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SPE 50386

Predicting the Stability of Horizontal Wells and Multi-Laterals — The Role of In Situ
Stress and Rock Properties
D. Moos and P. Peska, GeoMechanics International, and M.D. Zoback, Stanford University

Because the magnitudes of the principal stresses are general lb

different (that is, the venical stress and the two horizontal
stresses are unequal)'” ', the magnitude of the stress
concentration varies markedly with azimuth around the
7 Furthermore, the wellbore stress concentration
depends on both the wellbore deviation and deviation azimuth
and the magnitudes and orientations of the in situ stresses'-".
When the stress concentration exceeds the rock strength,
the rock will fail. Failures can occur in compression, resulting
in the development of wellborc breakouts' ' ' or in tension,
resulting in tensile wall fractures"”". These failures occur at
azimuths that are a function of the stress magnitudes and of
the orientations of the well and of the principal stresses" ’.
Abstract Thus, wellbore failures detected in image logs or multi-arm
Dtilling problema frequently result from severe mechanical caliper logs can be utilized to determine the stress field" ""”
failure of the wellbore wal l and thus depend on the interplay Once stress magn itudes and orientations have been
between the magn itude and orientation of in situ stresses, rock determ ined from observations of wellbore failure, this stress
strength, mud weight, and the orientation of the wellbore. state can then be used to evaluate the stability of any well as a
Uti lizing a new su ite of software too ls developed to study function of its trajectory.
wellbore stability in a wide variety of geologic en vironments, The approach is illustrated in three case studies. In the first
we can accurately predict opt imally -stable wellbore case study, observations in a vertical well combined with rock
trajectories from knowledge of the stress tensor. The analysis strength measurements were used to predict the stability of
is a two step process - first, we determine stress from
horizontal we Hs drilled in poorly consolidated sands. In the
observations of failure in existing wells. We can then apply
second example, we present an analysis of wellbore stabil ity
this knowledge to predict the stabi J ity of proposed wells both during drilling and production of mu lti-laterals drilled inte
while drilling and l ater during production. We illustrate this rock with moderate strength. In the third exarnple, we d iscuss
type of approach using three case studies. First, we combine the stability of wells drilled in steeply dipping strata, where
observations of failure in a vertical well with rock strength the contribution to wellbore stability from strength anisotropy
measurements to demonstrate the feasibility of horizontal is important.
drilling in poorly consolidated reservoir sands. Next, we Depending on the stress state, deviated wells can be either
analyze the stability during production of a series of multi- more or tess stabl e than vertical wells. In general, a well
laterals drilled from a single inclined parent well. Finally, we drilled in the dírection of the greatest principal stress is more
show that wellbore stability can be control Red by the stsble than one which is not. This in part explains why vertical
orientation ot a well with respect to bedding, and illustrate a wells are often found to be more stable tiran deviated wells in
method to optimize the trajectory of wells to account for this bas ins characterized by a normal faulting stress state.
effect. However, in areas in which the vertical stress is the least stress
it is possible that deviated wells are more stable than vertical
Introduction lt is not necessary to entirely prevent wel Ibore failure to
The process ot drilling a wei l resu J ts in the development of a maintain wellbore stabil ity. This is true for compressive
stress concentration at the borehole wall' '. This is due to the fai lures (breakouts) because once formed, breakouts deepen
lact that the rock surrounding the hole must support the stress but do not widen"". Thus it is necessary only to prevent
breakouts from extending tar enough around the well that the

