
of the steps in the pre-FS. Which is not?

a. Rapid analysis of demand;

b. Alternative technical schemes to meet the demand;

c. Survey question; and

d. Implementation and operating costs of each alternative (based on cost standards)

53. The NDRRMP sets down the expected outcomes, outputs, key activities, indicators, lead
agencies, implementing partners and timelines under each of the four distinct yet mutually
reinforcing thematic areas, except.

a. Preparedness

b. Response

c. Mitigation

d. Adaptation

54. The following resolution/s of HLURB governs memorial park projects.

I. HLURB Res. 681

II. HLURB Res. 729
III.HLURB Res. 747
IV. HLURB Res. 758

A. I only
B. I, II

55. Columbarium projects may be located in any of the following, except.

A. Areas zoned for columbarium

B. Institutional zones designated for religious purposes
C. Agricultural areas
D. Commercial zone C2

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