zone of intact rock is too small to maintain stability. As used In Fig. la we indicate the mud weight necessary to
below, this criterion can conveniently be quantified in terms of maintain a breakout width of 40”, :for an assumed value of
breakout width. Dril ling-induced tensile wall cracks also do St.• - 8 kpsi. As can be secu, the mud weight required in a
not necessarily affect stability, as no lost circulation occurs as vertical well corresponde to the actual value used during
long as the mud weight is below the fracture gradient. drilling of 10.1 ppg. This validates the predictíon, which
Results in a magnitude of St»., that is slightly less than the
vertical stress, a pure normal faulting stress state. As a check
Example 1: Horizontal drilling in a poorly on these results, we compared the measured width of a
consolidated sand breakout at a st ightly shallower depth in a formation with
This study was performed to determine the feasibil ity of known strength to that predicted using the hypothesized stress
drilling incl ined and horizontal wells in a poorly consoJ idated state. The predicted width matched the observation,
sand. Optimal exploitation of the field req uired a substantial confirming the results ofthe analysis.
program of horizontal drilling within a reservoir below 9000 Fig. la also provides predictions of the stability of non-
ft. Two q uestions were addressed. The first was whether it vertical wells. From the figure it is clear that higher mud
would be possibl e to drill a horizontal well, and if so wltether weights are needed in deviated wells than were used in the
there were any constraints on its trajectory due to the vertical well. However, breakouts can be constrained to lees
mechanical effects of the stress field on wellbore stabil ity. The than 40 f the wellbore circumference in any well, regardless
second was whether the well wou ld have to be cased to of its orientation, with a mud weight that is less than 11 ppg.
withstand the increased stresses associated with production- As the fracture gradient from the leak-off test resalt (0.7 ps.i/ft)
related drawdown. corresponde to a mud weight of 12.6 ppg, it is clear that
Laboratory measurements revealed that the rock had wellbore stability during drilling does not pose an impediment
extremely low compressive strength (3 kpsi). A standard to exploitation in this field. In lact, as shown in Fig. lb, wells
logging suite including both electrical and acoustic image data could probably be drilled with any orientation using the same
was available from one vertical well. These data revealed mud weight as was used in the vertical well, and even in the
compressive failures (breakouts) extending approximately 40’ worst case would be predicted to fail over tess than 90 a
around the well within tire reservoir. condition which is generally found to be stable, as mentioned
In order to predict the stability of future weI ls it was above.
necessary to utilice this information to constrain the in situ
stress field. The vertical stress was determined from a densiiy
log by integration to be approximately 8.9 kpsi at the depth Stability during drawdown
where breakouts were observed. Pore pressure at the same The results for drawdown would be substantially different
depth was deterrn ined by direct measurement to be slightly as revealed in Fig. le. This figure plots the widths of
greater than hydrostatic, about 4.5 kpsi. The well was drilled breakouts that would occur in wells of any orientation if the
with a 10.l ppg mud, which resulted in an excess wellbore mud weight were 9 ppg, corresponding to a fluid pressure in
pressure of approximately 730 psi at the depth of intcrest. The the well just slightly above the pore pressure. failure would
magnitude of the least principal stress was determined from a occur completely around almost any well with the exception
leak-off test to be approximately 6.5 kpsi. The on l y rernaining of a vertical well or one that is deviated in the dírection of
unknown was the magnitude of the grestest horizontal Su«p (N85°E). This prob lem wou ld be exacerbated even
principal stress. further as the wellbore pressure is decreased to bring the well
into production.
The results of wellbore stability analysis in this case
Simultaneous determination of the magnitude of Su×., and clearly dernonstrate that although it is possible to drill and
the stability of inclined wells complete wells drilled at almost any orientation, in spite of the
In this case we use a forward modeling appr0ach to extremely weak rock, it is not possible to produce safely from
determine the magnitude of the greatest horizontal principal open holes regardless of orientation.
stress in which we vary this unknown stress magnitude until
we match both the width of the breakouts in the vertical wel I
and the known mud weight. We use the known values of the Example 2: Stability of multi-laterals
other stresses and of the pore pressure and rock strength. Fig. This case study presents an evaluation of plans to drill a series
l shows the tesult. In these and subsequent figures of the same of laterals from inclined wells penetrating a mixture of sands,
type, wellbore trajectory is plotted using a lower hemisphere shales, and conglomerates with inter-bedded coal seams in a
projection, such that a vertical well is in the center and mature field. The study was undertaken primarily to assess the
increased deviations plot towards the figure edges. Horizontal necessity to ‘Pie back” liners to the parent well to isolate the
wells plot along the outer edge. Blue colors indicate wellbore -15-foot open-hole section immediately below the kick-off
trajectories that are more stable relative to those with hotter point. We also considered whether it was possible to leave the
reservoir section open during production. As this project was

being conducted in an area of particularly high drill ing costs, faults''. We also utiliza the lact that no tensile failures were
the estimated savings for each inulti-lateral not tied back to the observed in this well. Fig. 3 ill ustrates this approach. We
parent well was $500,000. require that the values for horizontal stresses at any depth not
A summary of density log data vs depth in a number of exceed the frictional strength o:f the earth’s crust (polygon)
wells was used to provide a field-wide density profile of the correspond ing to the particular depth and pore pressure of
form p = a+ bz‘. Vertical stress was then found by expl icitly interest. The val ues of the two horizontal stresses are
integrating this equation for density as a function of depth. constrained by the range of measured trae gradients (S q„ ) and
Pore pressures were determined by direct measurement. Least by the lact that breakouts with a width of 60’ occur if rock
principal stress data were provided in the form of leak-off test strengths are between 10,000 and 20,000 psi (as shown by the
results and from analyses of fracture treatments including gray box). As no drilling-induced tensile fractures were
step-rate tests and fracture closure pressures. In general, the detected, this requires that values of Sqqp not exceed those
least principal stress is tess than or equal to the vertical stress; corresponding to the blue line. Thus, it appears that l 8,000 psi
the apparent fracture gradient varies between approximately is an upper bound for SE.„ and 20,000 psi is an upper bound
0.7 psi/ft to slightly more than l .1 ps i/ft. Within the data of the rock strength in this interval.
scatter there is no systematic evidence of differences between Rock strength measurements were obtained in a number of
platforms or as a function of the date the test was acquired. cores from selected clean intervalo of the well. These were
An electrical image log recorded in a deviated well over compared to a variety of log data, and the highest correlation
the interval from approximately 10,000 to 1 1,000 feet was found between P-wave modu l us (density times
measured depth was analyzed to detect breakouts compress ional-wave velocity squared) and the measured
(compressive failures) and tensile fractures (tensile failures strength. Using this new calibrated rock strength log we find
which indicate a high horizontal stress difference). No obvious that the rock strength within the interval with 60° breakouts is
tensile failures were detected in the interval analyzed. A 13.5 kpsi. Using this value in Fig. 3, we predict a magnitude
number of intervals of breakouts were observed. However, of Spqg of 14 kpsi. The lack of tensile cracks then suggests
although it is possible to detect breakouts in electrical image that the magnitude of Sp„ is between 8 and 9.5 kpsi and th us
data, it is often difficu lt to quantify the precise width and lies within the upper range of the fracture gradients measured
length of breakout zones. In this case, however, clearly within the field. Fig. 2 was prepared using S ׄ—9.5kpsi, and
defined breakouts were identified in a number of intervals, confirma that if the rock strength in this interval is 12.5 kpsi,
including one in a clean sand in which the width of the failed the predicted magnitude of S «p is 14 kpsi.
zone was 60 In this interval the well was deviated 25’ to the
Well bore stability predictions
Fig. 4a shows the expected breakout widths as a function
Sim ultaneous inversion for stress magnitude and of well orientation for a case in which the mud weight is equal
orientation to the formation fluid pressure. This condition corresponde to
Breakouts do not always occur at the azimuth of the least the removal of support by the mud prior to the initiation of
horizontal stress in a deviated well. Furtliermore, at this point drawdown. The image on the left corresponds to a moderate
in tire study we did not have rock strength data. Therefore, we strength rock (13.5 kpsi). Note that in wells drilled at nearly
investigated by forward rnodeling the relationships arnong all possible orientations, a high degree of wellbote failure is
rock strength, maximum horizontal stress, and stress expected (i.e., there is really no chance of leaving sections of
orientation, as sliown in Fig. 2. Again, the mud weight, least the wells uncased) as breakout widths exceed 100° for all
principal stress, pore pressure, and vertical stress were all orientations except horizontal holes at a very small range of
constrained by direct measurement. azimuths. Fig. 4b shows a rock strength log obtained using the
In this case the analysis reveals that the greatest horizontal calibrated relationship between UCS and P-wave modulus
stress is oriented in the plane of the well, and titus it is well discussed above. Although there are a small number of higher-
constrained and does not depend on the stress magn itude. strength sections, the interval is characterized by numerous
However, neither the magnitude of the greatest horizontal intervalo with strengths below 13.5 kpsi.
stress rior the rock strength can be quantified. This state of The results of this study provided quantitative input into
affairs differs from that described in Zoback and Peska" in dril Iing decisions for this field. They provided both a
which breakouts encountered in a single deviated well allowed determination of the stress field and a method to utilize well
simul taneous inversion for stress magnitude and orientation. logs to quantify rock strengths. This in turn allowed drilling
engineers to evaluate the eftective strength of the rock at
proposed kick-off points, and in addition indicated that
Using crustal strength and lack of tensile failure horizontal wells dril led along the reservoir sands at any
In order to reduce the uncertainty in stress magnitudes we orientation except a NW or SE dírection would require casing
reJ y on the observation that in many parts of the world, stress to ensure stability during production.
magnitudes are constrained by the strength of pre-existing

Example 3: Wellbore stability in steeply dipping respect to the maximum horizontal stress dírection can be
strata extremely important in controlling wellbore stability.
The final case study investigatss wellbore stability in a field Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 present p lots of the stabi tity of
containing highly deformed steeply dipping sands and shales. hypothetical wells drilled into anisotropic foimations subject
The region is active tectonicaJly, and severe drilling problems to the stress regime appropriate for this well. Figs. 7a and 8a
have been encountered ovet a period of years. This study was show the widths of breakouts expected to occur if the mud
undertaken both to evaluate a number of hypotlieses to explain weight were 1 1.3 ppg, as used in drilling. Figs. 7b and 8 b
these problems and to propose solutions. We concentrate here show the mud weight required to restrict the zone of failure to
on the evidente that demonstrated the importance of strength 60‘. If the stability corre were independent of relative azimuth
anisotropy in a several intervals encountered above the these plots would be sytnrnetric about the bedding normal.
reservoír. They are not; the degree of asymmetry is a measure of the
Angie of attack (that is, tl›« orientation of a well with importance of incorporating stress into the analysis.
respect to bedding) can be defined schematically as shown in Fig. 7 was ptepared using the bedding dip of strata
Fig. 5a. In evaluating stability using angle of attack it is encountered above the fault. Fig. 8 was prepared using the
generally found that there is a corre surrounding the bedding average orientation of the bedding below the fault. In each
normal which defines “stable” trajectories. As the wellbore case the uppermost figure shows the breakout width predicted
deviates from the bedd ing normal, stabil ity generally for the anisotropic rock using a mud weight of l 1.3 ppg used
decreases. Although this may be true as a first approximation, during drilling. The lowermost figure shows the required mud
we have found that the radius of this “corre” varies with weight necessary to maintain wel lbore stabil ity using a
relative orientation, defined as the azimuth of the well w.r.t. stability criterion that the well is stable as long as lees than
the bedding dip dírection. And, as shown below, there may be hall the circumference fails (that is, the width of a breakout is
cases where wells drilled sub-parallel to bedding are more tess than 90°).
stable than those drilled at a more obligue angle. The effects In Fig. 7 the actual wellbore trajectory is indicated by the
on wellbore stability of the interaction between the well, the white dot. It is clear that for the mud weight used breakouts
bedding planes, and the stress field can be predicted as would occur around more than half the circumference of the
discussed below. well. For a vertical well a modest increase in mud weiglii
Data from only one well is presented. Bedding orientations would be sufficient to confine failure to lees than t›alf the
were determined using image data. The stress state was circumference; for the slightly inclined well it would requ ire a
determined in intervals where strength anisotropy did not somewhat greater increase. In either case it is clear that the
affect the results. Empirically cal ibrated relationships between original trajectory could have been drilled more safely with
rock strength and GR were used ic the analysis. only a modest increase in mud weight.
Flg. 5b shows a scaled cal iper log in this well. It is However, a significant improvement in stabil ity co u ld
sígnif ícantty enlargeü throughout much of the depth interval have been achieved simply by changing the well borc
shown. However, it is much tess en l arged below orientation. For example, breakouts would have bee n
approximately xx500, where the well crossed a fault and restricted to tess than 30‘ with no increase in mud w '8ª'
bedding orientations changed abriiptly. the welt haó been deviated in a dírection normal to bedding
Fig. 6 contrasts the degree of failure expected at the depth (Fig. 7b). Simil arly, a deviation of 30‘ to the SE would havr
ind icated by “extremo en largements” with and without restricted breakouts to tess than 70º. Alternativel y, breakouts
incorporating the effects of weak bedding planes. Fig. 6a was of tess than 90‘ would have resulted for a well drilled to the
prepared assuming that the rock is isotropic and its strength NW using a mud weight as low as 9.5 ppg, and a 30”
corresponds to that predicted from the laboratory-derived deviation to the SE could have been drilled using a mud
relationship between rock strength and the gamma ray log. weight ofless than 11 ppg.
Little well bore failure is expected. When the effect of weak The situation below xx500 is 9uite different, as illustrated
bedding planes is included in the analysis (Fig. 6b), significant in Fig. 8. Here the wellbore orientation indicated by the white
failure is predicted. dot is quite stable, as breakout widths of less than 70° are
Between this interval and the interval indicated as having predicted. Also, it is apparent that incl ined wells both normal
“slight enlargements" the bedding dip changes markedly. Fig. to and subparall el to bedding are more stable than vertical
6c shows a prediction of the region of failure in tire well in the wells.
interval where liule hole enlargement occurred. The only Displays such as those shown in Figs. 7 and 8 can provide
difference between this interval and the one at shallower depth valuable guidance for well design. For example, when
is a change in bedding orientation. All other parameters (sucli designing the well to be stable above the fault, one option
as the stress and pore pressure gradients and rock strength) are would be to choose to drill in a dírection perpendicular to
exactly the same. Based on this analysis, the wel lbore shou ld bedding. However, parados icaIIy, it would be almost equally
be much more stable simply because of the change in bedding beneficial to drill the weI l to the SE (parallel to bedding).
dip. These theoretical calculations match drilling experience Because the latter orientation is more appropriate to maintain
and provide a physical model for the observation that both the stability deeper in the well (Fig. 8), it would appear to be the
orientation of the well bore with respect to bedding and with more reasonable choice.

This type of display would also valuable in designing a 8. Fairhurst, C., Methods of deierinining in-situ rock stresses at great
build profile. For example, it may be advantageous to avoid depilis , Tech. Rep. TRI-68, Mo. River Div. Corps of Eng.,
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The case studies described above il lustrate a general approach 12. Aadnoy, B. S., “In-situ stress dírection from borehole fracture
to predicting wel lbore stability that relies on data obtained in traces", J. /°ei. Ser. Eng., 4, (1990), 143.
l3. Moos, D. and M.D. Zoback, “Utilization of observations related
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The specific examples chosen for this paper concentrate on crustal stresses: Application to continental, DSDP and ODP
issues related to stability of high ly incl ined wells. Similar boreholes", J. Genp/iys. /?es., 95, (1990), 9305.
analyses can be undertaken to determine the state of stress for 14. Brudy, M. and M.D. Zobactc, “Compressive and tensile failure of
other purposes. For example, identification of permeable boreholes arbitrarily-incl ined to principal stress axis:
fractutes within a population, determination of the optimal Application to the KTB borehole, Geimany", 34th U.S. Rock
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of these studies. We also acknowledge Stanford University for 19. Zoback, M.D. and P. Peska, “In-situ stress and rock strength in
the license to use the SFIB²• (Stress and Stability of Inclined the GBRN/DOE Pathfinder Well, South Eugene Island, Guff of
Wells) software, which was util ized both in these studies and Mexim”, J. Petroleum Technology, ümy, (1995), 582.
to prepare the figures presented in this paper. 20. Herriclc, C.G. and B.C. Haimson, “Modeling of episodic fan urc
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3. Zoback, M. L., et al., “Global pattems of tectonic stress", Nature,
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4. Zoback, M.D. and M.L. Zobaclc, “Tectonic stress field of North
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Mechanics — Theory and Application, Proc. l l" Symp. Rock
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10. 1 10.5 10.9 0 20 40 60 80
Required Mud Weight, ppg A) Breakout Width, B)
Breakout Width 4 Mud Weight 10.1 ppg

12 0 1 40 16 0 18 0
Breakout Width,
Mud Weight 9 ppg

Figure 4. Tendency for breakouts as a function of wellbore trajectory (case study 1). (A) the mud weight
whicb would allow the forrr ation of a 40” wide breakout in rock witfr a strength of 3 kpsi, as observed in the
vertical well. (B) breakout width predicted for a well of any orientation, using a 10.1 ppg mud. Inclined zeus
are generally predicted to experience more severe failure, although it is clear that not all deviated wells are
less stable than a vertical well in tt is normaT faulting environment. (C) the effect on wellbore stability of
using a Jower mud weight (close to but still greater than the pore fluid pressure).

o 16 0

E 14 0

10 15 20
nfined Compre

10 14 16 18

Magnitude of Sjjçp kpsi

Figure 2. Orientation and magnitude of greatest horizontal principal stress, consistent with the observed
azimuth and width of breakouts in an Inclined well (case study 2).
gp Tensile cracks

16 UCS = 10 - 20 kpsi

10 -

frac gradient 0.75-0.95 psi/ft

4 -.
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Shmin, kpsi

Figure 3. The magnitudes of the greatest and least horizontal principal stresses consistent tU leakoff test resulta
and observations of failure in the inclined well (case study 2) are indicated by the gray box. A rock strength of 13.5
kpsi predicted from a calibrated log strength indicator reducen the uncertainty in the magnitudes of both honzontal
UCS from logs, kpsi

Breakout widh
C0=1 3500 "
Figure 4. (A) Expected breakout widths as a function of well orientation when mud
weight is equal to the formetion fluid pressure (case study 2). (B) Calibrated rosk
strength log showing the range of expected strengths within the reservoir interval. B)
Attack angie
Bedding normal

Relative orientation


Hole size
5 10 15 20 25 30








Figure 5. (A) Schematic illustrating the attack angie. The radius of the "cone" which defines the sale trajectory is likely to be a
funct\on of the relative odentation of the well with respect to bedding dip. (B) Equivalent hole size (trom caliper data), case
study 3 well. The hole size is greater than tt e maximum extension of the caJiper aras in rnuch of the interval above a fault at
xx500. Below that :ntervaI the bedding orientation changes and the hole is closer to bit size.
enlarged int erval

Including Low
Strength of
Bo om Bedding Planes
Ignoring Low
Strength of
Bedding Planes

more stable interval

bedding orientation


Including Low
Strength of
Bedding Planes

Figure 6. Shape of the zone of compressive failure around a deviated well drilled into a formation wittr anisotropic
strength (case study 3). (A) If one ignores the presence of weak bedding-parallel planes, failure is conflned to a
relatively narrow zone around the deviated well. (B) If one includes the effects of weak bedding, failure extends
more tfran 420” around the well, leading to severe instabiTities. (C) En the deeper zone, a cbange in bedding
orientation reducen the effect of weak bedding-parallel planes and the well is more stable.
0 50 “" 100 10
B kOUt Wid h ) Required mud weight, ppg
Figure 7. Stability of wells drilled within a forrnation with anísotropic strength. On the left is shown ttre width of
breakouts which would be expected to occur using a mud weight of 11.3 ppg. On the right is shown the mud weight
required to prevent breakouts from extending core than ¢¢” around tt›e wellbore. the bedding orientation is taken
from measurements of bedding above the fault in case study 3.

Required mud weight, pu B

Figure 8. Stability of wells drilled within a formation witf anisotropic strength. On tfre left is shown the width of
breakouts which would be expected to occur using a mud weight of 11.3 ppg. On the right is shown tfre mud weight
required to prevent breakouts from extending more tt an 60” around the wellbore. The bedding orientation is taken
from measurements of bedding below the fault in case study 3.

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